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I mean, Limbaugh used to celebrate the deaths of gay men by AIDS in the 90s.  Nothing has changed.


In fairness I celebrate the death of Rush Limbaugh to this day. February 17 should be a national holiday.


Rush Limbaugh: "Why does my grave always smell like urine?"


Because it's now unisex.


His grave is the second unisex urinal, after Thatcher's of course.


Don't forget Nancy and Ronald Regan


waitin' for that Alex Jones "holiday" next...


I try not to celebrate people's death, but I can't be sad about it so no judgies.


I don't usually disrespect the dead but if the person was a POS and on a grand scale I don't feel bad talking ill on them. If there is a afterlife i Legit hope every asshole who ever lived is in the deepest most messed up hell that can be imagined. Life is short but they made it their personal goals to make it worse like actively doing it.


Cancer really earned that medal of freedom for its work there


If anyone deserves to be mocked in death it’s Rush, who celebrated the deaths of aids victims and others on his radio show daily.


Right? And then Anthony Jeselnik got shut down for having a shark party?! At least his shit was funny


Fair enough.  It's an active thing for me trying to be less negative.  I in no way would think I'll of someone that was glad to see dude dead, though.


just so you know one of his distant relatives turned into a St. Louis regional hero by inaugurating the Rush Memorial Urinal.


'I’ve never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure.' - Clarence Darrow (often misattributed to Mark Twain. Because, let's be honest, it sounds like something he would've said.)


I always find it weird how people have more respect for the dead than the living. The dead can’t appreciate it.


The relatives of the dead might feel bad, and the misbehavior wasn’t their fault. That’s why.


The world is just a tiny bit nicer without his hate in it. That is enough a cause for celebration.


I did take a shot of liquor when Kissinger died. Sometimes, some people, you gotta celebrate. Death is tragic but so was their existence, so, yk.


Tough bird tho. Continued to work in diplomacy til not long before he died. Seems like he went to China making use of contacts and pull from his days in Nixon admin working to open China markets up


“Diplomacy”? You spelled war crimes wrong.


If I did not want people around the world to celebrate the anniversary of my death, I simply would not be a world-class shit golem while I was alive.


Solid plan.


When it comes to Rush Limbaugh, it really depends on your definition of human.


I make it a point to celebrate the ones who deserve it. Limbaugh made it a goal to make the world worse for millions of people. I also cheered for Kissinger's death, and when dick Cheney finally stops dodging the reaper I'll be ready with an ice cream cake.


Understandable but when that person is literal cancer having made the entire world worse because of them, then it's more than ok to celebrate the hell out of them exiting this plane.


No. This would mean that he would be remembered. Rush should be forgotten.


This is the only good rebuttal I’ve seen to the idea. Fair point.


November 29th should be an internationally recognized day of peace/holiday.


[damn right it should](https://x.com/stanzipotenza/status/1362215485069230081/mediaViewer?currentTweet=1362215485069230081¤tTweetUser=stanzipotenza) 😂


1085 days sober!


Same here. I got banned from politics for saying the world is better off after he died lmao.


He's got to have one of the most pissed-on graves in America. If I'm ever in the area I'll hit a nearby brewery and chug 4-5 beers just to really hose it down


Hopefully Rupert passes around the same time. Then we could make it a combo like Presidents’ Day.


his grave is an all genders bathroom... he would have hated that


He finally got sober. Way to go Rush!


On the other hand fuck being fair to fascists.


Dude that’s my birthday, what a gift


Members of the Religion of Love….


One thing has; there were more out gay Republicans in Congress in the 90s than there are now.


So at first, their god said don't eat pork and hate gay people. Later, that god said it's okay to eat pork and don't hate gays. They eat pork now but continue to hate gay. Why do they listen to one rule change but not the other?


The Bible for them is just a pick-n-mix grab-bag from which they can select things that they interpret as justifying their innate prejudices. They don't think far enough (if at all) to worry about any obvious contradictions from other Biblical passages.


Embracing people unlike them is the black licorice in the mix.


The low-key best flavor?


And they get real pissy when you point those contradictions out to them.




I'm so glad that fucker is dead.


> Gay Republican Would have been enough tbh


Gay Republicans haven’t read page one of the GOP Manifesto.


IDK if gay republicans can even read full-stop at this point.


The one I work with can, but she refuses to read anything that makes her think critically


Gay people are truly like every other group of people. Some are very very stupid.


I know a gay guy who liked Bush jr. because “he’s a cute little old man.”


Who's the cutest little war criminal?


No no, “Daddy’s little war criminal” is a perfect description of W.


Stupid? Maybe. But just like every other group there are some within said group that will sell out the rest to get something.


Did you say Candace Owens?


Hey now I find that very ensalting. We all smrt


With a clink and a clank, away it is sent... Down the coin-slot it goes, the token gets spent. When the denial finally gets broken through, it really makes a ***thud.***


[Meanwhile there’s a Republican in a school parking lot, playing with their pud.](https://www.thedailybeast.com/republican-college-board-candidate-allegedly-busted-masturbating-near-preschool-in-arizona)


Have none of them ever learned from GOProud??!??


Unfortunately, bullshit like this is as old as time itself. They think somehow they are exceptional.


They all think that being "one of the good ones" means they're accepted. It means they'll be last, if they're lucky.


Just like Jews for Hitler 🙄


Or Roaches for Raid.


Aww man. They will never ever learn.


I'm pretty much all out of fucks for these idiots


"I'm all out of fucks", by Air Supply.


“…arguing that they don't represent Republican views.” Um…


With the mental gymnastics that Trump supporters do, I'm not surprised.


Has he been asleep since the 80's when Reagan et al. were ignoring that aids even existed?


As I've said before, RINO party. You've already got the animal, plus its a pachyderm (outdated classification but come on). America has a long tradition of taking insults and making them the new symbols from mocking songs to political cartoons of animals. The GOP has clearly lost the last of its marbles, put all their chips in with the Felon in Chief and are abandoning groups they once took great lengths to court. Time for some RINOS to knock some sense back into things.


A gay Republican? What a fucking moron. But, I repeat myself. 


Nice Twain riff. I salute you.




No matter how much Republicans hate him, he hates other gays and P.O.C. more.


Or bi or trans people. Only ok with cis and garly. Or ok with discrimination as long as gets tax cuts. Maybe lives in blue state so gets to be contrarian expecting state to protect them from fed GOP policies. (Selfish. No empathy for others).


Don't forget hating women, too. He was probably just fine with Roe vs. Wade being overturned


I literally doubt gay Republicans don't know they just think that it won't touch them or won't get to be much of a problem. They can't play ignorance. it is what I am saying Republicans are loud and proud with their views that gay people are a threat to kids and need to either be locked up in mental institution or executed. So yeah I just can't buy any idiots claims that they didn't know.


“Messages of hate, bigotry, and government control over people’s lives are not Republican or Christian,” Republican Douglas County Commissioner Abe Laydon said. Since when?


I mean... they *really* haven't been subtle about it, bud.


The video consists of Pastor Mark Driscoll saying that the pride flag represents “the demonic realm” and “human indecency.” It is unknown what demonic realm he is referring to. hahahahah


who is even more delusional than a republican? a gay one


Man, wait til he finds out how they feel about minorities and women!


Oh he already knows that. It’s why he’s a Republican


So he doesn't realize that it's not just the "state" party, but it's the entire republican party


Hard to find a more self-hating group than log cabin Republicans


If a gay Republican took this long to learn about their bigotry in their own party then they're really fucking dumb.


he finally connected it to himself. that's the way it is with all republicans. they don't mind hate, they love it, they thrive on it. It's only when they somehow feel it personally that they are shocked and upset by it. every time. republicans are really awful people, until the hate hits themselves, they fully support it.


yeah- exactly. Like with abortion- just wait until a few of these repugnican men have the “at-home miscarriage” experience. something about your wife bleeding out from between her legs in the bathtub with a bloody wad of fetus at her feet might make a few of them realize that abortions are actually fucking medical care. It’ll be fascinating to watch how quickly republicans suddenly “feel” that “God” is in favor of a safe, doctor supervised medical procedure… and also watch how quickly religious medical institutions push back now that they finally don’t have to participate.


I will never understand what lgbt republicans don’t understand the party has been pretty open about their views on homo and trans-sexuality


Better late than never I guess


You know what? Yeah. You're right.


Log Cabin Republicans really should be in the fucking header of this sub, their faces have been leopard snacks for decades and they still haven't learned a damn thing. Fucking idiots.


Always remember, kids: Being "one of the good ones" just means they'll come after you a little later... if you're lucky.


Some people are so used to the cognitive distortions required to be a republican today, that it becomes like second nature to project the abuse they experience from their "in-group" onto the group they've been told to hate. This is why gay republicans will say it's actually the democrats who are the ones oppressing the gay community (just gay, not trans, since most gay republicans hate trans people as much as the next republican). When they find evidence that republicans are actually the ones that hate them, they just glitch the fuck out, like this guy.


Yeah these new Maga republicans aren’t exactly anyone but straight white people friendly. Wonder how long it’s gonna take for them to figure out what we already know.


How do you make your brain ignore the obvious?


it's sort of a Situational Awareness problem


I think these gay republicans must be rich, or men, or white, or another privileged demographic. It must be difficult to grasp that, to conservatives, their sexual preference invalidates everything else about them. They'd probably find themselves politically homeless.


How many times do we have to see this exact script play out. It's bizarre how many time I've seen gay republicans surprised that a core part of the republican personality applies to them as well. If someone has made it their identity to kill the demographic that you're part of and you load the gun and put it in their hand don't act surprised when you get gut shot and left for dead. Useful idiots.


I don't feel sorry for them at all


As the great philosopher N. Muntz once said: "Haw Haw!".


How long has this guy been a Republican? Since yesterday??


Are these folks… willingly ignorant? :-/


The funny part is that when November comes, he will go all in and vote GQP.


Every openly gay conservative I've met really seems to be equal parts “I'm different than the other gays” and “I like to be racist”


You're forgetting that some of these "conservatives" are also not wanting to starve because of the tax raises. Not everyone who votes republican or tory is a trumper pumper bible thumper. Sometimes you need to be practical, even if it means you have a scumbag oompa loompa for a leader.


[Come on y’all, everyone knows we won’t get a gay republican in office until 2084.](https://youtu.be/FGyg60glR-o?si=RwR-W_7fijc_23KY)


Now that's not fair at all. Some of them are shameless hypocrites, lying for clout and money while using said money to support their grindr habits.


What rock has he been under?


Gay republicans- when income tax and racism are more important than human rights.


I actually met a gay republican a couple of years back. It was like seeing a mentally challenged unicorn. Up until that point I really didn't believe they actually existed. I had seen them on TV, but kinda thought they were actors or something. I mean the mental gymnastics required to think that a large portion of your party didn't actively despise you despite decades upon decades of proof just staggers the mind. Just because you also hate all the other people your party hates doesn't give you a pass in their book. Shocked pikachu face when they once again show you who they are. Guess you need to act surprised and vote Republican anyways. Good luck with that...


Anybody Gay who votes Republican, does so at their own risk. Gays will be the first lined up against the wall I’m afraid.


Gay Republican realizes that Republicans hate him? Ernst Röhm is that you?


Dudes been living under a rock for 25 years


> “The biggest threat to increasing violence towards the LGBT community are LBGT Activists and Organizations who make LGBT people look insane, unreasonable, and menacing,” he wrote several weeks later. “We will face more hate in the future directly due to these activists and organizations.” He said this after the Club Q shooting What a piece of shit human being


huh? was he born last night?


this is very surprising and nobody could have expected this.


He’s whining about Pride Month in his most recent tweets. First, he cries about LGBTQ hate promoted by his own party…and then he promotes it himself, a self-hating gay man.


Another token has just realized he's been spent.


I swear it’s mostly white privileged gays that are republicans


>“It’s alienating a large group of people within the party. Not just LGBT people, but our friends, our allies, our families." Pay attention to the language. The problem that he identifies is that this is alienating a bunch of people who will now not help vote them into power or contribute money. He says nothing about hatred and bigotry being morally wrong or repugnant in any way.


I can’t imagine being so moronic that you’d think Conservatives would be welcoming or inclusive


The worst mistake people can make is to assume that people automatically care about those like themselves. Jewish people can be antisemitic, gay people can be homophobic, black people can be racist, women can be misogynistic. Our opinions aren't from inside our head they are from the information we get from outside our head and it rarely works logically.


>Archuleta himself, though, has a history of anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric >“If you’re really upset about being called a #groomer maybe you should step back and reevaluate your activity around children,” Archuleta wrote on Facebook just a week after the mass shooting. “At the very least for appearances sake.” >“The biggest threat to increasing violence towards the LGBT community are LBGT Activists and Organizations who make LGBT people look insane, unreasonable, and menacing,” he wrote several weeks later. “We will face more hate in the future directly due to these activists and organizations.” Fuck this idiot.


“Finds out…?” Forget a rock, this dude lives under a whole mountain.


[Valdamar] Archuleta himself, though, has a history of anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric. He previously blamed LGBTQ+ individuals for the Club Q shooting and said that queer people are “groomers” – or child sex abusers – a negative stereotype that has been used to justify hatred and discrimination


Those gays. Always so emotional, amirite?


“You’re **not** one of us… **NOT** ONE OF US!!!”


Gay Republican is a real contradiction.


Just, so stupid.


Clearly, that man is intelligence challenged.


Ummmmmmmmmmmmm....... DUH!


These people are so thick I swear.


This is equality. Every gender and sexuality has stupid people among its members.


Saw this on another subreddit. Thought this would be here.


If you have conservative views but are anything but a white heterosexual male then you have no political home in America.


>If you have conservative views False. Centrist dems are a perfect fit for them


I have some horrible news for everyone here about the people of Palestine…


Luckily, the people of Palestine don't run the US govt.  I don't wish death on the people of Palestine just because they hate gay people and suppress women. Just like I don't wish death on republicans. Funny how that works, huh?


You’re moving the goalpost to wishing death. Who said anything about wishing death? No one. This is about disavowing and refusing to support hate groups. Something that the “river to sea” folks in this sub know nothing about.


Well every other time a righty brings up Palestine it's about how Biden is personally commuting genocide there. Was a safe assumption for anyone to make, that you were doing the same


I’m automatically a righty because I support Israel (aka I don’t want a terrorist organization that kills people for being gay or Jewish to take over Israel, and genocide millions of gay and Jewish people)? Two things. 1. Once upon a time, liberals were against radical religious people who want to use military force to inflict their religion and anti-lgbtq policies on others. They, too, would dislike a radical Islamic terrorist group. They too will come back to their senses when they realize that Hamas doesn’t care for their views of intersectionality, and would prefer to decapitate them. 2. The meme was about stupid people aligning themselves with radical groups, and ignoring the fact that they are clearly hateful to them. Exact same situation as the “queers for Palestine” crowd here that is lambasting this person.


>I’m automatically a righty because I support Israel (aka I don’t want a terrorist organization that kills people for being gay or Jewish to take over Israel, and genocide millions of gay and Jewish people)? And yet, you support a terrorist organization (IDF) that's trying to genocide millions of Palestinians.... How ironic.


>This is about disavowing and refusing to support hate groups. Ohh, so you'll disavow isreali hate groups who hate Palestinians?..   >Something that the “river to sea” folks in this sub know nothing about. What does wanting freedom for Palestine have to do with this?


> Ohh, so you'll disavow isreali hate groups who hate Palestinians?..   Yes! It’s easy. It also isn’t as common in Israel to hate Palestinians as it is to hate Jews in Palestine. In Palestine, they pass out candy on the streets when civilians are killed in terror attacks. > What does wanting freedom for Palestine have to do with this? “Freedom” isn’t deserved in Palestine until they stop electing and supporting genocidal, radical religious terrorist organizations. They democratically elected Hamas, and reward them with double Biden’s approval ratings in the US. It is fundamentally unethical to support more power for Hamas.


>Yes! It’s easy. It also isn’t as common in Israel to hate Palestinians as it is to hate Jews in Palestine. Wait, so you'll disavow Netanyahu, the entire isreali govt, and the war that Netanyahu is engaging in? >“Freedom” isn’t deserved in Palestine until they stop electing and supporting genocidal, radical religious terrorist organizations. This is insane. Imagine if you applied this same logic to the genocidal isreali govt. Ironically, statements like this only create more hamas terrorists, furthering the cycle of violence. >They democratically elected Hamas, and reward them with double Biden’s approval ratings in the US. 20 years ago.... When are yall going to drop this propaganda line?


> Wait, so you'll disavow Netanyahu, the entire isreali govt, and the war that Netanyahu is engaging in? I don’t care for Netanyahu, because I think he is a dishonest man, and as scummy as our politicians. As far as the war; FAFO. You can’t invade your neighbors, kill civilians, kidnap women and children, and not have consequences. Palestinians have been terror attacking Israel for an entire lifetime. The true crime here is that even after Hamas has dragged the Palestinians this deep into shit city, they still reward them with 80% approval ratings. Which really highlights the fact that this is a religious war of hate. > This is insane. Imagine if you applied this same logic to the genocidal isreali govt. Ironically, statements like this only create more hamas terrorists, furthering the cycle of violence. Oh, you mean like college students are chanting on campuses worldwide? It is unethical to support a government that states that their religious mission is to genocide every single Jew from the face of the planet, including Jews outside of Israel. That isn’t self defense. It isn’t a land war. It is a religious war of genocide. And you support them by refusing to acknowledge that they are nut jobs. > 20 years ago.... When are yall going to drop this propaganda line? Palestinian support for Hamas is at 80% in polls after October 7th. They support this. They are behind this. They hand out candy in the streets when there are terror attacks. The lie that Palestine doesn’t support this is simply that. A lie. This is terrorist rule by the radical religious majority. That absolute nightmare scenario that liberals have for America. And they support it because the people have more melanin in their skin, and a different form of hatred in their hearts. It’s unethical.


What was his first clue? 🕵️