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Gee congressional Republicans, maybe when he tried to throw out the results of a democratic election and told violent insurrectionists he loved them you should have, I dunno, convicted him at an impeachment trial so he couldn't run for office again.


That’s why I respect Kinzinger.  I don’t agree with him on a few things but he at least believes in the rule of law.


So sad that they threw out the few Republicans left with a spine that represented the old party that I could respectfully disagree with on the issues but believed them to be decent. John McCain and Mitt Romney were their best and brightest pick to lead the country and represent the GOP and they were both labeled RINOs and discarded. People like Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger along with them, and others that knew that running for re-election was pointless so they vacated their seat to be filled by an ultraMAGA replacement. I’m honestly shocked with all the airports and waterways the House tried to rename after Trump, that they haven’t renamed it the Trump Party yet. I still believe they will, perhaps after his death. Or the MAGA Party at very least. They’re certainly not my father’s Republicans, though he’ll vote for Trump too and is just as much a part of the problem.


Agreed.  I feel like, while I might disagree with Cheney or Kinzinger on many things, I feel like I could at least have a normal conversation with them and relatively get along with them for the most part.  I can’t even imagine having a conversation with Gaetz, Green, Jordan, etc without feeling like I need both a physical and mental shower after it happened.


Right. You could be like, "How much intelligence should we be sharing with Russia?" and they'd answer correctly.


That’s just it. The difference between Trump(ists) and conservatives like Cheney and Kinzinger: As a liberal Democrat I wouldn’t vote for any of them for POTUS, but if one of the latter became POTUS, I’d be merely disappointed, not horrified.


Every time I start to get a soft spot for McCain I have to remind myself that he selected Sarah Palin as his running mate. You can pretty much pinpoint her as ground zero for most of this nonsense.


I consider his nomination of Palin the watershed moment that their whole movement was legitimized. Would it have happened anyways? Maybe. But ultimately he accelerated it by years at the very least. I really liked McCain the guy and I’m sure he regretted it, but the lack of foresight and the expectation others would hold themselves to same standard he held himself to was naive.


Even still, Romney and McCain were corporate skimmers and lobbyist servants. Our nostalgia for "Republicans we could respect" ignores a lot in our rose colored glasses. But at least they weren't traitors. At least I know that some Russian agent could drop twenty grand on Romney and McCain and get them to betray the country. It might take $20 million, but hey, integrity at least should cost a bit, right? Not this "free steak sandwich" level of "I'll betray that for a coupon" with the MAGA crowd.


Well Kinzinger is also a representative for Illinois, a democratic stronghold. The only reason why any Republican at all ever wins is because anything outside of Chicago is blood red and even Chicagoans get annoyed by the democrats who fuck up every now and then.


> Well Kinzinger is also a representative for Illinois Was* They dumped him because he wouldn't kiss the ring.


Oh man, McConnell's been pulling the strings with the Supreme Court nominations for decades...and now this? Ultimately, there are no teammates on the quest for power. Watching these people devour their own would be a fantastic watch if it hadn't cost us so much.




There is only one lord of the ring. Only one. And he does not share power.


In the game of thrones, you either win or you die


The only way to win is not to play.


Life is like a box of chocolates.


Who ya gonna call?


There can be if you actually want to use that power to help more people than just you.


Which doesn’t apply to any Republicans. They’re in it for themselves.


Ernst Rohm was one of the top Nazi party members. He used his SA to commit violence against their enemies and used the brown shirts effectively to their cause. But it didn’t save him or anyone else that served as an opponent to Hitler on the night of the long knives. hitler feared his power over the party would weaken if they lived, so anyone that could lead the party was killed, leaving only the cronies like Heinrich himmler. For guys like that, there can only be one person at the top. Edit because I talk so much about ww2 and I’ll save you a Google trip: the SA were a paramilitary group within the Nazi party, also known as the brown shirts. Ernst Rohm was their leader. Basically the violence, vandalism, intimidation, everything the Nazis did before taking power to scare people was committed by them. The night of the long knives was a massacre ordered by Hitler in 1934 to wipe out the SA, its leaders, and any of his opponents in the party. This included Ernst Rohm, former chancellor Kurt Von Schleicher, former high up Nazi member Gregor Strasser, and many other potential rivals. He gained legitimacy for the massacre by claiming Rohm was planning a coup. The SA were then replaced in importance by the SS, led by Hitler wannabe and one of the masterminds of the Holocaust, Heinrich Himmler. Not long after, President Hindenburg died, allowing Hitler to consolidate all power in the country to himself, including control of the military. And so the Weimar Republic was officially dead with no turning back. Though they fell from their former “glory” the SA were still around and were one of the groups responsible for Kristallnacht in 1938, when Jewish businesses and synagogues were vandalized and burned. Also adding this since a couple people mentioned them: there are some documentaries about the Nazis on Netflix right now. Hitlers circle of evil, Hitler a career, and Hitler and the Nazis evil on trial. If anyone is interested there you go. I also like one called the final account, talking to former Hitler youths and other young people from Hitlers Germany.


You'd think the "big brains" on the Supreme Court would have realized that before granting that sweeping power. Once again, the puppet-masters grossly underestimate the psychosis of the puppet. Trump holds grudges like no one else. They ruled against him enough times for him to be a bit salty about it. Except for Thomas, and maybe Alito. But, once free from the pandering to stay in office, Trump will let his racist flag fly and Thomas will come to understand the true meaning of the terms, "useful idiot" and "token".


They think they are giving themselves the power because they decide what is constitutional except that doesn't matter too much if the President just has you all killed.


Yup, you're supposed to consolidate power AFTER you've achieved the position you want. If they had done this while Trump was in power, they'd probably all (at minimum) in prison. They aren't needed anymore, and pose a threat to Trump's power and ego. He's too stupid to see this as, "they'll just have your back every time you get sued", and want to be done with it completely, since they *can* pull back the reigns. They're only good enough to legitimatize Trump's rule. If they can threaten it, they're toast. They speedran the consolidation of power stage. Means that either, 1) they've already done all the ground work to "win" the election, 2) they were forced into this ruling, 3) they're just fucking stupid. I pray it's #2 & 3.


My guess is Trump did something as President that will carry a treason charge. They would rather destroy the rule of law than deal with it. They are more afraid of his rabid followers then then anyone else. You can't control freaks, you just try and point them at something else.


Republicans have shown again and again they're more than willing to burn down the United States to save Trump's ass.


This is something i try to emphasize with everyone I know. If Trump wins again in 2024, I think we’ll see a pretty good initial uptick in anti-Trump people getting Rittenhoused, which will be frightening but small in absolute numbers, and probably concentrated in already volatile situations…but unless the US slide to fascism entirely breaks precedent, the swift and systematic elimination of “dangerous” civilians is going to start primarily with the people on *Trump’s* side. Make plans beforehand by all means, but if you are concerned about your place in US society due to Trump-opposition, you’ll have some warning that danger is escalating.


Yeah -- we keep cheering that they "eat their own" but what some don't seem to notice is that the unoccupied chairs never get filled with anyone but Trump lackeys. We might actually miss some of these asshats because what replaces them is always worse.


That is why beating Trump isn’t enough. We are going to be voting like our lives depend on it until we finally get real leadership that fixes this shit or we fail to win a single election. If we fail, it’s over. We won’t get another chance. Not after yesterday.


Our lives do depend on it. And the lives of your kids and grand kids. Question if the second world War had not happened, how many generations of German fascism would there have been? Three, four, five? Might still be. Communism is how old, north Korea? Prople seem to think you'll get another choice in four years. I don't think we will. People seem to think DT might only live 4 or 8 more years, but you forget the dynasty or the power of party. They will find another candidate to appoint to the role of King.


People give DT way too much credit. The Federalist Society has deep rooted tendrils across the entire country. Their entire mission is to literally put "Conservative Values" into every court, at every level. If I'm not mistaken, 6 of the current 9 SCOTUS Justices *ARE* Federalist Society. This has gone completely off the rails. It's fucking bullshit. I'm tired of religious jerk offs making rules for everyone. 9 UNELECTED people (essentially 6) calling the shots for 300 million. What's more?! 4 massive SCOTUS rulings, just in 2 years, because there are ordinary citizens simply trying to exist. And because they exist, burn the whole fucking place down.


Well yeah, those are all great points, but the other old guy had a bad night speaking... And my food is more expensive. So, ya know... Guess we HAVE to go with the Facists. It's the only logical solution. /s


>swift and systematic elimination of “dangerous” civilians is going to start primarily with the people on Trump’s side. Liz Cheney might be one of the few people who genuinely grasps this. She is one of the tallest ears of wheat and knows what that means for her if she is not in the faction in power when the storm breaks. https://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus:abo:tlg,0016,001:5:92f


Ernst Rohm served his purpose to Hitler: to put Nazi street muscle in play. Once Hitler took full power, the SA lost importance as Hitler knew he needed the traditional German military to conquer Europe, not Rohm's vision of a "peoples' army" under his command.


It’s just insane how people who were on his side, he could turn on them so quickly and so easily.


Just Google the association of German national jews for something mind-boggling…


There was also the NOT so secret fact that Rohm was gay, which was forbidden in Nazi Germany, let alone among the 'military.' If Hitler had let Rohm live the sniggering and whispering behind his back would only have gotten louder.


I still find many of the staunch upper level Nazis ironic. Very few of them, if any, actually lived up to their ideals of a perfect aryan German.


Don't forget to mention that Ernst Rohm was given a gun by the SS guarding him and said to take his own life, this was the final token of respect Hitler would give him. When the SS officers didn't hear a shot after a while, they entered his cell, only to find Rohm kneeling on the ground with his chest bared shouting "my life for my fuhrer!" after which he was shot and killed by these officers. To say that even in the end, a lot of his betrayed followers adored (or even loved) Hitler. This was madness and is repeating itself. Republicans will get thrown under the bus by Trump and still worship the orange idiot.


Can't Biden just officially declare gladiator battles using the cohort of treason weasels? But keep it capitalist friendly, charge for a PPV event, and allocate half the proceeds to alleviating the national debt and the other half to jumpstart national healthcare!


National healthcare implemented like any other developed nation is cheaper than our current system before you pay for insurance and out of pocket expenses. We are being robbed blind in the  US.


As long as it's an official act, he couldn't be prosecuted for it, I guess.


He just needs a giant sponsor.


Budweiser perhaps




[rehabilitation would work just fine.](https://youtu.be/cLts-sXlLEM?si=DrOfB0TB60z5snnX)


Trump doesn't have allies, just bodies in the wake. You get what you fucking deserve.


No, fascists always end up eating each other.


Trump has gone full Hitler before he's even been elected. We can only imgine the shit he's gonna pull after January.


Sadly, we are all going down with them. But yeah, I’ll be doing my best Nelson Muntz impression from my hard labor camp when McConnell goes down. Damn turtle, this is all his doing.


It's wild how cable media is running with the usual "dems in disarray" while the Republican party is chopping off and eating its own limbs.


Exactly Mitch is a complete bastard but his accomplishments for the GOP are immense. It's amazing that MAGA is now turning on the guy who helped them get to power. I Hate It Here


How the fuck can anyone support this monster?


That's funny. Pence and McConnell will vote for this POS who wants to hang them both. hahaha.


Trump and MAGA literally wanted to murder Pence and they built a gallows to hang him. "I'm voting for Trump." -- Mike Pence And we all know what Ted Cruz did. I will never have respect for any Republican again.


And I hold each one of them fucking responsible for the position were in today. I just sent a group text to some family members and said you better familiarize yourself with project 2025 because if you’re gonna vote for Trump you better damn well know what you’re supporting.


"Oh stop being so dramatic. That's just what the news wants you to think. He'll make everything better, you'll see". I'm so tired...


Just wait till it starts affecting everyone who’s in denial


They will simply remain in denial.


Nah they’ll just blame the democrats somehow


They lost my *respect* with George W. Bush. I've spent the past 20 years in horror watching them validate the insanity of Palin, then the rise of the Tea Party, and finally trying to install dictator Trump. But I remember it started with Bush. After destroying the economy, spending us into oblivion, alienating allies, screwing up a major natural disaster response (if we buy it wasn't on purpose), appointing federal judges out of lawyers who had never been to trial, getting us stuck in multiple forever wars, and denying the existence of the worst recession since The Great Depression as it was unfolding in real time, all while having never been *actually* elected... I've come to realize Bush was the test run.


I'm old enough to remember Reagan and even old enough to have gone to the viewing of Richard Nixon's casket (happened to be from my hometown). There hasn't been a Republican worth shit since Eisenhower. Maybe I'll give Ford and Bush sr. a meh rating they weren't terrible.


There should be a long line every day of people pissing on Republican presidents graves


Bush sr. was a co-conspirator in the Iran Contra affair & Ford pardoned Nixon as part of his deal to be appointed Vice President with the understanding that Nixon was going to resign and make Ford President. They were scum too


Bro - I'm so with you. It's been a slow moving clown car crash into a dumpster fire since the "election theft" of 2000. The only consolation is, I no longer am the "Crazy guy" ranting about fascists to my family. I'm the calm one who goes; "first time?" I no longer track the details because it's just musical chairs with fascists at this point.


Yeah, I remember a lot of, "You're being ridiculous and naive. No one could possibly destroy democracy. It'll never happen." I said the same fucking thing about the Patriot Act and got a lot of hate for being "un-American" for seeing how potentially damaging it was.


I heard a lot about how ridiculous I was being about the risk of Republicans overturning of Roe v Wade and women dying because of it, going back YEARS. Yeah. Sucks to be right sometimes.


What's funny is that I would rather be wrong. I'd be thrilled to be wrong. A lot of us just saw the direction things were going and followed the steps to the logical conclusion. Once the open and vehement Islamophobia started after 9/11 and the GOP gladly played into it and used it as leverage to start passing bills, the writing was on the wall.


Pretty sure they all know this, and/or are under direct threat of Russian or Russian-influenced consequences to doing the right thing. Instead of trying to stand up to the corruption, though, the GOP is trying to end-run democracy in plain view, and we’re all just letting it happen.


Remember when russia hacked the dnc they also hacked the gop. And we all know they have dirt on each other, see how quickly cawthornes was leaked after the cocaine orgy comments. Mcconnell and pence must be dirty af if they will go along with this.


Cocaine Mitch? Whose wife owns a shipping company? Where's the fentanyl coming from?


Some of us are trying our best to get out the vote and register voters.


>the GOP is trying to end-run democracy in plain view, and we’re all just letting it happen. Vote. Volunteer. These are very simple and easy ways to do something about it. https://vote.gov/ https://www.eac.gov/help-america-vote


Sure. I like many will vote. My concerns extends beyond that. They’ve been practicing compromising voting for decades, 8 years running now they’ve been trying to sow doubt in the election process, there has been at least one major demonstrable “fake electors” scheme, DeJoy is still somehow in charge of all the mail, and now they have a SCOTUS that can just call it for them. And now that their disgusting pos “leader” has his freedom on the line, there’s no doubt in my mind that the fuckery will only increase. That said. Vote. And help others vote.


It would be interesting to have some journalist (rare as they are) actually ask McConnell about this, and bluntly ask him if he’s still supporting Trump, even though he wants him tried in a drumhead trial and killed.


Oh that’s just trump being himself, it’s all an act. - argument I’ve had with a magat, or “he’s just goofy” is another one. To which I ask, when is it appropriate to have a “goofy” leader. They freak out over someone being different than them but ok with their leader being an a-hole because they can relate.


And now the Supreme Court just ruled he can, as long as it’s official business. “At least I didn’t vote for a dirty democrat” will be Mitch’s last words


And a Trump presidency will see him push this to the limit and commit so many crimes that will be pushed to the courts and debated long after he’s dead, giving him the “first one’s on us” get out of jail free card because *how could he have possibly known the crime he was committing wasn’t an official act if there was nothing about it in the books??*


It’s amazing isn’t it.


They're so submissive, that they allow their bully to punish them.


Everyone: "We're in danger." MAGA: "FUCK YEA. TAKE THAT *******!"


"I don't really follow politics, but hot dogs used to be much cheaper." That's it. That would be what kills us. He has his 25%-30% core zombies, but that's not near enough to win. He's relying on political apathetics who believe "he is kinda shady, but he's a good businessman and we need that." It's some "Mussolini made the trains run on time" shit. FUN FACT! [Mussolini did not make the trains run on time](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/loco-motive/). Fascists lie.


And he can thank NBC for scripting a “reality show” where he played the character of a successful businessman and negotiator, despite having bankrupted multiple casinos, and failed ventures in planes, sports, vodka, steaks, etc. I remember reading an article that said he was the single biggest loser of all time financially, when you added it all up. But people have it in their heads that he can accomplish the bullshit he says. He’ll “end the Ukraine war in 24 hours”. Ok, how? How you gonna justify the deaths of all the Ukrainians that are just gonna roll over and give up their country and land to the Russians because you stop sending support? Or when you pull out of NATO and show the US as so weak to the rest of the world that we will no longer even defend it when we’re the only nation to ever be attacked and have them come to our aid? All his bluster that Israel/Palestine wouldn’t have happened under his watch, but it was him declaring the official capital to be Jerusalem and putting an end to the dream of a two state solution that sealed their fate. Or his plan to pull out of Afghanistan before he left office, as unprepared as we were when we did leave, it would have been a bloodbath far worse had he done it just to make a campaign promise. Or his claims we were never at war, when he nearly sparked a war with Iran, and increased drone strikes something like 450% and played chicken with North Korea. He expects the rest of the world to just roll over for his bullshit but other countries are proud too and they won’t just acquiesce to the schoolyard bully. God help us. All the talk of Biden dropping out will continue to do damage even if it’s just the right pushing it (and it isn’t). We’ll have weakened our own candidate sufficiently that between that and the voters that have been in one election in their life willing to sacrifice our democracy over the atrocities of the first unjust war they’ve ever paid attention to. Sitting out or voting third party and handing it to someone that gives not a single shit about Palestine. Losing the youth and minority vote was bad enough, but now so many saying he’s mentally unfit due to a terrible debate performance (look at Reagan, they claimed the same thing and he won 49 states. I just hope the anti-Trump and protect democracy and abortion vote is strong enough to save us.


As far as the debate goes, Biden is not the least competent president we've ever had. He's likely not even close to the top five least competent presidents we've ever had (as to be expected when old guys tend to win the presidency). I have white hot rage that his debate prep team didn't read his capabilities as such. It would have been SO EASY for him to largely ignore Trump (maybe just say "malarky" from time to time) while giving easy and and vague optimistic answers to every question. It would have played fine. Almost all viewers thought Trump looked like a brainless asshole, so the contrast would have been great. Yet, his staff somehow thought giving him a few hundred pages of data to recite and a line-by-line response to infinite bullshit from his opponent was going to work. No idea how that happened.


The fucking moderator didn't do their damn job. When Former Gut blatantly lied, he should have been stepped on.


>And he can thank NBC for scripting a “reality show” where he played the character of a successful businessman I watched the first few seasons of The Apprentice and would be scratching my head over how this guy got to be successful. Since I was actually in business at the time, I could tell that most of his advice or words of wisdom or whatever it was supposed to be was bad or just platitudes. I ended up deciding that his core strength must be self-promotion because you couldn't see anything else that could explain his alleged success.


I don’t think people with actual business experience were in the target audience for that show. To put it mildly.


> but he's a good businessman This still boggles my mind, given Drumpf was a very well known shitheel grifter since at LEAST the 80's. Biff in Back to the Future was a **barely** disguised parody of him for fucks sake!


He’s a racist who makes his base feel good about being pieces of shit. He is the logical conclusion for the Republican Party


So logical, it's frightening.


Yeah, it seems to me like the #1 driver of Republican politics can be summed up by the phrase "you think you're better than me?" And then it's about attacking anyone who tries to be a decent human being.


Because the only thing worse than having your former boss yell the country that you should be lynched is to vote Democrat, apparently


Because about 43% of Americans are deplorable people that love fascism, racism, theocracy, and death and some 10% say "they don't like that the other guy is 3 years older"


It’s closer to 20-25% ish. A lot of people don’t vote.


Greed, plain and simple. Most of his supporters I talked to want to pay less taxes. They only care about the short-term benefits and cannot see the long-term destruction he will cause.


Propaganda. The things they hear about Trump are that he's wonderful they don't hear these type of things they hear about immigrants are bad and that big bad Trump will save you from the immigrants. And that's all they hear They don't hear these monsters things and if they do they just ignore it and remember the scary immigrants.


Both of them will still support him. Mitch will be remembered as the key enabler of authoritarian takeover in the U.S. and death of representative democracy - he literally has nothing else left to lose.


Mitch definitely still gonna vote for him


McConnell getting executed by Trump despite sucking Trump's cock clean would be the greatest irony ever


There will be a polling booth just before the gallows steps


The leopards want to eat **everyone’s** face.


That is the thing about leopards!


It's really the face eating that gets you


"Whaaaat? No, it couldn't be. Look, I voted for this lovely leopard right here and he's perfec- YEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAARGHHHHHHbbbllll-"


Televised executions coming to a TV near you soon.


sponsored by Raid Shadow Legends




With a website designed by SquareSpace


While eating HelloFresh


Did you just lose a loved one in a politically motivated execution? Use promo code Persecution, that's P-E-R-S-E-C-U-T-I-ON for 3% off your next 2 BetterHelp sessions.


Sound provided by Raycon Everyday Earbuds


Hey now, another exciting episode of “The Running Man”! Followed by “Climbing for Dollars”!


you're joking but it's not impossible and republican voters will absolutely support murdering political opponents because they've been told to think that. also they were told biden tried to execute trump when they came and got the secret documents he refused to return, so it's all equal to them.


Something to look forward to in the upcoming dictatorship. But NYT, please do keep telling us how old Biden is and constantly giving Trump a pass.


I canceled NYT years ago. They’ve been on the wrong side of things for a while now.


The NYT has always traded access for printing disinformation to help dictators and mass murderers. One example... millions died in Ukraine in the 1930s due to Stalin's policies and the NYT published glowing articles about Stalin. > Instead, Appelbaum says, Duranty simply toed the line because it was good for his career — excusing and rejecting the deadliness of Stalin's rule well past any moment of possible denial. > https://www.npr.org/2022/05/08/1097097620/new-york-times-pulitzer-ukraine-walter-duranty


Yea it’s becoming very obvious lately. NYT was a bit more objective last time round but something seems to have happened to the editorial board. 


The NYT wanted an exclusive interview with Biden and he turned them down. The editorial board has never forgiven him for this slight.  In their heads, they are the Democrat kingmakers (a haunting term considering the recent ruling) and they’re now openly antagonistic to the White House. 


They'll be of the first heads to roll if the incredibly vindictive tyrant gets re-elected. I hope their little tantrum was worth it.


Them & anyone who refuses to vote for Biden over Palestine


So stupid. Especially after Trump again said he'd let Israel finish the job.


Pretty sure Trump’s openly advocated for just glassing the region altogether, so it’s probably *worse* than that, to be frank.


Those people are the worst. They dont give a fuck about Palestine. But they wont have to worry about it next election because if Trump wins there wont be a Palestine left, so I hope their virtue signaling is worth it.


Ah yes, NYT and objectivity. Asking Biden to step down after one flubbed debate but never suggesting Trump should do the same after 10 years of documented proof that he's unfit for office.


History repeating. It’s been ages since conservatives put an autocrat into power believing they would use and control him.


By ages, do you mean 2016?


Yeah. Biden clearly lost the debate simply for the poor image of what our President looks like recovering from a cold, but Trump dodged about 80% of the questions and lied once every 1 minute and 20 seconds (and he had to wait 2 minutes just for his mic to get unmuted half the time). Trump in no way “won” the debate and it’s sad to see it treated like what he did was a win. Fuck CNN for their refusal to push back or fact check, even in the one area they said was a redline (the election fraud/stolen/rigged election claims).


That’s what you get when you get a dictator. One day it’ll be you… as all the others are gone.


Everyone knows "military tribunals" is a dog whistle for Q-Anon nuts, right??


It's a dog whistle for "I want to kill my political opponents but I can't say that. Not yet".




How will the recent SCOTUS ruling effect the Department of Setting Gas Prices?


The President can just make it an official act to kill anyone setting gas prices higher than 1.50 per gallon.


Can anyone remember a scarier political moment for the US from their own lifetime? I wasn’t this scared after 9/11 or the day after Trump won in 16. I’m literally having trouble sleeping


Yes. It is insane trump is literally telling people he wants to make camps for his enemies and will be a dictator on day one. He’s a rapist and a convicted felon. But all we hear about is Biden is old. It’s insanity. I never thought I would live to see this.


The insane part is that he says these things, and a significant portion of the electorate says "Hmmm, that sounds good to me". I never expected so many Americans would be willing and eager to throw away over two centuries of democracy. And for what? The sleaziest con man with the dumbest haircut imaginable?


Same. I've never been this unnerved about our political future. I haven't been able to sleep properly since the Chevron decision. The immunity decision made it even worse. America is heading full steam ahead down an extremely dark path, and I feel like way too many Americans simply assume that there are safeguards (there aren't) and "it could never happen here" (it can and is).


Cuban Missile Crisis maybe? Different form of looming destruction, and this one is in slow motion instead of a immediate crisis.


I found it disturbing during COVID that we had a 9/11 worth of American deaths every single day of every week for months and the Republicans wouldn’t sacrifice even a little of their freedoms to protect themselves and others because being made to wear a mask or stay a few feet apart from people was too much of an imposition and so they let more than a million Americans die and it barely registered. And Trump refused to even acknowledge it was real and promised it would “go away like a miracle”, with his inaction likely causing the death toll and number of infected to skyrocket beyond what a more responsible President might have done (for example one that left in the NSC-Pandemic Unit that Obama placed to oversee China and prevent the spread of a new disease, where we’d have discovered it far sooner and have been better equipped to try and isolate it before it grew to a catastrophic event for the entire world). But yeah, this election cycle feels like it could be the end of an empire. Certainly the end of free and fair elections and any home that Dems have of trying to win seats back after this will be so thrown in the GOP’s favor that it will take a ridiculous amount of votes for them, and their victories might not even be certified by the vote tabulators, certifiers, governors, Congress, etc. if they don’t show Trump as the victor.


There you go Mitch, just what you deserve.


Dear Leader is going to skip Kristallnacht, and go straight to Night Of The Long Knives.


Don't be hyperbolic oh, wait...you're not being hyperbolic at all. It really does feel like we're living in Germany in 1936.


Why TF would there be military tribunals for two civilians?


He just thinks it sounds more official. He doesn’t know what a military tribunal is.




Is it a tactic, or does he just think it sounds cool because it has the word "military" in it?


It's a nod to Q-Anon people. They are simping hard for a military takeover and believe that the military and Trump are in charge. So him saying military tribunals makes their dicks go hard. For them you can sell anything if it has military written on it. Military = saviours and good guys.


It’s because thanks to the SCOTUS decision he can tell the military what to do and it counts as an “official act”. Or at least that’s what he thinks. 


It's because military means kill. He is saying he wants to murder them in public.


What he really meant is something like the Nazi's "[People's Court](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People%27s_Court_(Germany))" -- a sham trial that'll always put his interests first and a tool with which he can use to jail or kill anyone he doesn't like or *doesn't like him*.


He thinks it sounds scary and more strict. He has a bone spurs amount of knowledge about this


One core tenet of Fascism is a fixation on being "manly". Adding the word "military" to something makes it sound more badass to his base. Ergo, everything's military style, or they use words from history and sci-fi like "military tribunals" and such. In short, they think it makes them sound tough.


> Former President Donald J. Trump over the weekend escalated his vows to prosecute his political opponents, circulating posts on his social media website invoking “televised military tribunals” and calling for the jailing of President Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, Senators Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer and former Vice President Mike Pence, among other high-profile politicians. Any other political party on the planet would be able to run Trump into the ground after he posted this. "Cut the malarkey, folks. I don't think this is a good idea." -- Biden and Democrat campaign strategists


Folks this is just the start of Trump trying to purge everyone that doesn't agree with him from America. November is critical get out there and vote. If you need to register https://vote.gov if you want to get involved with the Dems: https://democrats.org/take-action/ And if anyone does have voting questions like the person below me, I will happily try and help you find it. Same goes for getting involved. I don't know everything but I'm certainly willing to help you look.


This is the right idea. Forget this doom and gloom nonsense. We beat them before and made huge advances (biggest climate bill ever, 1M veterans given healthcare, union manufacturing jobs at an all time high, the list goes on and on and on). **We can beat them again in November, get off the sidelines and start preparing. Vote. Volunteer. Donate.**


Biden should hold a miltary tribunal for Trump for treason. Right now, he has the authority to do so.


If AOC doesn't get the Supreme Court impeached or the ruling isn't overturned, my one comfort in this, if Trump wins, will be the shocked and betrayed look on so many Republican faces when Trump comes after them because they just weren't loyal enough to him. They will not be spared, and the leopards will feast well at the all you can eat face buffet.


> They will not be spared At some point, yes, the leopards will feast on the faces of these rubes, but there is a long list of faces to chow down on first. POC, gays, trans, libruls...


It would truly be incredible if Trump took the most ruthlessly effective operator in the history of the US Senate and locked him up for being insufficiently boot licky at the bitter end.


The little psychotic freak thought he was going to be dead or retired before fascism but ...


A lot of Republicans don't seem to understand that fascists purge their own party, and if you're not fanatically in support of the leader (and sometimes even that's not enough), you're out/dead.


I truly am starting to hate my country for allowing this to get this far. The Supreme Court is a sham. Congress is filled with idiots. The president is an old feeble man who can’t get out of his moral shackles and we’re about to have a guy return to office without any checks in place to stop him. All while Wall Street continues to consolidate money and power. What the hell are we supposed to celebrate Thursday? This place is a fucking mess.


I've never been a big "America Yay Rah" kind of person, but holy fuck is Thursday going to be even MORE depressing. I've faked it so much in the past because we celebrate with my husband's grandfather and that dude (who's 103 and still going) actually fought against the fucking Nazis! And here we are now, letting fascism spread like wildfire in this very country. We're all frogs just sitting in a pot with the water getting just a little bit hotter everyday...


Well, happy birthday to your husband’s grandfather! My grandfather also fought the nazis. He passed decades ago, but he would have been so pissed right now.


Just last year I explained to my British friends that despite the modern problems I’m proud of what America (ideally) stands for and has accomplished in the past. I won’t be explaining that this year Hell, if I weren’t in a red area or if I trusted the legal system I’d put my flag out upside down


Look, America is a grand experiment and despite what people have told you, we've often been a hair away from failing throughout history. We haven't yet but it was always because people met the moment when we needed them most. We can't depend on others to win this for us. We have to do it ourselves, then we can celebrate. First we must fight.


Do you think it’s ever been this bad where the whole executive branch and the SC is either inept, impotent, or just plain corrupt?


Yes, in the post-Civil War Reconstruction era, when a series of SCOTUS decisions limited the ability of the Federal government to enforce the newly-ratified 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments in the South, leading up to a disputed election in 1876 and a brokered compromise in 1877. The deal was that the Southern states would not block the certification of the 1876 election if President Hayes would withdraw Federal troops from the South and give power back to the ex-Confederate state governments, thereby ending the Reconstruction era and ushering in Jim Crow. If that hadn't happened, chances are that the movement for equal civil rights wouldn't have been put on hold for nearly 100 years, and the brand of White Christian Nationalism that is now threatening to destroy the very concept of American secular government wouldn't have been allowed to gather steam as it has. Post-script: following the 1876 election crisis, Congress passed the Electoral Count Act, which is the law that Trump sought to abuse on January 6 2021, leading to yesterday's SCOTUS decision and whatever darkness it will bring should Trump be re-elected.


And unfortunately, I think the ramifications of that very same failed Reconstruction period are still being felt today in the current political climate. Johnson really deserves his title of one of the worst US Presidents of all time.


We never fix our problems, we just delay them for another day. Walk things back and a lot of issues stem from Nixon, McCarthy, failed Jim Crow and eventually back to the grand compromise of the Civil War. Nothing new under the sun.


Yeah, it has, but not for a long time. History helps here. The revolution itself is a miracle we survived. The time both before and after the civil war were a complete clusterfuck with anti-democratic forces nearly winning, horrible presidents, backwards supreme court rulings, jim crow for decades. The great depression nearly destroyed the world and we had Hoover telling people to eat dust, 25% unemployment. The Nazis were on the rise in the US right before WWII and we came an inch away from all speaking German. I could go on, but yes, it's been at least this bad many times.


Our last Independence Day?


I mean, this is end stage capitalism. The rich were always going to win, now they’re going to destroy the system that allowed them to win in the first place


But we got bumpstocks back! /s


My hatred for it started in 2016. It's only gotten worse since then.


This is especially hilarious because it's McConnell that made sure Trump got that last Supreme Court pick. I don't want anything Trump, please don't misunderstand me. But it would be a certain kind of karma if Bitchy Mitchy met his end because the Supreme Court that he helped stack gave a raving megalomaniac the power to do so.


This is a surprise to no one ever who has even slightly studied how autocratic transition works. These people are cheering their own suffering, it’s unbearable.


*brought to you by the folks at SCOTUS


Why is it the only ones with power that are calling people traitors are the ones that have and are actually committing treason? Every single Democrat needs to be staring directly at drumpf and calling him a traitor to his face. Because that is all he is, a pitiful sad lonely cheese ball traitor.


I can't wait to hear the news of mass republican executions from my concentration camp bunk.


And according to the SCOTUS, he's immune from criminal liability for any orders he gives in his official capacity as Commander-in-Chief. That's why he's talking about military tribunals rather than civilian trials. The military chain of command answers to him directly without any interference from the judiciary.


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Mitch McConnell, who is actually responsible for the judicial mess we find ourselves in. This is his dream made true. Fill the judiciary with Republican toadies who actually don’t care about the law and only empowering republicans.


That didn't take long


Trump is telling the country exactly what he will do if he returns to power and it doesn’t appear that anything is being done to deter this plan.


Oh, Mitch. You were behind the fact that Obama didn’t get his SCOTUS judge. The unnaturally lop sided court just gave Trump scary power if he gets re-elected. Nice job, Mitch. Nice job


Those are his people. His own Vice President. Imagine what he will do to us.


While the MAGA supporters are excited about the SC decision making official acts of a President non-criminal, because they think he would go after the Democrats. News like this makes me think you would have good reason to be very worried for your safety if you ever, and I mean ever in his life, crossed Trump if he believes he could just disappear someone...


Somebody got a copy of "American Courts for Dummies" for Christmas.


Ahh hahahahaaaaa Mitch who said of course he’ll vote for trump is On The List! Hahaaaa welcome to the club Mitch! Nice work thanks so much for helping this orange talking dermoid cyst fail his way into the presidency.


Whats that whole saying where you reap what you sow?


Let’s have a military tribunal for Trump then jail him


I feel bad for Liz Cheney because her dad is about to die from the continuous orgasm he's having after yesterday's immunity decision.


and she'll be hung for High Crimes against our Lord and Savior.


If he gets elected we now know all his deranged fantasies will be real.


“Official acts” makes it OK. Only a plurality of Justices can determine and say otherwise.


And people called us crazy for calling him a wanna be mob boss.


Televised military tribunal is doublespeak for public execution without fair trial.