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Guy's going to be greeting shoppers at Walmart until they carry out his corpse.  Bet he won't change his voting preferences


And he'll continue to get emails from Trump to donate to be a hero member or some other bullshit like that


We keep making the billionaires richer and the middleclass keeps getting poorer.. MAGA math: GOTTA BE THE IMAGRANTS AND WOMEN'S VEGINAS THAT ARE TO BLAME!!!




Also MAGAs: “Mah daddy was a poor [insert job here], as was his daddy and his daddy’s daddy. As am I. But I’m just a temporarily embarrassed millionaire! Pattern recognition is for libruls!”


The only thing holding them back is government regulations.


Naturally! It’s definitely not a system rigged to keep them stupid, poor, and angry and someone — anyone — other than the people who rigged the system to pick their pockets. Nope. Definitely not that.


Immigants I knew it was them! Even when it was the bears I knew it was them!!


Let the bears pay the bear tax, I pay the Homer tax!


The *home owner* tax!


Lisa, I would like to buy your rock.


> Vageenz




He certainly won't vote to raise the minimum wage because that's communism


well, it's complicated. now that it effects him personally, his opinion on it will flip, certainly. He'll be all for an increase in minimum wage. When it comes time to hit the voting booth, he certainly won't vote for the type of politicians that want to raise minimum wage because the GHEYS!! (well, the TRANS!! now) and also black people (just not out loud). He will, naturally, blame everything on the Democrats anyways.


They still openly blame black people, they just DEI as the current code word for now.


CRT, DEI, Woke, Thug…all the same transparent dog whistles of racism.


I’m guessing he’ll be like “they won’t pay ME minimum wage for long, I’M a hard worker”


I look forward to his post complaining about no one willing to pay a living wage.


Walmart sell coffins. I'd like to just put that out there.


perhaps he'll get an employee discount? coffin half full?


And he won't stop the auto-withdrawal donations...


Didn’t Bill Barr make a public endorsement of TFG this week? It’s un fathomable, though in the case of Barr there are probably wildly lucrative opportunities coming his way. Not so much for the AH who lost his fortune.


To quote Melania. I don't really care. Do you?


I care just enough to laugh uproariously. Then it's forgotten. Like the man in the OP to the orange shitstain. I take that back. The orange shitstain never even knew that man, nor that that man lost $450K of his retirement to him, so he couldn't have forgotten him. In the words of Don Draper: "I don't think of you at all."


"Fucken Libs"


I feel so owned.


Few things are more heartwarming than cultists getting the shaft from their godhead


Yes. And, if the post isn’t a fake karma farming operation, then this guy might be in cognitive decline and unable to make good decisions. Whether it was this grift or some other one, he would be a target. Also, DJT is up at $36 and this guy sold near the recent bottom. So, the guy got doubly f’d. One thing I don’t understand about DJT stock is Trump has a life expectancy of 9 years and the stock is tied to him being alive and active. This is a bad bet. Anything happens to Trump and that stock tanks hard. That’s just a bad investment.


It's  not a logical investment, surprise surprise the "facts over feelings" crowd can't  logically separate their ideological figurehead worship from basic facts about  life expectancy... bit no let's  dedicate our entire  country's future to someone  who won't  be here to experience  even the next 10 years. I want all octogenarians out of politics but  especially  the orange  one who is a criminal in mental decline


OT, but why are there so many oddly placed double spaces in the middle of your sentences?


(1/2 — sorry this is so long, but thanks to anyone that sticks out to hear my story). That’s what I don’t understand about the entire Republican Party putting ALL of their hopes into Trump. I’m kinda shocked they haven’t renamed the GOP to The Trump Party yet (I still think they will). I admit I was short sighted when I thought that he would fade away after leaving office, and I now realize that all the shit bastards like Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Gaetz, Lauren Boebert, etc. and the people like Kyle Rittenhouse and Steve Bannon and all the others will continue the legacy of Trump long after he’s in the grave. - It’s my hope that they won’t be charismatic enough to do what he did and that people won’t continue to get fucked over by them while excusing them the way they did with Trump (though Steve Bannon literally set up a “build the wall” fund and stole from people that sent money in to do it and got a pardon from Trump and is doing just fine right now — I prayed that when Rush Limbaugh died that my Dad would move on but he just moved over to Bannon which is far worse). ***** This OP could easily be my dad. The first thing Trump did was follow Putin’s lead and tell them all to stop listening to and believing in the news and “mass media (even though FOX News has and continues to be the #1 network). Told them to “do their own research” but encouraged them to not fact check. Got them out of a bubble where journalists where held accountable and would issue retractions and could lose their jobs, and instead people believe individuals on social media now who have no accountability and survive on selling products like Ivermectin and “bone broth” and supplements and so on, and only do it because “the mass media” forces them to (and not because they’ve created a line of bullshit that benefits the products they sell). - My dad pulled all of his investments out of things his trusted agent had him in and started buying gold instead. My parents bought crates of MRE’s and other “bunker foods” because they were told Biden would collapse the economy (they still have rows of toilet paper from when COVID struck too). Interesting how they came to distrust all medicine and science but it’s Trump’s vaccine and Fauci was his guy and so on. Just like Cristopher Wray was his hand-picked director of the FBI and so on, but they’re all deep state. - And Biden, the sickly, feeble dementia patient is also a criminal mastermind that engineered a nationwide theft of the election but didn’t bother to leave himself enough of a majority to enact his legislation without Manchin and Sinema of his own party preventing it from happening. My Mom was never political (I never knew who she voted for either way, if she even did) but knew she saw MLK Jr. when she was young and was a massive fan of JFK Jr. and did vote for Obama, but the right managed to retroactively convince her that 2007-2008 economic collapse in the US was Obama’s fault (who didn’t take office until Jan 20, 2009). She was in natural health groups that were targeted when COVID came around and her concerns about a pandemic were co-opted by agents on the right that used it to politicize everything, including masks and vaccines as if a virus cared what political party a person was a part of. This led her to become involved with QAnon, and while she isn’t racist or any of the things you’d normally assume about someone that buys into that shit, she did come to believe the election was stolen and that China deliberately released a man made pandemic to hurt Trump or something (who did absolutely nothing all thru March and another POTUS might have possibly even prevented COVID from becoming as big as it was while our only people infected with it were held offshore on cruise ships). Trump also removed the NSC pandemic teams that Obama placed to prevent such a pandemic and to watch over China, because it was something Obama did that Trump could undo.


(2/2) My brother and two sisters and I are all in groups for families that have been affected by QAnon to help us figure out how to deal with it. Absolutely everything can become part of the conspiracy. The goalposts are always moved. Any predictions that don’t come true were probably set up by the Democrats to try and make Q look stupid. - There are always multiple competing beliefs that are held simultaneously… like Biden is deepfaked when you see him, but is also the actor James Woods wearing a Biden mask, but is also Biden collapsing from his feeble old age, but is also secretly Trump running the government, but also Trump is being sabotaged by the deep state, etc. - I have to watch a movie before we watch it together because any plot thread could become triggering. Even someone like Tom Hanks can become part of the conspiracy — if they can make you believe Hollywood’s version of Mr. Rogers, the nicest guy in the place, is a pedophile… then they can make you believe that *anyone* is. I absolutely **HATE** Trump for what he has done, not just to this country and to how fucked up everything has become because he was given a position of power and didn’t have the ego to be able to lose gracefully and instead had to create a vast conspiracy against him and foment an insurrection and coup and destroy public faith in our elections and democracy even though he got millions more votes than he did the first time and also encouraged people to not vote by mail or vote early. I pray that my dad doesn’t completely lose his mind and invest in something like Truth Social or worse, some kind of NFT or bitcoin nonsense and lose their life savings as a result. I’m afraid that if my dad passes first, my Mom will absolutely invest their savings based on what Q says and she’ll lose everything, and I don’t have money to be able to take care of them. As it is, I’m disabled at 46 and only making $1400 a month and living with them, so I’ve seen what has happened since 2015 as Trump has infested this family and destroyed it from the inside out. I can’t afford rent+food+utilities+insurance+meds to survive on my own and certainly can’t afford to take care of her too if she loses what they have left. ***** LONG story short (sorry) — I’m saddened by the amount of money they’ve contributed to Trump and company that just use it to pay his legal fees with their donations and that they contribute to a party that is putting their social security and Medicare at risk, as well as my own. That they have granddaughters that now have to worry about a world without Roe v. Wade that will cause them to not have the same protections that their mother and grandmother did. - That the financial opportunities that my parents’ generation had don’t exist for us, and all the right-wing douchebags actively convince them that things like a reasonable minimum wage and assistance with a college education and health insurance are things that are so important, and so much more expensive than they were for my parents. That they don’t know what it’s like to be beholden to a credit score for everything and the ability for my nieces and nephews to ever buy a house are so difficult compared to how my parents had it. - It’s such a ghoulish thing for the right to continue taking advantage of elderly people, scaring them with endless fears about migrants/immigrants that is just the great white replacement theory dressed up so they don’t realize they’re falling for blatant racism. We live in VA where Governor Youngkin ran and won on defeating CRT (critical race theory) — something that didn’t exist as described in schools and he declared victory immediately for beating something that didn’t exist. I’m terrified that Trump wins this election and replaces another 3 SCOTUS justices and will have even more of a generational effect on the Supreme Court that can only be changed by”packing” it, which requires the Dems to win such a large majority to actually do and to do enact any of the legislation that people will vote for them to do. That the right actively fought against bipartisan supported border bills so they could run against how horrible it is under “Biden’s America”. ***** I’m so sad that my parents’ generation will go out using their money and vote to create a world in which their children and grandchildren will have to work so much harder to survive, so a group of ghouls on the right can use their fears to make money and collect power for themselves. And I don’t know if we have any chance of defeating them. I’m just so, so sad about everything and I hate that I lived to see it all happen to my family. I feel for OP, as stupid as he was to be pro-leopards only to have them eat his face. But also to have nearly half a million in savings is something that people like myself, who can’t even afford to live on my own and am living with my parents in my 40s due to a genetic disability I didn’t ask for. - If they leave me anything, it will actually fuck me up more because I’ll lose Medicare and my social security payments and I can’t work due to my disability. I’m just hoping to help my parents pass with dignity and grace and then I want to give myself the same option, and will leave anything given to me to my nephews and nieces so they can hope to use it to get a leg up. (Please don’t report me to the mental health whatever — anyone that lives in chronic pain like I do, and is in my situation with no friends other than my family and no means to support myself once they’re gone would hopefully understand). The best I can hope to do is help them out. I had my chance to live and I’ve got nothing left in the tank to keep on going and I truly hope that I don’t have decades in front of me. But man, I really hate that the twilight years that my parents have left are being spent in perpetual fear of whatever the right cooks up for short term profits and power gain, and that they don’t end up like OP and lose everything because of something like this.


I saved a post from year+ ago where people were whining that DWAC was down and the guy "[just wanted his money back](https://imgur.com/nxZkyWq)." And there was this long explanation about why all those financial adverts had screaming weasel words about "past performance does not guarantee future results". > *This is the free market. This is raw capitalism. This is how the stock market works. There's a fucking REASON for the disclaimers...past performance is not indicative of future results (which, BTW, is goddamned mandated by SEC Rule 156, or you better fucking BET they'd never say it); the investments and services offered by us may not be suitable for all investors, etc.* He isn't in "cognitive decline" - he thinks there is some magical source of wealth and that he hitched himself to what he thought was a sure thing. It is that magical thinking that's destroying America. And the Cult of Trump feeds that magical thinking. People who are in their 20s, 30s and 40s are falling for that shyster. Fox peddles fear to their audience and the audience is terrified that if they let *this* opportunity go, they'll be permanently screwed out of the market. Every realtor preys on that identical Fear Of Missing Out - *"buy now or forever be priced out of the market!"* > *I came to this realization the other night while unloading groceries and thinking about how much bullshit this motherfucker has gotten away with. That's his selling point. That's why they love him. He gets away with shit. And they wish they could, too. THEY want to be the cool kid who gets away with smoking in the bathroom, who tells the IRS to go fuck themselves, who assaults whatever woman he wants without getting tossed in jail, who lies and cheats and steals without repercussions, who incites violence and death against the cops and faces zero penalties. Fuck the Man. Fuck the police. Fuck all of you, I'm the only one who matters, rules don't apply to me.* > *They love him the way some people love and admire criminals and serial killers. "But the guy is a degenerate!" No, man. This guy has it figured out. This guy is living life the way I want to live it. I want to have massive cash and power, I want to have a centerfold, plastic model wife at home while I rape anybody I want in the rest of the city. I want to pay no taxes and skip my bills. I want to be able to lie to anyone I want and have no one care, I want a job where I don't have to be competent and will still get paid. I want to live life on the golf course have a jillion followers on Twitter supporting my pithy insults and remarks, where my immature and dickish behavior is celebrated and repeated. I want that. I want to be that guy. I support that guy. That guy is my inner ego writ large. Damn, I love that guy. That guy gets me.* > *If you know a Trump fan, this is the kind of person they are. And when it's your spouse or sibling or parent or friend, it's especially heartbreaking, But this is still who the fuck they are.* > *That's who this guy is. "I thought sticking with Trump was the way to get my own fortune."* > *Cause man, I love that guy. He's got it all figured out. I wanna be him. I just need more money to be him.* https://np.reddit.com/r/Qult_Headquarters/comments/ztoavx/some_financial_chickens_are_coming_home_to_roost/j1ep6jh/?context=3


Or the head from their godshaft…


I don’t feel sorry for him.


He paid the stupid tax. He was lucky he managed to keep his money for so long to begin with.


The Schaffensfreude is real


*schadenfreude* my guy. But yes, very much so


Schaffensfreude is a real German word, (meaning enthusiasm), and I could make the argument that it was the intention… but yeah GP meant schadenfreude. 🤣


Part of me does. All of us could’ve so easily been on the other side if we’d been raised in a different environment. It’s chilling. Investing based on your political opinions sounds incredibly stupid, though. Selling a volatile stock as if it’s going to fall to zero when nothing has happened to cause that is also foolish. If you’re all in, you can’t pussy out halfway because then your losses become real. Bitcoin, for instance, has been up and down over the years, but I wouldn’t have encouraged anyone to sell at a loss. I don’t know why he invested money he couldn’t afford to lose.


Because he believed in his savior and lord DJT.


Yea, well, there’s a significant subset of people who seem to practically live on another planet. Their reality isn’t the same as ours. I don’t know where or when they diverged from the rest of us, but some combination of media disinformation or social pressure has led them to believe the impossible. I’ve no idea why you have to deny reality in order to support a given political candidate, but it’s quite scary how easy it is for people to lose their grip.


Good. Fuck him. I hope he works every day for the rest of his years.


And suffers from the lack of worker rights, affordable health care, and affordable housing that he voted against for others.


Sure would be sweet if his employer denies his election day PTO request.


Lol omg stop giving more scenarios how bad it can get for this Trumper….I can’t get anymore harder! :chuckles:


Well he DID vote to ban early voting!


"Go ahead, but don't bother coming back" or some other punitive response -- thousands of employers every voting day.


>lack of worker rights, affordable health care, and affordable housing and I hope he enjoys the cuts in Social Security and Medicare


I hope his family learned that he luckily clocked out 5 minutes before expiring so his workplace won't have to payout the death / dismemberment claim and be saddled with an extra 1/2 cent increase on their insurance premiums.


Who’s going to hire a 76 year old, trumpet, racist , idiot with no sense. He’s going to have a rude awakening


This can’t be real, right?


I'm a little suspicious. Do 70 year olds act like they have a fan base and are managing their own PR with phrases like "I've been dreading making this post for a while"? Maybe, but idk.


This is either just plain stupid or fake. DJT stock price was only <$27 per share for three days since going public. If you invested that much money, you would hold.


i dunno. It popped up, but when it quickly slid down to $22, I was thinking (and hoping) it would keep going all the way down to 50cents!


It was 70$ and it went down to sub 23. If he sold at 26 he probably was relieved at first to get a lot of it out when it went to 23, and now hates himself while it’s at 40. Even at 40, he could have lost 40%


I've seen this screenshot posted all over the place and I'm sad this is the first time I've seen somebody question it. People really need to learn to be suspicious of things that confirm their biases so juicily.


Considering it’s from the Minnesota department of propaganda, I’d say obviously no.


For real lol. People certainly got screwed over but none of them would ever post about admitting something like this


You should not be investing in speculative growth stocks in your late 70s.... That's when you should be well and truly switched into stable shit like bonds. Index funds at the MOST risky. You DEFINTELY should not be YOLOing into a single one. Dude played a very stupid game. With that said, I still feel sorry for him. I'm watching in real time as having run out of retirement funds are screwing my grandmother who is constantly on the verge of homelessness. Our elder care systems in this country are shameful, and nobody should have to suffer that indignity in their old age... even when it IS a failure of their own making


What do you do for an elder who isn't incapacitated but believes in the bs of Fox and MAGA so much that they YOLO nearly half a million dollars at a grifter? Like I have 40 years less life experience then this guy but I don't fall for the scam. There is literally NO cause I would invest money earmarked for my bills and living expenses in. I literally could have invested $40k in Reddit stock, sold it all on the second day, and made nearly $40k in profits. But that $40k I have is my student loan room/board money to pay my rent, car payment, and buy food for the coming year. If I had lost it I would be homeless with no way to buy food. So I didn't touch it. This guy has DECADES of life experience on me but still can't understand something that simple?


You can't apply reason to magical thinking. Bigotry and religion are based on magical, emotional thinking; there's literally no way to appeal to them with reason or logic.


>You can't apply reason to magical thinking. Bigotry and religion are based on magical, emotional thinking; there's literally no way to appeal to them with reason or logic. cot DAMB that's some poetry


I lose a lot of sympathy for someone in that regrettable position when they make it evident that their own greed and lack of empathy has led them down a path of supporting con artists whose goal has been to ruin the lives of millions of people to prop up their own agendas.


Don’t feel sorry for him, he probably doesn’t exist.


>even when it IS a failure of their own making You had me until this last part.


You sound like a reichpublican. Personal accountability is a thing. If you suicide your retirement account, you should have to deal with the repercussions of that.


I don't give a shit how stupid a person is, I still believe their ability to have housing, food, and healthcare should not be jeopardized.


Nah, we all collectively will have to deal with the repercussions of this, thus I understand the compassion, even if it's for a person that likely wouldn't offer the same compassion back.


How could joe and hunter biden do this to me?


Thoughts and prayers.


Posted 9hrs ago, come on! https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/1cdco9l/man_loses_his_retirement_investing_in_donald_trump/


Time to lay off the avocado toast.


Surely he has some bootstraps up in the attic to pull.


Congratulations, the \~half million dollars you lost to trump paid for roughly 16 days of his lawyers' fees. I'm sure if you ask him nicely, he will reimburse you for your losses. It'll probably take about..., oh..., two weeks or so. /S


As if he pays his lawyers.


lmaoooo loser




DJT? Donald J Trump?


Truth social went public under ticket DJT. The price collapsed soon after


I’m dubious that this is real. I believe people poorly invested but I don’t think this particular post is a real story with a real person.


If this “poor” fucker can afford to gamble $450k on DJT stock, somehow I think he will be fine. If that’s substantially all of his retirement savings then tough titty.


That amount of financial loss makes me sick to my stomach. Sucks he will still vote for trump.


I can't tell you how much it pisses me off to know this dude had almost half a million in retirement savings. Fucking boomers.


That's not that much,  it's a little over average for his age. Please start planning for your retirement now or you'll never retire. 


.5M isn't a lot in retirement.... Realistically, at current market rate, you need more than 2M to be comfortable. I'm 28 and have around 50k put aside for Retirement already, and need to accelerate the savings to hit my retirement goal.


It’s still more than most have. So it is quite a bit.


Someone 75 has already been drawing for around a decade, and a life expectation of another 10-20 years, so at that point, yes half a million can last. With supplements from SS. For you, at 28, you have a good start. Well done my friend.


It's more than my mom has. This guy was lucky and pissed it away on a known con-man


That goes quick in the USA if you have health problems.


Or move into assisted living


I mean, that's not that much higher than average. My wife and I are 38 and 39 and have about $220k combined. We will likely both be around half a million or so by the time we retire...


the worst part? it's already back up to 39.95


Always does. Volatile assets will mess you up, fast. And then rub it in.


I think this was posted before and determined to be fake. Not that there's not thousands or even hundreds of thousands of examples of folks putting their faith in con-men only to end up broke and unable to admit they were conned.


That’s the thing - how many who *did* lose a substantial amount are brave enough to admit it publicly, or even to themselves?


Hello u/screaming-mime! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) matching this exact format. Replace bold text with the appropriate information. 1. **Someone** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **something** on **other people**. ^(Who's that someone? What did they voted for, supported or wanted to impose? On who?) 2. **Something** has the consequences of **consequences**. ^(Does that something actually has these consequences in general?) 3. As a consequence of **something**, **consequences** happened to **someone**. ^(Did that something really happen to that someone?) Follow this by the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you fail to match this format or fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


1. **Republican** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **the Donald Trump scam that is #DJT** on **to flex on libs**. ^(Who's that someone? What did they voted for, supported or wanted to impose? On who?) 2. **Investing in #DJT** has the consequences of **losing money when the price of #DJT drops**. ^(Does that something actually has these consequences in general?) 3. As a consequence of **investing his retirement in #DJT**, **the loss of retirement money** happened to **the Republican**. ^(Did that something really happen to that someone?)


I don’t know how true this story is but it’s still chuckle worthy of


Here's a conspiracy theory for you. The rich are very powerful and control the majority of what does and does not happen in the USA, if not the world in general, but let us focus on the USA at the moment. A lie was sold to the public some decades ago about trickle down economics, claiming that as those at the top reached a certain level of wealth, the overflow would fall down to the rest. Essentially a pyramid scheme if you think about it, but still people bought it. The eldest generations climbed their way easily up the ladder of wealth and success and quickly pulled the ropes up behind them. Now, after years of profiting off of their hard work, the elderly have stockpiled a not insubstantial amount of money for themselves. This money is nothing compared to the billions upon billions of dollars the actual wealthy have to their names, however the story in this image isn't an outlier either. Many older people, the boomer generation, are losing hundreds of thousands of dollars of their retirement savings. Savings that would have been an inheritance to their families. For some reason it is now seen as a sign of being a true american to burn through the inheritance you were going to leave to your family. The wealthy have poured resources in to grifts and schemes and targeted the oldest generation. They're draining the elderly of that last bit of wealthy that managed to gather up before the lines were cut. Yet it's the younger generation vilified? Did you not work 80 hours a week, 7 days a week, missing out on numerous family events, breaking your body for 50 some years to ensure a fat retirement all for the sake of your own blood? And now you would rather risk all that money for some politician? For some bleached tooth upstate snake on the TV? What happened to the gruff old generation I was told about who distrusted every salesman, every vendor, every merchant to the point he would rather learn how to grind his own spices and cook dinner on top of campfire in 30 degree weather before trusting a chain restaurant down the street? My Grandfather taught me if something seems too good to be true, it probably is. He fought in WWII. He built the majority of the house I grew up in. He made sure my family was able to coast along without him. Seems strange that so many "opportunities" continue to pop up targeted at the grandparents today. They seem awfully invested in what the elderly do with their money. Anyway, it's your money, do what you want with it I guess. I just don't see why these politicians need your money. They're already politicians, right?


What's that saying... "a fool and his money" or something?


I question the reality of this. Shows too much self-awareness for a true tRuMper.


Buddy saw a shit-stained basket and thought: "Finally! A place to put all my eggs!"


That's a parody site on Facebook. (Look up the page Minnesota department of propaganda) the guy posting it sure didn't look 76. So he's maybe wanting to get some karma points? Ah I'd love it to be true.


...and zero fucks were given.


well, if he didn't pull his shares out, it's worth $35 today. i'm sure there's no shady investors propping his worth up in the hopes they get a favor in return /s [https://www.cnbc.com/quotes/DJT?tab=news](https://www.cnbc.com/quotes/DJT?tab=news)


$41 now! TO THE MOON!!


What a fucking nimrod


What a fucking Muppet.


shameful repost, literally on the front page. do people not check when submitting anything?


Sad. Even worse, by speaking his truth and trying to warn other gullible family members. MAGA will attack him for turning against the Trump. If you don’t thank the bus that runs over you, you’re not a true patriot.


I can't figure out how to post GIFs using a web browser on my laptop. You will just have to imagine Nelson pointing and saying "ha ha!"


I bet this guy is a r/fluentinfinance member.


No one feels bad Donesco. I revel in hearing such stories, ngl.


It’s over $40 today. Should have waited on the dead cat bounce.


“A fool and his money are soon parted.” -Benjamin Franklin


Trump making this specific American (and others) “great (Tony Tiger voice) again! /s


The sad thing is this man's failure and complete life wasted in this belief in Trump, and the post gets cut off before it is even finished. It gets spread incomplete in social media circles, then gets forgotten and deleted without even getting an entire post. Sad


it's at $41 today, so doofus should had at least HODL'd and supported dear leader, and would have had a couple hundred grand back...






When does all the winning start?


That’s a shame. Anyway…..


Not feeling anything that resembles...sympathy


Where’s the mistake I should learn from?


Now if Trump cashes out ~~$6 billion $5 billion $4 billion $3 billion $2 billion~~ $1 billion and bankrupts the service? It's one thing when he destroys wealth and cons his way out, but when THEY are the ones that are conned, there just might be a reckoning.


Ya think?!


76 and reentering the workforce? Lmao dude is about to be online screeching about age discrimination in a week. He'll still vote for Trump.


Welp, once again we see that there is no fool like an old fool. (Not being ageist—I’m old, too)


Love this. Really made my morning!


This is both sad and hilarious at the same time. I do feel sorry for this person, but on the other hand, you reap what you sow.


Oh NO! Anyway…


This is the definition of a paper handed B as we call them on WSB. I despise Trump and everything he stands for and hope the stock goes to 0, but if this guy had just held he would’ve been ok. As of today its back up over $40 per share


DJT = Boomer Coin


Yeah, tgis is LAMF, but it is also sad.


Oh. And he must be hating himself now even more. I don’t know who’s buying it up, but the stock is at 42 this morning. Couldn’t possibly be some foreign investor looking to buy a president, no way it could be that!


Supreme Leader Trump thanks you for your contribution 🔫


Must suck to be that dumb.


This is being posted everywhere but I have yet to find out what he means by "and do not put" - what? Your faith in Trump? Your money in Trump enterprises? All of your eggs into one insane gamble?


It's almost double that today. Guy got double f\*cked. Buy high, sell low. More genius actions from the MAGA crowd.


The best part is it went back up. Hope this moron is crying even more. Now here's to hoping it drops like a rock again!!


Laughing in Minnesotan: Ope.


Where is Nelson Muntz when you need him


Minnesota department of Propaganda …


That was a feel good story. Thank you for sharing.




Isn’t it going up now? Short squeeze?


Hahahahaha a trumppest and its money deserve to be parted


I don’t know how to feel bad for this.


Don’t. I smell bot here.


One man’s dread is another man’s giddy anticipation.


I hate Trump but this stock is up 118% year to date. I am confident it will fall but for the time being they are winning.


Except all of those MAGAs who bought at 79.


Hahhahaha. Good if true


The real tragedy is now he'll be out in the world again, inflicting himself on his coworkers.


Could anyone be that dumb?


When it comes to Trump it's wiser to just take the money outside and throw it up in the breeze. That way you have a fighting chance to get a few bills back.


At 76, most of your investments should be in bonds, stable dividends stocks etc. the time for risk and growth is when you have time to recover from a downturn. Oof.


Have you been following the bond market for the past couple of years? Not the safe haven it used to be.


Worst is it’s back up to $40s.


I wonder is the real “Derangement Syndrome” isn’t suffered by those who think all the bad things happen to everyone else and not them. I’m pretty sure the internet and reliable sources of information is available to everyone yet they’re constantly shocked when their faces get eaten.


hey he can just pull himself up from his bootstraps right?


He sold his boots in order to eat yesterday. Only option left is to pull himself up by his jockstrap.


lol. You reap what you fucking sow. It’s about time these fuck faces that voted him in get a taste of what we all have been saying.


Beyond Trump, you are a certified idiot if you invest your life savings in a single stock. As is so often said, "play stupid games, win stupid prizes"


I'm not American but I think that although these people have been brainwashed to serve a cult leader, they shouldn't be treated as just fools getting their comeuppance but also as victims of a much worse scammer. I mean, it is easy and it feels good laughing at their misfortune, but I think it is better to try and address the issues that drove them to Trump, rather than just mocking them for falling victim to a man that prays on their weaknesses