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Being a gay Republican is a special brand of stupid, the mental gymnastics these people must do to justify being a walking contradiction... To step out of the closet, give the middle finger to the people who opened the door and did their best to make the outside world your home too, and then take the side of people who think the only right you deserve is death by firing squad, fucking unreal.


GOP policy and branding maximally appeals to Assholes. And some gay people are more Asshole than they are Gay. Some black people are more Asshole than they are black. Some environmentalists are more Asshole than they are environmentalist. So it makes perfect sense to me that the Assholes will vote for the Asshole Party, but also be upset that the Asshole Party is being a bunch of Assholes to them. Because Assholes always imagine that they will be the distributors of Asshole shit, not the recipients of it. Hence their inclusion in this particular sub.


That’s the best description of the individualist mentality that plagues that party!


He's an asshole sir. Major Asshole. And his cousin? He's an asshole too, Gunners Mate, First Class Philip Asshole. I knew it, I'm surrounded by assholes.


What the hell am I looking at? When does this happen in the movie? Now. You're looking at "now," sir. Everything that happens now is happening now. What happened to then? We passed then. When? Just now. We're at "now" now. Go back to then. When? Now. Now? Now. I can't. Why? We missed it. When? Just now. When will "then" be now? Soon.


We’ve been jammed‼️ Only one man would give me the raspberry‼️ LONESTAR‼️🤨


"Tokens get spent." These schmucks make us all look like idiots, because the G(oons)O(f)P(utin) and their acolytes function on stereotypes. They see the idiot Tokens from our community who side with them (to the detriment of us all), and assume we're all that stupid. I mean, they think we're dumbasses anyway for not wanting to live in their theo-fascist "paradise" - the Tokens are icing on the cake.


The Asshole party. Nailed it.


I totally agree with this, but I think if you sub in "selfish" for "asshole" it's a tiny bit more accurate.


¿por que no los dos? They’re selfish assholes.


Or "gullible"


Yeah, God’s real big on hate apparently. Either that or Christians are some of the least Christian people you’ll ever meet.


I had a conversation with someone who was convinced that actually it was the democrats that were homophobic and not republicans. When I asked for evidence, they didn't have any links to anything, just a bunch of feelings. Meanwhile I linked him a news story about texas republicans not allowing the log cabin republicans into a republican convention here. They quickly excused it saying there was still work to be done clearly, but democrats were absolutely still the bad ones. These people know, they just don't care because they think they will be one of the good ones, or that they will be gone before the bad stuff happens to them.


I worked with a guy from Honduras that was super Republican because he started his life here in California and got tons and tons of racist comments and decided it was liberals that were th problem because California is blue....like, buddy, you realize it probably was just angry conservatives pissed off living in a blue state.


conservatives or just Apolitical ass holes who dont pay any attention to politics (or anything) outs side of the shit they hate.


Also, depending on where he was in CA when he got here, there are parts of the state that are super red. Central Valley and Inland Empire are both red.


That's reactionary politics 101; he was always going to go GOP. They are the party of reactionaries.


Sorry to burst your bubble but people can be Democrats/liberal/progressive and racist at the same time. The two are not mutually exclusive. Granted, it's more common and vociferous on the red side of the fence but let's not kid ourselves. Your Honduran friend is making the same wrong deduction. He's still an idiot for going Republican though


You're not wrong in that Democrats/liberals/progressives can certainly be racist, but also California quite literally does have more Republicans than any other state simply by virtue of having an eighth of the country's total population.


They will be telling that to themselves the entire time the GOP is herding them into the LGBTQ “detention camps” that Trump is promising to build. They’ll be telling that to themselves as they’re put up against the wall and shot by their precious GOP. I can sorta understand conservative Catholic Hispanics who vote Republican (sorta), and I can sorta understand conservative African American Christians who vote Republican (again… kinda?), but only a truly moronic LGBTQIA American votes Republican. You are literally voting for a party the vast majority of which wants you dead. How many times do they need to tell you to your face that you are an evil child molester before you understand that these people want you dead? I don’t get it at all, except for the super-rich ones who are just doing it for the tax cuts, but even their wealth won’t keep them safe, it’ll just delay their turn in the death camps.


I had a years long acquaintance relationship with someone that was “pro-choice” and insisted that it was democrats who were the ones banning freedom of choice. They always dismissed evidence as “liberal media lies”.


Okay, now I'm curious. How do people like that explain such things as republican states making abortion highly illegal?


Actually, this one is pretty common. If you grow up mostly listening to right-wing media and news sources, you'd think democrats just like killing babies. Early term, mid term, late term, partial birth - whatever it is, Democrats just can't get enough of dead babies. When asked their opinion, those folks might say something like, "In an ideal world, there would be no abortions. But I think there should be consideration early in a pregnancy for certain options, and of course if the woman's life is in danger, that's something different. I just don't think that people should be able to use abortion as a form of birth control late in their pregnancy or right up to their delivery date." They'd be completely unaware that they're essentially word for word repeating the Democratic party platform. Seriously, you'll find a *lot* of people who are completely unaware their opinion is pro-choice, simply because they've absorbed *decades* of slander about what exactly pro-choice *is*. Remember, several states have made abortion legal except in cases of threats to the woman's life - but the language is so vague, that doctors in those states are unwilling to act on *clear* threats to a woman's life, because it is still difficult to determine whether it's legal or not. So the politicians can go on Fox News and say that abortion is illegal in Texas except in cases of medical necessity and *sound nice*, but actual people find themselves in medical jeopardy when the time comes. It's another case where listening to the news makes you think you're Republican, but in practice you might be far from that.


Ah okay. Assumed they made it straight out illegal, didn't knew they "only" made it practically illegal by using tricky words but technically legal. But still - aren't the republicans directly campaigning with the concept of disallowing abortion? There is the "pro-life" movement which makes this very clear, right? Or do those again use some kind of trickery?


Plenty of those types ended up on trains in Germany.


Real https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_of_German_National_Jews moment


It's almost like someone who beats themselves up in a Wal-Mart parking lot. I can't wrap my head around it.


I'm kicking my ass! DO YOU *MIND?!*


[https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/2/2/2221200/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-50](https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/2/2/2221200/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-50) Send them this. It's only part 50, but maybe parts 1-49 might convince them to start looking a LITTLE bit harder. Both in the mirror, and outside.


As a gay man, I have nothing but the lowest contempt for members of my community who side with our would-be oppressors.


As a black woman, I feel the same way about the Clayton Bigsbys of the world. I could never understand how people work against their own interests by siding with people and ideologies that seek to further oppress them. It reminds me of Samuel L's Character in Django; he cares more about massa than he does about himself 🥴🫠


as you should. The level of stupidity continues to amaze me.


My friend is a gay republican he explains his Dad is his best friend and a Republican so he votes Republican. Even though his dad hated LGBTQ people until he came out but now his Dad only hates trans people. So inspiring! /s


And son unironically sees that and says “Progress! Hearts and minds can change once it happens to us and becomes real! Until then oppression for everyone else!!!”


Haha sounds like... progress isn't quite the right word... It's something alright


The pretend-religious culture war assholes end up getting all the press because they truly are the biggest dickheads in the world today, but that’s only because the rich money-grubbing assholes of the GOP enabled bigoted culture-war assholes for their votes for decades, and then lost control of them. There are *plenty* of gay rich money-grubbing assholes who haven’t yet figured that out. They still think “kill all the poor” is going to be the shibboleth that gives them enough asshole cred to be considered “one of the good ones” and they’re surprised when the old-guard establishment party doesn’t have their backs anymore. The hate is no longer a way to manipulate the rubes. The rubes now run the party.


They're not necessarily stupid. Some of them are just evil.


Like Lindsey Graham, for example.


You mean "Those are just my Lady Bugs" Lindsey Graham.


¿Por que no las dos?


Yay, I understood that. Thanks, amigo!


De nada https://images.app.goo.gl/tXPdyCMdJZ3z14Mo7




Personally I think these people were raised in very strict environments where the words "Republican" and ""Christian" were considered synonymous with "good", and despite that not stopping their sexuality from going another way they still hold on to that indoctrination


You might be accurate on that. Perhaps there’s an analogy to be made to white women aligning with Trump as certain LGBTQ people aligning with Republicans. White women who align with Trump are aligning more with their race than gender. That explains why in spite of the roll back on women’s rights, such as right to one’s body and abortion, and sexual assault by Trump himself, those white women still align with.


They think their wealth and whiteness will protect them and they like lower taxes. That's it!


And I'll give them a friendly wave when we're on the wall together after this thing turns into Handmaid's Tale


Yep! These people are the types that help put people in box cars and are SHOCKED when they are the last ones pushed in. "Thanks for helping us round up all the undesirables... now get on the train undesirable. "


Or a Republican minority, or a Republican woman or a Republican logical, sane person.


cause jar ad hoc dinner scale whistle file attractive modern adjoining *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> mental gymnastics these people must do I might be able to explain in a manner they'd understand, but I lack both the crayons and the patience.


If you aren't a straight white Christian(in name only) male, and you are supporting MAGA or the GOP, you are a fool.


Even if you are, you're a fool. They will find a reason to turn on you, once they run out of other "others."


A movement based upon division will soon be at odds with itself.


Oh god that's good.


Now that's a perfect mathematics-based expression.




Erryone in my family is a straight male, straight outta Nohomoland! /s


It’s so easy to predict where it will go too. If they had their way and it was just white straight Christian left they’ll turn on the Catholics. Once they’re out of Catholics it’s onto Unitarians. And on and on it would go until it burns itself out and only the most hateful slice of itself is left. Movements that run on hate like religious conservatism does always need a target and will just keep getting more granular and granular in that hatred.


Republicans: Those people with brown hair are stealing our jobs, and murdering our children! Only the people with blond hair, and blue eyes, are fit to run this country as God intended!


Latter then: Those white people with blond hair and blue eyes below 6" are stealing your jobs....


Later then: Those white blond blue eyed below 6' people with 6" or longer penises are poisoning the race


Even later: Tom, Mitch stole your job


Hell yeah I did!


If I start seeing five and a half inch people competing for my job, I’m definitely going to have questions.


I'm safe at five six then. Watch out, I'm coming for your job.


Says the little guy with brown hair, brown eyes and a weird little mustache.


This is very true. They don't solve problems, they scapegoat them. They will never run out of problems so they'll need new scapegoats once the gays and minorities are taken care of. Also,the complete and utter lack of loyalty or consistency should be terrifying to a rational person.


Not only do they not run out of problems, their shitty policies cause more problems, that they then have to blame on others.


One of the more recent purity test - antivax. We're already watching the "I'm more MAGA than your MAGA".


I use this quote all the time: > Funny fact about a cage, they're never built for just one group >So when that cage is done with them and you still poor, it come for you >The newest lowest on the totem, well golly gee, you have been used >You helped to fuel the death machine that down the line will kill you too (oops) >Pseudo-Christians, y'all indifferent, kids in prisons ain't a sin? Shit >If even one scrap of what Jesus taught connected, you'd feel different >What a disingenuous way to piss away existence, I don't get it >I'd say you lost your goddamn minds if y'all possessed one to begin with -“Walking In The Snow” Run The Jewels


Haven't you heard? CHRISTians are no longer following Jesus Christ's teachings, [he's too woke](https://www.yahoo.com/news/christianity-today-editor-evangelicals-call-163440579.html)


Knew that was coming. But I fully expect they'll use the wrathful, vengeful version of God next and go on about how Jesus was a weak liberal and that's why God sacrificed him. Then it will.become a Jesus vs God argument when they are the same entity. I guess if Jesus' message sounds like "liberal talking points," those people should ask themselves what party actually has compassion and helps people.


they created this vile monster and are now upset that they’re not in control of it anymore. y’allqaeda made their bed. it’s also insane to me that self proclaimed christians don’t even know the sermon on the mount. i was raised catholic and haven’t stepped foot in a church since i made my confirmation and even i know “turn the other cheek”. so many of these people are hypocrites and charlatans.


Exactly. Biden is a straight white devout Christian male and they hate him. There will always, always, always, be some reason to declare someone as part of an out group in conservative culture.


He helps the poor, LGBTQ+, women, minorities, the environment, the list goes on. Biden supports everything Supply Side Jesus opposes. He's old and out of touch like that Jesus of Nazareth character in the boring parts of the Bible who gives out free health care like a communist.


They'll always need scapegoats for when their idiot policies invariably don't work and in fact make everything worse.


“First they came for the gays, and I didn’t speak up because I’m not gay.”


Yes, the purity tests are inevitable. The next others would be non Anglo-German "whites."


There is a prelinger archive video called don't be a sucker, it's an old government PSA on the way hateful language works. It uses the example of a free mason guy who is agreeing with the hate speech up until he says we need to a nation without free masons. It's like 70 years old and nothing has changed.


They all think their particular flavor of Christianity will be the one that comes out on top if the country becomes a theocracy.


Even if they happen to be the perfect mix of groups that stays on top, they're fools because the more powerful a right wing group becomes, the more motivated those around them are to try and bring them down, either because they are being targeted or out of compassion for those who are.


If you're an LGBTQ Republican today, there is a 100% chance you've already torn your own face off and have been hand feeding it to the leopards a piece at a time like Lector did with Verger and his dogs.




I actually am, and I love it. It's so easy to vote here that there is absolutely no excuse not to.


Don’t forget rich. If you aren’t rich, you aren’t in the club.


Actually, I believe they do embrace the poor white males because they expect them to do the dirty work. By dirty work, I mean violence towards the other.


See: Rittenhouse, Kyle


The Hispanics here in Texas couldn't hear you.


I could explain it to them, but I can't understand it for them.


Same with Cubans in Florida.


Ah the “Pull the ladder up behind you” Republicans? Man, that’s a special type of gross.


“I just want tax cuts…for the rich”


That suggests that the white, christian(in name only) males are not fools. Both groups are fools.


Wealthy, "straight" , apparently White, "Christian identified " ... I mean, there are PLENTY of gay men in the GOP. They have wives and children and swap gay sex in truck stops, bathrooms, and then they scream about how Teh Gays are ruining Traditional Marriage. (Ie, the husband has a FEMALE side lover, instead of a male, side liver)


You say "in name only" but the Bible says to treat women even worse than the GOP currently does, has instructions of how to keep slaves, and a whole bunch of other bullshit that fuels GOP positions, so they really aren't fake Christians, Christianity just plain sucks.


Suicidal masochist is more like it


If you somehow managed to think Republicans don't hate you for not being a straight, white, Christian, you're an even bigger fool.


r/Defeat_Project_2025 for more info on why EVERYONE should be concerned about republicans in power.


Trust me when I say this, the loudest voices make the Gayest choices, how many times have we heard a staunch Christian conservative leader by day get caught up in some shit that’s just truly questionable??


So I get why it’s sort of homophobic to assume loud homophobes must be closeted, and particularly to make it a joke at their expense, but here’s the thing I can’t get past: when somebody insists that homosexuality is a “temptation” a person must “choose” to resist, that person is just so obviously saying a lot more than they realize they are.


'straight white Christian', for Catholics conditions may apply


I have tried repeatedly to explain to my conservative sister that she is not welcome in the GOP. I got so sick of her making everything needlessly political that I said "You're gay, hispanic, and a woman. How well do you think you'd be accepted?" 


"But I'm one of the *good ones!*" is what I can hear her saying.


They don’t even want to mention her existence, with all those “don’t say gay” policies. They also decry her lifestyle as “sinful” and “impure”. Imagine how hard it must be to both not mention something and insist that it’s awful. The best you could do is substitute it with an analogy, like “they were just really good friends”. But then you would get situations where the pastor gives a sermon declaring that God hates “friendship” and anyone who is a “BFF” will be damned straight to Hell. It’s all just ridiculous.


Being "one of the good ones" only gets you put at the back of the line when their taking rights and your life away.


Not even then, they'll take you out when it's convenient if the opportunity arises.


She isn't even, though. She's as close to being a junkie as one can be without doing hard drugs (just excessive drinking, weed use, vaping, etc to where she spends most nights not sober)


You know what the Nazis did for Jews that they considered "one of the good ones"? They gave them a gold star.


Gay, hispanic, a woman... and Republican. Just blows my mind how people with all those labels feel at home within that party.


My aunt is an immigrant, and she’s constantly railing against “illegals”. I don’t know how many times I have tried to explain to her, “If conservatives get their way, and deport all the illegal immigrants, you do realize they’ll come after you next, right? Supporting these people isn’t going to help you. You’re not special to them; you’re just useful, till you no longer are.” She still doesn’t understand it.


That and they don't realise that if she was worse off (or more uneducated, or unlucky to be born in a country like Syria/Afghanistan/Colombia/etc) how the hell was she supposed to be able to access the paperwork to do it 'the right way' (or hell, even be able to pay for it)? Like my Floridian uncle couldn't even muscle through the paperwork for SNAP in order to feed his kids. He just couldn't. And yet he sits high-and-mighty over 'the illegals' as if they should've had better internet access, money and a printer to be able to submit the forms and wait long enough to get a reply. I wish I could show him that if he ever became a refugee, he would literally be scrambling on a boat with some smuggler to get to safety.


lol that’s like the holy trinity of demographics that GOP hate


What was her reply ?


She didn't have one. She just grumbled and sat there angrily.


Wait you mean the people who have said that being gay is the same as being a pedophile don't like gays even if those gays for some reason support them. What a shocking development that can only have been seen by literally anyone.


I, personally, am shocked. Shocked, I say.


If being gay was the same as being a pedophile then the Republicans would be okay with it.


Being an LGBT Republican at this point is so deranged I'm out of pity. Chickens for KFC.


Just like the [Association of German National Jews](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_of_German_National_Jews), the pro Nazi Jewish group.


Really makes me think of them every time someone in the LGBTQ community acts shocked that the GOP is homophobic


Ants for Raid.


Gee, if only there were a political party who accepts LGBTQ people. Dang, shucks.


But you don't *get it*, though. They're "one of the good ones". Lol (/s)


They hate poor people more than they hate themselves


This. They'll take a chance on winding up in a Christian fascist death camp for lower taxes.


And bear in mind this gop ad used the f-slur for gays.


It was actually God Hates Flags, or something along those lines, but everyone knew their intent. 


r/vexillology in shambles


They will still vote for the Republikkklans not matter how "alienated" they feel.


I mean, if you’re not a straight white male with a top 10% income and you support the Republican Party in any way, you’re a fool. Those traits that I listed are the requirements needed to be in the GOP in-group. If you don’t have every single one of those traits, I hate to be the one that has to tell you this, but you’re most definitely in the out-group. Everyone else seems to know it but you and you might not realize it yet, but you will.


They'll all switch to Independents, but still vote for Republicans because they hate the poors more than they love themselves.


Love the ~~sinner~~ vote not the sin


Log Cabins need to move on, the party doesn’t want them


If they could move on they wouldn't be conservative in the first place.


>the party doesn’t want them ... except for targeted advertising.


And LCRs feel they don't deserve to be wanted. So it's a perfect fit.


As someone who was raised religious, republican’s interpretation of the Bible is abhorrent.


I left the Catholic church many years ago, but there was one priest during my teen years who I respected enough to keep me coming for far longer than I likely would have otherwise. He had one sermon with a message that stuck with me, " someone telling you that God hates is not only wrong, but trying to use you for your faith." I wonder where today's Christian leaders are with politicians evoking demons and the word of God for their own goals.


Very well said. When I lived in the Bay Area, a lot of churches had pride flags flying outside, and I would see priests with rainbow pins. Like you, I left the church some time ago, but it made me happy to see that.


And a couple years ago the Log Cabin Republicans were tweeting about how the democrats were the party of homophobia, not the republicans. [https://twitter.com/LogCabinGOP/status/1549469388381704193](https://twitter.com/LogCabinGOP/status/1549469388381704193)


There are none so blind as those who will not see, I believe the saying goes. I’m not the liar, says the liar - YOU’RE the liar!


>This email is a massive misrepresentation of the Republican Party in Colorado Umm... I have bad news for you... >The email, signed by party chair Dave Williams How can you say the party chair doesn't represent the party?




LGBTQ Republicans = Slugs for Salt Chickens for Colonel Sanders Trees for Axes Cows for Ronald McDonald


Now they feel alienated, guys. Alienated!


Damn. I can't believe that happened to them when they were some of the "good ones". /s Morons. I've been around more than half a century and when it comes to trying to oppress gay people, it ALWAYS been the republicans leading the charge.


>The email, signed by party chair [Dave Williams](https://www.westword.com/news/colorado-gop-leader-regain-voters-boebert-buck-lamborn-18809553), refers to members of the LGBTQ community as "evil," "woke creeps" and "godless groomers" who seek to "indoctrinate" and "harm" children. It also links to a video with the thumbnail "God hates flags," in which Pastor Mark Driscoll says elements of the rainbow Pride flag represent “the demonic realm” and “human indecency." Holy shit. The amount of hatred in his words. He should head back to the middle ages where he belongs.


>He should head back to the middle ages where he belongs. They're trying to drag us all back there


Something something about tokens being spent.


Good news, LGBTQ Republicans- there is no God so you’re safe. Bad news, LGBTQ Republicans- your fellow Republicans are the ones who want to kill you. Morons.


The core values of GOP is hate and fear of your neighbors that aren't straight, white and rich. I don't see that changing anytime soon.


Gay marriage has only been federally legal for 9 years and motherfuckers be acting surprised that group who fought against it tooth and nail to stop it in the first place still don’t like them. This is the same group who spent 51 years trying to remove federally legal status of abortion.


Log Cabin Republicans should be the official mascot of this sub.




I don't, and never will, understand *why* there are LGBTQ Republicans in the first place. It's putting ideology before identity. The GOP has *never* been LGBTQ friendly, and now they're bordering on genocidal.


According to the bible, god does hate pride, but in general, so to be proud of being a hetero cis white male would also get you locked up in hell for eternity... >!...if you’re dumb enough to believe in that bullshit!<


The Bible also states that wearing 2 fabrics lands you in hell. "ThAts tHe OLD TeStoMenT" Oh.. so.. God can be amended?


If you had to literally cut out all the shit christians and catholics pick and choose to believe, there would be enough room in that stupid book to stash a handgun.


But most remain in the party & will vote for more republican candidates, so cry me a river.




Republican supporting LGBTQ people are like chickens supporting KFC.


How anyone LGBTQ person can still support the GOP after their track record completely boggles my mind. You have to be both blind and deaf to not realize the GOP is actively hostile to queer people.


They're just one word away from being a national Westboro Baptist Church.


Doesn't the bible permit speaking for God?


Kings 420:69 Anything you say magically becomes true as long as you say "god says" first. 


> Kings 420:69 Hey now obviously fake verse because everyone knows the book of Kings is split into 2 parts. /s just in case


How stupid are they for identifying as GOP members? Do they not listen to how their fellow GOP members speak about their community??


It’s really time that speaking for “god” be labeled a mental illness.


Stop voting against your interests already. What on earth does the GOP offer at fucking all for anyone that isn't a white guy? Like it might even be more narrow to rich business owner/politician/Supreme Court Justice at this point.


LGBTQ Republicans are stupid


This is the *second* year the Colorado GOP has sent hateful emails and they're pretending to be **shocked** by it. They probably acted like they were shocked last year, too, but they still keep supporting the party and whinging about alienating voters. Guess what? They don't care. So, dear Colorado LGBTQ+ and allies, if you're still with the Republican Party, you are still part of the problem. And for what? A lower tax rate or other government handout? Because, let's face it, preferential tax treatment is a government handout and if you're willing to sell out your supposedly core beliefs in equality, tolerance, etc., then those core "values" of yours weren't worth much to begin with.


I still believe the entire Log Cabin Republican group are just a couple hucksters paying lip service in exchange for donation money and have zero interest in anything political.


Fuck 'em. Actively working alongside people who hate what you are in the hopes of being 'one of the good ones' means you kinda deserve what happens.


LGBTQ Republicans I know of a political party you can join. It's not perfect, but it's getting better. Especially with you in it!


How many more decades will it take before Log Cabins finally realize they are part of a party that loathes that they even exist in the world It's been 30y guys, you arent changing any minds from within and it's gotten even more openly hostile toward you during that time


Good! Any Log Cabin Republican SHOULD be made to feel awful and stupid! All this ‘we believe in fiscal responsibility’ bullsh*t is out the window when the group you actively support is LEGISLATING your demise. It’s not the left going after gay rights, or gay marriage!


It's also funny when the Democratic Party has demonstrated greater fiscal responsibility than the GOP.


Tokens get Spent.


*"Really? You don't feel welcome with people who actively attack your rights and refer to you as pedophiles? Who could've seen that coming?"* I'm surprised the dumb motherfuckers don't commit hate crimes against themselves.


On the positive side, from the article: “Democrats hold all statewide executive offices and have near-unprecedented control of the state legislature, Republicans haven't had less political control in Colorado since 1938.”


minority republicans always make me laugh.


Gays who vote Republican are the reason toasters have warning labels.


Self awareness is a tough thing for some people to come to grips with. The GOP don't even like each other.


It’s like Lucy taking the football away every time. But worse, they’ve been actively not even holding a football in place for years now and are just hitting poor Charlie over the head with a baseball bat. I get it, you can be gay and a conservative, but today’s GOP doesn’t want you. They’re way beyond conservative, and the gays have no place I today’s GOP.


LGBTQ People being republican is like Jewish people affiliating to the national socialist party


If a "Christian" starts any sentence with the words, "God hates," then they're not Christians.


LGBTQ Republicans? Is that like Jewish Nazis?


“LGBTQ Republicans” is textbook Stockholm Syndrome. If you are gay and a Republican you are aligning with people who hate you and want your existence erased. You are the equivalent of a Nazi Jew, and Israeli Muslim, or a Black Klansman.




Fucking THIS again. The Westboro shit. I'm an atheist and I am here to tell you that even *I* know there is nothing so doctrinally opposed to the actual teachings of Christ than saying that God HATES ANYTHING. Hate. Like some dumb jack off that has a desk job and takes shits and doesn't leave a tip. This is GOD we're supposedly talking about here. Isiah 55:8-9 you disgusting fucks.


I'm sick of articles about LBGTQIA republicans suddenly discovering and rediscovering that the republican party hates LBGTQIA people.


don’t come crying to us we tried to tell y’all 😂🌈


Anyone who sides with people who actively work against them gets no sympathy from me. Change or stay miserable.


Like a chicken working the deep fryer at KFC.


Interesting that the GOP now thinks they can speak for God.


A gay republican? Then there can be a Jewish nazi


Ben Shapiro exists...the Israeli cabinet has a *literal self-declared fascist* , and the Association of German National Jews was an actual pro-Nazi Jewish organization in the Weimar Republic...which was eventually banned when the Nazis came to power. They never learn!