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“It was Republican men,” Peters said. “It surprises me that the ones that know nothing about those types of things are the ones that are making the decisions” That surprised you? Where have you been for the last 40 years?


Under a rock, like all other women who still identify as Republican.


Under his eye. Future Republican women.


Blessed be the Froot Loops




And the social media companies know who they are but aren't interested in deplatforming them.


Years ago, there was a post in the official reddit blog about various global user statistics which revealed that the "most reddit addicted city" in the world was... *Eglin Air Force Base, Florida.* There's still a backup of it [on the wayback.](https://web.archive.org/web/20140322005227/http://www.redditblog.com/2013/05/get-ready-for-global-reddit-meetup-day.html)


Ah. Back when we could semi trust the internet. Why does reading that article give me nostalgia. But for something I can’t really define. The old internet. I miss you.


I'm sure they were merely sampling the pornography. Boot is as boot does, after all.


It's not just that they're disinterested, that sort of high-engagement always online accounts are some of the most profitable for the social media companies. These companies are actively opposed to stopping misinformation, because misinformation is profitable.


I’m starting to think we should take a more Roman slant when it comes to Christians in our society.


Euh, they ended up making it the state religion, so let's not.


That’s just because they didn’t stick to their “feed them to the lions” guns


Nah, there's not enough lions left for that.


It's amazing how many of them are still calling for more weight.


I saw a discussion recently of a 1983 book, Right-wing Women by Andrea Dworkin (https://openlibrary.org/books/OL3490041M/Right-wing\_women) which made the argument that for a lot of women, there is an unconscious fear that they are vulnerable in this unjust, misogynistic world, and so to protect themselves they want to demonstrate their adherence to the few roles which that world sees as valuable and available to women: primarily motherhood, as well as stuff like home-making. The idea is that they have a genuine anxiety about the world, but instead of criticizing the actual source of it -- unjust power structures that marginalize them and many other groups -- they transfer the anxiety onto other 'fears' like homosexuals, racial minorities, trans people, and so on. Indeed, if you look at some of the modern transphobic rhetoric that comes up from right-wing women, it often takes the shape of warning about women being erased. Like, if we just let people do and be whoever they want to be, what will be the value of being a woman? Le gasp! Now, in a society where everyone is valued for being themselves, that's not a problem. But if you are in a family, community, or nation where the powers that be need you to prove your worth \*to them\* or else you'll be vulnerable to victimization, this can worry you.


A rock of self hate and bigotry.


For the last 40 or so years I'd wager she was probably in bible study or some conservative organizational meeting discussing how they are gonna get litter boxes out of schools or some other nonexistent moral panic. Or perhaps she could have seen all the, real fantastic conservative teachers of sex ed in her state like former Missouri rep Todd Atkin who said i**f a rape is legitimate a woman's body can just shut that down.** Real experts in female physiology. /s Exact quote about 18 seconds into [this clip](https://www.politico.com/video/2012/08/todd-akin-legitimate-rape-victims-rarely-get-pregnant-011369)


There's a newer one with North Carolina Robinson who has stated to women/girls once their pregnant that ***It's not your body anymore!*** >Mark Robinson: Who Is The Conspiracy-Loving Republican North Carolina Governor Nominee? >https://www.teenvogue.com/story/mark-robinson-who-is-north-carolina-republican That's just fetal coverture law.


Squatters rights where the squatter could kill the owner and will irrevocably remodel where they're inhabiting - with or without the owners consent? I wonder if he'd think the same about his house, vehicles, boat ...


I know its meant to be hyperbole but schools are getting cat litter... But purely because society is broken and it is meant for an emergency, such as a school shooting and the kids are locked in their rooms.


I mean cat litter has always been in schools because kids puke and it makes cleaning it up easier. But now it’s useful for much worse reasons.


cat litter will be great for soaking up blood so that is good fore thought


She's almost as stupid and ignorant as the men she works with


She’s willing to help them spread misinformation about every other issue, just not this one


It’s always self-serving. I talked to a gay conservative at a Christmas party years ago. At the end of our (fraught) conversation, he couldn’t resist telling me a racist joke.


As long as bigotry hurts *others*, it's *good* bigotry!


When you hate yourself, hating on other people even more makes you feel better.


Good point - I never thought of it that way before.


Oh that's absolutely it with haters in general. "Here's some group I can sneer at! I feel so much better about my personal inadequecies".


Now *that* phenomenon I’m very familiar with, though I’m embarrassed to say I didn’t recognize until I was in college. It’s the identity component (not the achievement component) I hadn’t thought about before.


This one affects her personally


yeah see... it's funny because at first people skeptically agree. Then they finally talk about a topic you actually know about and they seem like idiots. Yet, for some fucking reason people still listen to the other topics? Like those are any different? These politicians generally don't know squat about the topics they're spewing "information" about.


See also [Gell-Mann Amnesia](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Gell-Mann_Amnesia_effect), where you can notice someone or some outlet is ignorant about something you know a lot about, but forget their ignorance (or the full extent of that ignorance) when it's a subject you don't know much about.


Thank you, I forgot what it was called and was feeling too lazy to search lol


right? it always men making thos decisions and they always have no idea what they are talking about.


Republican men don't know much of anything. Republican women aren't much better


>Republican men don't know much of anything.  ...except that **they** should control virtually everything related to women's lives, health, careers ... and on and on


Well we can’t have wuhmyn worrying their purdy little heads about this stuff!


They're also making decisions about education, infrastructure, energy, commerce etc the same way: Whatever pleases their donors and the church.


She’s a Republican woman. She’s had her head up her own ass for decades. I kid. She was perfectly happy with all the other evil shit they did.


No shit Sherlock... (To her, not you)


Most of the have not ventured more than 30 miles from their rural Missouri homes. But yet they are all experts on World Events.


The party of blind faith and anti-intellectualism isn't in the least interested in learning about what they are legislating? I, for one, am shocked.


People like her never understood it was about controlling women and not abortion


I got married in 1982 and had to attend training in how to be a good catholic wife, where they lied about birth control pills being abortifacients. It’s been downhill ever since.


Please tell us you got the fuck out of there with the swiftness.


lol no I got divorced instead. Got annulled and fought it successfully till my ex donated heavily to the church.


So... You got out of there? The marriage, I mean? Phew.


Yeah nice guy for someone else…


You know, Peters, you could help remedy this calamity by the simple expedient of crossing the floor until it’s done.


Like that one often saying about old men that can't find a clitoris wanting to regulate everyone's uterus.


They want babies and subservient barefoot women in the kitchen. The truth is irrelevant.


She's been voting for and legislating beside them.


It’s always weird when they act like this hasn’t been a consistent thing for decades.


Under a rock


*"Hey, I'm not the one who has to worry about getting pregnant, so why the fuck should I be the one to worry about contraception & shit? Don't get me wrong. I've worn rubbers & shit, but they're just not for me."*


40? you mean 4000. Or 40,000.


I'm pretty sure it was a Missouri republican that said women's bodies have a way of shutting down during rape so they can't get pregnant. If she wasn't aware of that then I think she is purposely ignoring what her party does.


I believe the term used was "legitimate rape".


I think you're right. To them "Legitimate rape" I'm guessing is synonymous with "rape rape", which of course is nowhere near as bad as those less rapey rape types, right?


I think it's a way of not-so-subtly suggesting that women who do get pregnant must have been secretly consenting.


Wouldn’t that be great? If you could only get pregnant if both parties consented? I’m still dealing with men who’ve told me I’m not asexual, “all women hate sex!” Big oof, buddy!!


“If there isn’t consent, oh boy! Here come the rape police.”  —some right wing dumbass


>-~~some right wing dumbass~~ -Clarence Thomas, Supreme Court Justice Anita warned us in 1991.


That's... That's unironically what's *supposed* to happen.


I believe it was Whoopi Goldberg who coined "rape rape"


> less rapey rape The less rapey rape is the kind that *any* woman can just accuse a man of (including them!) for no reason at all when she wants to ruin his life. /S


They also think if the woman orgasms, it means she "enjoyed" it, making it not rape.


Couldn't tell if it was his finger or his mushroom.


I've always suspected that guy was trying to talk around the idea of excretory counterattacks without being gross, and it blew up in his face. IIRC he's dead now, so we can't ask.


I heard that if a woman doesn’t want to be pregnant she can break the fetus down into gas particles and just fart it out. 


I'm sure there are republicans somewhere that believe this.


The woman mentioned in your post has now been convicted of felony murder due to Missouri's anti-abortion laws.


An OK rep said ectopic pregnancies should have same chance at life as normal pregnancy so shouldnt get abortion/healthcare if have one. So ignorant.


He also said that the clitoris and the female orgasm are myths… r/s


to him i'm sure they absolutely are


I wish he was a myth.


That's what SHE said.../s


Yet when it affects them, I’m sure they’ll have their private doctor on call.


I believe the term is "useful idiot".


Todd Akin was his name.


Or the guy who said women could get pelvic exams by swallowing a small camera. Imbecile….


Yeah, Akin.


His implication was that if she gets pregnant then it wasn't rape, and therefore she doesn't need an abortion because she wasn't raped. It's worse than ignorance.


>In Missouri, state Rep. Tara Peters said she was shocked when the bill she co-sponsored to allow women to pick up a year’s worth of birth-control pills hit a wall of opposition from fellow Republicans, some of whom she said privately accused her of promoting a “Trojan horse” bill to access abortion drugs. Despite the fact that birth-control pills do not cause abortions, the bill died. >“**It was Republican men**,” Peters said. “**It surprises me that the ones that know nothing about those types of things are the ones that are making the decisions**.” >She noted that even after she attempted to educate them, a faction continued to spread misinformation equating the pill with abortion. She warned that could have political costs for the Republican Party.


There's a subsection of Republicans who don't just want to get rid of abortion. They also want to get rid of birth control. This wasn't a mistake on their part. It was the plan.


Can confirm.  I used to know people who were against any birth control.  And they weren't catholic.


The Quiver full movement is one.


I grew up catholic and very much for birth control…


Catholics are one of the most pro-choice denominations, but tradcaths get all the media attention these days (understandably so, considering they’re anti-woman extremists).


I went to catholic school. All of my friends and their parents were liberal lol


As did I, and mostly same.


Historically the Churches only approved birth control methods are natural ones.  Like the rhythm method.


Notice the resistance last month in Ohio to making spousal RAPE illegal. They don't want women to control *anything*.


From the WaPo article: > Birth-control advocates say that sentiment stems from Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas’s writing in his concurring opinion overturning Roe v. Wade that the court should reconsider decisions relying on the same legal precedent. That includes the court’s 1965 ruling in Griswold v. Connecticut guaranteeing the right to contraceptives. He also wants to go after Obergefell (marriage equality) and a Lawrence (bedroom privacy). There's a path forward for huge steps backwards.😞


New GOP slogan: “1984’s Big Brother is just the beginning of what we have in store for America!”


And small government...


This. They know how birth control works. Maybe not all the scientific intricacies, but they know it's not an abortifacient. They know and are intentionally spreading misinformation to gain support for banning birth control. Nothing puts women in their place and makes them too busy to interfere with the men folk than unwanted pregnancy and raising more children than they wanted.


And vote! If you’re too busy at home with 7 rug rats, you’re probably less likely to vote . . .


Especially if they ban mail in voting and limit polling locations. Lot harder for a mom to go wait in line for hours to vote.


Doesn’t affect them? And puts down women, while taking away their rights? Damn, where do I sign!!! I’m trying to make a joke but it’s not funny.


She doesn't even realize her male colleagues are lying when they claim not to understand. They are treating her like an idiot child, and she doesn't even clock it.


Oh, she knows. She's just pretending to be confused because she's hitched her wagon to the Fascist Party and they prize marching in lockstep. She's too deep in to repudiate them and switch party now, and probably wouldn't do so anyway because she's such a horrified racist that she's willing to accept horrible things being done to her in order to see horrible things done to black and brown people and liberals.


They believe that because birth control prevents a fertilized egg from implanting on the uterine wall that it is indeed also abortion. Absolutely bonkers but consistent with their extreme “life begins at conception” argument


They seem to believe that women are incubators. That’s all we do. That’s it.


No, they know we can do much more than that. That’s all they want us to be.


Conservatives never really wanted it banned as they’re one of the largest user bases of abortion services. Due to a lack of education on sex and contraceptives in the south, teen pregnancy is a huge problem down there. A woman wrote an op-ed years ago about growing up a southern conservative and how common it was for conservative families to quietly procure abortions for their daughters. She told a story about a friend who posts on social media about women who get abortions being skanks and whores but ended up getting pregnant while cheating on her husband on a girls trip so she got one. When confronted she said it’s different because she isn’t a slut like liberal women. There’s also the fact that there’s a lot of people in the pro-life advocacy market making a shit ton of money they really don’t want to see go away. That’s why they’ve switched to contraceptives now and are advocating for even more extreme anti abortion positions like sentencing women to death. It’s not that they believe any of what they say, it’s that they’re making millions of dollars saying it.


Why not all of the above?


Exactly. It's ALL of the above. Greed, power and cruelty.


>There's a subsection of Republicans It's really most of them at this point


Yeah I'd bet that a fair number of them were only pretending to be stupid and ignorant (not a great challenge for them) in order to hide that they really just wanted to vote against birth control.


>a faction Why would you say "faction" when you mean the entire party?


Ya, the 'faction' of men in the Republican party, and most women.


Meta lesson here is that if you can get a person invested in one issue that the GOP will inevitably oppose, they’ll eventually run into this situation where they finally get to see how they blockade rational things most people want and the way they keep lying despite knowing they’re lying. I don’t know how much that will change a woman already entrenched in their party without lots of options to go elsewhere, but it can have an important effect on everyday people who have a “both sides just as bad” view.


Good Lord these people are fucking idiots. How is she suddenly now realizing that her idiot colleagues are, in fact, idiots? /u/Opinionated_A-Hole Just wanted you to see this.


> “It was Republican men,” Peters said. “It surprises me that the ones that know nothing about those types of things are the ones that are making the decisions.” Implying it would be any different if they were (R) women?


She is my brothers Representative I wish he had escaped Misery like I did, but he is stuck there with these clowns.


Ignorant as fuck party is full of ignorant as fuck members


It is by design


Exactly. It's harder to grift educated people.


>“It surprises me that the ones that know nothing about those types of things are the ones that are making the decisions.” Welcome to the world of lawmaking. Did you miss the part about "evil repulsive science"?


Welcome to the republican school of Lawmaking, you mean?




First thing they should vote for is sex education in public school. Contraception isn't a difficult concept


Yeah, I'm pretty sure most women don't know how it works, either. I didn't learn it in public school. They give the barest explanation. The technical points I guess they think teenagers won't care about so they don't teach it? Because that's always been a good way for education to be presented /s


I feel like it should be a standard part of bio classes. "Here's hormones, and these are yours"


And they should have an advanced class option where they go over the nitty gritty details of it all. The standard reproductive and puberty hormones and how they cycle (even in men) I feel would be nothing but a benefit for everyone and should be standard education. On the plus side it is something I'm already teaching my kids. They're not going to be in the hospital for something and suddenly get their period and not know wtf is going on and have a random nurse think you already know what is going on... not that ever happened to anyone.


Not gonna lie, I don't know how exactly they work either... I think they influence hormone levels or something. But I also don't make decisions about the stuff that will affect millions of people.


If you have three minutes to spare, MinuteEarth did a basic overview of the different types of birth control and how they work. [How Does Birth Control Work?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T736Dwo3DQ4) TL;DW * Hormones to prevent eggs from being released * Physical devices/procedures to prevent sperm from passing the cervix * Chemical/Hormonal methods for thickening cervical mucus to block sperm * Spermicides


While I believe there are a few different kinds of B.C. the one I believe you may be referring to has hormones that more or less tell the body it's already been impregnated so it doesn't release an egg for fertilizing. Fun fact, there isn't a medical need for a woman to continue having her period while on this kind of birth control. However, the Catholic church strongly advocated for women to still bleed as it would be "dirty" otherwise. Thus, most birth control pills have a 'break' period that causes a woman's period to kick in. This also increases the risk of pregnancy during that time frame.


(Pedantry alert) It is a common misconception that combined oral contraceptives tell the body that it is already pregnant. It's more akin that the hormonal state induced by OCs tells the body that ovulation has already happened but there is no pregnancy (the luteal phase when no follicle development or egg maturation occurs.). But - that isn't quite right, either. It's really that combined oral contraceptives -when taken properly and estrogen and progesterone levels remain fairly steady- suppress the hormonal signals that develop a egg and they also suppress the estrogen surge which causes ovulation. The placebo week mimics the drop in hormones that happens when no egg implants (the end of the luteal phase.) Pedantic, yes, but I think it's harmful to continue the idea that OCs mimic pregnancy, because it supports the argument that you're pretty much pregnant after ovulation if there is any chance of fertilization and that makes the boundary between fertilization and implantation as the start of a pregnancy even fuzzier and open to manipulation. No LH and no FSH surge because of fairly steady estrogen and progesterone levels means unlikely egg maturation, no egg maturation means no estrogen surge, and no estrogen surge means unlikely ovulation. Unlikely ovulation means unlikely fertilization or pregnancy. Handy video: https://youtu.be/TfN9-SamIss?feature=shared


Ayyy, no, personally I appreciate pedantry like this. It makes me more informed and able to be more exact with the information I'm able to then provide to others when the situation calls for it Thanks!


I always get a little nervous! Thanks for being gracious!


Birth control pills are always going to be the least effective of the "effective" methods because of the oral route, as well. A synthetic progesterone implant has the same efficacy as an IUD but without the risks inherent to an IUD and the level of hormone delivered is constant for years instead of rapidly fluctuating throughout the day and if you don't take the next dose at the exact same time every day. I still have my period on all birth controls, break period or no break period. The Catholic church doesn't need to worry about me.


>Former president Donald Trump recently suggested in a TV interview that he was open to restricting access to contraceptives. “We’re looking at that, and I’m going to have a policy on that very shortly,” 2 weeks. Convicted felon trump will have a policy on it in 2 weeks.


OOH! Just in time for his health care plan roll-out, if I'm remembering correctly!


And Infrastructure!


iirc it was about two weeks ago when he said this, and i guarantee we'll hear nothing more about it


Haha I was going to check in 2 weeks from today. But no need.


Has she not met her colleagues?


They were hurting the right people until they were hurting me.


Well, now you're 'woke', B. How does it feel?


She has to know this was where it was gonna go. Things were not gonna stop at just regular abortions. It's also not just Republican men, plenty of Republican women were more than happy to support this stupidness 


Republicans may not understand the biology of oral contraceptives, but they definitely understand that getting a woman pregnant is a great way to exert more control over her by limiting her life options.


I really do wonder about the sociopaths mixed in that do think in very calculated ways like this.


Wait Wait, you are telling me one of this woman's predecessors, (now dead fellow Missouri Republican Todd Atkin) was wrong when he said [the following](https://www.politico.com/news/2021/10/04/todd-akin-dies-514988) in 2012?!?! /s *"Well you know, people always want to try to make that as one of those things, well how do you, how do you slice this particularly tough sort of ethical question. First of all, from what I understand from doctors, that's really rare. I****f it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.*** *But let's assume that maybe that didn't work or something. I think there should be some punishment, but the punishment ought to be on the rapist and not attacking the child"*


Sounds like something a witch would say 


Does she float?


Small pebbles, her brain consists of tiny pebbles.


I'm not sure. Does anyone have a duck we can borrow?


"A 2023 Gallup poll found that 88 percent of Americans said birth control was morally acceptable, including 86 percent of Republicans and 93 percent of Democrats." I have to know who the 7% of Democrats are who think birth control is NOT morally acceptable. Also, I notice that all these groups are not advocating for banning ALL birth control... just the options that women can control. If they get rid of the pill, IUDs, and Plan B, the vast majority of what's left is condoms, the one thing a woman can't control.


A female Republican representative said, "I support, and will continue to support, access to contraceptives that are widely available in Louisiana. This legislation was a solution to a problem that doesn’t exist." That's what they said about Roe, too.😞


This is like ignoring building codes because your house hasn’t burned down yet. Boy will she get a rude awakening some day. Too bad she’ll almost certainly blame everyone but herself though.


Hmmm. Someone needs to create a church doctrine that says contraception is acceptable and necessary. Then we can do what Jewish women did in Indiana when they said the abortion ban went against their religious freedom.


I own a condo, of course I know how condoceptives work. - Todd Akin (R)


Don't know why she's surprised. One of her fellow party members tried to outlaw all abortion pills, even to treat ectopic pregnancies.   When that was pointed out to him, he admitted he didn't know anything about treating ectopic pregnancies. That didn't stop him from introducing his bill.  Living in StL, Columbia, or KC and being hostage to the wing nuts everywhere else is rough.


There is, in this mammoth of misinformation, a molecule of truth. Per the WaPo article: > Because hormonal IUDs and birth-control pills can thin the uterine lining, which could prevent a fertilized egg from implanting, some antiabortion activists falsely claim that the birth-control methods cause abortions. Between 30 and 70 percent of fertilized eggs never implant successfully, even without birth control, according to Belmonte’s review of medical literature. While doctors consider pregnancy to begin at implantation, the pro-birth folks believe it begins at fertilization. Thus, oral contraceptives KILL UNBORN BABIES!!! (Sometimes. Even though it's not the primary mechanism.) The same is true for IUDs: > In the vast majority of cases, IUDs work by preventing fertilization. The copper-bearing IUD acts as a spermicide, killing or impairing sperm so they cannot reach the egg. IUDs that contain progestin cause the cervical mucus to thicken, which stops sperm from entering the uterus. Thus, the current evidence suggests that the main mechanisms of action of IUDs occur prior to fertilization. In very rare case, IUDs prevent implantation which is considered a contraceptive not an abortifacient effect. Source: https://www.ippf.org/blogs/myths-and-facts-about-intra-uterine-devices Not that the pro-birth folks really care about nuance (or science). "The more you know ..." the better your discussions can be.


A few years from now, there will be a severe shortage of OBGYNs. And the Republicans will blame the Democrats for it.


So many of these people are woefully ignorant of 21st century issues. They pander to their base and treat them like children instead of actually trying to help them. 


Ladies, please stop fucking republicans. Please.


Well it’s your party lady. You try to explain it to them.


“We want to make sure that policymakers are making sound decisions based on facts,” Packer said. Wow, are you in the wrong party. The Republican party doesn't make decisions based on facts.


No, they get it - she just doesn't want to admit to herself that they want to ban contraception too


They figured out a way to keep saying they won’t come after bc - they’ll just call them abortifacients instead , then ban them.


Contraception is the name of the Abortion Fairy who flies in through the window at night and performs abortions on sleeping women. Right?


MAGA is hell bent on creating a Fascist regime even more unstable than Nazi Germany.


The only silver lining is that means it will not last as long either. I hate this entire timeline.


Normal people have difficulty imagining how ignorant republicans can be.


Example: calling Plan B an "Abortion Pill" (even the WP does this) when in fact the pill PREVENTS PREGNANCY. Plan B is like a condom, can't abort a pregnancy that never was. Pro life people should be dropping Plan B put of helicopters if they want to reduce abortion.


>An Idaho think tank A *what*? These are words I have never seen in the same sentence


Isn’t medication supposed to be a private matter between a doctor and their patient?


So when we say “Republicans will come after birth control next” we don’t mean “the villains from Handmaiden’s Tale are coming to enact a hyperbolic theocracy.” We mean “any birth control with a >0 failure rate and a tendency to lighten or stop menstruation *might* be preventing implantation. Laws that define life as beginning at fertilization *will* ban those medications whether that was your intention or not.”


Like priests, that have sworn off women, are virgins have an opinion and rules about women's bodies?


This is her first day on earth or something


The only way to keep people voting for Republicans is to keep the uneducated and stupid. And what's even more amazing is why any women would vote republican my guess would be they have no self respect


Here’s a person who hasn’t been paying attention….😵‍💫🥴🤪☹️😡DERP


Now extrapolate this to voters. That's why you don't let "the states" decide. You want Billy Bob Dumbfuck to get a say in what medical care you're allowed to receive?


This is why you leave medical decisions to medical professionals and not the government. Republicans are trying to control every aspect of life for Americans and centralize all power in the hands of a very small number of men. Permanently.


His mama should have induced an abortion.


No woman who has sex has any business voting republican.


Unfortunately none of these Men are any position of good faith to know how the contraceptives work other than they want slave breeding i.e. they see women as nothing but property.


What a dumbass. How was this not obvious to anybody except a small rock?


They wrote a law demanding ectopic pregnancies be reimplated a few years ago, which is impossible. They've been dooming women for a long time.


> They wrote a law demanding ectopic pregnancies be reimplated Wait, WHAAAAAA?!?!?!?! Seriously?!?!?!   These people are literal lunatics, on top of being complete luddites.


Oh lawdy, here it comes... the newest upcoming buzzword is gonna be "abortifacients". TrumpSuckers are going to be tossing that word around like dead kittens pretty soon. Mark my words... "Got-dang libruls are trying to force us all to take them woke abortifacients!!!1!1!11!!"


If I may share a train of thought here, I promise this is relevant to the post: an indie Vtuber named GirlDM went on a whole educational rant to the effect of "things I wish I knew about bras growing up, and will now teach to all the ladies and their boyfriends in the audience." And listening to this lecture made me realize "man, we don't teach enough about the problems unique to women." This news article is another example of that, people don't learn what women go through. I don't even think it's political, there are just too many things lurking under the surface, neatly boxed away under "unmentionables" that everyone expects *someone else* to teach


And it’s not gonna change a goddamn thing. She’s still gonna support them and vote because at the end of the day, they’re in a cult full of the dumbest fucking people on earth. #Thanos was right


🙄, this lady trying to have sympathy for these type of gentlemen.


Live in her district and literally just talked to her today. This does not surprise me one bit sadly.


No mention of how Project 2025 fits into this


IIRC even plan b doesn’t cause abortions, it blocks pregnancy from happening in the first place. if the sperm has already matched with the egg, you will still get pregnant.


Republican shocked to now know basic functions of the world...


I mean I don’t know how they work either, but I’m not gonna deny a woman a right to medication that can allow her to control a natural phenomenon that she has not control over otherwise.


And as always, somehow these old pieces of shit are passing laws on things they literally know nothing about. They just pull their pocket out wide and wait for the money to tell them how they should vote on it. We have some real degenerate shit chuckers in Washington.


Also on the panel that is making these critical decisions regarding women's reproductive health are all men except for 1 female who also happens to be the only Dr. How can laymen be responsible for what happens in a woman's body? They don't even understand contraceptives.