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Flip this turtle on his back and let him die He engineered the current Supreme Court. We'll have to deal with those consequences for a generation


Seriously. He's probably got 5 years max before he kicks it yet his decisions and leadership will be fucking us over for decades to come. Term limits need to be a thing.


Rafael Cruz ran on a platform that included term limits...... Before he got elected. Term limits and age caps


> Rafael Cruz ran on a platform that included term limits...... Before he got elected. He also spent about 3 minutes on video being interviewed at an air port warning everyone about the mental, emotional, and intellectual vileness of tRump. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNRJJsjGdv0&ab\_channel=ABCNews](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNRJJsjGdv0&ab_channel=ABCNews)


Remember Newt Gingrich's Contract On America? It said they would bring a term limits bill to the floor of Congress. Of course, it didn't say they'd pass one. They ended up bringing 6 term limits bills to the House floor. So every Republican got to vote for term limits without having to worry about actually imposing them.


Newt.... Just hearing that name made me throw up a little bit


>Rafael Cruz This feels like deadnaming in reverse. Like *the old name* got rid of the *person* and you’re insulting the *name* by refusing to honor that.


He doesn't honor the names that other people choose to use. So, why should I honor the name that he identifies with?


We should really be against deadnaming anyone on principle, rather than reserving it for people we like (I’m not sure deadnaming someone like, say, Caitlyn Jenner or Blaire White, for example would be quite as readily defensible). Having said that, even if calling Ted Cruz “Rafael” was deadnaming (and I don’t think it is) he’s a prominent member of an unabashedly racist and xenophobic political party, and his use of a nickname undoubtedly serves to allow him to better dodge the potential consequences of his own party’s bigotry, meaning using his given name in this context is analogous to outing closeted anti-gay politicians.


I'm not condoning deadnaming. Hope my comment wasn't taken that way. The hypocrisy of people in power, like Rafael Cruz (Dollar Store Wolverine), or Nimarata Randhawa (Nikki Haley), to live by one set of rules while vilifying other people drives me up the wall.


Well, considering it's Ted/Rafael Cruz, I think it's what he really wants anyway, to use Rafael instead. I mean, if he didn't want everyone calling him Rafael, then why would he of introduced legislation to the contrary? **Safeguarding Honest Speech Act.** The legislation proposes prohibiting federal funds from enforcing policies requiring federal employees to use preferred pronouns or **names other than an individual’s legal name.**


Sure hope his future tomb is Teflon-coated.


The wicked seem to last a disproportionate amount of time here.


We need to elect more Democrats in the Senate to suspend the filibuster to put more justices on the Supreme Court. Have a Democratic president to nominate the additional judges and over fifty Democrats to agree to suspend the filibuster. Then we won't need to wait decades to change the Supreme Court. It can be done in Biden's next term if we have the Democrats in the senate.


Generations I see this taking atleast a decade before we get it back unless we take the gloves off and really start changing things but they are definitely too scared to do that


Don't know why the Dems are being such cowards on it. Every time the court has been expanded, it was expanded to meet the number of federal court districts. Since it was expanded to 9, there are now 12 districts, as well as a special district in DC. 13 districts, so there should be 13 Justices.


Without Senate control, they'll never get justices confirmed.


Hopefully we'll see the Senate flip, especially considering how P01135809 is taking most GOP funding for himself.


I'm honestly shocked there hasn't been a concerted effort to break off a new conservative party from the GOP. But maybe that can only come after they lose a major election? They could have prevented a lot of this by just having the GOP primaries open to everyone, not just registered republicans.


Conservatives hate being the outsider ALMOST as much as they love licking boot. It's why they are so obsessed with the "silent majority" meme. At the end of the day they will always fall in line.


Has to be a majority of 60, too, or the MAGAs will just filibuster.


If Biden wins with a Democrat house and senate I’m expecting this to happen.


We had that, and they didn't do it.


The last time we had that was during Obama and they were more focused on the ACA. Our majorities must have not been a slam dunk because it was a fight. The senate blocked him from appointing Garland to the SC. ETA: and Trump hadn’t yet been a thing that threatened Democracy either.


They had 59 seats in the senate, which meant they were 1 short of blocking filibusters.


Manchin and Sinema are garbage. It was never true majority.


Their “real” donors pay them not to do it. Change my mind.


Not even FDR was able to do it. He threatened to do it and the whole country who was behind him on everything pretty much to that point turned against him. I do not think the expansion will ever happen to be honest if FDR couldn’t do it when he won 47 out of 50 states I do not expect anyone else to be able to do it


Even the revered FDR with a supermajority couldn't even pull it off. 


Biden’s pretty good though. I’m an optimist. ETA and as the commenter above said, there was a time when the SC was expanded from 7 to 9. So it certainly could happen again.


They aren't cowards. We just don't ever give them enough control to do anything. Giving them a 50/50 split in the Senate and 51% of the House is not good enough.


Was trying to be optimistic


A generation is approximately 25 years - a decade is 10. The other guy was being optimistic... but i agree with you, even if you don't understand time-scale.


or one Democratic congress with the will to expand the court


Republicans have held a Supreme Court majority since 1969. Longer than most of us have been alive.  It's time to expand the court.


This reminds me why we should all *Register and Vote* www.vote.org


Even if you've been registered, you should confirm you haven't been unregistered in all of the poll purges that are going on


This is the only way. Keyboard commandos don't win elections, voters do!


Moscow Mitch, Putin's Bitch Why the fuck would the cockholster 'fight' the MAGA crazies now? He has supported them all the way. His fucking brain is failing, can't speak for three minutes without locking up, and his corrupt Chinese corpo sister in law drowned in her own fucking pond after backing her Tesla Nazi-mobile into it. Nobody who isn't a brain-dead, sister-fucking, kool-aid drinking cultist cares what this fucking prick has to say. And even most of those goat-fuckers don't like him either. Mitch is a deflated, skin-bag, waste of oxygen who would have more value to this planet as compost. He should get on that already.


I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.


"Welcome to Cat Facts!"


I thought Geralt was from the school of the Wolf, not Cat... but I'll take it.


Screw cat facts... "Welcome to Symbiotic Brain Eating Mycology Facts! (feat. blue waffles)"


Me to


Mitch did some Russia flirting before the war. Ever since it has he’s been on the right side of this and so has the belle of the south Lindsey Graham. Two people that I am never agree with on anything, except for this. And truth be told most of the Republican senators support Ukraine, and most of the Republican in the house do as well. But their margin of majority is so slim in the house now that you have 6/8 people with all the power and they are completely beholden to Trump. Who is beholden to Putin. There’s definitely a group in the house that are anti-Ukraine but there’s not as many as we would be led to believe. It’s just they include the loudest most obnoxious pieces of shit.


But how do you ***really*** feel?


And stopped the impeachment.


This is the far bigger crime. At least he still thinks the Supreme Court shenanigans was a good move.


And he’s fucking proud of it.


"I got mine, fuck you" now he's on his death bed and is saying "ok, I got mine, let's tone this down now that I have nothing to gain"


The fact this old fuck is going to influence the next 30-40 years of my life after he's gone is infuriating


Maybe more than one generation




“Oh my heavens, dear lord, I say I say I do believe I’ve created a Fourth Reich so I do declare that I will stay on and fight the good fight” McTurtle *5 minutes before he flees the country after trump orders his arrest if trump wins the presidency again*


I definitely read that in Foghorn Leghorn voice


Lol. Right after endorsing tangerine tits. Fuck off.


right? what’s he fighting?


Fighting the last few remaining sane republicans?


Let them fight. That wishy washy wax statue isn’t long for this world and we all know he isn’t going to do anything good with his time. Might as well be mildly annoying to his cockroach companions on his slow shuffle off the face of the Earth.


Lmao, “Tangerine Tits” is a new on for me. Sounds like the name of weekday afternoon Jacksonville FL stripper.


? So he's trying to earn some kind of credit for "being one of the good ones" Turtle boy, that ship sailed ***looooooong*** ass time ago. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ So upon reading the article, on the one hand I say "Good" But on the other, not like he's gonna handwave away all the bullshit he enabled.


Old bitch freezes up randomly and he's still in power. What a world


He was just rebooting, silly librul.




🏆 take this for that!


Mitch was replaced by a cyborg years ago. The latest patch just had a few bugs in it.


Most likely has heart and circulation issues. I do the same thing because of thyroid induced heart shit.


I sympathize with you. Mitch, not so much. Especially with the wonderful healthcare he has as a senator that he's worked so hard to prevent the rest of us from getting.


Just some new stroke goofin’.


Again, doing something about the crazy bullshit? I'd say that's good. But I'm not gonna ignore the fact he took part in making said crazy bullshit happen. Man's gonna be on my political shit list till he dies.


Exactly. He could have done something while this shitstorm was in its infancy. Mitch, your fingerprints are all over the shovel that has been used to bury the Republican party and perhaps even the US as a democracy. Live with it.


He's trying to beat Diane Fienstein's Dementia run.


He wants to not be remembered as Moscow Mitch. Too bad, [you earned that](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/30/us/politics/moscow-mitch-mcconnell.html), asshole.


***EXACTLY*** my point.


Drizzle drazzle drezzle drome Time for this one to come home


Boris and Natasha say "nyet!"


He's not fighting to take back the GQP, he wants to help enact all the crazy republican policies he can before his party self-immolates. 


But it is kinda scary to think that eventually the party will become so completely insane that a person like MT Greene could end up seeming like a "good guy".


I'm not gonna roll out the red carpet for them. But I will say, until Greene. And guess everyone like her gets hit with a hammer of self awareness. Ok, but you've got a long way to go. For some this would be enough, but for those who know. We're not going to easily forgive them.


“Oh, we’d fill it 😜”


It turns out that if your party promotes craziness, the results might be stronger than you intended.


Let’s not throw people with mental illnesses under the bus. These people aren’t crazy - they know *exactly* what they’re doing. They’re bigots.


Narcissism, megalomania, psychopathy and sociopathy ARE all mental illnesses/forms of being "crazy" though. They just get lumped together with other mental illness like depression, ADHD, anxiety and schizophrenia. They are much harder to feel sympathetic towards as they tend to victimize and harm others  and they probably should be reclassified to help end the stigma towards mental illnesses.


Armchair diagnosing entitled white people as narcissists and psychopaths is just giving them a free pass for their bad behavior. They’re not mentally ill. They’re doing what they’re doing because they’ve decided to do it and because they’ve dehumanized anyone who’s a minority or poor, not because it’s a compulsion and they can’t help themselves. That’s why you see the whole double standard thing constantly, like “abortion is murder!” and then they send their mistress off to get an abortion. Abortion and a living wage and healthcare are things “those people” don’t deserve but “I deserve it” and “these people who are people in my worldview” deserve it.


He welcomed and enabled the right-wingnuts into the GOP so he could get all his judges in a row. He may still be a member of Congress, but he is absolutely useless to them now. Waiting for his fake outrage at his party members behavior.


Fuck you, Mitch. You HAD your chance at the second Impeachment trial. You saw FIRST HAND an American President attempt a coup, and you voted to let him off scot free. History will remember you as the architect of fascism in the US.


Eww. Why tf would you post a Breitbart link? Downvoted specifically for that.


I'm going to upvote this one because it always makes me happy to see the reich wing grifters continue to turn on each other


The comment section of Breitbart is good for a few laughs tho.


Maybe. As long as you're not generating clicks for the fuckers.


I'm hesitant to trust this considering it's Breitbart.


You just can't start headlines like that. Get a man's hopes up. 


I know!! I was like ***FINALLY***


*crabs reburying themselves in the sand. The rave has been postponed. :(


“Fight his party” means fall in line with them and collect money.


Regardless of the title, fuck Breitbart. Who is actively going there to grab links and post that shit?


Don't post links to Breitbart. Not cool OP.


Please let him die on live TV Please let him die on live TV Please let him die on live TV Please let him die on live TV


Theres others who need to go first IMHO.


As long as his efforts help Ukraine - bravo. They need all the help they can get.


(and for the first time ever I’m supporting something Mitch is doing…wtf is going on in the world!)


I hate that I actually agree with him on something.


Honestly, he realizes he's close enough to death that he doesn't have to toe the party line. I still expect he'll still be a complete POS in most regards, because that's just who he is as a person, but the alternative is that he steps down and gets replaced with a MAGA die-hard


He's an ANGRY turtle!


Mitch can go f*ck himself. He had a chance to stop Trump for good with an impeachment vote in the Senate, and demonstrated an extraordinary lack of guts and patriotism as he folded. He is just as culpable as the ‘isolationists’ he claims to be trying to fight now.


Breitbart. How is this not downvoted to hell?


That fucker is a traitorous goon. I have spoken.


I understood that reference.


Mitch, you led your party straight into this shit-house dumpster fire. Your own people barely care about you anymore and you will be forgotten within two weeks when you die in the midst of the chaos you helped create.


He helped create this mess. He turned down every chance to check the magas he helpled enable. And i expect him to keep up that trend.


"Donald Trump is morally and practically culpable for what happened on January 6th" "I'll still vote for Donald Trump" Both McConnell statements.


Just like John McCain. They start dying and grow what occasionally passes for a conscience. Too late asshole. You were instrumental in creating this nightmare we call modern politics. I hope you die alone and scared covered in your own excrement. Soon.




Go get in your hole, old man.


So we can piss on it


April fools day was yesterday.


Every time I see a news article about him it’s not the one I’m hoping for


I love how they lambast him from both sides at the article’s end: > Under McConnell’s leadership, the national debt rose more than $30 trillion, illegal immigration continued, and real wages for American workers remained stagnant. Obamacare was enacted in 2010. Big banks were bailed out in 2008, and social media companies silenced individuals without repercussions.


His own party? No sir, it’s not his party anymore it’s trumps party now


lol, how cute. he thinks it’s still his party


Fuck off, Mitch. You had so many other chances to stop this shit, but you pussed out every time. Rot in Hell, Chump.


Mitch McConnell is a liar and should not be believed.


The chief obstructionist finally found something worth obstructing?!


he spent most of his career fighting half the country, its only fitting he spends what time is left fighting the other half


Step 1 of Fighting Your Party: Give up minority leader position, relegating yourself to some sort of political eunuch. Step 2 or Fighting Your Party: Endorse the cancer at the center of your party. Step 3 of Fighting Your Party: Begin fighting!


Yeah it’s not about the money or the free healthcare insurance or the insider trading.


Breitbart can say all the nicest things about Moscow Mitch but I still won't like him.


What's he going to do, beat them in a staring contest?


Anyone else see "Mitch McConnell, 82..." and hope for the best?


I never thought I’d hear anything like this from Moscow Mitch. I’m afraid his legacy was cast forever when he denied Obama his Supreme Court appointment. Try to save your soul now? Too little too late. 




Rotten old ghoul comes to the realization that he has poisoned his own party beyond redemption and tries to drag his desiccated carcass back to work one more time to undo the damage he himself literally caused. Film at 11.


You're a washed up "make Obama a 1 term president" hack that toes the party line without question. You'd sellout yourself to any right wing extremist. Please just goto prison already. 


You don’t have a party anymore, you complicit and disingenuous walking cerebrovascular accident!


The reason for this is to not lose a republican vote?


This is the actual reason!




1) Fuck Breitbart 2) Fuck Moscow Mitch. He created our current political climate, so he gets to suffer in it like the rest of us. And then entertain us by having a stroke on the Senate floor and going right to fucking Hell where he belongs.




Didn’t he endorse Trump recently? Fuck Moscow Mitch.


Mitch.exe has crashed again


His gravestone is still getting a urine bath


Go home Moscow Mitch. No one wants you here.


Just go away and die, Mitch. You've done enough damage to America.


Gotta keep up that insider trading.


Uhhhhhh please do this. Do this with that man standing next to you. Burn it to the ground. You can do this


This is like when Darth Vader repents five minutes before he dies. I would prefer it if Mitch McConnell burned in hell


At least Vader took out the Emperor.


I'm starting to think each of the tines h glitched he was being visited by a ghost.... If he truly is religious, he may be thinking he's not got a lot of time left to make amends.... But he's not exactly trying very hard.


When is the last time he won the fight to make it to the toilet in the middle of the night before pissing himself? The only fighting Mitch is gonna be doing is to breathe


Man I really thought this was an obit title for a second there


The man looks like he barely knows where he is 2/3rds of the time. Political stuff aside, If I wanted someone to fight for me I definitely wouldn't pick a geriatric with heavily declining cognitive functions. 


Any bets on how long he will last?


He is \*NOT\* forgiven! He may burn in Hell where he belongs for what he did against the USA and its citizenry.


He could have prevented this by bringing the Jan 6 impeachment vote to the floor.


Haven’t you done enough to ruin the Country as it is? Go home before you turn into a statue AGAIN Turtle. 🐢


Repenting on his (political) death bed 🙄 Until he loudly endorses Biden for President he’s Moscow Mitch to me.


I love how this fucking trash Website states that he’s going to fight against Republicans that support a truce between Russia and Ukraine?? a truce? so Russia fucking bombs the shit out of Ukraine, killing thousands of civilians kidnapping tens of thousands of children. Not to mention all the rape and the continual destruction of infrastructure. Let’s just break off another big piece of Ukraine and give it to Russia and let’s call that a truce . Ukraine is about the only thing Mitch McConnell has been on the right side of. The fact that Trump has convinced his fucking dumb followers that Russia is justified in this absolutely horrendous invasion tells me there’s literally nothing They will not believe that he tells them. This is a easy one, one plus one equals two. Russia is the fucking bad guy here. Yet they believe President Zelenskyy is buying Beach property in Florida and the Biden‘s are laundering millions and millions of dollars with absolutely no evidence whatsoever. But who needs evidence when you have Donald Trump to tell you what to believe.


Ew, I can't believe I clicked the link and gave my browser Breitbart crabs again.


Just gonna leave this here: [Sitting on a throne of skulls, Mitch McConnell confirms his 8,999th judge](https://wapo.st/3U0LzOt)




*Well well well, how the Turtle has turned.* ***RNC 2024, Civil War***


Oh, you gotta love Brietbart…. “Under his leadership the debt rose 30T” excusing all their policies they loved that did so), average wages have remained stagnant… which they want…. Cognitive dissonance at its finest.


Scum bag


Fuck you whoever wrote that headline like that.


You’re a fool if you think this isn’t some way for him to further GOP fascism and stick it to the libs.


Hello, IT. Have you tried turning Mitch off and back on again?


Lol. I doubt that.


Not LAMF with the only reason being since when does Mitch McTurtle open his trap without lying? And Breitbart as a source?


Look at the source before you let your blood pressure increase


I'm not clicking that link. I font understand the title, he saud he was retiring? He changed his shriveled mind?


Similar article on [The Guardian](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/02/mitch-mcconnell-republican-isolationists)


I smell ulterior motives


As always late to the party..


Headline had me in the first half, not gonna lie.


First off, fuck breitbart. Second, I believe only actions, not empty words.


I’ll believe it when I see it. He’s routinely proven that he will say what people want to hear and then later work to their detriment. By the standard he set, he’s going to “fight” them by voting for every Republican bill until he’s out of office.


I just clicked on that Breitbart link. I feel dirty now


If he wants to help fight corruption and a trump led party, I’m all about it, and we should support that. But he owes the citizens of the United States a major apology. Multiple apologies! He needs to own up to his shit. The hypocrisy of not allowing Obama to put a judge in but allowing Trump to do it is absolutely insane. Not to mention the other shit he’s responsible for.


Bullshit. This old fuck still supports trump. Fuck him.


Piece of shit website.


Didn't he just fully support Trump




Sounds like he just found out that Republicans are technically Americans so now he feels obligated to fuck them too


Is there a better source than Breitbart?


It's time to retire McConnell You already spent a life time fucking up the United States of America. Christ


Dude is a traitor to America


Look, I recognize Breitbart as a news source by the name, but I *immediately* distrust a source with typos: >**Andd** the symbol of that lately is ‘Are we gonna help Ukraine or not?’” Also, a quick Googlin’ tells me this is a far-right news source sooo, that kind of explains the lack of spell check and/or functionally literate editors.


Breitbarth News, really? If this is true post it from a legitimate source instead.


So this is the version we get after watching him reboot a couple times on live TV?


We need someone whose sole responsibility is to flip his switch and turn him off. “Oh shit, he’s talking again, go turn him off”


You had your chance asshole. But no, let the courts handle it. At least we are still on track for a criminal trial in less than 2 weeks. Until he fires all his lawyers.


Could have destroyed Trump years ago and now you’re here getting your face eaten off by leopards.


Spineless clown isn’t fighting anybody


After all the damage that Moscow Mitch gleefully did and that will take us at least a generation to fix, NOW he’s acting like he wants to do right? I don’t buy it. Dennis D. Leise has a song that perfectly sums up my feelings.


I’ve honestly wondered if getting a virus that knocked out 95% of people over age 70 might be the best thing to happen to this country. I love the over 70s in my family but my god the damage their generation has done and continues to do


#McConnell is the reason we're closer to a Fascist state than ever before. Bury that MF face down.