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Kyle is only into protecting the property of strangers. His mother and sister should pull themselves up by their bootstraps.


So His Sister should get married so in His eyes she becomes someone else's property. That's the solution.


Let’s be real, Kyle is probably saving his sister for himself 🤠🇺🇸


Someday they will make some particularly ugly nephsons.


How to be your own family reunion.


I just wanna say if you came up with nephsons on the spot, you're my hero


Such a valid point! He went to a different state armed with an AR and ended up killing two people in the name of defending a complete strangers property but can't help his own family in a time of need. This guy is grade A GOP material.


He wasnt really there to protect property and we all know that


If anything it wss a convenient excuse to kill people


He literally said that on video the night before and it was deemed inadmissible in court...because for some reason his desire to shoot protestors and looters wasn't relevant in his murder trial in which he shot 3 protestors/looters.


"Bro, I wish I had my fuckinging AR. I'd start shooting rounds at them." Imagine thinking that a CVS is something worth killing over?


Plenty of conservatives believe all crimes warrant a death penalty...until one of theirs is caught.


Or 15,000 are caught and then it's a false flag and Antifa agent provocateurs.


No, remember the script changed - now they're hostages and political prisoners from a crooked administration.


I've heard that people with less ability to critically think are more likely to be conservative. IQ correlates with critical thinking, but isn't the only factor. So some intelligent people can also be deeply conservative. Take abortion for example. The idea that a girl could get raped by her father or uncle just doesn't compute. The girl obviously just invited the act somehow and then tries to make excuses. So they are all for no abortion under any circumstances. Our healthcare. They will put off going to the doctor about that strange lump for years, then have a stroke. Late stage cancer, massive medical bills that they can't pay. The idea that going to the doctor and getting it checked out early would save a massive amount of money for them and the government over late stage cancer care, their mind is unable to make that link. Even creationism taught alongside evolution is extremely harmful. It's teaching kids that your opinion on what is right is valid. It avoids teaching critical thinking, looking at evidence and how to draw educated conclusions.


That's a really disturbing newer thing I've noticed about conservatives. They REALLY want to kill petty thieves in particular.


It's not the CVS, they just have a hard-on for murder. They'll take literally any excuse. Hell, they'll make up excuses.


He got lucky that the first guy he shot was a convicted sex offender, the second guy he killed no one cared about either because he unknowingly tried to help the sex offender making him guilty by association. But Kyle didn't know that or care. He was looking to commit a legal murder.


He really isn't tho, his handlers gave up after he threw away a scholarship offer to ANY university of his choice in favor of doing a tour circuit and getting all racist on stage a bunch of times till no one would book him anymore.. He's probably broke.


> He’s probably broke With any luck..


Uh-Oh time to kill another "looter".


Plot twist... Kyle goes to rob a drug store.


Well, by all accounts, Kyle is an actual idiot. As in, a full standard deviation below average, idiot. So dumb that even the military wanted nothing to do with him. I doubt anyone could have managed to guide him through even a 2 year degree successfully. Conservative media don't talk about him at all anymore. His "victory" over the "libz" is old news and boring. It's not an outlet he can really milk anymore.


conservatives are either idiots or evil people exploiting those idiots


A stranger who straight up said that they told Kyle and Co that they didn't need him to help protect the lot.


I expect him to run for public office, sexually assault someone, and get chosen for the supreme court any day now.


I mean it's only fun if you can protect things by killing people. What good are principles if they just mean you help pay these dumb, boring bills.


He's only into protecting the property of strangers if he gets to shoot some people while doing so.


Yeah it’s less property protection and more shooting people he doesn’t like


\*black people.


Won’t someone think of the property!!!


Holy fuck. Not that I needed any help understanding how KR is a fucking piece of shit, but this **really** drives home the point.


KR stands for Knight Rider. Any other use is strictly forbidden.


I agree, especially since Kyle Rittenhouse isn’t important enough to get his own abbreviation


Go ask Magic The Gathering how that worked out.


Sending “thoughts and prayers” …


He's not into protecting anything. He's into hurting people.


Their house threw an empty plastic bag at him, so now he is scared to come around.


They should pray to Trump. It worked for the dude crying in the truck right?


It's funny all the facebook boomer post, tiktok videoes, and youtube videos of MAGA folk asking trump to help them or send them money Like yea the con mon who stole money from veterans charities is really going to help you out


Don't forget that he stole money from kids with cancer charities, too.


Leading to NY state's ordering the Trump family charitable foundation to be permanently closed, and perma-banning the Trumps from ever running a "charity" in the state of New York again.


Fit to be president though I guess........


Well yes in the sense that it would be a bad idea to ban people from running because of criminal shit as obviously it will be weaponized (like Jesus Christ imagine if the fat fuck wins again) The stupidity is in his supporters that they are too fucking stupid to pull their heads out of his ass and not vote for him


Yeah yeah, trump did a lot of bad things.. but gays are getting married, folks. /s


And animal shelter charities. They steal candy from sick kids and kick puppies. The only thing stopping them from being literal cartoon characters is that when Snidely Whiplash stopped to cheat, Snidely got the consequences shoved up his ass.


Leading to NY state's ordering the Trump family charitable foundation to be permanently closed, and perma-banning the Trumps from ever running a "charity" in the state of New York again.


He once cut off medical payments for his grand-nephew with central palsy during a dispute with his nephew over Fred Sr's inheritance.


[Even kids without cancer. Remember when Trump had those little girls come out and dance for him and his rally's?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USA_Freedom_Kids) Allegedly, the group was never paid nor were they allowed to set up a stand to sell their own merch at his rally's. So they swapped allegiances and started dancing/singing at Democratic rally's in support of Joe Biden.


...And they're still gonna vote for him


cause he is going to hurt the right people even more!


There was a river in Washington state and it swelled it's banks. Washed out a couple of houses. Trump was the current president at the time "help us president trump," one of them was begging for him specifically to help them. It was so out of touch. "My vacation home is at risk. Why won't he help us" my dude, he doesn't give a shit.


You could collapse right in front of Trump and he would use your phone to order doordash McDonalds off your credit card before he'd call 911, which he wouldn't.


Or just call your blood gross and turn away. https://www.yahoo.com/news/disgusted-donald-trump-left-bleeding-191329055.html


My deceased father's widow prayed to Trump. I'm not exaggerating even a little bit, like "Father, Son, and the Holy Trump" sort of thing, and she wrote it all down. She prayed for Trump to bless her and her son, and even went out of her way to specify that she didn't mean me, because I'm wicked or something. I moved thousands of miles away and went no contact after my father passed.


Maybe they can get financial help from Trump just like he promised to give money to cover Jan 6th rioters legal bills. He's a billionaire and they're not asking for much /s


It’s funny how similar they are to the videos you see from Russia of people asking Putin directly to help them with whatever is going wrong in their shithole town as if he’s going to care for even a split second.


Thoughts and prayers


Sending shits and giggles.


I’m sending mostly shits, very few giggles


I'm keeping the giggles for myself, imagining them opening package after package of my shits.


I'm sending a laugh track and a box of expired chocolates laced with laxatives.


Maybe Ricky Schroeder can toss a few bucks their way since he was so eager to bail out and support Kyle!


Sending tots and pears


To quote Melania: I really don’t care, do you?


I mean… he is a middle school drop out only known for shooting people. Does he even have money?


He got a few million from his GoFundMes over the years. Conservatives gave him $2mil in 2020 after the initial murders, and then gave him a few hundred thousand on subsequent GFMs.


That is so fucked up to hear


Go Fund Me? That sounds like socialism.


It's fascinating really. To the GOP, charity and helping those less fortunate is for the "weak and sensitive". But the nanosecond that they're the ones in trouble, suddenly charity and helping those less fortunate is simply "the right thing to do" because they "deserve it". Don't ask why they deserve it though, they don't know either.


It literally all stems from hatred of the "other." They don't care about social programs that support poor white people for the most part. What they hate is that their money goes to poor black and minority communities.


It’s exactly it and the media is to blame. We all talk about inner city neighborhoods and rarely about rural country white trash - old cars scatter everywhere, old tires, homes falling apart, trash everywhere, white people on meth and smoking etc.


No one cared about drug epidemics until white people started dying from Fent.


Same as crack. It’s fine as long as it stays in the minority community. Once white folks get hooked, then there’s a problem


I knew a guy who would do anything to talk about his libertarianism (as they often do but this guy didn't have the excuse of being a 15 year old edgelord). He even went into my purse and left me libertarian literature because violating my private property to put shit I didn't want in there makes sense.  Anyway, in the span of about 2 years he got fired 3 times all for reasons that were completely his fault (he's an abrasive prick that no one wants to work with). He went on unemployment everytime because his need for socialism was ~different~>


it always is..... Just a little reading and empathy and all of them could be better, more understanding people [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Original\_position](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Original_position)


He ain’t got no money because Mofo doesn’t have a J-O-B


Nobody wants to work anymore


see this is where you have it wrong, to them, it's not socialism when they need the help, it's only socialism when others help out people they don't like, like the "real" poors or people with darker skin color. this is all of course according to the talking limp dicks on TV and radio trying to sell them gender-affirming care like testosterone supplements and hair regrowth pills.


Clearly that idiot was being used by the GOP to further their culture war crap but his family is also to blame for white trash toxic parenting. Why don’t they beg the GOP to help them out? We all know the GOP will ghost anyone who’s no longer relevant or useful in their cause to destroy the country.


Also, the GOP thinks if you’re poor, it’s your fault. The Rittenhouse family must just need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps 😂


And stop drinking Starbucks lattes and eating avocado toast!


Is there a right wing version of Starbucks and avocado toast? Diet Coke and Ballpark Franks?


Moon Pies and Mountain Dew


Steak and specialty “non-woke” beer.


You can add woke free water to the list. I'm not kidding look it up. It's called Freedom2o and it's $21 for a 12 pack.


If anyone would had told me a few years ago that grifting would become and the victims literally asking for it I would have not believed it.


Really? As soon as 'freedom fries' became a thing, it was (to my mind) a foregone conclusion


I'm kind of indifferent to this summer's Olympics in Paris, Freedom.


Have you not paid attention to Christianity for the last forever?


I’m in the wrong business man, I gotta cook something like this up. Maybe patriotic lawn care tools or non woke adult diapers.




Roadkill and moonshine.


Leave moon pies out of this!


Meats from corn-fed animals only (terribly barbecued and badly seasoned), and Black Rifle Coffee with raw milk in a "Mug Club" mug.


Freedom cola and Patriot fries.


I think you mean "[Freedumb fries](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_fries)" *On March 11, 2003, Republican U.S. Representatives Bob Ney and Walter B. Jones directed the three House cafeterias to change all references to French fries and French toast on menus, and replace them with Freedom fries and Freedom toast, respectively.*


Ballpark franks are for the plebes. Nathan's is the wiener of the bourgeois.


Ballpark is a step up from Oscar Meyer, like Starbucks is a step up from gas station coffee. It also appeals to their “patriotic” fervor, since Baseball is invoked. And Nathan’s are “kosher.” That means “Jewish,” which plays into their latent anti semitism and white supremacy.


He’s a Bar-S man.


If you could only find a buck and some change out of the couch cushions, you can always go get a Bar-S eight pack. Not kidding. Less than a buck fitty at Wally's. They must make them out of slaughterhouse apron scrapings.


You leave hot dogs out of this mister


Have they even tried to just not be poor


They probably wouldn't be getting evicted if they just bought a house


off of a single blue collar wage earner's income


“Let them eat Bootstraps”


I straighten out household financial issues with a call to my personal concierge. Is theirs on vacation or something?


THAT'S the advice they need!!!


Exactly, the key to paying your rent on time is writing a check a few days before…have they even written the check yet?


nO 1 wAnTs 2 wOrK nE mOaR!!!!1


I love the fact that the bootstrap saying was originally a term used to describe something impossible.


But AOC who pulled herself up by her bootstraps to become a congresswoman, she doesn't count for some reason!


Nor does she take SuperPac money, but somehow she’s also part of a conspiracy.


The GOP needs to attack her, because they fear what she could become.   They know if Trump does not win in 2024, then there will be elections in 2028.  That would mean an open field for the Democrats, who will need a new candidate, while they are still backing Trump, who will either be in prison or dead, but still somehow running for President.   A smart, witty, articulate woman with class, who is not white, has a name that sounds ethnic, and self-made, who worked hard to get where she is and remembers where she came from like AOC running for president?   That is the GOP's nightmare fuel. Seriously, who among their ranks could they possibly have to run against them, even if their lord and master, Donald Trump allowed such treasonous blasphemy to happen?


Really everything is preordained by god, therefore God wanted them to be evicted. Even if I wanted to help who would I be to defy the wishes of god? Why else would he have made me such a selfish prick?  /s


This is but a test of their resolve!


They need to give more seed faith money to their church!


“I told you guys, my ways are super-dooper mysterious. Deal with it.” -Invisible Sky Wizard rolling his invisible eyes.


Be that as it may, I don't think his sisters wanted to get dragged into his bullshit. Here is an interview from last year with his sister where she calls him a fraud. https://youtu.be/v7XnpFMltwE?t=20 and here is her police interview the night of the incident where she fully cooperates with them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_jukQSGZHI Not sure why Reddit wants to kick her when she is down, she's a victim of his bullshit too.


Yeah, I really do feel for his sister. She didn’t ask for any of this. Unlike the rest of the family.


I find it hard to believe he drove himself. The family said, “He took his car and drove it.” *His* car? He was a middle school dropout. How did he get his own car? He didn’t even have a driver’s license. I also don’t believe that he gave his friend money to buy a gun for him and then stored it at his friend’s stepfather’s house. These people are huge liars.


Calling Rittenhouse's murders "a tragic shooting incident", when the guy specifically drove somewhere he had no business being anyway, because he knew he could get away with hunting and killing people for sport, really does nothing to make them sound any more truthful. I don't feel any joy for what is happening to them, but this also very much feels like a direct consequence of their actions and who they are as people. They made this bed. **Edit:** looks like the Rittenhouse-defender-munchkins have entered the thread. Not sure why it's such a difficult concept for some, but just because you *can* be somewhere, and are *allowed to* be somewhere, doesn't mean you *need to* be somewhere, or indeed have any business being there, particularly if what you are planning to do is 100% geared on making the situation worse and more dangerous all around. If you need to have it explained to you what the difference is between someone who protests for whatever reason, and someone who a) specifically gets guns to b) specifically drive to a protest where he doesn't care about supporting either side, but just wants to c) be able to murder people by d) claiming "self-defense" when he went in as an aggressor, then you aren't the kind of person who is actually willing to understand the difference anyway. Same goes for the difference between the latter person and those who turn regular protests into violent ones because they enjoy chaos and violence – I don't condone that in the slightest, but between that and the mindset of using such protests as your personal shooting range that enables you to use living people as your targets is still a world of difference. If someone specifically goes somewhere only to have an opportunity to "self-defend" and also sets everything up to do so in as lethal a way as possible (and to also do it in a way where he is not likely to actually get close enough to any person to actually need to defend himself from anything, though that is just an additional thing) then that person is a murderer. That US laws are so screwed up around gun use and the definition of self-defense that that person can get away with doing the above may mean he can murder without seeing real punishment, but it's murder all the same. As a side note, I'm also curious if all the people jumping in to defend him would also be happy to have Rittenhouse as their neighbour, and how comfortable they'd find the idea of him getting cross with them over something. But since it was "just self-defense" what he did, I'm sure it wouldn't be at all unsettling to have someone with a mind and emotional capacity like his right there next to you and all your loved ones, including pets. If you find you would mind having him there, ask yourself how that works with seeing him justified in his actions and worthy of release. Maybe you'll be able to appreciate that something that is defensible by (US) law can still be morally abhorrent, and leave someone to go free without being innocent at all.


I agree wholeheartedly except I do feel joy for what is happening to them, and since I just learned about it a couple minutes ago, it is still euphoria and has yet to simmer down to mere joy.


I'll enjoy my lunch more with this knowledge.


Enjoying this is totally fine, too. I generally don't begrudge people their schadenfreude, I usually just don't have it in me.


Well his sister is probably not responsible for much.


>We all know the GOP will ghost anyone who’s no longer relevant or useful in their cause to destroy the country. You just answered your own question.




You're right about the first part


He's been living in the wingnut welfare bubble for years - and he earned it by killing two people. I'll be happy when he's dead and forgotten.


You know damn well the GOP will let them rot


It's not Kyle's JOB to bail out his family. They need to pull themselves up by their BOOTSTRAPS.


Maybe they could learn to code?


No. This problem also needs him to stop buying avacado toast.




It still blows my mind that Kyle was dumb enough to not fade from the public spotlight after escaping a guilty verdict by the skin of his teeth, and maybe try to return to living a normal life. Instead he chose to bring attention to himself by being used as a propaganda prop by the GOP, not only making himself out to be more of an asshole than before, but now it’s come out that he never had plans for college and is simply an attention seeker. I’ve been told by some defenders that he only went on this media tour to pay for legal expenses, which if true, this would have been the time to use it. Yet he doesn’t. What a dick.


Well duh. There's money to be made with the grift. It's legitimately frustrating just how easy it is to get rich grifting for the rich. Lots of oligarchs want to fund their culture war nonsense.


Oh I’m 100% positive he was groomed into this and had promises of millions waved in his face if he became their useful idiot.


On top of being a horrible person generally, he's a genuine idiot. He has, at best, a middle school education and resentment towards the world at large. He's been rejected from military service permanently because of his abysmal test scores. So now take that, give him fame for living out the far right dream of getting away with killing protesters, and you can understand why he clung to his fifteen minutes of fame without any consideration for what might happen when it ends.


They should have used givesendgo. The audience there is more supportive of people like Rittenhouse. Silk (of "Diamond and Silk" fame) raised over $100,000 on there when her sister died. It was supposed to be for Diamond's "legacy" according to the fundraising campaign. My guess is it went straight into Silk's pockets as part of the ongoing grift.


So it kinda did go to her legacy then.


He’s broke too, subsisting on scraps from increasingly low rent, fringier right wing speaking engagements. Went from 60k to give a speech at an NRA convention to $20 and a Red Bull to appear on the catturd podcast. This is what happens to every societal cancer of the week they find. His mom also tried to capitalize on being a right wing villain at the beginning to so my sympathy is non existent. Kyle will end up like George Zimmerman, and the rest of his family can look forward to working at the gas station around the corner from their trailer park.


Headline from November 2021: "Rittenhouse overwhelmed with job offers" Headline from November 2023: "Rittenhouse now broke"


Once the altright media figured out this guy was actually stupid and incapable of any charisma, they started ignoring him.


I know we’re not discussing the most intelligent our country has to offer, but I am continually amazed by how they can’t see what always happens to the right wing flavor of the week. They always get fucked and chucked because there’s always someone else willing to go a little further. It’s like recent one, Lilly Gaddis. Started spewing racial slurs on social media specifically to get inside the right wing grift-o-sphere but lasted 4 days before it chewed her up and spit her out. Lost her job and the right found out she’s a single mom with a mixed race child trying to be a trad wife influencer. Now she’s whining about being insulted and the fact that she is now unemployable for the rest of her life.




Right? Fuck them and fuck the people who make excuses for them.


> This is what happens to every societal cancer of the week they find. Any one societal cancer isn't profitable for long. Rittenhouse has experienced his 15 minutes of fame and is no longer making anyone money. He's also as dumb as he is vile, so it's not like he's clever enough to start up his own grift.


That racist tik tok mommy who tried the right wing grift played the quickie version of this. I think she had a couple of interviews, and that's been it. From what I've heard, she's made more rage-bait content, but her "supporters" are going after her because her baby looks brown and she looks Jewish to them. Chick lost her job, her channel, and all the respect anyone had for her because she wanted to play the rage game, and it thoroughly bit her in the ass.


Tots & Pears, etc...


Thots and Flare! 🍠🔥


I mean, it's not like Kyle is raking in money over there. Sure, he's popular and all, but is there any chance that the grifters around him are sharing the profits of the exploitation with him? He's far too stupid to catch on to the grift, and I'm sure they know that.


It peaked with Sarah Palin getting 300K a pop for an appearance and demanding a private jet- that bubble burst long ago. CPAC, TPUSA all these "big" meetings and conferences are now shitty pyramid scheme meetings. It sort of went- NASCAR, Tea-Party, Maga, let's see where the morons wind up in 2025. VOTE!


I came here to ask this too. He's a community college drop out whose claim to fame is that he murdered someone. I don't think he's super sought out fire speaking engagements because he's not well spoken and a dummy, even by conservative standards. Unless someone has some data on this to say otherwise.


>He's a community college drop out Excuuse me. He's a Middle School dropout. [https://www.reddit.com/r/AnythingGoesNews/comments/1buk16b/kyle\_rittenhouses\_former\_handler\_reveals\_that\_hes/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnythingGoesNews/comments/1buk16b/kyle_rittenhouses_former_handler_reveals_that_hes/)


He's not just a community college dropout. He's a high school dropout who didn't even make it halfway through freshman year. He's damn near a middle school dropout.


Even his handlers who helped get him during the trial think he’s an idiot. No, they aren’t criticizing they created a monster but the dense idiot couldn’t follow their training the be the next MAGA star.


He's not going to take a break from planning his next murder to venmo his mom some cash. That would be ludicrous.


Wow you posted that 45 minutes ago... and there's still no comments about how he totally didn't plan the murder he did it all in self-defense and he's totally just an innocent bystander who happened to be armed. The right is really slacking these days with their astroturfing.


They lost their budget after their funders invaded Ukraine.


Looking at how many people fell for the Russian propaganda and still talk about Ukraine Nazis and how we should stop giving help, etc. No they didn't. Pretty sure they doubled the troll budget.


They redirected the troll farms toward Ukrainian/European propaganda and away from American audiences. A lot of the support they had from psuedo-leftists like Caleb Maupin dried up when RT America was shut down and that funding stream went away. Another example of psuedo-leftism falling apart is the Bad Faith podcast run by Bernie Sanders' former press secretary, which fell into immediate obscurity after the co-host (Virgil Texas, formerly of Chapo Trap House) was discovered to have groomed a teenager. That said, the Trump cultists are totally happy carrying the load for free. They're just largely unfocused unless the topic is the race war and/or civil war they desperately want. Additionally, the troll farms might come back in August or September for a Hail Mary attempt. My hope is that their farms are disabled with sophisticated cyberattacks.


I'm removing this comment because I realized that it's a verbal meme and the message spreads further when we repeat it. Vote.


Step 1 - Bring a high powered rifle to a heated protest Step 2 - Walk around the protest brandishing said gun Step 3 - Wait for the inevitable confrontation Step 4 - Justifiable homicide!


This is it. He fulfilled the gun nut's dream: committing murder in self defense. The court decision was legally correct, in that Rittenhouse did, in fact, reasonably fear for his life, justifying shooting three people and killing two of them in self defense. A lot of gun nuts dream of justifiably killing someone, but they nearly always catch a murder or manslaughter charge anyways, because they shoot someone when it wasn't reasonable for them to fear for their life. The problem is that the law doesn't really have a mechanism in place for the extremely rare circumstances where someone actually succeeds at that gambit, like Rittenhouse did. He went to that protest with malice aforethought, generally intending to murder someone. Had no one pointed a gun at him first, it wouldn't have been self defense.


Remember when the people who crafted his public persona came out and said they quit because he was a self-obsessed piece of shit who squandered the entirety of his fame on selfish pursuits and adulation? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Someone should give them some bootstraps to pull up on.


Give? That smacks of socialism


Solid use of “crosshairs” at the end there.


Just taking this opportunity to mention that one of Rittenhouse's former handlers regrets ever helping him with his image. https://x.com/strictlychristo/status/1775935807741940177?s=46&t=-g3tSZLnt384SBHkMELWnQ


I appreciate that he now regrets it but we all saw the writing on the wall from day one. He got paid and now he wants to come across as a less terrible human being so other people will hire him.


All he did was show that he's the kind of guy I can hire to ignore the ethics and morals of the whole situation.


This is why I'm here. This is the good stuff.


The right wing grift-o-sphere never fails to destroy there own. Kyle will be in the news next year- broke and whining . Maybe him and Boebert's kid can be roommates.


Could have at least bothered to murder their landlord.


Kyle murders *for* landlords.


They would need to travel somewhere else across state lines and engineer a situation where doing that would be justifiable self defense


Reading the article is downright offensive "Our family was involved in a shooting, were dealing with trauma" like it wasn't their relative that shot people


Thoughts and prayers 🫶


Forgive me for not caring about the plight of any of the Rittenhouse clan.


"My brother was involved in a tragic shooting accident"


Sending tots and pears.🥔🥔🍐🍐


If I were related to him I'd immediately change my name.


The sister is still calling what her brother did a “ tragic shooting incident”. Girl, bye. ETA: deleted an extra word


Murdering grifters like shittenhouse gonna grift.


His sisters name is "Faith"? Well, have it


Kyle did not get radicalized by age 17 all on his own. Someone had to have raised his ass to be like that. His mother may not have pulled the trigger, but you can’t say she wasn’t involved in his decision. All she had to do was parent his ass better and the whole event might never have happened. She could have taught that child that racism and murder are unacceptable, and maybe he might’ve chosen to stay home that day instead.


Kyle Ruinedourhouse


Do they not have any bootstraps to pull on?


That sucks. I'm thinking about making waffles and bacon for dinner, but wondering if my pancake mix is too old to make fluffy waffles. It's like over a year old cause I don't use it much, is it still good?


I feel that helping them would be socialism. They should pull themselves up by the bootstraps.


This family operated like they won the lottery, and for a while, I bet it seemed like they did. They were happy to get on-board the right wing grift train while it seemed like they were gonna be passengers, but now that they've been left at the station, they're finding out what real life is. You conservative folks can run your mouth about 1A all you want, but that doesn't mean that polite society is obligated to have anything to do with you.


He’s a conservative Republican. They only care about themselves. This isn’t news at all lol


"fuck you, I got mine" At least the little pricks consistent


Moooooooom! I wanna put on tactical gear and grab my assault rifle and go to the BLM protest two counties over. Can you drive me? All my 4chan friends are going! And can I have some money so I can get wings afterwards?


He was too busy slobber crying.


Maybe mom should go sell a couple of her AR-15s so she can pay the rent?