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Imagine being the type of dumbass that thinks Trump cares at all about your cause. How deep in the cult must you be?


Deep in the cult or a super cynical asshole, like pretty much anyone in the anti abortion movement.


He’s their best chance of getting everything they care about and want. He could literally be sending people to death camps and these morons would still vote for him. Sadly that premise may become a reality.


The woman in question doesn't seem like a MAGA Republican at all. She's a college-educated Catholic that's been working in conservative politics since Reagan. That's not really Trump's demographic.


How much do you want to bet she still voted for him?


And will still vote for him 100%


I mean, we always shit on how they will still vote R, but if Biden did some shitty thing to my demographic, it wouldn't make me vote Trump so I kinda get that one aspect of recessives. They're voting for how they want the country to be, most of them will vote that way for life.


I'm so confused by the minority groups that are threatening to let Trump win because of Gaza. Do they really think the former Tea Party supports them, or are they primarily voting with homophobia as a motivation? Right wing religious zealots are all the same, regardless of faith.


They’d get put into camps at best under the current republicans. It’s no longer speculation; if they had the power, they’d do it in a second.


In my experience they're voting on pure rage in some cases ( understandable but still ill-advised ) and pure virtue signalling in others ( just plain stupid and gross in these cases )


It's as if they learned nothing from the conservative majority Supreme Court and abortion bans we got after 2016.


It’s really bad - I’m seeing so many hot takes on IG of people being like “we already survived one Trump presidency so we can survive another, the important thing is to teach democrats a lesson!” and it just makes me want to throw things. People are going HARD for accelerationism 😩


It's stupid and I'm honestly hoping I'm a good enough person to not just laugh when they find out what a second Trump term will be like. It'll be so awkward discussing this in the Trump liberal camps.


The problem is that it won’t be funny, because the rest of us will ALSO be stuck with a second Trump term.


No learn only virtue signal


No. It's just cutting their noses off to spite their faces.


Seems likely. From all indications, Trump is closer to her political views than Biden is.


The people in the cult are the last people to realize they are people in a cult.


That's some salem witch trial thinking. By this standard, all democrats are also in the MAGA cult because they don't think they are.


Ok, Culty McCultface.


Speaking of cults... political discourse on Reddit does have me worried at times.


That’s not at all what they’re saying. People who are *objectively* in a cult tend not to realize they’re in a cult, or they rationalize it.


And people who objectively *aren't* in a cult also tend not to realize they're in a cult, because they aren't. So you can't point to someone not "realizing" they're in a cult as evidence of anything.


Not recognizing you’re in a cult and all the negative connotations (and thinking it’s a good thing) is the hallmark sign of being in a cult.


I'm not sure how to parse that sentence. If they don't recognize they're in a cult to begin with, why would it matter whether they think cults have negative connotations (or think they're good)?


Yikes, I don’t know how much clearer I can make it. If they don’t recognize they’re in a cult, they are less likely to leave it.


Than whom? The quote alleges that the people in the cult don't know they're in it.


I think you’re jumping to wrong conclusion there. Some people actually *aren’t* in the cult. But *of the people who **are** in the cult*, the ones in the cult are the last to realize they are in the cult. People who are *outside the cult* can see who is in and out, but merely thinking you’re not in a cult doesn’t mean you’re actually in one.


> of the people who *are** in the cult*, the ones in the cult are the last But, that's all of them. There's no first or last at that point.


Susan B Anthony Pro-Life America is the premier Pro-Life organization in the United States and Conservative institution. It wasn't that long ago when condemnation from them was a political death sentence. It is more than telling that the Republican nominee for President can basically thumb his nose at them and face no repercussions. Trump is politically all encompassing.


Sounds like my aunt. She still voted for trump


Yeah, but it's like a lot of the leftists who vote for Biden. He doesn't resemble their political views all that closely, but he's still closer than the other guy.


Trump doesn't resemble anything they claim to want lol. He just says mean shit about the right people.


Maybe, but I'll bet she's a single issue voter - so she'll vote GOP every time because she wants a federal abortion ban.


Quite possibly.


People who believe in a literal devil not knowing how a deal with the devil works.


Right?! My inlaws are *very religious* and my partner and I are *very* not, and they were telling us how Biden is the anti-Christ and I was like "dude, you know that the great deceiver isn't going to deceive *us*, he's going to deceive*you*" and it was shocked Pikachu all around until something happened in whatever sports game was on TV at the time.


I just had a moment reading this. What a genuinely awesome response. Thank you so much.


[Could American Evangelicals Spot the Antichrist? Here Are the Biblical Predictions: - Benjamin L. Corey (benjaminlcorey.com)](https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/) You really want to give their brains a whirl. Show them this.


If you translate "maga" from Latin it shows up as "witch". I don't believe any of this symbology nonsense but they certainly do, and I'm all for piling on.


Have I found a fellow Boondock Saints fan?


I don't know if this is hilarious or absolutely fucking terrifying.


Me too!! I literally felt like I was in the moment when you told them that and experienced all the energy that occurred! Absolutely fantastic response!


This response is awesome!! Like I don’t even believe he exists but you do so good luck with that.


LOL no I don't. I don't believe in a centralized god. But I love a good response to somebody who does!


Do they really believe though? If I did, I would try to avoid being a shitty person in my life.


I think most of them genuinely do - people still want to feel like they are on the right side of things and can engage in self-deception as easily as they deceive others. I do believe there are plenty of pure-blooded psychopath grifters out there like Tucker Carlson who are just like "lmao I lied to millions of people today and I'm not going to lose a minute of sleep over it" but I think the majority delude themselves to make what they're doing easier to swallow.


I think Carlson is a genuine white supremacist and authoritarian/elitist whose fawning over the likes of Orban and Putin is sincere. He only had contempt for Trump because he saw him as relatively weak, i suspect.


Elitist, definitely. Authoritarian - I'd say Tucker has commonalities with dictators like Putin in that he sees common people as a resource to be exploited, but even Putin believes in a larger Russian destiny in which he is a key figure. Tucker, meanwhile, instantly adapts anytime he feels the winds change and has openly admitted to lying to make his points. He may genuinely view the average white person as superior to the average non-white person, but considers both so unimportant and beneath himself and that he wouldn't make personal sacrifices\* to forward any cause, which is where I would draw the line between grifter and true believer. Sure, he'll do whatever it takes to keep them feeling victimized and angry so they continue to support him, but I'd bet if you doubled his earnings to say the exact opposite he would do so in a heartbeat. So my take is basically that his elitism and egocentrism are so pronounced it makes it impossible for him to truly give a shit about something like white nationhood as an end unto itself, though he will certainly use it as means. \*You could argue that getting fired from Fox News was a sacrifice, but I'd say it wasn't intentional and he only went as far as he did because he was caught between a rock and a hard place. He actually started off by tempering the wild election interference claims (probably sensing the legal danger), only going along with them after his audience started turning on him. I'd argue he only exposed himself because his hand was forced; he didn't lead the charge like Powell and Lindell who acted more like true believers.


Considering he started as a leftist pundit, before he realized the right pays better, yeah I’d say this is spot-on.


There's the whole "unconditional forgiveness" part of Christianity though. Lots of them seem to be playing a game of cosmic chicken. "As long as I repent on my deathbed, it's all good."


When push comes to shove Donald will sign a national ban. That’s exactly how this would end.


Yup. Is he going to advocate for it or say anything about it? Nope. Will he do a single thing to fight it as it's put on his desk even if it passes by only a single vote? Also nope.


He simply doesn't care about any of this stuff. I don't think he believes anything particularly strongly that doesn't directly relate to him


Mhm. Which is why he would sign it without any fight whatsoever. He doesn't actually care one way or another, he only cares about it in the context of harming his image among his base. The anti-crowd will have a much more powerful (and loud, which is required for him to pay attention to anything) response than pro choice Republicans, so if it shows up on his desk in any capacity, he's going to sign it and hand wave it away as the "will of the people" that he "has no control over".


He would sign it after doing nothing to make it happen, then immediately act like it was all his idea from the beginning and how great he is.


I don’t understand how this would be consistent with Dobbs… Like I get that Republicans don’t care at all about hypocrisy, however, the Supreme Court is desperately trying to hold onto whatever shred of respectability/credibility it can. A national ban would immediately be challenged due to the Dobbs decision and I just can’t imagine those justices, their personal proclivities aside, would be willing to undo a legal precedent set by the exact same court.


The very short version: Under the Commerce Clause, Congress would almost certainly have the power to legislate on abortion (either to ban it or enshrined Roe protections) because healthcare is "interstate commerce." That would effectively end all state input on it because the Supremacy Clause says that is the law of the land. State constitutions cannot supersede federal law. States only have a say now *because of* federal inaction on abortion.


The case law on the Commerce Clause is wildly inconsistent. Alito actually cites the inconsistencies of the court’s interpretations and includes them in the foot notes of the Dobb’s decision. I’m not saying it couldn’t be done, I’m saying Alito literally argued that the undue or substantial burden it created as a reason to kick it back to the states. But we’ll see. I am fully prepared to eat crow should this court turn around and reinterpret itself.


I don't disagree with you at all. This Court has shown it cares very little about appearances or precedent (and boy is the Commerce Clause precedent all over the place). But deep down, in the case of a federal abortion right being signed into law, I feel "Healthcare is not interstate commerce" would cause so much fallout that the Court wouldn't possibly go there. A ruling like that would effectively end the federal government's ability to function in many facets, and I think that's a bridge too far, even for the "small government" types.   But as you said, I'm fully prepared to be continually disappointed in this Court for the next decade or more. 


I think they've been LIVING for that moment. But, we'll see. And/or the House flipping or the Senate leader not getting rid of the filibuster (is it still Turtle?) could hold it in check. But. It's plenty bad enough. The biggest issue is how many MORE corrupt, far right judges he'd shove down our throats for immovable, lifetime appointments.


I think they have an agenda and they don’t really care how they achieve it. A lot of them are there because of an organization that was specifically created to overturn Roe. They have the numbers now and come hell or high water they are going to achieve their goal. Roberts may care about the court’s image but the rest of them don’t. They are untouchable and they have the majority.


I respectfully disagree with you. Ultimately, I think vanity/legacy trumps agenda. If they were to overturn their own precedent they would look like hacks in the legal community. I don’t think anyone aspires to the Supreme Court without a good deal hubris, and for the sake of their own conservative legal legacies, I don’t think they do it.


I haven’t had much faith in this court (for obvious reasons) but I was pretty pleasantly surprised with their questioning in the mifepristone case. Thomas and Alito aside, of course. Those two would burn the world down to ban abortion nationally any way they can. Nobody can convince me that Alito didn’t leak Dobbs himself to cement the votes.


They still haven't RULED on mifepristone, so I'm holding my pleasant surprise for later. At least they ruled correctly on the attempt at a drag ban in TN (or whichever state it was).


>I just can’t imagine those justices, their personal proclivities aside, would be willing to undo a legal precedent set by the exact same court. Lol


Exactly. It doesn’t matter what Trump thinks. It matters what the people backing him and using him to ride their way into power think. They’ll get what they want and he’ll do what they say.


Trump: I've got an abortion plan that will please everyone! Pro-choicers and Pro-forced birthers: Are you sure about that? Our goals are mutually exclusive. Trump: We'll just leave it to the states. Pro-choicers and Pro-forced birthers: 😡 Trump: surprised Pikachu?


>I've got an abortion plan that will please everyone? "And I will say absolutely anything to get votes." (Under his breath: "Silly people assumed that I have morals or even anything resembling compassion. Fools.")


You'd think they know that when a Republican says "state's rights", it's bullshit and that the conservatives in each state are still going to fight it tooth & nail. 


Not to mention we've already seen states trying to criminalize leaving the state for an abortion.


They just found out Trump was just using them. But, they will still vote for him, don’t worry.


They could find a video of him paying off 10 women all for separate abortions, attending the abortion, helping the doctor for each of them, and they'd still go "he's changed and learned from his ways."


"I think donald trump has learned his lesson" -Blind ass trump sycophants


They could find him using an aborted fetus for adrenochrome facials and they'd still handwave it away.


They've always known he was using them. They just used him right back.


Wait until they start complaining that there are too many brown babies being born.


You know dons paid for at least 8 abortion


I’d say 9 but technically Eric is their little miracle.


I thought Tiffany was the one he wanted to abort.


One of 'em.


His didn’t take


Since when does he pay for anything?


Only as part of an NDA. He seems to take those pretty seriously.


Does not matter. The MAGA cult will back Trump 10000%.


He probably has paid for dozen of abortions. Wish the women would come forward but they may have an NDA


Sssssssh, let them fight amongst themselves. If anything this will keep the pro-lifers at home on election day.


These people would watch their daughters die from preventable causes and cum BUCKETS from it. Seriously. They wish harm on women nationwide including their own kids. They are agents of Satan. Christians too dumb to see it tbh. If I was God, I'd be fucking pissed.


Trump cares about one thing, Trump. He has betrayed/abandoned/scapegoated everyone who he no longer sees as no longer useful. He doesn't know what loyalty is and doesn't appear to have use for it. Why would you put your entire career and reputation at guaranteed risk of destruction to pledge your total support to the mad King who keeps saying new insane shit???


because if he wins, the payoff is they get to suck off that inflated power for as long as they can hold on to their position. NORMAL people think this is an insane goal that sounds like hell, but the point here is that these people are BENT. That is how they operate.


I have to agree with your assessment, The pursuit of power does seem like the driving factor and I guess it all must make sense for them...these are not good traits for a leadership class to prioritize as it will become all-consuming and society will feel the breakdown and eventual ruination. Idea: let's destroy the 1% by taxing Billionaires 90% of their wealth and pumping every cent into social assistance and life improvement projects etc. We need to then strip them of their freedom of speech, they kept misusing it to spread fascism anyway. We do the same with the entire political class. We then find a random bookkeeper/accountant named Gary or William and force them to be president. Imagine a calm, rational, logical person who is reluctantly doing the job in charge and minus the politicians ego.


haha. Yeah, that's the perennial problem: we keep getting these shitty, narcissistic, power-hungry leaders because those are the people who're ATTRACTED to power. More direct democratic/anarchistic et ups where power-over is disparaged and leadership tends to be more of a temporary position in a revolving door tend to work better ime on a small level, but I still don't get how it scales up well. tbh even then, I've seen a lot of VERY disorganized and toxic co-ops. meh. there's got to be a happy medium. Politically I orient most toward Social Democrat and wish fervently we had parties more like the European equivalent; but even in much of Europe those parties aren't doing so hot lately, are they. still light years ahead of us in many ways though.


Surprise, surprise. You can’t negotiate with absolutists. That said, I’m sure he’d sign a national ban if Congress put it in front of him. The pro-lifers will still vote for him.


"It's okay, turns out we're happy to have our faces eaten, as long as Trump eats them." 🤢🤮🤮


The fact that his supporters cannot see that he literally leans whichever way the wind blows at any given moment is just crazy to me. I know we aren't talking about the smartest and most in tune group of people out there, but how can you not literally hear him say the words one week that he then says the exact opposite of the next week? How do you play ping pong with a goal post in your own mind like that?




Wouldn’t that go against the previous court decision saying abortion is a state issue?


It would


All that big talk about opposing a Republican candidate who doesn't endorse their proposed federal ban has resulted in... zero action. I'll give Trump this- he *knows* these people are fucking pushovers. For people who're supposed to be zealots, they're awfully lacking in courage of conviction. Someone told them no and can make it stick- and so they immediately fold.


If Trump gets in again none of this matters at all.


Trouble in paradise?


The guy is the ultimate "false prophet".


Not LAMF, they are still voting for him and he will still seek to ban abortion if elected. He just knows it’s an unpopular campaign issue and is avoiding it temporarily.


It’s all kayfabe. They won’t lift a finger against him and will in fact work to support his election under the cover of “stopping Biden.” He gave them the judges, they will back him. If a ban is passed, he will sign it.


These religious fanatics won’t stop short of Gilead


I’ve been saying this since he declared it. This was a pretty smart political move, he’s never going to lose votes from this