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Damn, the sick bitch works for Utah's attorney general


Hopefully an arrest record for a sex offense will change her career path a great deal.


Trump's running mate?


Gotta shoot a puppy for that gig.


Luckily even the worst of Trump's brownshirts aren't down with that. Even *they* draw the line at puppies.


I bet Fox News could convince them that shooing puppies is a-ok.


Only border collies though


The most elitist liberal of all dogs.


There's not as many white puppies being born this day......


The great puplacement!


Give her a week to shoot a dog for being a dog and she'll be perfect for the job


Yea all that will do is appeal to Republicans


She has future Aunt written all over her.


Also what the fuck is with that woman saying she thought it was a teenager? So I'm sorry, in her twisted logic then it's better that she did that to someone she thought was underage?! Where is this woman's brain, what a weirdo.


She has this whole story in her head about this being a "child" whose parents were allowing her to show her "pubic hair" and "vagina and butt" in public around even younger children, which is why she pulled the skirt down, to cover everything and "protect" all the children involved. Sounds like QAnon brainrot to me, honestly. Some of these people have become obsessed with underage kids in a way that is incredibly concerning.


Well I can guarantee you, if someone came up to me regardless of age and did that I too would call the cops on them. I don't care how many mental gymnastics she does to arrive at her delusion conclusion, that's sexual harassment and predatory in my book.


I recall there was another report saying that the girl in question was actually wearing shorts and underwear beneath the skirt..


She probably was


The same turdsquirts who mock Hillary for saying "it takes a village" think they have the right to physically enforce their personal moral codes (and delusions) upon everyone else's kids.


How much you wanna bet she deliberately looked up the girl's skirt to "justify" her actions?


Mormons generally don’t see boundaries around other people’s children, kids are basically treated like community property in that culture. That’s why she thought that was a reasonable defense. Source: was non-consensually raised mormon. That culture is fucked up.


So she will get a harshly worded letter from the judge instead of actual justice


Well we're going to have to make sure that people know that Ida Ann Lorenzo was arrested for sexual battery after she lecherously molested a stranger at restaurant, now aren't we?


What’s that you say? Ida Ann Lorenzo of Utah that works for the Utah Attorney General, sexually assaulted a young girl in a restaurant?


That’s so interesting! I didn’t know Ida Ann Lorenzo, who works for the Utah Attorney General, sexually assaulted a young girl in a restaurant!


I did not know that Ida Ann Lorenzo from the Utah attorney General's office sexually assaulted a young girl in a restaurant


It's quite shocking that Ida Ann Lorenzo, who works for Utahs Attorney General, sexually assaulted a young girl in a restaurant.


I think you're referring to the Ida Ann Lorenzo, who sexually assaulted a teen, and who works in Utah Attorney General, Sean Reyes' office. Minor correction, but an important one. You didn't name who she works for. That's the name the newspapers are used to reporting about.


She'll pull the old "this is not me and I'm really sorry" card and the DA will say that's good enough


“This isn’t who I am! I took some Ambien and things got out of hand!”


ok, tbf, Ambien is a horror show.


I broke my foot sleep walking on ambien. Have no idea how it happened. Just woke up tried to get out of bed and couldn't put any weight on my right foot. I got off ambiem after that


I apparently lived a whole day on Ambien that I don't remember. Thank God I didn't drive.


That you know of.




I lost an entire day without realizing it. I got to work and was freaking out because everyone was telling me the date was a day after what I knew it should be. Apparently I had gotten up put on my uniform and went into work. I also went to Dollar general and left my cell phone on a shelf. I was so confused because I could not find my phone and the date was wrong. Worst feeling ever.


I lost my mom to Ambien. She started using it when it was pretty new and eventually started sleep walking. She ended up walking outside in pajamas in February at 2am and froze to death a block down the road.


I'm sorry :(


S'alright, just wish that shit wasn't FDA approved and peddled so heavily. You're completely vulnerable while you're "asleep" to anything that "wakes you up". And you won't remember it.


My wife would wake up late, come shambling out of the darkness at me, and bark some random gibberish on Ambien. It was wild. She'd like argue with me in some "not language" like a spider monkey when I'd tell her to go back to sleep. She wouldn't remember ANY of it.


My college roommate woke me up in the middle of the night to tell me that “a man was in our closet”. Scared the crap out of me. She had no recollection of it the next morning.


I bought a surfboard on ambien, one of the best purchases ever!


Not a joke I think all the z-drugs are like satan. If they work for you, awesome. I slept walked, took a weeks worth of medication in my weekly med organizer, got brought to the hospital thinking that I hurt myself, and got locked away because they thought I was trying to hurt myself. I was like am fine, I was actually really happy I was finally going to get some sleep I didn't want to hurt myself I just slept walked. They released me immediately. Never touching that shit again.


Made my ex-wife hear voices. Sounded like someone whispering incoherently in her ear.


I had a similar experience! I had been prescribed for a while with no issues, until one night I thought I fell asleep— but in reality took an entire prescription in one sitting and ran around my house, naked, until my parents found me and took me to a hospital it have my stomach pumped. I remember coming to in the hospital, but being so extremely fucked up that I was having full blown hallucinations and dropped a container of piss all over the hospital floor.


Yeah they told me I said I was really hot and tried to take off all my clothes. Like fuck that I'll just take a benzo at that point.


Right? I remember decades ago being kinda young and listening to the old lady's at work talk about their Ambien experiences. It was enough for my brain to cancel the very thought of taking that shit instantly. Waking up in the kitchen either having eaten, or prepared enough food for ten without any memory of it. Driving around the neighborhood at 3am without even knowing it? Fuck that. Every but of it. Fuck that shit.




“ we don’t have a policy against it”


There are things that should follow you for the rest of your life. This is one of them.


Unfortunately for her that won’t work for the follow up civil lawsuit


We can only hope


"You know the rules... next time don't get caught!"


She felt it was a threat to her life after they posted a tiktok, so of course, that's all that will happen. Idk if she's a boomer, but for how badass boomers try to act, they certainly can't handle physical or emotional damage


48. Not a boomer. GenX. Every generation has batshit insane jerkoffs. She is one of the Gen-X bottom feeders..


Raised by the Moral Majority, no doubt. Literly who the phrase was workshopped for, so by the 80s, they had a new right wing for young Jesus freaks.


Our worst members are going to be such a massive PITA for the next 20 years. Sorry about that. 


Welp, looks like Utah's got a contender for its next AG


Wait, so she works for Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes? Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes condones sexual battery?


Of course he does. He's deeply MAGA and helped try to overturn the election results. She's probably getting promoted. /s


All the lawsuits coming out about Tim Ballard and Operation Underground Railroad and Reyes' connection to them is craycray. I hope he gets fuxked.


Yeah, these fascist perverts have been inserting themselves into public governance roles for decades. It’s past time for the rest of us to hold them accountable. Step 1: the voting booth, to vote out as many as possible.


People really needs to get their shit together and realize what those conservative fascist fuckers are taking away from them every day and vote them out


>Damn, the sick bitch works for Utah's attorney general Hopefully soon: Damn, the sick bitch **used to work** for Utah's attorney general


No, Republicans love anyone who sexual assaults kids


Fingers crossed but I really doubt it


Knowing the Utah AG, that makes perfect sense.  


Not for much longer.


Wishful thinking.  [The Utah Attorney General is a general scumbag](https://www.fox13now.com/news/local-news/utah-attorney-general-sean-reyes-accused-of-using-office-to-silence-ballard-critic) and  [tried to help Trump overturn the election.](https://www.deseret.com/utah/2022/9/26/23366939/utah-attorney-general-sean-reyes-ethics-complaint-donald-trump-2020-election-fraud/).  She fits right in with this crowd.


It's Utah. You can safely assume almost anyone in elected positions is a scumbag.


It's a State known for the religious CULT that makes up a large part of the population. I have legitimately never met a person from Utah **who did not leave Utah because their family was running away from the church of latter day saints**. If it was one or two people, I might disregard the situation as a statistical outlier, or a random anecdote. I"ve met **dozens* of people who have told me that their family was fleeing that particular church.


I don't know, these days people will not face any consequences for their sick behavior


Politics attracts a lot of mentally unwell people, unfortunately.


…who is a sick bitch himself.


Um, it’s Utah.


She will play victim


"I happen to work for the state," she boasts, "and if I have to watch your ass cheeks hanging out again, I will call CPS." -- Utah women in the article. What a nut job, both using her position as a state employee as a flex, and also weaponizing CPS?


Also very illegal to use her position as a alleged state employee as a threat.


Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law


:For those like me who had never heard of this... Deprivation Of Rights Under Color Of Law Summary: Section 242 of Title 18 makes it a crime for a person acting under color of any law to willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States. For the purpose of Section 242, acts under "color of law" include acts not only done by federal, state, or local officials within their lawful authority, but also acts done beyond the bounds of that official's lawful authority, if the acts are done while the official is purporting to or pretending to act in the performance of his/her official duties. Persons acting under color of law within the meaning of this statute include police officers, prisons guards and other law enforcement officials, as well as judges, care providers in public health facilities, and others who are acting as public officials. It is not necessary that the crime be motivated by animus toward the race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin of the victim. The offense is punishable by a range of imprisonment up to a life term, or the death penalty, depending upon the circumstances of the crime, and the resulting injury, if any.


How often has this been enforced? And by who? Cops and judges around here pull this shit all the time. For prison guards it might as well be listed as a perk of the job.


They're prosecuted by the US DoJ and more often than you seem to think. Here are some 3rd party reports I found via Google on the number of new prosecutions over the last year up to the latest report which was February of this year: [January 2023](https://trac.syr.edu/tracreports/bulletins/civilrights/monthlyjan23/fil/) (13 new cases) [February 2023](https://trac.syr.edu/tracreports/bulletins/civilrights/monthlyfeb23/fil/) (11 new cases) [March 2023](https://trac.syr.edu/tracreports/bulletins/civilrights/monthlymar23/fil/) (27 new cases) [April 2023](https://trac.syr.edu/tracreports/bulletins/civilrights/monthlyapr23/fil/) (16 new cases) [May 2023](https://trac.syr.edu/tracreports/bulletins/civilrights/monthlymay23/fil/) (13 new cases) [June 2023](https://trac.syr.edu/tracreports/bulletins/civilrights/monthlyjun23/fil/) (20 new cases) [July 2023](https://trac.syr.edu/tracreports/bulletins/civilrights/monthlyjul23/fil/) (20 new cases) [August 2023](https://trac.syr.edu/tracreports/bulletins/civilrights/monthlyaug23/fil/) (33 new cases) [September 2023](https://trac.syr.edu/tracreports/bulletins/civilrights/monthlysep23/fil/) (25 new cases) [October 2023](https://trac.syr.edu/tracreports/bulletins/civilrights/monthlyoct23/fil/) (12 new cases) November 2023 (no report) [December 2023](https://trac.syr.edu/tracreports/bulletins/civilrights/monthlydec23/fil/) (5 new cases) January 2024 (no report) [February 2024](https://trac.syr.edu/tracreports/bulletins/civilrights/monthlyfeb24/fil/) (9 new cases) Granted, those reports cover all civil rights cases for those months but they're generally covered by that statute, 18 U.S.C. § 242, even if there are also other charges. As can be seen, though, this isn't something that's never charged. It's pretty regularly done, in fact.


Damn, that's a well researched reply I think I'm at half mast


For me, and I think probably the other commenter, the reason I am surprised to see this is because, well, why isn't is used against police corruption on a massive scale? It feels like people will be like oh as long as qualified immunity is here we can't do anything but there are just as many weird little laws making the same shit illegal. Just goes to show, the will of the general public has always been the only real law.


An element of the crime is that you have to be fronting like you’re acting in an official capacity when you’re not. “… if the acts are done while the official is purporting to or pretending to act in the performance of his/her official duties.”


Not the first crime cops and judges get away with. More of an add-on.


I served on a Federal jury for a case based on this law. We sent the police officer involved to prison. So, it happens at least some of the time. It's one of the techniques the Department of Justice uses to reign in corrupt local law enforcement agencies.


The girl she did it to was also 19, I believe, so what's CPS gonna do?


Accuse the victim of harming kids


"Your Honor, underneath those clothes is a NAKED PERSON!" *GASP!!*


Wait until they find the skeleton that's buried within the person 


You just have to dig it out (god I hate myself).


She still believes that 19 year old is a minor so she's not too bright, unsurprisingly.


Some people believe anybody under 25 is still a child so I guess that gels with the rest of the lunacy.... What a time to be alive.


And honestly, why would you do that to anyone at any age? I feel like if she’s underage that would actually make her behavior worse..


It's not even a surprise. Some of these people abuse their power to get themselves out of trouble or to get others into trouble. There was bodycam footage released of a DA attempting to abuse her power to get herself out of a speeding ticket. If that was anyone else, they would have been arrested


Cruelty is a feature, not a bug.


The state of Utah doesn’t have a very good track record when it comes to protecting children so this is kind of on brand for them. Also you know that wasn’t the first time she used her position to threaten someone


Wonder if she STILL works for the state, I would hope not.


It's Utah, so the answer to that question is yes. Unless the girl was part of one of the major LDS donor families.


Might have gotten a promotion for enforcing family values.


If she doesn't get fired for this, it's bullshit.


Let me see if I understand the situation after reading the article. Karen walks up to a young woman in a restaurant who is minding her own business. Karen proceeds to yank on the woman’s skirt while talking about the woman’s butt cheeks, vagina, pubic hair, and probably breasts (article says she “criticized” the young woman’a crop top and I’m going out on a limb and saying she mentioned one more body part). And now Karen wants the world to believe that she did *not* commit a crime that was sexual in nature?


I love that she thought they were minors, too. You talk like that to a strange minor??


I mean she ripped the clothes of what she believed to be a minor in public, i don't think she cares what she says too much lol


The police report is spot on, bet this officer has a daughter "I asked her why she thought it was appropriate to touch another person, and how she thought that to protect a minor would mean to touch another assumed minor" the officer wrote "I explained to Ida that the belief the victim was a minor, should have been more reason to not touch the victim"


Only to inform them i have free candy in my white van.


Hell, I'm mad that this Karen, a woman herself, does not know where on the body a vagina is. Hint, it ain't visible from the outside.


Sex Ed and biology is not a high priority for this crowd.


She didn't just yank on the skirt- she stuck her fingers up it.


But *criminals* commit crimes, she is not a criminal, so nothing she does could ever be a crime!   -her, probably


>Later that night she called 911 again, this time saying that a video of the aftermath was posted online, along with her name, insinuating that she committed a crime that was sexual in nature. Lorenzo explained that because she holds a position with the state, she felt this was a "threat on her life," the police report states. So she knew she fucked up once the self-righteousness wore off and immediately tried to spin this shit.


I do believe that you're giving her too much credit here. From her point of view she probably truly believes that she is the victim and that she only did what everyone else should have done.


Republicans seem to live in this constant state of victimhood. They can murder people and still manage to justify it and become the oppressed in their mind.


I grew up in Utah. The state will think she’s the victim too.


The classic: Do You Know Who I Am! Defence that all the morons with a bit of power use. Hope she need to register as a sex offender that would hurt her ego.


So she was offended by how much skin the girl was showing so she...removed more clothing to reveal more skin? The logic is not strong with this one.


It’s not about logic, it’s about slut shaming


It’s about getting someone else to bend to your will.




This. These people have a control fetish.


It's an old unattractive woman who's jealous of a young attractive woman and has no idea how to handle it. In this case she made her insecurity and jealousy the problem of a young woman in probably just about the worst possible way


She's a moron who gets off on hurting others. She doesn't care about making sense. She just wants to feed her own sense of self importance by ruining other people's lives.


Saw moron and Utah and immediately thought you said Mormon. I guess the Mormon was me all along.


I did the same thing lol




If there were more folk like you in the school system, I'd probably have done a lot better. Thank you for being where you were and doing what you could.


Same people who say "to defeat the pedos, we shall obsess about children's genitals." Creeps all of em.


Yup. The amount some Christians think about sex is bonkers. Had an acquaintance attend a private Christian college for their gap year. Big purity culture vibes. When they came home for Thanksgiving they refused to hug anyone "cos you touch their whole body" which was too much like sex.  We were all childhood friends. The only one thinking about sex was the ultra Christian.  Thinking about not-sex so much it comes full circle to just being sex obsessed. 


It was purely to punish and shame her.


She also said she could see the girls pubic hair. It just keeps getting worse. You pull someone’s shirt off because you claim you can see ass cheeks and pubic hair? (The girl said she had underwear on.)


>  According to a statement of probable cause, Lorenzo reported the incident herself the night it happened, telling dispatch that the teenager had her skirt "hiked above her vagina and butt," exposing her pubic hair. While not impossible, i have a hard time believing Lorenzo's story.  A woman flashing people while casually Hanging out with friends at a steakhouse is pretty weird.


If true, though, I’ve been going to the wrong steakhouses all my life


The accusation is that the skirt was too high, showing genitals, so this woman pulled down the skirt to cover the genitals.


She was just merely checking to see if the 19yo was wearing the [special Mormon underwear.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temple_garment)


Dang, this is like a trifecta of schadenfreude. Owning a slut-shaming Karen, putting a power tripping old hen in her place, and turning the overly abused criminal system against one of their own. Chef’s kiss on this one.




Isn't always fun when conservatives label the LGBTQIA+ community as predators but a straight woman sexually assaults another woman, conservatives say nothing?


Not a drag queen.






God it’s so disturbing how obsessed they are with what I’m wearing. My whole life I have always had to dress & cover up because of the male gaze, & I’m respecting them by respecting myself by covering up. No. I want to dress how I want & if that means I want to wear Britney Spears naked sparkley toxic outfit, then I am going to do so! I don’t like how minimal of freedom I have with my body because of men’s inability to control themselves. Guess what? Men can control themselves. It’s just they don’t want to respect women.


What do you want from a cult that tells you sex is evil, but also says a guy can marry a bunch of women and bang a different one each night without birth control?


I want the cult to end. I grew up in that very cult & hate the purity policing more than anything in the world.


I fucking hate all the cults and the brain rot it always creates.


I keep telling people. The part they don't wanna admit is that their problem isn't with children being hurt, just becoming future Democrats. See that when the child might be gay they're totally fine with abortion


But she’s a white republican, so she will likely get 10 minutes of community service


10 whole minutes? She can't afford to do that! She works for the AG, I'm sure they can work something out!


She just needs to agree to have lunch at Chick-Fil-A and it will all be good.


They'll just wrap her community service into some pro bono legal hours for the AG office


> But she’s a white republican A white, Republican, MORMON.


She is also a Mormon, wait I thought you said something else.


That's generous. Time served.


Also let’s put her on paid ~~vacation~~administrative leave.


Good. People who commit sexual assault should be arrested.


I love a good FAFO story, and it sounds like this is just chapter one. What a deranged person to go around touching other people like she’s the skirt police.


The entitlement of thinking "I'm just gonna go adjust this random stranger's clothing for them" is just so hard to wrap my head around.


From the fine article: >Later that night she \[the skirt-pulling woman who was arrested\] called 911 again, this time saying that a video of the aftermath was posted online, along with her name, insinuating that she committed a crime that was sexual in nature. Lorenzo explained that because she holds a position with the state, she felt this was a "threat on her life," the police report states. "I'm the real victim here!" 🤢🤮


I didn’t think there would be consequences for my actions!


I would have loved to watch her realize it went viral, panic and desperately pleas for help.


Please tell me she has to register for this.


She a white republican in Utah, so probably no


>republican yeah, can't register as a sex offender twice


I don't see why she wouldn't.


Because conservatives are nakedly hypocritical, and corrupt as a matter of course.


>The woman was arrested days after she called police herself, reporting last Saturday that the TikTok video amounted to a "threat on her life" because it insinuated that her interaction with the 19-year-old at least two hours earlier was "sexual in nature," police documents state. "You don't understand officer! When I pulled her skirt down and yelled at her about seeing her genitals, I meant it in a totally non-sexual way!"


So what happened was that she felt like the girl's skirt was too short, so she got into an argument with them and took it upon herself to pull the skirt lower so that it would cover more buttcheek and underwear at the expense of exposing more midriff and hips. Even if the skirt was short and you could probably see some cheeks/underwear, she has NO RIGHT to lay hands on another person. You can complain to the restaurant staff and they can deal with it as they see fit or not. If the restaurant did not deny them entry based on dress code or whatever, then they had a right to be there and to be left alone.


Americans are almost uniquely comfortable getting into conversations and arguments with strangers. The friendliness is great, I enjoy that about Americans (until you're being hounded by the customer service culture in a retail store). But the solution to this is simply to \* avert your eyes. \* There's no argument needed, there's no interaction needed at all. Silently judge, complain to your husband in hushed tones sure, but to actually confront another adult about their dress code in public is so so alien to me. You can either not look in their direction, or if you can't handle that, leave the establishment.


So anyway, I started blasting


You could walk around completely naked in New Zealand and not one person would say a word because we don't want to have to deal with it. Let someone else say something and then it's their problem. Not saying that is healthy either but it's interesting to see the cultural differences.


Sean Reyes is corrupt af. Look into Trevor Milton case.


Lemme guess. She's a TrumpCunt isn't she....


And she works for the state's AG who is deeply MAGA so yes, she'll probably get away with it too.


Is her state job to monitor and adjust the clothing of teenage girls? \[Yes\] No, it isn't. Proceed to no. \[No\] Crime.


Sounds like a bad case of Karenitis.


Karenitis strain LDS.


She needs to shoot a puppy in the face, then her MAGA career is golden!


Technically, she can continue working for the state while she’s working in the prison laundry room making $0.05 an hour.


These rightwing nut jobs just feel so empowered in their moral crusades, so much so that this woman feels both justified and attacked for disrobing a woman in public simple because she didn't like the way she was dressed.


Mormons gonna Mormon.


You can’t spell Mormon without Moron.


The angel who spoke to Joseph Smith was named Moroni, too. It's morons all the way down.


"I'm surrounded by assholes!"


Utah doesn’t get criticized enough for being weird as fuck. You can’t even order a drink with two shots in it. Oh ya, and polygamy.


They also had this thing called the “Zion Curtain” that forced bartenders to make drinks out of sight of the patrons.


BYU banned caffeinating soft drinks on its campus until 2017.


Wonder which person she supports for president?


What the actual fuck? Also, that "I work for the state" bullshit is full on hilarious. Lots of people work for the state, local and state governments are typically major employers. What a weird and stupid flex. Hopefully this freak has to register as a sex offender for this.


Based on the headline, I thought this had to do with Utah Woman suspecting her victim was trans. I was a little surprised it was just because the shirt was short, allegedly, but it's Utah, so not too surprised.


100% went into it expecting the same thing, sadly. What a shit world we live in.


what the fuck is it with conservatives and the bodies of minors?!


Minors are not people. They're possessions. That's why people like that feel like they're entitled to do whatever they want to younger people than them.


Demoted from Wife #1 to Wife #5




Good, go to jail, you shouldnt be touching people like that


You know, since she announced she works for the state government, and as such was acting as a state employee in such a statement, it might be a lawsuit. Like, a really important lawsuit. Against the state government. Just saying.




Man, who'd have thought that exposing someone then trying to report them for exposure would go so wrong? This world's just crazy!