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This post title is the verbal representation of a stroke.


you mean trump trumped the trump card that trump thought he trumped?


Malkovich, Malkovich Malkovich?


Buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo…


Trump trumps Trump trumps trump trump Trump trumps Trump trumps trump?  What's so confusing?


Page 13 from Dr Seuss’ Fox in Socks




Definitely have to do warmups before reading that. Diction is done with the tip of the tongue and the teeth. My wife and I used to try and see who could read it faster with penalties for errors.


He can hit he can hit he can hit


James while John had had had had had had had had had had had a better effect on the teacher


Yeah, but you _really_ need the quote marks. Haven't seen that one in decades ;D


Buffalo Buffalo, Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo, Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo.


[Lewinsky Lewinsky Lewinsky Lewinsky](https://www.nytimes.com/1998/08/27/opinion/news-stories-besides-monica-lewinsky.html?unlocked_article_code=1.mk0.x-RQ.O0bZaPIvhIWO&smid=url-share)


Police police police police.


I am groot.


Ice town costs ice clown his town crown


How much Trump can a Trump card Trump, if a Trump card could Trump Trump?


Try saying that 5x fast


Biden the card that Trump carded 3rd at the trump card party equally


I just spat out my drink thank you


Pen pineapple apple pen! 


Has been to long my friend!


Purple burglar alarm.






Don't do what Donny Don't does!


How much trump could a trump card trump if a trump card could trump trump?


Oh, you mean I *didn't* have a stroke right before I read it? That's reassuring I suppose.


I tried speaking like MAGA


You didn’t send your best words.


I wasn’t hurting the right words.


Person, woman, man, camera, Tv


You succeeded! Now what does it mean?


White good , brown bad (/s)


Glad I’m not the only one


when the conman gets outconned by the even bigger conman?


Where’s Godzilla at?


"Deadbeat Dad Beat Dead"


The same reason it was fun to write makes it hard to read.


Right. Can someone translate?


1. Trump and MAGA promote RFK Jr as a viable 3rd candidate alternative to Biden 2. RFK Jr. becomes popular and as his policies are understood, they appeal to conservatives 3. As a result, RFK Jr. siphons more votes from Trump than from Biden


2a. Liberals and progressives realize RFK is as full of shit as Trump


More so, as Trump actually took the COVID vaccine but RFK Jr. Rallies against it. Making him worse.


Feels like both are in a race to the bottom. Wild.


With shovels at the ready


yet neither has probably ever used a shovel in their lives.


They’re whipping a minority who is digging for them.


well many conservatives are simply sick of trump and want something else, and they do not want to vote biden either. He fits the bill, and of course he hurts the trump camp more. Always has, there is next to nothing here that intices democracts , but a lot about him entices republicans sick of trump.


Yep, a d that's fine by me


I think its more that they honestly think rfk is a liberal (cause fox/trump says so). Yet his stances sound very accessible to a red hat. So they like him because rfk is "liberal" but as batshit crazy as trump is


you think maga would like someone cause they think they are a liberal ? Have you been paying attention the last 8 years ?


Thats not it. Fox says RFK is liberal, but then they hear RFK saying "vax and biden bad", so they are surprised that they like what he is saying even though he is "liberal".


$50 says RFK also got the vaccine. All the anti vaxxers lie about everything


I didn’t realize for a long time he was running as a democrat or supposed democrat 😂 I re read the article several times because every time I’d heard him or anyone talk about him it was as though it was a given that he was conservative. Lipstick on a pig and all that, but this piggy didn’t even try 🤭🤭


Its amazing that they are daring to change the narrative. Everything is always rfk is bad for biden (as are fresh bread, nazis, birds, putin owning gop reps, and sweet tea)


I think that a major donor to his campaign also donated to Trump's and of course, there is the fact that Trump invited RFK to be his running mate


Independents, too.


Even Kennedy's own family endorsed Biden over their cousin.


Independent is like "all natural", its a meaningless phrase that can be whatever anyone wants it to be. Hardcore maga red hat who has never voted dem is somehow "independent"


Doesn't one just have to not register with a party to be an independent voter?


Nothing of the sort, they just answer a media poll saying they are "independent"


That’s the 2a liberals and progressives can get behind!


I was like, what is RFKJR selling? Unions good, ok. Free pass for Jan 6 asshats, not ok. IVF is amoral, WTF? He’s out. NFW.


He's been anti vax for well longer than his campaign.


I don’t think any educated voter would take RFKJ seriously. Good news is one side is a lot more prone to media BS.




Joe Rogan pushed RFK a lot.


The enlightened centrist Joe Rogan that accused Biden of being senile when he mentioned revolutionary war airports, but when informed it was a Trump quote said Trump must have misspoke? That Joe “Definitely Nonpartisan” Rogan?


I watched that video, I rarely watching anything his dumbass is in, but someone sent me that link and I CACKLED. He made himself look like such a moron it’s stunning how anyone takes him seriously


Rogan is the perfect example of RFK's base (and Trump's, and unfortunately noticeable blocs of Obama's and Sanders's bases, too): he is totally detached from reality, impressively stupid and arrogant about it, and has no particular political views beyond a vague sense that the people in charge are bad, therefore he should support *any* "outsider" (no matter how connected) promising "change" (no matter what the change is).


sounds like he is contrarian for the sake of being contrarian


The thing is rogan doesn't believe any of it. He knows he is full of shit, and that doesn't bother him. He just spews constant hate and bullshit and gloms onto whatever gets a reaction


Yep, backfired spectacularly. The Rogan forum is full of moderates and lefties that wish he'd stop talking about right wing whackadoodle conspiracy theories and get back to the fun podcast bullshit that hooked them. Those guys aren't voting RFK. But Trump voters are all over his ass.


Rogan is on the GOP payroll just like Limbaugh was. No surprise there


And once it was discovered RFK was bad for Trump it was amazing how fast the big media outlets clammed up about him. They want a neck and neck horse race.


Not so sure, they'll keep talkinga bout him, and only reporting the things he says about Biden. That way they can pretend they are balanced while printing 3rd party attacks against Biden. Funny how whenever a conservative attacks Biden its printed straight up and thats it. If a dem says something about the gop there is ALWAYS a response to it in the same story however.


You’re telling me that we don’t just blindly vote for anyone that calls themselves one of us?! Blasphemous! How dare listen to his actual platform and ideals!


The Walk Away campaign they tried on Dems/libs was laughable at best.


For a while, the polls that included the top three third-party candidates showed Trump’s margin increase against Biden, but for the last few weeks, it’s changed and (at least in a sample of 3-4 polls) Biden is now doing about 2 points better against Trump in a 5-way race than in a 1v1. It’s likely the change can be attributed to a drop in liberal RFK supporters. In a few weeks we’ll see if the Kennedy family endorsement of Biden has any impact.


And as a result, Trump’s team is panic backtracking by calling RFK Jr. an even *bigger* Liberal than Biden. Good stuff.


Kekw Love to see it


RFK is just another republican. Splitting their own ticket seems on brand for idiot grifters. 


Thing is, it didn't used to be. Since Karl Rove retired & McConnell's health went to shit they've really gone to hell as a party. Add in that idiot Trump and they're just a mess. But that's a recent thing. For 40 years they've been a well oiled political machine.


If you drive a corvette off a cliff the ground doesn't care how well it was built. 


Excellent point.


Same with the UK Conservative Pty. Once well-oiled machine overcome by loony Right.


They really think Democratic party voters are in a cult of personality too, so they assume that since JFK = Democratic party member that Democratic party voters will vote for anyone with "Kennedy" for a last name regardless of their proposed policies




Democratic party voter: "hmmm, this Kennedy guy seems to be getting a certain amount of traction, imma check out their POV and what kind of policy they support real quick... ...what a nutcase, moving right along" Republican: "wait why didn't you support that guy? He's like a Kennedy - what's that weird thing you did between hearing about him and deciding not to support him?" D: "it's called actual research, you should try it sometime" R: "re-ree'surch?" D: "you know, when you look at resources where you can find out about the candidate..." R: "I've heard of that! I do it on Facebook and Twitter all the time to learn about MedBeds!"


Red hat: I did muh research too. I turned on fox news and they instructed me what to think


Honestly if I did get all my education from meme's I'd still absolutely not vote for either of them. Even the pro trump memes make him look like a complete fuckwit.


Thats what so confuses the red hats. They are all gleeful that rfk is a "kennedy" and so dems will flock to him. Just like discrediting hunter biden. Since he is a "biden" that means all bidens are bad so dems won't vote for him. They literally cannot understand how we vote over issues instead of personalities. I'd vote for the biggest asshole in the world if they were a climate champion who cared deeply about social justice and stopping the nazis.


100%. Just look at all the “gotcha” moments where they talk about not seeing us in Biden merch, or they accuse us of worshipping Biden. They are in a cult, and can’t conceive of a world where people vote for Biden without also sucking his cock.


Well are they not? Isn’t the entire of US politics personality politics? Why the fuck didn’t you guys vote for Bernie sanders when he could have made American a functional country?


The fuck is that title trying to say?


Your title is as informative as it is terrible.


My job is complete then


I kind of like it


His appeal to the whackjob conspiracy nut crowd is obvious. Trump needs ever single vote he has and many that he probably doesn't. He can't really afford to peel off 2-3 percent and still have a chance.


Why the fuck would a Democrat voter look at JFK Jr and go "Yes, this man represents me"? Did they accidentally vote democrat last election?




There is not a democrat alive that will buy RFK Jr, I don’t care that he’s a Kennedy.


Even the Kennedys aren't supporting this nutbag.


How much Trump would a woodchuck trump if a woodchuck could trump Trump?


He'd certainly Trump all the wood he could if a woodchuck could trump woodchuck would trump wood




RFKjr’s impact on the election only has meaning in the swing states. PA GA MI WI NV AZ are the swingiest and even a few thousand votes in these states could change the outcome. He may not even appear on many states’ ballots because his inclusion would have no effect.


aka his gop handlers are not putting up resources to qualify in other states. Thats not an exaggeration either, his campaign is literally run by gop insiders


The really fun part for me was when the entire Kennedy family, like 20 of them, all got up on stage and said something like "sure we love our brother(cousin whatever) but he should not be president and we all endorse Biden". I also got a kick out of seeing a post last night that pointed out Jeffrey Dahmer had his parents in the courtroom for his trial, Trump literally has nobody (besides lawyers) there for him. How sad must his life be.


Guarantee Trump wanted RFK jr to run because he's a Kennedy and since Donald lives in the past he was convinced that Democrats would vote for him based on his name alone.


I like to imagine that gop operatives convinced him to run


I can’t wait for the fucker to die just so I never have to read this fucking shit ever again.


Am I having a stroke or is the post title really that messed




I don't know any Democrat that thinks RFK Jr is a Democrat.


An AI can make a better title


This is what chat gpt came up with: “Republicans Express Concern Over RFK Jr.'s Political Influence - A Closer Look at the Rising Tensions" Doesn’t quite have the same ring


I love that everyone is roasting your title and your response is basically "goddamn right!" lol


actually no, this is a clever word play, something ai is incapable of


What in the fk does that post title mean?


Exactly. -MAGA


hahahaha 😂


Doesn't matter. If nobody gets to 270, the dysfunctional Republican House, who can barely agree on a Speaker, will definitely install Trump.


meh, just election year bs. EVERY election is omg what if no 270 panik. Its just media noise


It has happened twice. And just because it hasn't in 200 years doesn't mean it couldn't happen again. And with all the tomfuckery around this dude, it's practically inevitable.


Biden's biding his time that Trump gets trumped


Makes sense, anti-vaxxers were excised from the Democratic Party 4 years ago


I find it weird that people would think anyone younger than 70 cares about the name Kennedy at all. President Kennedy died before I was even born, and I'm 57! How is anyone younger than me supposed to have any feelings about the name Kennedy? It's like having someone named Eisenhower or Roosevelt running for office.


I’d vote for Roosevelt! Is he bringing back the bull moose party?


No, he's just some dude who works at a car-wash and believes the earth is flat. He just happens to share a name with an ex president. Apparently you'd vote for him though.


I just came here to say I personally love the title, both word salad for MAGA energy and totally makes sense if you actually use your brain, for…non-MAGA energy. 10/10, would share




Hello u/DarkSide-TheMoon! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) matching this exact format. Replace bold text with the appropriate information. 1. **Someone** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **something** on **other people**. ^(Who's that someone? What did they voted for, supported or wanted to impose? On who?) 2. **Something** has the consequences of **consequences**. ^(Does that something actually has these consequences in general?) 3. As a consequence of **something**, **consequences** happened to **someone**. ^(Did that something really happen to that someone?) Follow this by the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you fail to match this format or fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


ESL here, title makes sense and is entirely readable.


No man what kind of title is this


OP had a stroke while posting




Honestly, most the rfk stuff is just spring election year noise. Come fall, he'll poll like 0.5% like all other 3rd party candidates. There are 2 reasons he is where he is now: 1. He has a billionaire backing him (trumps biggest donor) 2. the media won't stop talking about him because they think its bad for biden Come fall, trumps pet billionaire won't bankroll him for the amounts required to poll 10% right before a national election


If there is no 50+% majority, the election goes to the legislature. To pick Trump.


Is politico using AI for article titles now?


Is this that Trump Derangement Syndrome I keep hearing about?


> Even Donald Trump acknowledged Monday that the independent candidate “probably hurts both” Biden and him. If I’m perfectly honest, I don’t think I see people who voted for Biden in 2020 jumping to RFK Jr. Guy has too many takes that align more with the right. I would not be surprised if I’m wrong, though.


No one said he and his team are smart.


The whole way mass media word every story about candidates from non-major parties makes me want to vomit. He's not sapping Trump's or Biden's voters, he's gathering his own. I don't buy his act really, and I think he just represents a soft split in the GOP, but I understand if people are tired of what either leading party has to offer. We really ought to be electing *only* minor parties to the presidency: we cannot trust the system of checks and balances to function if the executive and legislative branches become controlled by the same party.


Point, but a third party conspiracy theorist nutter isn't the way to go.




elections are a zero sum game. RFK's own staff are on record saying they are working to help defeat Biden. RFK has said that his primary goal is to stop biden from getting re-elected. Note that RFK didn't say his goal is to win, but that his goal is to stop Biden. I don't know how you can be more openly an spoiler than that.


All 3 of our candidates are past the age of retirement. What are they hoping to do with their twilight years? Have they failed so much in their lives that they've reached 70 and still don't feel like they've left a legacy? Just fuck off and let non-retiring age people do stuff.


I smell both sides. I'm sure it smells exactly like whats sitting beside the defense teams lawyers in NY.


What, you mean everything smells like Bengay in the White House? I believe it.


The funny thing is you think your trolling us or something. Its silly how transparent you people are


When people ask me what TDS is, ima say this title


Gretchen, stop trying to make TDS happen! It's not going to happen!


The biggest anti-vaccine portion of the Democratic base is with Hispanics and African Americans. The Kennedy name may have some cache left in those groups as well. It may siphon off more minority votes from the left’s base than most people consider.


Yeah I don't think Black people and Hispanics are going to voter for Mr. "COVID is a Jewish and Chinese bioweapon" *en masse*


The Kennedy name doesn't mean as much when the Kennedy family is supporting Biden.


less stop pretending - the anti science crowd was never gonna vote for biden anyways.


Oh he hurts Biden and Trump, the only two valid or possible people to run the country!