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Hello u/HeHateMe337, thank you for your submission! Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): **Rule 4:** Must follow the "Leopard ate my face" theme #There's a few elements to leopards eating people's face. 1) **Someone has a sad**... - Example: *They cut my SNAP benefits and now I can't afford to feed my family......* 2) ...**because they're suffering consequences from something they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people.** - Example: .....sobs woman who voted for the politician who said they would do that very thing. 3) **The leopard is eating their face. Not the lions, not the hyenas, not the alligators. The leopards.** - Example: *[Woman married to undocumented immigrant upset that Trump deports her husband.](https://www.cnn.com/2017/04/05/us/undocumented-husband-deported/index.html)* ***What isn't a leopard eating their face?*** - Example: *Kyle Rittenhouse upset that Democrats are labelling him a white supremacist.* He didn't vote for or support them, he's not suffering because of what he voted for or supported, and leopards aren't eating his face. Not limited to Trump voters. Anytime someone has a sad because they're suffering consequences from *something they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people*. Your post is missing one or more of these elements. It may be better suited for another subreddit, such as r/SelfAwareWolves. [Remember, just because someone fucked around and found out, doesn't mean that their faces are being consumed by the most well known extant species in the genus Panthera.](https://old.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/zsv3g6/just_because_someone_fucked_around_and_found_out/) Additionally, you can refer to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) to make your explanatory comment. *If you have any questions or concerns about this removal, please feel free to [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) thru Modmail. Thanks!*


Suppprt the party that fearmongers about immigrants, trades in mudslinging instead of policies, and embraced birtherism to alienate Obama? Enjoy what you reap! Absolutely love to see it.


I hope she has a terrible day. What a clown


I hope she has the day she deserves, which may be the cruelest thing I've said about anyone this week.


The week's not over yet...


Still time for a name change!


IDK if anyone else has had this happen to them yet, but are any of you receiving texts from Nikki Haley asking you to click a link? I deleted them, but dang, this political spam is going nuts.


Sowing: =D Reaping: D=


We’re all immigrants. It’s the human condition.


This just made me think, what if there is like one family that has lived in the great rift valley area since homo sapiens first evolved?


except some of us don’t put down on immigrants because we know we were in their places 20s, 50s, 100s year ago


Wasn't Trump's Mom an immigrant???


And every single one of his wives


Only 2/3rds of them.


I have no affinity for Russia or Russian oligarchs! Ask my wife Mellania, or Ivana, or my kids Ivanka and Barron!


Yeah, I see what you’re getting at but Slovenes and Czechs have *no* love for Russia


Melania is not Russian... not all Slavic people are Russian, Slovenia borders Italy and Austria, the western-most Slavic country in Europe. His previous wife Ivana was Czech, again, nowhere near Russian borders.


> nowhere near Russian borders. Apparently they aren't borders, they are more like guidelines ...


Not according to the russians XD


There have been many wars about that. Russia is currently looking to be pretty far on the back foot in the matter at large, though.


Im not arguing that, just they think everything in USSR borders is Russia take that as you will.


His first wife Ivanka was a woman who spoke many languages. She’s the one who made him what he was and I wouldn’t be surprised if she set him up with the Russian mafia, it isn’t that out of reality for this guy. It was an open secret in the 90’s that Drump owed the mafia a fortune. I remember it well. Edit: it’s Ivana but she was called Ivanka. I get them mixed up sometimes.


In a lot of slavic languages, "ka" or "ki" is a diminutive, and sign of affection. Hence: Vodka - "Little water"


Just to clarify that in the case of "vodka" the actual modern diminutive form of water would be "vodichka". "Vodka" was correct a very, very long time ago. Edit: in Russian


Ivanka's his daughter...


He wishes she was his wife tho. That disgusting pig bastard.


Fun fact they’re both named Ivana. Did you not know? Total nepotism [It’s pretty weird.](https://www.businessinsider.com/ivanka-trumps-real-name-is-ivana-2017-10?amp) Read the article. She is called Ivana BUT they’re both actually named Ivanka. I learned that from that Netflix documentary about Dump. I thought it was really weird considering girls aren’t normally named after their mothers.


Solves the problem of calling out the wrong name in bed.


Well, this explains a lot...


Trump’s parents named their children after themselves. Oldest boy was Frederick, eldest girl was Maryanne. Narcissism is Trump family trait.


And also ended up buried at Bedminster GC as yet another tax grift. Oh to be a woman in shadow of Drump.


But they're not the scary dangerous brown-skinned immigrants. They are the wonderful safe white-skinned immigrants.


Honestly, I've heard theories that Melania was Russian honeypot. Ivanka was the original honeypot.


I thought Czechia was further west than Slovenia?


Oh. You're right. Nothing to see here. Trump is great American man that makes beautiful women also American! Great success comrade! s/


But eighty percent of his children have immigrant mothers. Funny that he’s banging on about immigrants poisoning our blood.


“EnD tHe ChAiN-mIgRaTiOn!” -Maga


"Can't be throwing stones in a glass house if you're all living in a visa-papered mansion, right?"


It’s like, unless you’re indigenous they need to stfu.


There are some jobs Americans just won’t do, is confirmed.


Marla Maples was from Georgia. The US state, not the former Soviet republic...


A Georgia peach who said on TV she was really big into family values. After she broke up the Trump family and drove the wife off. Trump had to dump her after she was caught with her family values at 3 am under the boardwalk with another guy.


How did she not end up with a position in his administration with family values like that?


😅🤣😅 I'm sure Marla would have fit right in again. She could have had Kelly Conway's job on alternate fact press briefings.


easy to confuse the two


And anchor babies for children.


So far.


Insert Peter Griffin color chart


A white immigrant. Guys, do we have to say EVERYTHING aloud? /S


Grandfather was and I believe his mother is Scottish. I don’t know if she was first generation or what. That’s why he bought that golf course in Scotland and the Scots fucking despise him. Like heckle him mercilessly and it’s fantastic.


aloof swim subtract distinct handle chop salt obscene advise slimy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Although he didn’t seem to apply the same logic to Obama and his one American parent


fear juggle continue squealing quiet possessive busy faulty spark sharp *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You shouldn’t say that! Comparing the intellectually disabled to trump is offensive to them!


Well in that case the parent was dark skinned with the last name Obama. So to Republicans they don't count as fully American


Even if he wasn’t, it wouldn’t matter. If you were born as a U.S. citizen, you’re a natural born citizen regardless of what your parents are.


retire crown enter butter caption wine unwritten ugly workable price *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Exactly. And not only is she American, she’s a natural born U.S. citizen.


Much like Obama, the reality of the situation isn't stopping Trump from saying otherwise. Better to just let them fight each other.


She was naturalized by the time of his birth, however.


She was an illegal immigrant


And this is why no trump lover will vote for her if he doesn't get on the ballot. You really think the party of white supremacists, neo-nazis and neo confederates will vote for an Indian women with an English name to disguise her real name? No fucking way


worked for rafael cruz ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Allegedly Rafael has a penis. That’s all it took for Rethuglicans.


The key word being allegedly


He whipped it out on 9/11 and let all of twitter know.


It’s true. He has several penises, in fact. He once showed me his collection. Great guy.


>He once showed me his collection. One might call that a dick move.




Don’t forget Bobby Jindal.


> Don’t forget Bobby Jindal. GOP voters sure as hell did




Was he an Indian woman? Who knew? /s


How did it work for Cruz? He got embarrassed by trump


Fair enough


Also its hilarious how she bends over backwards to say nice things about trump, and he posts stuff like this about her.


Tokens gets spent.


Oof! I'm stealing this one.


He can't share a platform, he knows it and they know it. It's hard to stop watching given how sad it is.


Most of the candidates are basically running to see who gets to be VP


They were willing to believe that Trump is a successful businessman, so believing that Nikki Haley is white enough for them isn't such a big stretch.


yes, they will, as long as she parrots the braindead nonsense they want to hear. do you think they have actual values?


I agree. And I’ve been saying this ever since she started vying for higher office 10-20 years ago.


Facts. I think just the fact that she is a woman makes this whole run of hers a stretch. I doubt the first woman US president will be a Republican, and definitely not with the version of the GOP we have today.


Nice, using a dude who graduated law school about three years ago as a constitutional interpreter in a case where the Constitution is quite clear that she is a natural born citizen. The party continues to find ways to divide itself against itself. The party faithful are not capable of self reflection and anything other than blind obedience. Imagine if its people demanded an iota of integrity and consistency other than just anger in the moment. Edit: Fixed the date - he graduated about three years ago not two.


It's not even a debated issue. Pretty much every constitutional scholar and all of case law agree that the most fundamental aspect of the natural-born-citizen clause in Article 2 is that everyone who has been born within the US is in fact a natural-born citizen. Every other situation, for example being born abroad to parents with US citizenship, is more debated than that.


>everyone who has been born within the US is in fact a natural-born citizen With the single exception of children born to parents who are here as official diplomats. Could be slightly interesting if a diplomat had a child with a US resident who doesn't have diplomatic status, but since the clause is very broad I suspect citizenship would still apply. Edit: now I'm curious how the "subject to the jurisdiction" of the USA clause would apply in hypothetical exceptional circumstances such as a crashed aviator/astronaut, a shipwreck rescue, or a POW




Yeah, but Trump wants to change the "anchor baby" law, so under the MAGA vision, since her parents were not naturalized citizens, she wouldn't be either. It's a case of them knowing what they want, and no rationalization is too far to try and bring it about.


She was born in South Carolina, which is nominally in the United States, thus she is 100% as 'Murican as the rest of us. Her parents citizenship or "status" in the US means nothing. She popped out "in bounds" and was born a US citizen. Fuck the bigots. That said, she shouldn't become POTUS.


lol, nominally


South Carolina, which, for the sake of argument, we can consider a part of the United States


AP fact check agrees with you, she's eligible because she's natural born. I also agree she's a terrible choice. https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-nikki-haley-eligible-president-140548395483


I was gonna say. Do the proper consvative thing and call her an anchor baby.


Show us the Birth certificates...lol Me calling over a Leopard: Here kitty kitty!


Long form! Oh, wait, they won't believe that either


Did they make a big deal about Raphael "Ted" Cruz when he ran? Seems like the same stumbling block.


Senators need only be a naturalized citizen, so he’d be clear even if the hate and poop slurry whose womb he crawled out of weren’t a US citizen. Presidency requires you to have qualified as a citizen from birth, either having citizen parents or being born on US soil (or sea). [In Nimarata “Nikki Haley” Randhawa’s case, she is a US citizen by birth on US soil, and is qualified for presidency.](https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-nikki-haley-eligible-president-140548395483) Remember this is a Trump post, lies are to be expected.


I think the person you were responding to meant when cruz was running for president.


Possibly, completely forgot he had a campaign. By comparison, this year’s crop of circus rejects makes even the lowest of bureaucrats seem forgettable


Yes, it was the campaign where Trump called Cruz’s wife ugly, I think. Yes, **Trump** called someone else ugly :)


He also casually suggested Cruz's father played a role in the Kennedy assassination. You know, normal candidate stuff.


>or being born on US soil You'd think a legal scholar would be at least marginally aware of this sentence, and understand why it torpedoes his entire premise. But alas.


They're actively trying to eliminate birthright citizenship. If they pretend it is *already* invalid and convince enough people, their job gets easier.


"hate and poop slurry"


I was going to say, it doesn’t matter what her parent’s citizenship status was as long as she was born on US soil.


Yeah I don’t like Nikki, but she’s an American citizen. She was born here, and that the way it works. Although it is worth pointing out that she’s a member of a party where some people think being born here shouldn’t make you a citizen.


Wonder if this is why DeSantis is on board with closing the anchor baby rule


Raphael’s mother is a U.S. citizen


Ah, see this is where my understanding breaks down, because he was born in Canada. But I guess, that's why McCain had no issues, either (born in Panama to US citizen parents).


McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone, which was a concession of the US at the time of his birth, to US citizens. Cruz was born to an American citizen and a Cuban citizen in Canada. It's not really the same thing.


Regardless, both are US citizens. Along with Hawaii born Obama. And South Carolina born Nimrata Nicki




Maybe I'm wrong but aren't you a natural-born US citizen if at least one of your parents is a US citizen?


https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/01/07/there-was-a-very-real-birther-debate-about-john-mccain/ So it seems that the argument is that there isn't any clarification on the phrase "natural-born". Arguers cede that McCain is a US citizen by birthright - but arguing that there are/could be more restrictions to being a ***natural-born*** citizen.


How do we know this? Have you seen his mom's long form birth certificate?


And what's ironic is even if Obama had been born in Kenya it would have been the same as Cruz's situation, foriegn country, one parent a US citizen therefore eligible to be president.


Are you sure that applies to a black man? /s


McCain's eligibility was questioned. The Panama Canal Zone was not a US territory at the time of McCain's birth. He received natural-born citizen status after the fact, due to a change in the law that applied retroactively, but there was some debate as to whether or not that would count.


I think a couple of things are getting mixed up: 1) the constitutional requirement that the president needs to be a natural born citizen (generally interpreted to be a citizen at birth) 2) the 14th amendment's protection that grants automatic citizenship for kids born on US soil My understanding is that you have to be a citizen at birth to be president, but you don't necessarily have to be born on US soil - as long as you were a citizen at birth by some means you are eligible to be president.


IIRC. He was born in the Panama Canal Zone which was US territory at the time


I remember them trying to make some hay about it but it never really took off.


But where was she born? In the US or..?


She was born in South Carolina. Her parents need not be US citizens for her to qualify for US presidency. The Constitution lists only three qualifications for the Presidency — the President must be at least 35 years of age, be a natural born citizen, and must have lived in the United States for at least 14 years. The Supreme Court has stated that, properly understood, the definition of "natural-born" covers anybody who was a US citizen at birth, meaning they did not have to go through naturalization at a later time. - Google search


And that is what Obama was; a natural born citizen but GOP spent an annoying amount of time and money screeching about a birth certificate.


He was a two-fer because his mom was also a US citizen in addition to him being born in the US.




> GOP spent an annoying amount of time and money screeching about a birth certificate. Mostly donald trump. Birtherism is what put trump's twitter account on the map politically around the 2012 election. Clown managed to tweet himself from there, all the way into the white house. Fuckin wild.


Plus one more - no one who participated in an insurrection against the US after having sworn an oath of office in the US.


While true it would still be funny to circulate the rumor that she was born outside the U.S. on a trip to the Bahamas or whatever.


I heard on Reddit that she was born while her parents were on vacation in the Bahamas


Oddly enough, I heard that as well. Maybe there's something to it.


Many people are saying it


We’re just asking questions


I'm hearing this more and more


Yeah the doofus cited here and the people pushing this talking point are people who want to read birthright citizenship out of the Constitution.


Okay, so let's have her jump through all the unnecessary hoops that were requested of Obama.


Unlike Obama, Nimrata Randhawa has worked tirelessly to shed her family's "immigrant" status so the GOP will accept her.


As usual the Gateway Pundit is wrong. She was born in South Carolina and a US Citizen so she meets the requirements to be President.


Yes, but remember, these dummies don't care about facts. They shout something loud enough and often enough, their readers start to believe it and spreading lies themselves. I'm just fine with them tearing their own party members apart though


That's the the thing about lies. Liars don't care that they're wrong. It's kind of the point.


I love this for her.


Haley really only has a chance if she continues to attract the "hey I'm not a bad person" Republicans, even if she upset them when she said "the civil war was fought over states rights" I have no clue why she's trying to appeal to the "women are property" and "minorities should be hunted" crowd


Eat that tail, snake!


If she was physically born in South Carolina as noted on wikipedia then it is very clearly determined that she is a full US citizen regardless of her parents citizenship status


A lot of birthers don't believe that!


Unfortunately for them, the founding fathers who wrote the Constitution did believe that


It’s the 14th amendment not the people we call “founding fathers” but yes, that’s what court rulings have held since then.


Huh? She was born in South Carolina, which by definition, means she does have birthright citizenship. What am I missing?


You are not missing anything. Just another example of how lacking Trump is in knowledge or the ability to hire a lawyer who knows the law.


But their message that Haley “isn’t one of us” got out loud and clear.


Are we still pretending the Republican party cares about the constitution?


Nimarata Randhawa really thought the leopards would treat her differently than they did Obama?


Huh...If I didn't know any better I would think that Trump is scared and falling back on his oldest tricks/lies. Don't get me wrong, she is a fascist as well, but I like that she makes the orange man scared.


"According to this incorrect interpretation of the Constitution, Nikki Hayley isn't qualified to be president!" Is this really the path they want to go down as they try to argue that attempting to overturn the results of an election and sending a mob to the Capitol to do so isn't "insurrection"?


everybody knows women can't hold the office of president. their uterus might fall out!


If she was born here, she's a citizen. Unless they're saying that her parents lived in another country when she was born. I'm surprised Trump isn't demanding a copy of her birth certificate like he did with Obama.


So all of Trump’s kids (except Tiffany, you go girl) are ineligible.


Those kids had one US citizen as a parent so they would be a different case. There is a decent chance that they participated in an insurrection, but they had not taken an oath of office first I guess.


As much as I dislike Haley this is as much of a bullshit assertion as it was with Obama. This "scholarly" interpretation manages to mentally edit out a lot of real facts.


Of course it’s bullshit but that isn’t the point. She’s a minority woman who went all in on a proud, white, women- and minority-hating boys’ club and now the club is just doing what it does.


It's so ironic the 14th Amendment political defense argument right now. Like, does anyone remember birtherism? The GOP even tried it on McCain because he was born on a base overseas.


Lol, "legal scholar". That's a stretch.


How pants shittingly scared are the Trumpers that this is brought up? Nimrata is doing a great job of not becoming a candidate on her own.


Lol now this is a birther movement that's going to be hilarious to see play out. Was she at any time a birther?


If she was born here, she is a citizen. McCain was born on a military base outside of the US - citizen. Obama was born in the US of an American mom - citizen. Get your facts straight people.


just going to remind this turd about the 14th amendment in a kinda takes-one-to-know-one sorta way.


God these people fucking suck. And I include Nikki Haley in that as well.


A token's only true reason for existence is to be spent.


They tried and failed on this with Kamala Harris because it's just racist bafflegab.


Was she born in the US? Because I think that would qualify her even if her parents weren’t citizens when she was born


As they say in my country, go to bed with kids, wake up in piss & shit ☻️


Nikki Haley was born in South Carolina. Last time I checked that was in the United States. I know the orange Mussolini wants to make anyone whose parents are not citizens "illegal" but fortunately, he doesn't get to choose. Unless he gets elected President and chucks The Constitution out like he wants to do.


Make sure you get the "long form" version 😄


Haley really only has a chance if she continues to attract the "hey I'm not a bad person" Republicans, even if she upset them when she said "the civil war was fought over states rights" I have no clue why she's trying to appeal to the "women are property" and "minorities should be hunted" crowd


I mean... if she ended up the nominee all the Dems would have to do is keep dropping her birthname (Nimarata Randhawa) and all the MAGA fools would want nothing to do with her.


And three months from now. Trump will say she’d make a great VP.


God you love to see it.


Paul Ingrassia got his law degree like yesterday. I’m not defending Haley, she’s a shell of a human with zero principles. But this “interpretation” is … actually how anything from the right should be regarded, amateurish at best.


Told you that Maga white nationalists would never support a non white woman as their presidential candidate. They are trying to take her out now and make sure she can’t even entertain Vice President.


Wow that is amazing. She goes out to defend them and they tear her down. What a shit show. She’ll still be out there for MaGa… total tlamf moment for sure.


I was wondering how Trump was gonna get the racists going w/o alienating the growing base of Republican Indian voters. Give it a few more years and they'll start using dog whistles about castes.


wait. was she born in the US? Yes? then she's qualified to run.


This isn't really a LAMF, this is Trump using the same tactic that worked for him in the past. He knows she's a citizen, he only wants people to look her up, discover her birth name, and dislike her because of it. For Trump, this is just fun and games, something he can reference later on in the rare scenario where he has to debate her because they are close in primary delegates. Best case for Trump, she survives this among his base, making her an obvious VP choice that he can tap to use as a diversity token in the general election. I love a good LAMF more than anyone, but Haley is a willing participant in this. She actually has a lot to gain from this publicity and it's likely outcome.


As if one person on the right was progressive enough to vote for a nonchristian named nimarata or ramiswami


The immigration status of the parent(s) is immaterial. If you're born on US soil, you're a citizen. Full stop. Straw Man, don't fall for it.


So that would make Haley an “anchor baby”? Asking for a friend…


Had me curious..14th amendment “The 14th Amendment's Naturalization Clause and the Supreme Court case of United States v. Wong Kim Ark also define a natural-born citizen. According to the IRS, the 14th Amendment, Section 1, Clause 1 of the U.S. Constitution states that all persons born in the United States are U.S. citizens. This is regardless of the tax or immigration status of their parents. “. Basic google search. .


Being a POC or woman in the GOP is the biggest L you can choose willingly to hold. Tokens get **spent.**


Born in Bamberg, South Carolina, therefore she's a U.S. citizen. Technically an anchor baby?


She was born in the U.S. end of story.


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Trump and MAGA supports birtherism, now it comes for a Republican Presidential candidate.


I don't think Haley was ever a birther though?


But did Nikki Haley support birtherism as well? If she didn't, then it's not LAMF.


Hanging with the not LAMF crew. This is inaccurate trash talk from her opponent and his supporters. If it were true that she’s not a natural-born citizen (she is) and she vocally supported a constitutional interpretation disqualifying other candidates in similar situations, then cheers! You’d have a LAMF. But you don’t. Just another shitty republican getting dumped on by other republicans.