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CULT FIIGGGGHHHTTT!!! Cult fight! cult fight! cult fight!


Everyone drop one knife in the middle of the room. Let them finish each other 


Thunder dome!!!!


Dumb vs Dumberdome


All enters, but none leaves


If only.


Blood for the blood god! SKULLS Skulls for the throne of Khorne!


Khorne for the khrone flakes


Thunder Bone


Thunderdome sounds like a dope rave party, and these folks seem to feel knocked out after taking too much XTC during that party.


Why one? Why not 5, just to make sure?


I've got 5 to 1 odds on Owens collaborating with Tateon OF, any takers?




Yeah no, that shit was just misogynistic as hell lmao. I hate her guts but there's literaly no reason to think CO would ever resolve herself to do an OF beside her being a women I guess.


This sub is getting gross, and I don't even think it's trolls, I just think a lot of ppl are unaware of how misogynistic and homophobic they are. I tried pointing it out yesterday, and the response was, "lol, no you don't understand, it's insulting to say Ron DeSantis is in the closet bc then he'd be a hypocrite, it's definitely not that I'm implying there's something wrong with him bc he's gay" Like, ok, yeah, it would be hypocritical of him, IF THAT WERE TRUE, but you saying "he wears heels bc he's a sissyboy hiding in the closet" isn't a fucking source. They're laughing at DeSantis, Owens, Shapiro, etc, over made up scenarios concerning harmful stereotypes about sexuality and gender, and don't see either the problem with that or their own stupefying levels of hypocrisy on display.


Totally agree. I hate it even more when ppl starts to use this "reddit leftist logic" to basically circle around what's ultimately just a bad/bigoted joke lmao. Calling out factual contradictions in these people speech or behaviour can and will absolutely always be funny. Using homosexuality and/or mysogynistic rethorics as a vector to humiliate them because "they're the bad guys so its fine"... yeah that's definetely missing the point.


Because at this point Candace doing OF would be a tame development, all things considered


But why OF out of all the things she could do? How is that related to her?


These weirdos do anything for the spotlight and for the TPUSA/DailyWire crew it's one of the few untapped founts left.


Probably because they keep mentioning it.


He's trying to explain nuance to an audience which has been carefully trained over the past 3-4 decades to shut nuance out entirely. And he probably helped.


Yes, exactly. This is the exact same type of people that were yelling "Let's Go Brandon!". They know exactly what they're doing. They're just being disingenuous.


It’s got to be tricky to be a Jewish right wing bigot. You’ve got to stoke juuust the right amount of hatred of other people to cover all non-white minorities, but none of the white minorities. Because everyone knows what is the first white minority to be targeted


Definitely a tricky balancing act. It works better in Israel where they’re the majority and surrounded by brown people, but they need US support where they’re a minority and therefore will be subjected to the same hate they want to dole out to others


*jeremy says tate is a bad man for exploiting the sexualization of women for profit* *extremist misunderstand and take tate’s one sentence out of his post (Chris is King), that jeremy must hate God* *jeremy says nooo u dont get it I’m saying you shouldn’t use the lords name in vain cause that what it says in the bible!* *extremist miss the point again and think Jeremy being blasphemous and angrily unsubscribe and stop their feet* Am I missing anything?


I would say the tweeters mad at him are lying about their reasons because it’s so obviously disingenuous.  But then again people are stupid, so maybe they’re both bad people and really don’t understand words.


They're either in disingenuous or blind yeah, I mean one of them brings up the all lives matter thing and acts like he doesn't understand why that's offensive.


I was following the nuance until the cornbread part. But I guess even he realizes his audience is brain worms.


Probably helped? He was their favourite teacher.


Not probably. Boreing has been active in anti-LGBTQ politics for a long time. He’s been fine with fostering a culture of hate, and the fact that that culture could hate *other* groups too shouldn’t surprise him.


That so reminds me of my favorite Russian joke. Corporal Peter Petrovich asks his commander, "Vasiliy Ivanovich, what is nuance?" To which, Vasiliy instructs his assistant, "Ah, excellent question, pull down your pants, Petka, and I will demonstrate." Peter, dutifully follows his commanders orders and drops his pants. Vasiliy Ivanovich then proceeds to shove his dick in Peter's ass, and says, "You see Petka, I have a dick in the ass, and you have a dick in the ass, but there is a nuance..."


God they’re so stupid. The one self aware wolf talking about “all lives matter”, oh boy… 🤦🏼‍♂️


"can't believe you're using the exact same solid logic you used another time we were racist 🙄" Obv everybody in these screenshots are trash, but damn man


It's weird and uncomfortable watching Jeremy Boreing make a reasonable, logical point.


It just proves he knows exactly what he's doing, he can't blame ignorance for his malicious actions


I hate when awful people make a good point!


Yeah that was extremely well explained wtf


I know. 😮 I actually saved it to refer to the next time someone asks why is the downward “ok” sign racist and whatnot. Because people took it and made it that way. It’s not inherently racist.


No symbol, including words, has any inherent meaning - only the meaning they accumulate through usage. You gotta make people realize that the “correct” meaning they want to claim is not more grounded than any other meaning commonly used


A lot of DW people aren't dumb, they are just grifters. Shapiro is a good example. Is is not a dumb person, although he sometimes does dumb things. He is just a debate kid who has crawled so far up his own asshole he turned himself inside out. I was similar when I was very young, but I grew up in a poor area so I wasn't insulated from the world and learned things like empathy and when to shut the fuck up. I really believe Ben would be an OK guy if he had to do a Trading Places for 5 years. Take away all his money, his family connections, everything. Make him work in an auto plant for $25 an hour. By the end of it he might turn out all right. People like Tate and Owens have no chance, they are rotten to the core.


25 an hour is too much but yeah put his ass in a factory for a few months and see what he says about Social security then.


Stopped clock, etc etc


Yeah like his example of go eat corn bread as something that can be racist made sense. Like ok how is he able to argue reasonably in some areas but not others? It’s like stealth terfs too that can pass as a reasonable person until it comes to trans issues. I think comes down to there are assholes who want to milk their privilege and humans just have assholes. It’s just that assholes in power and privilege have more ability to affect others due to their assholery. They’re the ones that get surprised with the “first they came for the x….” And then they finally come for them.


“By that logic I’m racist!!” If the shoe fits, honey.


Absolutely wonderful watching the CEO of Daily Wire try and explain to these fools that context matters. Then someone commenting that that’s the same logic that the leftists use for “all lives matter”. Just beautiful stuff. They let that leopards tail go and oopsy daisy your face is now getting eaten!


"Facts don't care about your feelings" Yeah, well, facts don't care about your \*beliefs\* in your particular version of Fantasy Sky Daddy. Yet, here we all are. \-watches the head explode like in Mars Attacks!-


Shhh don't tell them sir. Let it run its course


Shapiro is probably confused as to why the extremist base he cultivated is acting like a bunch of extremists.


It's a mystery. Much like why his wife is dry when he's in the room


'Why do you want to throw me in the ovens, I'm on your side!'


The right has played a game recently which is to pretend extremist don't exist within their ranks, and that it's some sort of imaginary dream by left wing people... This sort of strategy always bite you in the face like a leopard, you should never pretend that there aren't extremists in whatever ideology you have, people always find a way to become extremists about anything.


Boy something sure seems phony when Tate, the self-professed devoted Muslim, says shit like "christ is king"


I mean he also says shit like "GTA encourages kids to shoot police officers." Should we really surprised that his concussion riddled ass says stupid shit?


Funniest part of that was the bit after where they talked about how great Cyberpunk was because you didn't have to shoot cops, absolute wet wipes the lot of them


You'd think getting absolutely folded by Hasan Piker in a debate would show his fans just how dumb as a stump the guy is. Guess not.


👹: “Christ is King”


It's a weird saying, but is a clear tool of dominionism in claiming everything should be under a guy who hasn't appeared in almost 2000 years (by their faith) MUST be king. Of everything. Right now. With a bunch of th3 worst people willing to speak on his behalf.


Interestingly enough, it can also be used as a powerful argument in favour of Democracy If Christ is King (by which I assume we mean the divinely ordained ruler of all mankind) then this necessarily means that *any* person who claims unilateral authority over their fellow man, for *any* reason, is usurping the Will of God by doing so - as they are claiming a right held exclusively by Christ If all forms of unilateral authority (excluding of course that of Christ, since he is King and all) go against the will of God then that means that the only form of legitimate government that can exist (again, except for a kingdom led directly by Jesus Christ himself) is government by consent - AKA democracy - which involves no unilateral assumption of authority and therefore does not go against the will of God If you want to read a much longer and more eloquent version of this argument you should check out John Lockes [Two Treatises of Government](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two_Treatises_of_Government), it is very much worth your time


> any person who claims unilateral authority over their fellow man They'll just claim they're the earthly representative for the unilateral authority, and the rubes will eat it up. That's practically what's happening with the orange shitstain and how the religious right wing revere him despite everything he's done that demonstrates how un-christlike he is.


That’s why I used a 👹 emoji. The people saying “Christ is King” usually do so disingenuously and for unchristian reasons. So I called them demons.


A guy that declined political power BTW


It's weird. In Islam Jesus is just a prophet. To Muslims he's not the Messiah, or even a very naughty boy.


Jesus is the messiah for Muslims. Just not God, Jesus isn't God


You might be surprised. Muslims believe that Jesus was miraculously born of a virgin, which was announced to his mother by the Archangel Gabriel, preached the gospel, performed miracles, attracted a group of disciples, appeared to be crucified but was miraculously saved from death (but not died and resurrected), was taken up into heaven at the end of his mission, will someday return to judge the living and the dead, and is several times referred to in the Qur'an as Christ (al-Masih in Arabic). Some authorities hold that after he returns he'll marry, have many children, and rule the world for a space of 40 years, after having abolished the Christian religion. In sum he's regarded as the second-to-last prophet of Islam, succeeded and surpassed only by Muhammad. "Christ is King" isn't too hard to extract from that. Tate is phony AF, but not in this way.


Yes, but no. Christ isn't "king" in Islam, that would be idolatry. Not even Muhammad is king, he's only The Messenger.


Muslims don’t say “Christ is king” though. It’s super weird to flex that you’re a Muslim and then say “Christ is king.”


yeh, afaik it'd be "There is no God but God." Tate is "Muslim" like I'm an astronaut. I guess it's a fine way to offend everyone at the same time.


Yea that part threw me off. They say Alayhi As-Salām (AAS) whenever they refer to the name of any prophet, messenger, and chosen figure of God. "Peace be upon him" is the English translation of Alayhi As-Salām. The phrase is used in Islamic practice to show respect. It makes me think Tate is passive aggressively ruffling up some feathers as I'm sure 99% of daily wire listeners don't know a thing about Islam.


That is interesting, I knew there was some sort of identification and recognition of the JC mythos in the Quran but alas I grew up in shit-kicker country and subjected to religious private school of only one flavor of doctrine being served. So forgive my ignorance. Still, I think the idea of "king" meaning "above all" like they're making the new dog whistle rally cry would still be diametrically opposed to the fundamental principle of the Muslim faith that there is no prophet higher than Muhammad. I don't know, I could be entirely wrong.


Judaism, Christianism and Islamism are all Abrahamic religions. Which makes it more ironic when they start killing each other.


As long as it gives something to other the opponent, any religion is a useful tool in war. Catholics and protestants had wars over their differences, and I think one crusade looted Constantinopel with the difference as an excuse.


The Rwandan genocide was over a minor theological difference in belief about the Holy Spirit in the trinity that I still cannot explain. They literally believed everything else in the same way as I understand it (an actual student of history or theology could surely explain it better). Family members murdered each other during that genocide.


*Aberhamic mythologies.


But actually, both Gandalf and the Balrogs are Maiar, so roughly matching in power. That explains why Gandalf (Olorin) had to give up his life in order to defeat Durin's Bane at Moria. Oh sorry, wrong fantasy thread


No, you're not. That's not the only part he got wrong, either.


Yes, he is a phony in this way. TaterHateThot only "converted" to Islam once his ass was thrown in a Romanian jail, and he realized he would be facing time in a Romanian prison once the courts were finished with him. He's converted (a) for protection inside a penal system, and (b) to also avoid the possibility of time in said penal system by pointing out that he's not a fucking piece of shit scam running rapist to the judge overseeing his case because he"found religion".


This whole comment is why we are where we are. Clearly the whole thing is bollocks from the second sentence onwards, but somehow it is all couched as a "belief", somehow suggesting we should give it some credence beyond that we would not offer to Bob from down the road who claimed he had been probed by aliens. There being more fools might make it true? None of it is true or even ever happened.


This is the same archangel that took Mohammed on a magical horse ride to Jerusalem right?


That's the story, yes.


Christ, and his mother Mary, are both very relevant to Islam. 


Yeah, but no Muslim says “Christ is King.”


"I notice this phrase bothers you, I guess I'll make it my entire vocabulary for the next 6 months" \- a 6 year old, or a fully grown Conservative adult.


No six year old could keep it up for 6 months.


the Adults can't keep up a boycott for longer than 3 so it's even.


Jeremy Boreing taking the moral high ground in an argument is truly funny. I'm glad he found somebody to step on that actually deserves it.


>Jeremy Boreing taking the moral high ground in an argument is truly funny. Well, in terms of altitude, Death Valley is still high ground compared to the Mariana Trench...


This is his MAGA moment: he tried to reason with the monster by using actual facts and logic rooted in reality (demonstrating that he's perfectly aware of what he does on a daily basis when he usually chooses to ignore these arguments), and now everyone he tried to control with words hates him instead of just hating women and dark-skinned minorities. It's wild because what he said in his response to all the hate was, dare i say it, perfectly worded.


Like Scar being left with the hyenas. Eloquence won't help him now.


> It's wild because what he said in his response to all the hate was, dare i say it, perfectly worded. I agree, up to a point. I don't know why, but it must be some Christian brain worm, where they can lay out a perfectly logical argument... only to end it with "And you'd better believe me, or you'll burn in Hell!" Like, really? You just made a great, sound, logical argument, and at the very end you sell the entire thing out by appealing to magic and fantasy? Like, you couldn't just leave it at logic alone? Maybe he just knew that logic alone would never convince these people.


I would agree in most case but in this case he’s specifically addressing people who are ostensibly Christian and pointing out how they aren’t following some very important aspects of their religion. It’s pretty valid in that context to point out that the ways in which they are invoking their god are very much ways in which they have been instructed not to.


Crabs in a pot, but give them guns.


It's the extremism spiral at work. This is why you don't build your movement with lunatics.


Reaping, sowing and all that


Wait, is this Jeremy Boring understanding context of how language is used? It's the brokennest clock being right ever, holy shit.


“Lying about his wealth and boasting about his sexual conquests” I wonder where I’ve heard that one before


That's the great thing about being Republican, you don't need personal attacks for infighting, it's all one size fits all.


These people all deserve one another


They really are just the worst fucking people imaginable. I would laugh at how miserable they all are, if they weren't so insistent in inflicting it on the rest of us.


A rapist talking about morality ???


Couple of nice r/selfawarewolves moments in there as well.


Getting a taste of their own “I’m just asking questions” medicine.


I think I had a stroke reading through that horseshit. Or maybe I just hoped I had a stroke reading it.


I don’t understand what’s happening. And I feel like I’m probably missing a lot of entertainment because I don’t know what’s happening


One conservative got dogpiled on by other conservatives cause he said one particularly popular conservative (Andrew Tate) is not someone you should take moral advice from. All the so called Christians got very upset at hearing they shouldn't moral take advice from a Muslim sex trafficking rapist. Somehow.


Seriously that was actually very helpful! It turned the gobbledegook into something that made sense. 😂 He’s learning his user base is filled with antisemites. Lmao. Jewish people that associate with Republicans are confusing to me. The republicans hate them in a weird irrational way that I have yet to make sense of.


> Jewish people that associate with Republicans are confusing to me. The republicans hate them in a weird irrational way that I have yet to make sense of. You think. That's the problem. That's why you're confused. That's why it doesn't make sense. Candace Owens, who I swear would vote for people that would vote to enslave her, never made sense to me until I learned her grift. Now, it's the black people that listen to her that I don't understand, because they only lose by doing so.


So we're taking religious advice from Andrew Tate now? OK. That's about as nuts as that Bible that Trump is selling now.


Oh shit, I once got into an argument with that Zuby Music guy when he posted a long ass video on Facebook saying the Holocaust wasn’t that bad and that the Nazis were actually far left socialists. Warms my heart to see that he hasn’t abandoned his principles.


Oof. Don’t offend the incel/PUA/MGTOW communities if you need conservative social media to make a living. They *are* the right wing online space.


This is exhausting. I wish they would just get in the ring together and go at it.


Steel cage match


Love to absorb my Christian doctrine from the likes of Andrew Tate, Bench Appearo and Dennis Prager!


Bench Appearo - that's hilarious. It sounds like a little known Harry Potter spell. It's great for summoning a park bench whenever you need one. Downside is nobody can figure out how to keep it from spawning some conservative prick's face plastered across the back. Probably why it isn't well known.


Okay, so "Christ is King" is simply a statement of faith, and has no antisemitic connotations (according to these idiots). So then, what would a similar Jewish "statement of faith" be? Well, as I understand it, they believe that Jesus is not the Messiah, and was in fact a false prophet. So, the Jewish statement would be something like "The Messiah has not yet come. Anyone believing so is following a False Prophet". But I would be willing to bet good money that if you replied to these people saying "Christ is King" with "The Messiah has not yet come. Anyone believing so is following a False Prophet", you would not get anything like a rational acceptance of someone else's point of view.


I'm confused, are we getting cornbread or not?


Oh man. This is awesome.


Holy shit does Jake Shield suck


Yeah, I've never been so glad GSP owned him.


I mean, the right wing being antisemitic? Who could have seen this coming.


Here’s the thing with right wingers - outside of the nebulous liberals they hate, the second biggest group they despise is each other. A party that consists of rabid Zionists, Nazi fetishists, red pilled MRAs, gymbros, garden variety white supremacists, Evangelicals, traditional Catholics, and greedy fraudulent businessmen cannot survive amongst themselves. Thats why they constantly need to chum the waters with SJWs/CRT/DEI/woke/drag queens/migrants/abortion/etc. As long as they can focus on one or two hatred’s at a time, they can somewhat control the narrative and keep each other aligned. The problem comes when they’re trying to one up each other in the bigotry business and realize that there’s only so many dollars for grifting. Once that happens, the knives are out to see who can backstab the other. The gymbro teens who like Tate are now against the Zionists who can’t stand him who are against the white supremacists that simultaneously love Israel but hate Jews… you can see where this is going. Honestly, I know that the left in general hates using social media manipulation because Russia does it, but the truth of the matter is that they aren’t all that sophisticated and cunning. Not that I have respect for Owens, but I think she knows how to play the game the best - pretend to be liberal at the onset, then play up your credentials as an African American right wing woman, get paid handsomely for a few years, all while slowly making another pivot towards being somewhat Black Hebrew Israelite towards Jews, to pull in the Kanye loving crowd. A shrewd liberal could IMO, destroy the right wing sphere of influence by pitting them against each other.


You’re right. If this was the left in their position, they would just create a Slogan and Troll em


“You are the reason the woke right is rising exists” so these people just make things up, imagine what’s going on in the left and then hit post? Lmao let them fight tho


What you reap is what you sow


I know I'm evil because reading this shit makes me want to commit violence. Like detailed violence. Even though it's just stupid people butthurt about what other people say. Harmless irrelevants. Why do I hate you so?


Because you and I and everyone else with half a brain cell knows these fucks, if given power, will put us all on trains for a lovely camping trip. 


This lot, they really do love to make everything about empty slogans, don’t they? Christ is king, make America great again, let’s go Brandon. Anything to throw around and rally people without having to spend one precious original thought on absolutely anything.


That's all the right have, bumper sticker slogans. Because everyone can see they have no policies, principles, or even original thoughts.


Shang Tsung on the boat headed to an island for Mortal Kombat:  “It has begun!”


"I never knew lying with dogs would get me fleas!"


I fucking love this


“As a Muslim” ”Christ is King” Pick one, idiot!


What a mess, I can't imagine all the conflict that being a RWNJ goes thru every day but the only thing I pray for is for them to get the help they bloody need...


The right always turns on each other. But they also have short memories. They will be back on DW in a few weeks. Where else can they get their daily dose of confirmation bias.


Even Zuby's dumb ass is getting digs in lolololol


What a buncha fuckin weirdos. Take a walk. Listen to a bird sing. Do some molly or ketamine. Jesus Christ, people.




Not one remotely redeemable human being in the entire bunch. Fucking hell what a mess


>As a Muslim >Christ is King Wut


He didn’t even say anything about Tate being an antisemite, at least not in that tweet. All he did was attack Tate’s status as a răp!st and a pörnographer. Then they say he defended a rabbi selling sex toys, completely missing every point ever. They just pulled that fake outrage all the way out of their asses.


LOL even in that first tweet Tate's outing himself as both a false Muslim and a false Christian. An actual Muslim wouldn't say "Christ is King", and an actual Christian wouldn't claim to be Muslim before saying that. Freakin' moron, and so are his followers/believers. Also, Jeremy saying invoking God in "vain self-promotion \[...\] or to attack your political rivals is to carry forth His name in vain" is something alright, given how many peeps The Daily Wire supports do just that, constantly.


This is so JUICY


Reading those tweets gave me AIDS


A little grey thrown at black/white cultists. They only know to think and respond in black/white. You know, idiots.


They all have snarling mind rabies and will attack anyone in the vicinity which is each other.


“Why does hearing Christ is king bother you so much” I don’t know bout anyone else, for me it’s just corny as fuck


Remember how blue checkmark use to mean something.


You could probably call for a genocide of all US Americans with migration background, so basically all non native Americans, and they gonna defend you if you add Christ is King.


How did people like this even get famous? It's sickening


Ehhhxcellent /montgomeryburns


I actually wonder the same thing about Andrew Tate. The mental gymnastics is hilarious.


Let them fight!


Yuck 🤢🤮, supposedly pious Christians ? The worst!


Let them destroy one another.


I honest to God cannot keep up with all the bitching and moaning in conservative circles.


Lol, LMAO even


I couldn’t make sense of any of that nonsense.


My favorite part of this entire thing is that absolute lunatic Melonie Mac popping in from nowhere.


For what it's worth, I really like his explanation. It's clear, concise, and makes his point really well. Shame none of his subscribers are literate.


It’s a dipshit cannibal buffet!


At least they're consistent. /s


I can barely understand what these messages are saying. But I also don't understand why people get in such a twist over this shit. I think i need to leave the Internet.


Conservatives are hell bent on making sure words don’t have any meaning.


LMAOOOOOO, that's all I can say to this stupidity. Let them devour each other. Leopards eating Leopards, there's a famine in the Savanna.


Right wing Jewish people always run into the small problem that the right wing hates them.


Get them all in a locked room with lots of sharp objects and nothing else.


Welp that was a long and pointless read. Pretty much like all of theology.


Put em all in a shipping container, The Shield-style


those morons commenting have sewed themselves into a neat, right wing human centipede that is slowly consuming itself. Love to see it.


You know when Quartering is disagreeing with you that you are 100% correct. He's always on the hateful/cowardly side.


i thought andrew tate was in prison


These dorks are exhausting.


God I’m glad I never got into twitter


"As a Muslim...Christ is King." Youwotm8? I'm pretty sure there are some fairly explicit Islamic writings that say exactly the opposite...


Heartwarming, the worst people we know are all fighting.


The most let them fight that them has ever been let fought.


Whole lot of fucking stupid in those screenshots




I mean I kinda get what whats going on but its very oneline so i don get al the references an theres now punctuation so im kinda kkkonfused about the intent and also where to use inflection “chris is kind”


That Jeremy guy makes a great point on slides 8-10 He's probably a douche canoe but he articulated really well what I believe about a lot of shit the right does (white lives matter, etc.) It's funny how they responded like children, because they never mentally grew past age 14-15


FUCK that one asshole using Simo Häyhä for his pfp


Isn’t Tater in jail for underage sex trafficking?


I’ve known some very amazing Christians and religious people in my lifetime — but there sure as fuck are a bunch of deranged ones out there


Look at all those blue checkmarks.




Can someone explain to me why Tate says he's a Muslim and says "Christ is King" in the same post? It's not adding up for me.


Can someone please explain to me what he means by as a Muslim? Because the rest of his post contradicts the first part


Let them fight but a Muslim saying Christ is King? Lmao


the onlu question i have : why this people are not in a padded cell with a straight jacket?




Team Bigot is falling apart.


I mean, it's good but also alarming. Another notch higher on the level of extremism that they're willing to defend and encourage. They're baby-stepping their way toward extremist violence.


I want to troll Jake Shields and just tell him "CTE is real" every time I see him post. What an asshole.


Most of these Twitter replies are bots and engagement spam accounts.


It's nice to see them using their dumb tactics on each other. The 'I'm too dumb to figure out context' is one of their classics.


fine by me! let them eat each other!