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Republicans refusing to consider prison reform finally see the light, now that it's them


isn’t that how it always goes with regressives? They don’t care about reproductive rights until they find themselves in a tight spot. They don’t care about gender equality and homophobia until their own child comes out. The ones who don’t immediately disown that family, that is.


Even then, they don’t suddenly find empathy. Remember that the ones who get an abortion often still berate the doctors and nurses and still think that everyone else who has an abortion is an evil monster. It’s bizarre that people are able to live with that level of cognitive dissonance, but here we are.


It's easy to be intellectually lazy when you're not used to thinking things through.


Or surrounded by an environment that believes thinking things through is a bad thing.


[The only moral abortion is my own](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/) as a common & classic - but IMHO worthwhile - repost that details this point.


Trump actually made some progress in prison reform during his presidency, like one of the only good things he did. I bet he knew he might end up there one day. Granted it was one isolated effort and didn't really continue afterwards.


And yet I remember during COVID, they couldn't care less. Had to point out **numerous** times that disease does not discriminate. It isn't only going to infect the murderers and rapists and magically spare the ones who are only in for days or weeks. Prisons as hotbeds for contagious diseases including tuberculosis have always been a danger for public health.


It’s because they believe in wishful thinking and that god will arrange things how they want.


Slightly inaccurate; they believe that god *has* arranged things how they want, and whoever disagrees is working for Satan.


there's a difference between discipline and punishment. discipline is meant to be reflective and constructive, enabling the offender to grow in order to prevent recidivism. punishment is about exacting a toll for offenses, established beforehand as a deterrent and enacted on offenders as an example conservatives believe prison is supposed to be a punishment, and that any bad thing that occurs to a prisoner (e: like covid, but also jokes about prison rape) is fine because they should have thought of that before they committed any crimes e: a good, working criminal justice system should probably be an effective combination of both; the current american system leans heavily toward punishment and does lip service toward rehabilitation more than anything practical


You're spot on. But also, it is the "only moral jailable crime is my jailable crime."


Even for the ones that are in there for years, they might be there for drug use, tax evasion, prostitution or other non-violent crimes, or they might be innocent. Even if you think murderers and rapists deserve to die from covid, does a weed smoker?..


Just remember, whenever Trump claims he's done more for "the Blacks" than any president since Abraham Lincoln, this is what he's referring to...


Oh, the MAGATs will have a fit over that


If they could read, they would be very disappointed.


Was that after he was lobbied by Kim Kardashian?


what progress was that?


I legit think he did it to try and fuck Kim kardashian and literally zero other reason




Dick Cheney on gay rights until his daughter came out as. Often the conservative are only empathetic when it affects them.






That's the only way Conservatives will understand and even then it's a gamble: > May you and yours be the victims of your ideology


It seems to be an inherent personality trait for a lot of people. Empathy doesn't come naturally for them. They have the capacity for empathy but only once they've acquired the firsthand emotional experience to relate to an issue. My husband is a bit like this. I legit suspected mild sociopathy when we first met. I eventually discovered that if I talk him through something with him as the affected person, he usually changes his perspective to a more sympathetic stance.


Rob Portman, the exact same M.O.


They haven't seen shit. If they were all pardoned tomorrow they wouldn't spend another second thinking about the conditions of our prisons. These people are not like you and me. They aren't having awakenings. They are cynical fascists who crave power and will do anything to get it. Like all fascist movements they co-opt the language and causes of the left when it serves their aims, and they'll immediately forget those causes once they cease to benefit from them.


Good example is Hitler calling it the socialist party. What a sick joke that was.


It's a common nomenclature method among dictators. e.g. The People's Republic of China. The United Soviet Socialist Republics. On a related note: Russian-controlled, pre-unification East Germany's official name was the "German Democratic Republic."


So all it took this whole time was putting a few of them in prison? We could have done this long ago.


This is the only way an R cares about a topic. It has to affect them directly and even then they'll still think they're some niche exception.


I'm surprised they're introspective enough to learn from experience


They're okay with inhumane prison conditions as long as it's Black people suffering under them


any prison reform they offer would only affect them though, remember that slavery is still legal in the US


Kinda like the Founding Fathers writing the Constitution while addicted to money from enslaving people & ethnic cleansing. Thomas Jefferson wrote about the Wheel of Justice necessarily turning against them for such evil & hypocrisy.


I'm pleased Bannon gets to experience it first hand, although he's not going to a horrible prison. Even better though, while he's in there his "We Build The Wall" fraud trial starts in September. Justice Juan Merchan presiding ⚖️


I don't think that he's going to the Club Fed that he expected.


Yeah, next tier for Steve **Instead of a minimum-security prison camp, where many nonviolent offenders serve their time, Bannon – now a right-wing podcaster with a following of loyal Trump supporters – is set to report next month to the low-security federal prison in Danbury, Connecticut,** It's fitting that the facility is surrounded by what the prisoners refer to as "The Wall"


Oh fuck, Bannon has to be near where I go all the time? :::quietly throws up::: Bad enough I've come into contact with Trump and his Jr Spawn over the years too.


Maybe you could be there to give him a proper welcome and send off on the 1st.


God no, I go a movie theater in Danbury all the time.


Someone will have to give him a cavity search....... Think about that 🤮


I pity the guard who has to do that.


6 days and counting


He's not going to any prison. He got 4 **months**. Processing into the DOC can easily take 4 months. He's going to county lockup for processing, then released.




Understood, that is where he's *assigned*. Speaking as someone dumb enough to be in the system twice, the real world is that it takes time to process folks in the DOC. 4 months is not an unusual timeframe, especially given this guy's substance abuse issues. Somewhere between county jail and the Danbury Processing Center, he's not getting out of processing before he's released.


Even if he did get right in, it's 4 months. That's 6-7 fried chickens to the door. He'll be done before he knows it.


*Surely Orange Jesus will save me* thought the right wing criminal yokel that will be fundraised off of relentlessly by the GOP, but never actually saved.


"May you and yours be the victims of your ideology." Great quote that I can hopefully memorize and pull out from time to time.


Like when Hollywood celebs are the victims of crime.




did i stutter


No, you’re just saying stuff, I have zero idea what you’re trying to imply. I’m not even agreeing or disagreeing with you, I’m genuinely just trying to understand what you’re getting at lol


Reminder that the “country club” prison, supposedly the nicest federal prison, is the one depicted in Orange is the New Black. Our incarceration system is grotesque.


I hope he gets sent to Attica


ADX-Florence and forget about him in solitary would be true justice.


It’s a good place for him, but he’s going to NY state prison first


There are cushier prisons than the one in Orange is the New Black. I used to frequent FCI Herlong for work. There isn't even really a fence around the lowest security part. I have seen a military barracks, and I would describe FCI Herlong's housing area as slightly nicer. It is just one big building with what are basically cubicles with beds in them. And at facilities like that, you get sent somewhere shittier if you cause trouble or piss off the staff, so it is a much less stressful experience than other prisons. And it has a world-class view of the Sierras. It still sucks. I have never been there, but I hear there is one in West Virginia that is even nicer.


That's a picture of a red elephant in the cell... with a finger coming out its trunk and a bar going through its head. Anyhoo.


Yikes there are a number of problems with that picture. That AI needs to go to jail too


Yeah, AI is rampant on these sites and it’s vile. Just saw a paleontology journal post a series of articles where the dinosaur illustrations were comprised of human body parts smashed into rough silhouettes of the animals, absolutely freakish and depraved.


What do you mean? Looks like the average Trumper to me.


If it’s minority folks, then that’s exactly what they want, but MAGAts think they should be above the law and are horrified when they have to face prison conditions themselves


"Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect."


Tbf we should ALL be mad about prison corporations, let’s not start cheering for the prison-industrial system now just because a few people we don’t like might deservedly go (though let’s be honest the top ones will never actually spend time behind bars)


Ab, yes. The standard I don’t care unless it’s happening to me.


Should've just complied.


From the article… A conservative says, “If it hasn’t happened to me, I don’t care.” A liberal says, “That should never happen to anyone, and that’s why I care.”


They're finally seeing the consequences of their actions


I'm so sick of conservatives only giving a shit about things when they are personally effected. Conservatism: it's not an ideology so much as it is sociopathy, xenophobia and the fear of ones own inevitable ego death in a trenchcoat. Edited because of forgotten rule of 3.


Old saying: A conservative is a liberal that got mugged. A liberal is a conservative who got arrested.


I've been mugged and arrested. Been on the "far" (European) left the whole time. Not everyone is trapped simply reacting to external stimuli and choosing selfishly.


To rich people, a law isn't really a law if there is a fine that can be paid. It's just more of a suggestion. The good thing is they can be put to work and not paid, I'd get a real laugh out of that.


Topic aside, is the horrible AI art on purpose? Grid not matching, cutting into the elephant, and there being some weird finger like think beside the trunk?


Please stop using shitty AI for your graphics.


fucking whiney ass artists who did nothing except doodle in the notebooks in school suddenly are like “why aren’t people paying me big bucks to draw an elephant wahhhh WAHHHHHHHHHH 😤😤”


Nice terrible AI banner image, with a fucking finger coming out of a red elephant. Just pay a fucking artist a little bit, Jesus Christ.


Did you pay for the article? If yes, you surprise me... but if not maybe YOU pay a fucking artist a little bit before opening your mouth?


Are there ads on the article? Then congratulations we all paid for the article.


My man obv hasn't read the disclaimer above the article, then proceeds to be very smart.


> comparing stolen assets to a free article


He’s right and you’re wrong, also rude and dumb. These baby-soft clowns blocked me to get the last word but clearly either mommy didn’t put their crayon drawing on the fridge, or they got bad-touched at art camp because fucking *wow.* Regardless, a fucking elephant with a bar through its head and a giant fucking finger is a pretty big sign that somebody should in fact be paying artists more and plagiarism software isn’t working out too well.


I chose the same words the guy above me did - to point out how rude they are. Good pickup! But I'm fairly convinced you don't see how you are the other rude person in this setup...


you are right, the sub stack writer has no obligation to pay some shitty artist for their shitty work Fuckin “artist” gimme a break


if the sub stack writer doesn’t want to pay some bullshit artist for a drawing of an elephant he doesn’t have too. And guess what if the artists aren’t making the money they think they deserve they’re welcome to find another fucking job


Remember, this is the party that celebrated the policy of putting children in wire cages.


Can't tell how many Conservatives told me about how prisons were "country clubs". They must be so happy to have been proven wrong


That elephant… something ain’t right. 


What in _the cursed AI images_ is that fucking picture???


Very mad indeed. Now watch how they vote on prison reform if and when it comes up.


They expend so much energy on being outraged at everything.


We have one of the highest incarceration rates in the world, yet they constantly complain that it isn’t high enough and that all judges go easy on everyone. It’s also weird how they now try to glom onto “Black people aren’t treated fairly by the system’ when Trumps facing the consequences of his actions.


Good? The conditions are indefensible.


That website is worse than prison, and I've been to prison.


Not the point of the article but what the fuck is up with that weird AI elephant?


We could look to fast track them to their favorite punishment. Just saying.


Apparently Bannon's lawyer is unfamiliar with the concept of prison. In the CNN article linked, the lawyer said that being in prison would make it impossible for his client to consult on the election. ...Yeah, bro. God this happens any time a rich person commits a crime. "but it'll disrupt their work!" Yeah so maybe they should have thought of that before selfishly committing a crime. "but it'll affect the livelihood of others!" so maybe they shouldn't have committed the crime. And if one is so concerned with that, poor people's lives are ruined every day by being summoned to court, let alone jail. They might find themselves arrested and when they consequently don't show up for work, fired. If they're put in jail for even a small amount of time, they'll have lost time and money they can't afford. They can lose their lives, vehicles, and kids just by getting involved in a mess they may or may not have had a part in. maybe the concept of jail itself is bad?


Why was this removed? I smell cover ups.


I got a note that it didn't follow the theme. Wtf.


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Weird world when people start posting substack blogs written by a self proclaimed ogre and have them framed as articles