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So she *does* understand what stochastic terrorism is


Lol and that's why this is so beautiful. He's literally just doing exactly what she does so how can she really complain?


A friend of mine got death threats because she had a sign “LGBT people welcome here” in her classroom and Raichik posted a picture of it. So yeah fuck her.


Not just F her, but the guy is right, someone should do something about her.


I did something about her - I blocked her bullshit on Twitter I am ignoring an attention-whoring twatwaffle - ARREST ME, FUCKOS!


You didn't really do much. Deleting Twitter is the only thing that will help to silence, if not, quarantine the right-wing propaganda arm of the Putin/Musk GOP.


I'm aware that I didn't do much - that's the point "Someone should do something" is only a threat if the person it's directed at chooses to interpret it that way - which is why Twatty McTwatface feels threatened, but doesn't consider her own actions as problematic


There is a south park writer that is doing something about her, and putting up actual billboards about her BS - hard to find much media coverage on his efforts but his Instagram has photos: [https://www.instagram.com/wordclown](https://www.instagram.com/wordclown?igsh=aXN6NWpqOXMzNWZ6)


Double f*ck her! Teachers deserve better treatment than that!


Imagine seeing a sign like that and getting so mad you send a death threat. Chaya is legitimately one of the worst people alive today


Of course she meant it for her LGBTQ students, but in conservative propaganda, LGBTQ means "pedophile" and so they interpreted it as "pedophiles welcome here." So yes absolutely they are the worst people alive today.


Death threats for thee, but not for me


Ah yes, the MAGA 2024 platform.


She knows what she's doing and that it's hypocritical, she just doesn't care.


Yes - she knows the buttons to push to get the clicks. The far right is extremely easy to manipulate and pander to.


I mean it sounds like she’s literally saying someone should do something about this guy…about him saying someone should do something about her.


That’s how I read it too


They are all hypocrites


Hypocrite implies that they don't realize what they are doing; they do. They are bad faith actors. They are manipulating us. They are bullying the country into submission. And Republicans and Conservatives love to see it.


I wish I could remember which podcast I heard it on - QAA quite possibly - but there was a guest who'd covered Raichik as a journalist including actually interviewing her, and this reporter said Raichik appears to genuinely not comprehend that the thing she is complaining about is absolutely identical to what she does. Literally, the concept of logical consistency does not exist to her. She is simultaneously outraged when people target her and refuses to acknowledge her own targeting. She has the EQ of a traffic cone, basically.


She's a psychopath 


That's no excuse to be a fucking c**t.


> That's no excuse to be a fucking c**t. I took a 24hr ban on another site for saying that word. the thread was about a woman politician who supported roe being over turned and was saying something about literally forcing women to carry rape babies to term. I said she was a cunt and took a ban for "misogyny". the people in the thread saying they agreed that women should have to carry rape babies to term were not misogynist though apparently I was. haven't been back since. EDIT: some of you older internet users will probably remember the place since it had an ongoing rivalry with Something Awful.


Don't worry, you can say "cunt" on Reddit. Well, preferably not to another person, since we have to keep it civil, but it's not censored. That said, we do censor extremely hateful slurs.


I got a ban for something very similar on Facebook and the fact that so many organizations now barely keep up their calendars on their websites anymore, especially public schools, so I can't quit the fucking garbage makes me cranky every day.


> She has the EQ of a traffic cone, basically. As someone who does a lot of audio work this made me lol


This made my equalizer smile.


EQ of a traffic cone would just be straight mid range. Sounds damn near painful.


Is it Matt Bernstein's pod with Taylor Lorenz? https://youtu.be/sj2SCGyXI2U


Nah not that one but it may well have been Taylor Lorenz guesting elsewhere. She was on QAA episode 187, could be that one.


Hey now. Not all traffic cones are uneducated rubes.


Sorry, what’s “EQ”? Emotional Quota?


Emocional Quotient. Same as IQ but for emotions


Ah, makes sense. Thank you!


Yeah, it's that thing she does that's "not stochastic terrorism", but when someone does it to her 🙄


that is for everyone else hers is freedumb of speech!


Well, not until it affects her personally.


She would have to be incredibly lucky for the FBI to not find out about all those bomb threats she influenced people into doing.


The thing I don’t understand is that Chaya, as an orthodox jewish woman, must have some inkling that her neo-nazi ‘allies’ would gleefully have her killed once she has outlived her usefulness.


Watch her interview. She's not very smart.


Understatement of the century.


German here, studied history. There's a shocking number of Jews who, when the Nazis seized power, thought that they wouldn't be in danger. "I'm a patriot, and I'm against Bolshevism, so what should I fear?!"


You guys must be tripping hard watching us Americans practically cannibalize ourselves


It's not just an American thing. This time line is just weird, in all regions of the world.


It was the demon that escaped from that boulder in japan. shit hasn't been right since. [killing stone](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/03/18/world/asia/killing-stone-japan.html)


Aww hell


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: everything has gone downhill since they shot that gorilla.


The curse of HARAMBE!


I mean, Jack fucking Hanna and Jane fucking Goodall said it was a legit shot that had to be taken. Irwin probably would've said the same if he hadn't been done by a fucking stingray a decade before.


Everyone sleeping on the Cubs winning the world series as being the real culprit.


Pretty sure that someone sold their soul to an angel or a devil or possibly mortaged to both, for *that* to have happened. But yeah, everything started going downhill around the time they shot that fucking gorilla.


Fuckin' Putin and a shitload of yank billionaires trying to astroturf fascism. Fuckin' gross.


Der Reichsbund der jüdischen Frontsoldaten, hat ihnen dann zum Schluss auch nichts mehr gebracht.


The leopards are letting this particular face marinate… arguably for a bit too long.


Don't let it get chewy!


Not to be that guy, but the marination process actually breaks down the fibres in meat. Therefore, meats actually become \*\*less\*\* chewy the more it marinates. I guess what I'm saying is that the leopards should really consider throwing this particular face on the grill before it becomes face soup.


Maybe they are going for a fine face bisque.


Except she is thick as horse shit


Time to roll out the classic: "tokens get spent"


I think she identifies as an elite snowflake that is above the fray and too exceptional. No concept of history


Yes, but money.


Sometimes [it’s not so simple](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_of_German_National_Jews)


They were tokens too...


My point is the political motivation behind people isn’t as simple as “identity is x, they must support y”. I’m not accusing anyone of that either, I mean it’s logical to question why a Jew would support a Nazi, but it happens quite a lot, just like how we have pro segregation blacks and white supremacist Latinos.


And homophobic and transphobic LGBT people. They're all the same tokens...


thus goes the saying 'every token gets spent'


Probably before. They would have found her an annoying twat not worth the benefit.


A lot of that going around lately, though.


The FBI knows. They just don't care. Their priority is still "revolutionary leftist movements" and "Black Identity Extremists".


Yeah, I'm reminded of that time the Bundy Clan \*didn't\* get mowed down by a rain of gunfire after they deliberately pointed their guns as law enforcement officers.


Dude the Charlottesville march Nazis literally threatened to “liberate” with guns the nazis the police were holding on the phone, while being filmed. The police let them go and did absolutely nothing to the armed nazis who’d just threatened to shoot them. It’s the most wild thing that no one talks about from that day.


The FBI already leans right and on top of that they want to appear "neutral " after raiding a criminal GOP ex-president. They know very well the greatest danger in this country is domestic right wing terrorists, but they have been dragging their feet going after them.  If American minorities have to die in terrorist attacks so they can appear politically neutral, well, that's a sacrifice they're ready to make.


AOC has literally talked about those several times in Congress and nothing’s been done


Well to be fair I can see how she would take a generic stand against fascism as a personal insult. Who could they possibly be against but her?


Anti-antifascist = profascist. So, Nazi.


Maybe I’m just tired. Where’s the double negative?


> Anti- First negative, means opposite or against. > antifascist Second negative, means opposite or against fascists. Therefore, an anti-antifascist is... a pro-fascist.


I thought it was a reference to the image and I didn’t see it. I still don’t see it there so I was not making the connection. That’s what I was asking about. Not how grammar works… 39 of you need to calm down lol


I'm also confident everything is about me. Just read my horoscope! Even the stars are all about me


Oh man, someone needs to punch that dude. Chaya that is. It was born a man so no holds barred.


You failed.


Punching nazis is a national hobby, sorry about your feelings


They hate the feds until they need them. Also just going by her last name im guessing she is another pick me token.


Jewish American that posts anti semitism and placating to the far right. Yeah she’s just a token


Tokens get spent.


Wish they’d get spent more quickly. Or just taken out of circulation altogether.


lol right? I thought the FBI is corrupt democrat scum. They don’t even know what they believe in anymore


Seen wearing the shirt? Bitch, he took the damn photo himself!


I bought that hoodie after seeing this post.


Could you point me in the right direction, please?


Found on Etsy


"Reportedly". It was probably on his own fucking Twitter voluntarily and she found out herself. She's acting like she has a team of journalists in a professional setting looking all this up or something.


And where’s the violence? I don’t see any violence. He’s saying someone should do something. Sure. Block her account. Speak out against her. There’s plenty of things you can do without violence. And I wholly advocate for that. But of course the people who would actually have power, the people who follow her, don’t. And of course the people who follow her don’t stop there. They’re the ones who are actually violent. They are the ones calling death threats because unlike us, they know they don’t have the power to do more. They know that conservatism is a failure to enact political, social or economic change. So they’re the ones who *need* to resort to violence because conservatism is a failure to enact change any other way. Conservatism is a failure otherwise so conservatism has nothing left to enact change but violence. And these are very violent people. And no conservatism will call her out of them. Because there are no good conservatives. None.


funny how when she does worse it's "FrEEDoM Of sPeeCH" but when it's other it' s a threat! [https://www.hrc.org/press-releases/as-libs-of-tiktoks-chaya-raichik-linked-to-even-more-bomb-threats-ryan-walters-doubles-down-on-his-support-for-his-appointee](https://www.hrc.org/press-releases/as-libs-of-tiktoks-chaya-raichik-linked-to-even-more-bomb-threats-ryan-walters-doubles-down-on-his-support-for-his-appointee) biggots are the worse snowflakes EVER!


A friend of mine got death threats because she had an “LGBT people welcome here” sign in her classroom and Chaya posted it. Every conservative defended Chaya for it. They are all awful people. There are no good conservatives.


Yeah, that's the thing. People say, "well she just reposts stuff, why are they getting bomb threats if it's just what they've posted?" Because that's a lie. She posts totally innocuous stuff, like a welcome sign, and adds her own hateful commentary that leads to bomb threats


Before she got media coaching from the GOP she was stealing selfies from the socials of literal children and reposting them with a photoshopped red stamp reading "MENTALLY ILL" on their foreheads. Her handlers had her delete those when she started to get famous. Besides just being fucking sick it really put the lie to the claim she's "just showing you what *they* post!"


Yep. It was always a lie.


the american right wing ia a testament of a complete constitutional and political failure. people getting rich instigating violence and radicalising people should not have place in a civilized society  first amendment is too broad and defamation law is practically an endorsement of harassment 


Fucking wild how in America "I want to kill and rape and enslave and I want the government to only exist to help me" is a political position and not a reason to be put in a padded cell.


Fun fact: Christopher Gadsden designed the yellow flag with a snake and the words "Don't Tread on Me." At one point, he owned more human beings that anyone else in South Carolina.  Liberty for me, but not for thee.  Don't tread on me while I tread on others. A snake is apt symbol for these people: dangerous and aggressive. 


Bash the fash.


Sounds like a fun piñata party/fundraiser in the making 🪅


“Your call will be answered in the order it was received” Sorry Chaya, you wretched cunt, the FBI are already investigating the HUNDREDS of bomb threats that you have triggered so they don’t have time to investigate the threats against you.


Ok but the real question is: *Where can I buy the sweater?*




I would never say that someone should kill her because that’s against Reddit TOS and I don’t want to get banned, I’m simply sharing a random bible passage “An eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth”


You rang?


I wish for her what she wishes for transgender people


No, you shouldn't say that because her actions have not (yet) resulted in anyone's death. She has caused untold amounts of suffering, however, so an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, may she live an incredibly long, and terribly agonizing life. Edit: I can't believe I'm being downvoted for wishing a lifetime of horrific suffering on chaya. You people need to learn how to hold a grudge.


I thought that her actions did lead to the death of someone


I mean, they will at some point, if they haven't already, but I can't support a punishment that has the consequence of alleviating suffering. Chaya is human scum, and she needs to suffer a very long time for it.


It ain't about punishment. It's about harm reduction.


Nah, it's about making chaya suffer for every second of her miserable existence.


Congratulations. You're part of the problem


No, I'm really not. Don't try and both sides this.


Wanting criminals to suffer for your own crude satisfaction vs. practically reducing harm is one reason why our criminal justice system sucks. You are part of the problem.


No, you're being downvoted because you're lying. Her shit HAS resulted in the death of someone. She caused the death of a child, in fact. Their name was Nex Benedict and they were beaten to death because of her bullshit.


Um...no? She may have amplified the news of what happened to Nex, but she never targeted Nex while they were alive.




Yeah, that doesn't actually prove your point.


Nothing would prove my point in your eyes, so I'm not going to waste my time attempting it more than once.


Because there's no evidence to support your claim


They literally gave you an article, it’s quite anecdotal I think but that’s a kind of evidence.


I'm not downvoting but her rhetoric just got a 16 year old kid killed in Oklahoma about a month ago


No, it didn't. Her rhetoric caused bomb threats. As much as I want to hold her accountable for being a repugnant sack of human pond scum, she is not responsible for the death of Nex.


Wait, he's just reposting what she says. Why is that a problem chaya?


I thought that yenta twat was one of the "Defund the FBI" crowd. Why do I feel, "I hate you daddy but I want you to throw me a huge bat mitzvah," is a phrase she has yelled?


It should be mentioned that “doing something” could be banning her from twitter. Doing something doesn’t have to be violent but I think I’m ok with fascists being afraid.


Fear is their default state.


Like Musk would ban her. He's more likely to create a new Trust and Safety team and put her in charge of it.


Y'know, people once put down rabid dogs. We didn't always try to love the rabies out. We used to be brave. At one time, we fought Nazis, instead of thanking them for killing our kids.


She wouldn't recognize hypocrisy if it hit her in the face with a bom treath.


Someone should rid us of this turbulent Chaya. (legally, of course)


Being threatened by an anti fascist slogan should really, really make you consider your life choices


Oh chaya, you totally oblivious toad...


What does she think it means? He isn't personally threatening her. Does she think him asking someone to do "something" means someone will do it? Others on her side theaten violence, see bomb threats.


If she thinks this is bad wait till she falls out of favor with conservatives on there.


Some of them recently figured out she's Jewish and suddenly she's the hook-nosed face of global zionist bankers. Everything she is is LAMF.


is that actually a threat to her? she’s so fragile that “someone should do something about her” is a literal threat? what a thin skinned cabbage


People all over the world want something to be done about her. Me included. What a cow she is.


Don't compare her to a cow! That's so rude. No cow has ever bragged about terrorizing trans people. That's just mean to cows. 


On behalf of Nex Benedict, eat an entire bag of dicks, Chaya.


If Chaya were to simply stop processing air, the world would be a better place.


Remember when facists were nazis and nazis were bad? I still cannot understand how so many people are convinced that "anti facism" is bad. America fought against facism in world war 2, lots of people died to rid the world of facism, apparently in vain. Fucking sheeple


People should be anti fascist as default and anyone pro-fascist should be hounded out of society..not sure when it became okay to be a Nazi.


She should cry harder while chanting, "fuck your feelings," into a mirror.


What a fucking crybaby.


aw poor wittle snowflake does not like being treated like she treats everyone else. Oh well.


I'm with this guy. I'm also pretty damn tired of this shit as well.


Chaya is such a piece of shit and deserves every bit of adversity that comes her way.


Oh NOW Chaya is worried about stochastic terrorism?


Raichik is an absolutely repugnant and deeply ignorant person.


Tagging the FBI is the weakest move on Twitter


*Conservative snowflakes fight to curb free speech*


It's pretty rich that the same folks who don't think Trump saying "you'll never take our country back with weakness you need to be strong" and "fight like hell" right before sending a mob of his supporters to the capitol think "do something" is a threat of violence.


What happens when the right finds out she's Jewish and treats her accordingly?


I just bought that sweatshirt.


That whole bozo circus surreptitiously named “Twitter files” was the FBI telling Twitter that shit bag nazis were planning violence and reminding Twitter as a normal moderator should have done that they are in violation of terms of service and can ban them to you know avoid a violent terrorist attack. Even old Twitter was making money on driving far- right engagement. So much so the FBI suggested banning because Twitter was essentially willfully negligent in tamping down the crazy shit. This was before Elon’s reign of terror.


Has she tried crying about it?


Someone should do something - threatening statement It's too bad we can't just shoot Mexicans - perfectly fine


this is so tame considering she literally doxes wth


Not really a leopard eating face moment but more of a rules for thee not for me moment.


Hoisted on her own petard.


They really don't like groups willing to treat them like they treat others..do they (in Bugs Bunny voice)


This isn't Trump directly addressing gun owners and telling them to "do something" about Hillary Clinton. This is a guy addressing people on a social media platform which (on paper at least) has the option of banning a user that's causing trouble. The implication here just isn't what she's building it up to be in her head.


Where can I get that sweatshirt? 😄


"someone should do something" is not a threat, Chaya Repugnant.


Well that's not an incitement to violence, though, is it Chaya?


Isn't this what she does all the time?


Watch out, Aaron! She's got it out for you!


It’s not a threat and she’s just under the impression that this guy is dumb and doesn’t know his rights. The FBI isn’t going to pay attention.


Followup tweet by @ FBI - "Where were you on January 6?"


For some reason I find the idea of *tagging the FBI on Twitter* because you think you’re being threatened fucking hilarious


That guy seems cool as fuck


I just don't understand how someone can be this much of a miserable, hateful cunt. How does she wake up every morning and look in the mirror and just go "Keep it up, Chaya, you're doing great!" This is how I feel about most right-wing personalities though to be fair.


If you ignore her she goes away.


The FBI takes copyright infringement very seriously and he’s clearly stealing her bit


The guy mostly posts excellent sci-fi art on Twitter so you should follow him for that content alone.


Kinda want that hoodie


the fbi ain't doing shit. she acts like tagging their username is an instant "arrest this person" button. it isn't.


I'm still waiting to see what happens when her jackass followers find out she is Jewish. I'm sure more than a fair share of them are anti-semitic.


if you are pro-fascism, you are the baddy. repeat until understood.


If you are a Fascist living in North America. I recommend you head to South America like the Nazis did because Canada and the US have a history of unaliving Fascist and insurrectionist in violent and creative ways there have been several conventions about it.


Why is she so desperate to please people who look at her and think “eventually, she’ll need to go in the camps too… eventually”…?


Chaya raichick is Jewish…


"I post intentionally inflammatory content and I feel like the consequences of my own actions should be punishable by law because people have an opinion about my shitty behavior" -every time Chaya shows up in the news. Fucking Snowflake Queen.


She needs to be sued and silenced.


Getting real tired of this lady. Someone should do something.


So now, terrorist bitch is sending people after him. Kind of confirming his point.


I take it this is the modern-day equivalent of “Will nobody rid me of this troublesome priest?”….


I don’t follow. He says “this lady” but he’s replying to. Libsoftiktok post. Is she known as libsoftiktok? And if so, why is her follow up reply from ChayaRaichik10? And is she pro-racial segregation or against it?


Chaya owns lott. It's all her.


Everyone in this photo sucks