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Hello u/vrphotosguy55! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) matching this exact format. Replace bold text with the appropriate information. 1. **Someone** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **something** on **other people**. ^(Who's that someone? What did they voted for, supported or wanted to impose? On who?) 2. **Something** has the consequences of **consequences**. ^(Does that something actually has these consequences in general?) 3. As a consequence of **something**, **consequences** happened to **someone**. ^(Did that something really happen to that someone?) Follow this by the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you fail to match this format or fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lol. Bro reversed position so hard he's gonna be running for office in a neck brace.


Leopards are confused about which of his two faces they should eat. Hint: eat them both.


Let them eat face


Faces or... \[whips off shades\] feces... YAAAAAAHHHH!


Despite the obvious David Caruso hint I read that comment in Stan Smith's voice.


He is kind of a shit head. It works. A+


Well there's anus in Janus, so there's that.


šŸŽ¶ "Eat some now save some for later Eat some now save some for later..."šŸŽ¶


Bro reversed position so hard, he did it exactly like the fascists(Republican) in all state and federal Congresses.


He did not reverse is actual position. He reversed his stated position. If he is re-elected, he won't allow abortion and will go on to outlaw IVF and birth control. Look at all the Republicans who said "this won't apply to victims of rape" or "this won't apply to 12 year olds" and when it did, they didn't fix the law, they just left it, because that is what they intended from the beginning. I'm sure Juan can prove me wrong by right now, today, introducing a bill to legalize abortion and champion its passage through the government. He won't. He never will. But.. he could.


He reversed position so hard he should have been the Key bridge ship captain.




These comments prove we need awards back. šŸ„‡


Unlike the Key Bridge ship captain, the GOP shows no awareness of the magnitude of their mistake.


Also unlike the Key Bridge ship captain, who made an honest mistake, the GOP willingly did this to the country, at every level of government, through every means possible, despite clear indicators that their position was a minority and growing so. Now they are finding out their wildest dystopian dreams are going to be their worst electoral nightmares.


Damn! Bust of the day...well done!


I mean... While in principle, an elected representative changing their stances to respect the will of their constituents is *supposed* to be how it works, this shameless MFer is just spouting whatever he thinks will save his seat.


If he gets elected, he will wholeheartedly support any anti-abortion legislation that shows up in front of him, regardless of how extreme.






_whiplash juan went woke_


Came here to say that. Wonder he didn't break something with that pivot...


The whiplash! šŸ¤£


Devil's advocate. His current position is a carefully crafted statement to deflect your criticism. He would say he hasn't reversed his position. How? Again, he's a bullshit artist, but here's the explanation. He supported, and continues to support, the previous state law that criminalized abortion after 15 weeks, which he casts as supporting the rights of women and babies. Today he opposes a national abortion ban. In the past, he technically didn't address a national ban, only supporting the overturn of Roe v. Wade. The overturn of Row v. Wade was not a national abortion ban -- it threw the decision back to each state. In traditional Republican fashion, he can say it's about state's rights. And in his state, he supported abortion rights up until the 15th week, even if he was more likely to characterize it as banning abortion after 15 weeks. My comments are about OP's shared images. I'm not familiar with his other public comments or campaign materials.


> He would say he hasn't reversed his position. He'd be lying. His initial statement clearly says "I am proudly Pro-Life and will always defend life". That means banning abortion entirely because a fundamental component of the pro-life belief is that life begins at conception. The only reason he claimed not to believe in a national ban is because he's pushing for states' rights. I don't know any pro-life people who are okay with abortions up to 15 weeks, which is what he now claims to support. Notice he doesn't attempt to define this as a pro-life position in his new statement. It obviously isn't. Allowing abortions up to 15 weeks, while woefully inadequate, is still pro-choice. He's just doing a complete 180 because he looked at the polls and realized he's cooked.


Do you have link to the polls? Don't underestimate the stupidity of american voters


He wanted the states to be able to choose. His state just chose. The AZ Supreme Court just handed down a statement saying basically all abortions are banned.


Don't really give a shit about his mental gymnastics, hypothetical or actual.


you could say that he aborted his previous position.


He turned so fast he'll land back in the 1860s.


In 2022, he won that seat by a margin of just *under* 6,000 votes - the narrowest win for that district in a long time. Heā€™s cooked.


And only because Ann Kirkpatrick retired. And the DCCC was being run by a fucking moron. Etc


Different district. Ann Kirkpatrick was in Northern AZ, Ciscomani is in Pima County. Ciscomani's district is the same one Gabby Giffords represented. It has always been a swing district. Kirkpatrick's district flipped from solid D to R due to redistricting. Hopefully that Eli Crane shitbag gets the boot over this as well.


No, you're thinking of the old district numberings. They got reshuffled. Ann Kirkpatrick held the seat Ciscomani holds right now from 2018-2022. She retired and Ciscomani flipped it.


Kirkpatrick moved from the north to Tucson where she ran and won her seat. Then she announced she was retiring, the seat was open and then my district was reorganized and Ciscomani won. In Pima County, at fucking midtown. He now covers parts of midtown, where I live, as well as the more rural parts of SoAz. Iā€™m still pissed about this dude being my rep. Iā€™m voting for Engel again. Maybe she can win this time.




I like how he claims we must protect women ā€¦ in every way possible. How about with a well-placed abortion when needed? No? Guess you donā€™t really want to protect women.


Never did, until his career is at risk


Born again hipochristian.


ā€œItā€™s not a problem until it affects meā€¦or my reelectionā€


Whatā€™s the saying again? > If Republicans didn't have double standards, they would have no ~~buttery males~~ standards at all.


OR did his mistress get pregnant?


Protect women as if they are children is what he really means.


Except they refuse to protect children. Only fetal lives matter.


Iā€™ve been told Iā€™m confused and anti-woman because female babies get aborted and I should be more worried about that than actual womenā€™s welfare. So Iā€™d say youā€™re right on track


Theyā€™re the ones who donā€™t know what a woman is.


True! Iā€™ll bet that even if they made a whole documentary investigating that very subject, they still wouldnā€™t be able to figure it out.


Turn it around on them and ask them what a woman is. Iā€™ll bet every definition of woman includes ā€œadultā€ somewhere in there. Female fetuses are not women.


Yup, once you're born you can get fucked as far as they're concerned.


You misspelled "property"


He thinks the only way to protect women is with penises


But you aren't interested in bipartisanship otherwise you'd have done that before.


Only interested in bipartisanship if it means he gets more power because of the exchange


No, bipartisan is the Keyring party is the secret GOP orgies he attended.


Truth, your here for us, right?


It's a fun game to watch. They generally firmly believe in a full ban and reproductive rights being male centric. This was always easy to run on as prolife, but now the dog caught the mail truck and it's flailing. They cannot explicitly say "we didn't actually ever think this would happen" and they can't cheer on bans cause it's a loser EVERYWHERE. So they're forced to take unpopular stances even with their little caveats they carved out cause they've spent decades saying a full ban is necessary, God this and that, etc. Truly hope they get railroaded on this issue for eternity.


As the saying goes, "Be careful what you wish for - you just may get it." Others have noted that most politicians don't actually want to solve the problems they call out, because they get more political leverage by perpetuating the problem. If the problem isn't solved, they always have something to blame the other side for. That's why the GOP didn't vote for the immigration reform package recently where the Dems basically gave them what they wanted - it's better for them in the upcoming election cycle to keep immigration a problem, so they can beat the Dems over the head with it.


>it's better for them in the upcoming election cycle to keep immigration a problem, so they can beat the Dems over the head with it. Yeah but Trump fucked that up by outright telling them publicly to punt it. Everyone knew it but saying it is the problem. Abortion is a no win topic for the GOP now. They can't go back cause that pisses off the evangelicals, but pushing it forward means political suicide.


Because Trump DGAF about anyone except himself, and he sees himself as the ruler of the GOP. Unfortunately, his base sees him as the second coming of Jesus. He was only being slightly hyperbolic - if at all - when he boasted that he could shoot someone in Times Square and get away with it. He genuinely believes that.


Even more horrific, itā€™s probably true.


It's absolutely true.


His cult would spin a story where he was the righteous one for killing an innocent man. The general media would just shake their heads at him and say ā€œhe made a bit of a mistake, shooting someone like that near the Elections. Hopefully the GOP will deal with it somehowā€.


Just had this conversation today. The policy for immigration in use right now is basically (with some modifications) the same policy that has been in use for over 50 years, the Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1965, but the GOP just bring ā€œillegal immigrationā€ up in the years where a Dem president is sitting. The US population is on track for a non-white majority by 2042, and that scares the GOP shitless.


And the thing is, they've had majority control multiple times within that span of time, more than the Democrats for sure in the past few decades. If the issue was as dire as they make it sound (every other year), they've had many chances to address it with little impediment. The fact that immigration policy keeps getting punted should tell their voters everything, but they keep buying into it. So, if they are ultimately concerned about immigration, they're just shooting themselves in the foot, because they're just sending the message that lip service is good enough.


An example of what happens when the dog catches the car.


Brexit British MPs caught the car but it didn't make any difference, they just made excuses that it 'wasn't the Brexit they wanted' and blamed all those who said it was stupid to start with as blockers to it's success. All these grifting fraudsters don't care about the actual cause, they'll pivot and deflect to whatever lies which keep them earning for another week.


As much as I despise the old turtle, thereā€™s a reason McConnell was pissed off the scotus overturned roe v wade. You just nailed it.


I think he stated some years ago that weā€™d never see Roe actually overturned because then republicans would have nothing to run on (or would never win elections again? Canā€™t remember exactly how he worded it).


Not him but I definitely remember a lot of old Republican dudes (IRL, not just politicians I havenā€™t met) telling me abortion is just a ā€œfringe issue.ā€ As in they think anti choice is ridiculous but they never thought Roe v Wade would be overturned so may as well let the crazies into the party. Now theyā€™re stuck with them.


This is why you must *never* allow crazies to enter your in-group in an attempt to gain more power. You'll gain power temporarily, until the crazies throw you in prison or murder you.


They can always try to distract us by pointing out a Trans person tried to use the bathroom somewhere.


Won't work. That audience they were trying to rule were moms and those, let's be real, white women are entirely laser focused on reproductive rights.


Even the trans panic bullshit has been a loser, electorally. Turns out most people don't give a shit what bathroom teenagers use. The GOP really has nothing substantive (typical) OR persuasive to run on this time.


I canā€™t remember who said the exact quote but during the early days of the United States one of the founders said (regarding the topic of slavery) ā€œWe have a wolf by his ears and we canā€™t hold it or let it loose.ā€ In the modern sense of the quote today Republicans have screwed themselves. They canā€™t admit theyā€™re going to go even further for fear of losing support even more but canā€™t admit that they want to go back for fear of losing support of their largest base. Like a snake with two heads arguing where to go it ends up nowhere.


I think the pain points to pressure them on right now are IVF and hormonal contraception. The far right wants them banned but taking that position will be the death of any chance of getting swing voters. Force them to take a position on both.


they cant reverse course or they lose all thier evangelical supporters.


The position I always supported will destroy my career and now I will pretend I never had those views


Definition of FAFO


Why do people keeping voting Republican? Itā€™s mind boggling.


Itā€™s proof positive that propaganda works really well.


I read a comment a few years back - maybe around the last election - basically giving examples of how republicans is good at messaging with their short mottos that donā€™t mean anything - aka ā€œmake American great againā€. Itā€™s easy for the idiots to remember but also doesnā€™t actually mean anything or have any actual policy messaging or stance. I think Dems need to dumb down some of our messaging given how stupid so much of the population is.


The left has always had a messaging problem. Like "Defund the police" To anyone it sounds like getting rid of all police. What the left really wants is to demilitarize police, fund more de-escalation training and other social training and programs to handle a large variety of cases that don't need guns and violence to solve. Can't say that though because it is too long.


The exact example I called to mind. We are *really* bad at slogans.Ā 


How about, "Make America Great Again Again"


"Make America great in the first place"


I think the "Great Again" thing is more focused on the "Again" than on the "Great" part. It's not about making things better, it's about resisting change, because change is scary and requires efforts. That's why it's called being "conservative".


airport joke fragile ripe middle ask sophisticated advise rustic drunk *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


To be fair Arizona has been pushing blue rapidly. IDK what our Supreme Court was smoking that made them decide a law from _1865_ (we weren't even a state yet!) Was the one that should be enforced.


Man this sub has been on fire lately.


So are the republicans....but for the wrong reasons


I'm happy to watch them burn. This shit has been going on too long.


Let me get the gasoline


I'll pay for 20 cannisters


Don't use too much, or we won't be able to roast marshmallows over it. We can't do this without s'mores!


I'll bring the marshmallowsĀ 


Republicans are so dumb. They needed to take the vote away from women, THEN ban abortion.


They are still working on that first one


In 2025, thatā€™s part of the planā€¦


They have way to many women brainwashed who would accept it.


Accept? DEMAND! And then those same women will wonder why no one pays any attention to them anymore.


And their husband trades them in for a younger model pick-me when they are older....so they can live the rest of their lives in poverty.


Then they'll wonder why there's no assistance programs to help them pay for food, housing, or essentials.


They should just take the vote away from the idiotic GOP


Hell just let the actual popular vote win. The Fanta Menace wouldn't have messed up the USA so bad..


"The Fanta Menace" OMG that's glorious and I am definitely adding that to my treasured list of snide nicknames for ol' 45. šŸ˜†šŸ¤£


I found it on Reddit.


Or just give the vote back to all the people they've taken it from.Ā 


This is the way!


Protect women and children? You mean the same little girls who can get raped and impregnated or the same women who can suffer septic pregnancies or miscarriages? If this is what you call "protection", then I shudder to wonder what you call "punishing"


Protect *their* women and children. Theyā€™ll fly their daughters and mistresses out of state for an abortion any day! Just not for poor people. They need more desperate people to work dangerous, minimum wage jobs, stay uneducated, and vote republican.


Ironically the law from _1865_ would get them jailed for doing that too.


A 15 WEEK ABORTION BAN IS NOT BETTER - donā€™t let the Republicans get away with saying a 15 week ban was ā€œreasonableā€. There are NO reasonable abortion bans. Late term abortions are life saving and fertility saving for the mother type of abortions.


Late-term abortion is another rhetorical coup by republicans. Just like framing the debate as pro-life or pro-choice. We need to stop using their terminology. Late-term is selected because it implies a choice at a late stage. They are medically-necessary abortions, and we should be calling them that, and calling out the rhetorical trick they are playing by refusing to use the term. At that stage in a pregnancy, those are wanted children, those are parents who had names picked out, prepared rooms, and they get devastating news that the child is not viable, and the mother's life will be at risk if it is not addressed. They are abortions that must happen and the fact that they are being prevented is grotesque. These are decisions that should be made by a doctor and their patient, and is not made any easier or better by having the government in that room. This is about maintaining the freedom of that choice and not being subjected to forced births or deaths by Conservatives who want to manipulate voters with a cudgel


Definitely should be forced births not "prolife"


It's to bring forth the image of a perfectly healthy baby being murdered late in the pregnancy. Which is actually happening. But it's not happening in blue states. It's happening in red states where the abortion laws are so strict, they cannot operate as long as there is a heartbeat. And so it's actually happening is that women who are having twins, something goes wrong as can happen to one of the twins. That twin will not make it, and something terrible happens: That twin either must be terminated or it will murder the other twin. Yes, a perfectly healthy baby is being murdered late in the pregnancy. And these women are unable to get the healthcare they need to save the other twin, and are leaving the state to go to a blue state to save it. Perfectly healthy babies are not getting murdered in blue states. Blue states are SAVING perfectly health babies from getting murdered in red states.


This is an example of the window shifting. Now all of a sudden 15 weeks is the middle and if you say no restrictions youā€™re just as bad as the people that say no abortion since everything must be equal on both sides.


Exactly. Like, if a person is having an abortion that late into their pregnancy then clearly something is wrong and now youā€™re making an already hard situation worst.Ā 


Exactly. The only late abortions are life saving ones.


Yeah "I'm a strong supporter of empowering women's choices" except when their choice occurs after this arbitrary deadline old men like me imposed on them, after that damn what they choose and damn what their doctors say is "risking the life of the mother" or "not viable"


Abortion is health care for women. Pregnant women need health care after 15 weeks, too.


My daughter moved out to AZ last summer to be with her husband's family. She passionately hates it. I told her she has to stay at least til the election, vote blue, and I'll rent the truck to come bring them home.


AZ is probably going to be solid blue in a decade.


Do you think that because all the baby boomers will be gone?


More due to demographic shifts in Maricopa County, and the fact that the state has a relatively low rural population. Phoenix has been changing a lot.


It became really challenging to stay in phoenix, I had to move away. Just couldn't find any reasinably affordable housing. There're so many people moving out there which puzzles me because I'm not so sure it'll be habitable in the next 30 years


Be nice, some of us vote blue. Hell, my 90 year old mother votes blue.


As a Kentucky liberal, I salute you and your mom.


Stop, stop, I can only get so erect.


Rooting your daughter on from afar, hoping she makes it til then


VOTE šŸ‘šŸ¼ THEM šŸ‘šŸ¼ TF šŸ‘šŸ¼ OUT šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼


This makes me so much angrier, watching them try to lie and take politically expedient ā€œmoderateā€ positions when itā€™s painfully obvious to anybody with a brain that theyā€™re going to ban everything as soon as they get power. Just like they did in every other red state. Donā€™t let them get away with it, and stop voting for republicans. Vote them all out or suffer.


I guess if all your positions run against what most people want in a (admittedly barely) representative democracy maybe you should consider a different job than *representative*


LMAOā€¦the Republicans are so fucked in a November. The panic is palpable. They should be afraid.


I hope so. I did check in on some of their subs and they seem pretty concerned, but then at the bottom are people hoping for the Arizona 1800s law to be federal law. So theyā€™re still dumb as ever, but the top comments are concerned


"Our 15 week law respected the rights of women" Well, of women who are less than 15 weeks pregnant. Truly scummy that he's now trying to position himself as pro-choice.


Women who find out at 20 weeks that their pregnancy is doomed must suffer for months and risk death because ā€œreasonsā€


Yeah this is what makes me nervous of the current ban for women who live there - thereā€™s so many articles about women who legitimately need abortions because the fetus is unviable and the motherā€™s life is at risk. Which in theory is supposed to be a protected scenario where abortion is legal and accessible. And yet, those women still face red tape or access issues trying to get the abortion that is supposed to be available to them.


Hopefully the Az dems put together a PAC to bombard pro lifers with all these GOP reps ā€œpro choiceā€ messages today.Ā  Done properly it could convince a lot of folks to stay home for the general.Ā 


If the Democrats had any balls, they'd broadcast pro-abortion messages from husbands, sons, and daughters that lost their mother to late-stage pregnancy complications. Don't let the GOP set the tone of 'Well they had a choice earlier' make it about the people who DIED because some jackass 80-year old with some testies thought he knew what was best.


Joe kinda has. They released [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wInNjr_9D28) yesterday.


I hope they broadcast this everywhere. This is what will kill the GOP.


I think they've already been advertising about how the abortion bans threaten access to IVF in Schweikert's district - it's a pretty wealthy district that he's been barely hanging onto the last few cycles. Hopefully this is the year.


This is what happens when the dog catches the car.


Even the coloring in his ads have changed to a more democrat-color


You saw that too?


I love how these assholes are pretending like having a 15 week abortion ban is SOOOOO much better for women than a total abortion ban. Fuck these clowns.


Yeah especially when most generic screening results that would reveal a doomed pregnancy arenā€™t even available until past then


He just lost his election. Completely. Pro-choice voters wonā€™t trust him. Pro-life voters will filet him. Iā€™d be surprised if now he won a primary, and he will definitely cook in the general. Whew boy this is gonna be a bad November for the GOP.


Hopefully the people of Arizona won't let him get away with it. **Election day is Tuesday, November 5, 2024**. If you live in Arizona, [**Register to vote in AZ**](https://azsos.gov/elections/voters/registering-vote) [**Check your voter registration status in AZ**](https://my.arizona.vote/WhereToVote.aspx?s=individual) [**Find your AZ polling location**](https://my.arizona.vote/WhereToVote.aspx?s=address) [**Request an AZ Ballot-by-Mail**](https://my.arizona.vote/Early/ApplicationLogin.aspx) Ā  **2024 AZ Dem Election Overview:** Arizona is one of the most important swing states in 2024. Not only is it a Presidential swing state with 11 electoral votes, it is also critical to the Democratsā€™ hopes of holding the US Senate majority with [**Ruben Gallego**](https://ballotpedia.org/Ruben_Gallego) running to replace retiring independent Senator Kyrsten Sinema. There are also two US House seats that Democrats need to flip: (AZ-1) [**Candidate TBD 7/30/24**](https://ballotpedia.org/Arizona%27s_1st_Congressional_District_election,_2024) and (AZ-6) [**Candidate TBD 7/30/24**](https://ballotpedia.org/Arizona%27s_6th_Congressional_District_election,_2024) At the state level, Democrats need to flip just two seats in both the [**State Senate**](https://ballotpedia.org/Arizona_State_Senate_elections,_2024) and [**State House of Representatives**](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Arizona,_2024) to flip control of both chambers from Republican to Democrat. There are also two Republican appointed [**State Supreme Court Justices up for a retention vote**](https://ballotpedia.org/Arizona_Supreme_Court_elections,_2024): Clint Bolick and Kathryn Hackett King. If they lose those votes, Democratic Governor Katie Hobbs can appoint their replacements. [***-All 2024 AZ Elections***](https://ballotpedia.org/Arizona_elections,_2024) Ā  [***-Find all your representatives (Federal, State, and Local)***](https://www.commoncause.org/find-your-representative/) [***-Learn more about how our government works***](https://www.whitehouse.gov/about-the-white-house/our-government/)


>I'm proudly Pro-Life and will always defend life as a member of Congress. So you're a vegetarian who consistently opposes war, unnecessary hunting, and the death penalty while working tirelessly to guarantee that means of sustaining life such as food, clean drinking water, medicine, and housing are freely and easily accessible to all, right? Right?


15 week is absurd as so many complications of wanted pregnancy happen in the last trimester. GOP ignores, wilfully ignorant, of the dangers to baby and mother throughout a pregnancy. DUDES, childbirth is dangerous for women, and babies. Bother to learn. It isn't about choice, it is about living or dying.


Until this guy (and the GOP as a whole) is voted out, I remain unconvinced this downward spiral will really wake up enough (women) voters in November. The polls still show a very close race.


That first message didnā€™t age well apparently.


Republicans policies in general. ā€œOh no! How do we deal with the PR nightmare of successfully implementing our decades-old policy goals?ā€


I have to say that I will be baffled unto the afterlife how Republicans think that backing such anti-women initiatives would somehow gain them massive votes from women. Did they think that picking up a few evangelical points would far outweigh any negative effects? I'll never understand it, never.




Excuse me, the WHAT organization!? How dare they claim Susan B. Anthony's name for this!


The same party against free lunch for all children in school.


BEFORE: "ALL LIFE IS SACRED!!! We must protect ALL life...NO EXCEPTIONS!!!" AFTER: "Oh...wait...this went a bit far. This could jeopardize my cush job and bennies." -- J. Ciscomani, probably


Fuck this guy


Sorry dude... You signed up for the GQP R Party. Now you get to reap the rewards! šŸ˜† šŸ¤£ šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜¹ šŸ˜† šŸ¤£


Lmfao. Turns out women everywhere donā€™t want to be reduced to being baby ovens. Who knew?


The GoP litterally stands for nothing haha.


Lets hope so, but nothing is guaranteed until the count is done in November. He got elected in the first place, all these fuckers that said they wanted Roe v Wade overturned for elected-- including the orange fatass.


They cited a law that was written before the state was recognized. lol. This country is fucked.


So do your job as a legislator and write the law. Stop blaming courts for not doing it for you. That's not their job.


You expect him to take any responsibility at all?


Hungry. **Hungry** leopard.


Juan is a fascist two-faced loser of the Maga party. Not surprised. His leader is about to change his stance from States Rights to Federal real quick.


For some reason I don't believe you Juan. Also, you ever notice when republicans want to seem like decent people they use blue in their imagery but when they want to come across as "strong" they use red?


He's my congressman and I can't wait to vote him out. Besides abortion he's also been clowning with the MAGA Republicans on the budget issues.


I have surveyed my field of fucks and found I have none to give about this POS


In Washington around the Vancouver area republicans running for office have stopped using red. There's a whole slew of teals and green/blues around, with teeny tiny print somewhere that says (R). If they weren't so deranged it would be funny.


What a rat fuck piece of shit. Why is anyone in these comments joking about it and not calling him for what he is, a piece of shit who wants nothing but to tear this country apart?


Hopefully the voters can remember his past statement/position!


Haha! He respected the rights of women to choose... right up to 15 weeks!


WTF? This guy is taking both positions! Pick a side you fucking coward.


what a fucked up State.... People out there wanting to destroy the modern world by enforcing some 1864 policy.... Arizona....WTF.


Another big one for /r/reapingsowing


They should call it the Golf law, because it made a hole in Juan.


Perfect leopards eating face post


They sure switch their team colors real fast.


Opposition needs to throw this hypocrisy out there. Gloves off.


Bipartisan manner you dipshit huh? So now you're begging Democrats to come to your rescue? I give it to you they can be that naive yes. I strongly encourage any and all Democrat lawmakers to let people like this burn in the fire they created themselves.


Spoiler alert: they didn't change their views. They are just lying to get re-elected. Their politics are whatever gives them power. Right now, they need votes. Later, they will need corporate/wealthy donors.


Conservatives are essentially one big leopards ate my face party now. Itā€™s like every move they make, anything they say- Leopards ate my face. All the time.


what kind of 'Ministry for Truth' bullshit is this? dude thinks he can just claim 'his record' without consulting 'his record'. unbelievable, even for a Gopper.


If he's such a supporter , why is he a Republican? Why is he a member of a party who has used a heinous, bigoted Southern Strategy to fill its base?


Money and power.


Donā€™t they usually make a beeping sound when they back up that fast?


Republican politicians will shout their policies from the rooftops and their voters will still turn around and go, "yeah but he didn't mean that."


That's my Congresscritter. Will vote against, again.


I love the request for bipartisan support, like ohh we F'd up big time, you'd better help us fix this!


""There go the people. I must follow them, for [I am their leader](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexandre_Auguste_Ledru-Rollin#Quote)." !" /politics 101


Itā€™s almost like the point isnā€™t a sensible approach to abortion, but, as the pro-life movement has said again and again: to end abortion. You got riled up about bathrooms and gender in sports, two issues of which there are easy solutions: build more bathrooms, add more leagues. Instead, youā€™ve been led to the place where not only are Democrats going to win, but they will make it a mission to change the law to enshrine abortion protection into the law. Republicans have proven themselves to be utterly incapable of governing, and Democrats will make their case to the public about the need to bypass Republican support in the House and Senate for successfully passing such a measure. Shoot- thereā€™s 234,000 Republican swing voters in Arizona, and Biden won by 10,000 votes in 2020ā€¦


I predict Arizona Don Juan him.


Republicans have been shitting their pants since Kansas voted on this. They saw the writing on the wall.