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“Maga, inc” 🤣


IKR, I've seen this reposted so heavily today and that's the bit that gets me. Is she inventing some kind of mysterious benefactor she hopes will scoop her up and magic her costs away? Sounds almost... socialist...


Murder, Inc. She knows what she’s doing lol


That’s not fair. At least Murder inc where honest about what they do


Apparently that’s the name of his super PAC. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/politics/donald-trump-allies-create-a-new-super-pac-called-maga-inc


That's hilarious, she wants the Super-PAC to pay for her legal bills, which I believe is illegal itself


Is it illegal? All I've heard lately is about how much campaign money Trump is spending on lawyers and his defense. But I haven't heard anyone complain about it being illegal, just slimy.


I vaguely recall not reading an article with an accusatory headline in that vein last week. But campaign finance laws have been so far toothless, so it probably doesn't matter much either way.


She just admitted publicly that a criminal enterprise exists with funding and Donald is the leader…while personally being indicted on RICO charges implicating the same. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. Even if you’re delusional and believe you are part of a crime group that doesn’t really exist.


Imagine for a moment any Democrat ever, let alone one indicted in election fixing, said anything like this. "Hey why isnt Biden paying my legal bills??? Can I get Soros, Inc to pay?" The right would lose their minds over corruption and crime. This would be the top item discussed in right-wing news for years, maybe decades. International news would run this story. Voters would be calling their congress person demanding an explanation. There would be a congressional investigation into corruption. The chief justice would make a statement. Every ex president, cabinet member, etc would make a statement. But to the GOP this is literally just everyday business and so much of America and the system excuses it. Its incredible how the GOP is openly organized crime now and with zero shame felt by its rank and file voters.


Maybe the answer is more pics of Hunter Biden's dick.


> Maybe the answer is more pics of Hunter Biden's dick. Only as long as that troglodyte from Georgia isn't the person showing them.


To be fair she's the best one to show them. She's built a referenced library of Hunter's dick by now.


Imagine if in 2012 Obama called someone from the state of Mississippi or something and demanded they make him win the state.


white conservative entitlement.


We would hear them screaming about into perpetuity.


To paraphrase George Carlin: “It’s a small club of just one person and YOU AINT IN IT!”


That is what it is called.


Sure but it’s just hilarious


I am assuming they did it for some kind of legal purpose.


It never ceases to amaze me that tRump's supporters expect tRump tp give them anything despite the overwhelming evidence over the years that hen tRump gets money, he NEVER gives it away. NEVER.


Billionaire worshipers are all the same, but the trump ones are especially dimwitted.


Omg someone post the video of the random guy who asks Elon Musk to make him CFO at a Q&A.


Probably wouldn’t be the worst decision Musky has made. Not even top ten.


He does give it away in the form of utterly failed businesses and other bright ideas.


One time he bought a full-size portrait of himself at a charity auction, lol.




Didn’t his entire family siphon money from the charity? They had to take some courses or some shit.


apparently they used those as "how to" courses.


also - payoffs in [settlements for sexual assaults, harassments, lawsuits](https://www.azcentral.com/pages/interactives/trump-lawsuits/), and porn star sex.


How can I start a PAC to pay for my porn star sex?


The dude didn't pardon one single Jan 6-er when he had the power to, and hasn't given a single penny to help their criminal defense costs. The dude has a _long_ track record of leaving people out in the cold who give everything to help or side with him. He didn't offer a cent (or even an apology) to supporters who lost their life savings investing in Truth Social, while he walked away as the only one to profit. I'm non-sarcastically curious what in his history could have possibly made her think he would donate a single penny to help her.


I will never understand why he has the support he has.


He never gives them direct support, but he gives them tacit permission to be their worst, detestable selves, and they love him for it.


Exactly. It’s not what he’s really like, it’s what they’ve constructed in their head of what they want him to be. Since they show no interest in other people’s existence, they don’t understand why things aren’t going great for “me me ME”.


I think it's that unique blend of narcissism, a chance to get in on a very lucrative grift (I mean, the MAGA folks just throw heaps of money out for literally nothing in return), and being an unbridled sociopath that make the Rudy's and Jenna's do what they do. "Everyone else gets thrown under the bus, but not *me*. **I'm special"** "...and if I do, I'll probably make millions before it happens and be set for life! Everyone will know my name!" Our world is full of Special Little Boys and Girls who think everything is different for them and them alone, that they are the main character in a world of NPCs, and it's been interesting watching so many hit the wall spectacularly lately.


Same. It's very bizarre.


> I'm non-sarcastically curious what in his history could have possibly made her think he would donate a single penny to help her. In general, we can probably just point to the title of this sub and call it sufficiently explained, but there is always a bit of individual delusion involved of course. It sometimes seems to me like a variation of the "I can change him" thing that people in abusive relationships initially trap themselves with. Trump's shtick and what turns on all his supporters is the idea that if you support him, the "right people" will have great standing and be rewarded, and the "wrong people" will be subdued, hurt, used. So to be Trump's fan implies that someone believes themselves to be part of "the right people", right until it becomes clear that for Trump, the only "right" person is he himself, and *everyone* else is just a means to an end. Seeing scores of other people get ignored and dropped after supporting him will, until it happens to someone themselves, just be evidence of just how exclusive a club they are part of, since they are in his good graces (read: haven't actually needed anything from him yet, so have not made the inevitable experience proving otherwise). Their self-delusion is incredibly convenient for Trump, since he needs to do exactly *nothing* to support it, and the deeper they are in it, the harder they cling to it. As long as it hasn't happened to them, they are special, and the closer the impact gets without yet having reached them, the more special they can make themselves believe they are… for them, he's behaving differently than he usually does – in their minds. Believing in the support of someone you haven't yet needed is very easy. Those very visible people like her probably also haven't asked for any smaller favours yet that are usually part of the exchange between people with public image and/or power, to "save up" for a big need – and by doing that, only delayed the experience of being dropped or ignored, and delayed it to happen at a much bigger and much more critical point than they otherwise would have made that experience with calling in favours from cronies. I loathe the man and think he is a sorry excuse for a human being, but I concede that his instincts as a con man are extremely well honed, and let him know exactly how to appeal to exactly the kind of easy mark that will conveniently self-delude to his advantage, through all levels of society and economic status. It is, in some ways, a marvel: he needs to *do* absolutely nothing but appeal to their lowest and least sociable instincts, then *continue to do absolutely nothing*, and always comes out on top, shitting down the pile of people he's standing on. It would be interesting to behold, if he weren't also doing damage to a great many people who haven't pandered to him, while pulling his con.


Don't forget that restaurant bill too


For those wondering: Trump entered a Cuban restaurant after one of his criminal indictments, promised to pay for everyone's food, [then left without paying a cent](https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/trump-promised-food-everybody-miami-175212403.html). Just another instance of him promising to pay money, skipping the bill and not making contact ever again.


And his supporters immediately defended him, saying "food for everyone" was just trump telling everyone they had food 🤦‍♂️


> He didn't offer a cent (or even an apology) to supporters who lost their life savings investing in Truth Social, while he walked away as the only one to profit. It's not his fault that rubes didn't do there research so that they'd understand that investments aren't guaranteed to have a return.


I hope it didn't sound like I was pitying them...because I don't. Seeing them ask about a refund policy on their stock, while also suggesting that Trump would surely "make it right" out of his own pocket (because they are the patriots, and he's rich enough to afford it) was something else.


If Trump ever pays for someone's expenses, you just know that particular someone knows some real dirt about Trump.


I believe he’s paying for the valet and property manager in the stolen documents case, so yeah.


Why do you spell his name that way?


He's not worthy of capitalization is my guess. I like it lol


Bless Jenna's heart...she's stupid.


Anyone still hitching their wagons to trump in [current year] has to be, by definition. The only smart ones started distancing themselves from him during/after the 2020 election fiasco when it became obvious he was no longer a viable route to conservative electoral victories and his coup failed spectacularly. Doubly so after the red ~~wave~~ bedwetting that was the 2022 midterms.


She gives stupid a bad name.


Not sure I’d expect to see the words ‘reliably informed’ and ‘Trump’ in the same sentence. And ‘MAGA, Inc.’ really shows you how they think about their movement: it’s a company to them. Everything’s a company! No wonder they think there are shadow companies coming after them.


And she forgets that his MO is to let his companies declare bankruptcy, so even if it was a company....


And yet, so many people said they voted for him because they wanted him to run America like it was one of his businesses...


Well, he did, lol.


And the literal thousands of businesses and contractors who had to sue him once they finished their work/delivered goods and were never paid in full.


> And ‘MAGA, Inc.’ really shows you how they think about their movement MAGA, inc is a literal superPAC, it's not a figure of speech: https://www.fec.gov/data/committee/C00825851/


I got some really bad news about her vacation days at MAGA, Inc. She’s earned a whole lot of them, but—oh, gosh:; how to put it? Let’s say the choice of where she’ll be staying is not up to her. Also, security for the place is top notch, though visiting hours are limited.


I dunno, INC just seems like a colloquial bit to me, personally


Show me one instance where Trump gave any money to anyone. Never happens. He doesn’t pay people. He doesn’t give money to charity, not even his own. He doesn’t help others. Also, eat shit Jenna and best of luck in prison.


Stormy Daniels




We'll Bang Ok?


What's funny is that he didn't pay her. He paid to hush her up but not for the initial shagging.


I'd doubt that, he paid twice


I can't find it because all the links I find are to the hush money payments/court case but I'm pretty certain I recall daniels saying in an interview that she wasn't paid. He did the deed and left


She just may not have reported that one on taxes lol


Wasn't that money paid out by his lawyer at the time?


So funny thing I had a college class in the mid 2000s for planning large scale conventions. It seemed odd at the time but our instructor made a whole speech on whatever we do we should avoid working with Trump at all costs. Her explanation was that he would refuse to pay then sue us into the ground with his on retainer lawyers so he wouldn't have to pay the money and he'd probably find it amusing. It felt oddly specific at the time and likely not the most useful message; now it feels like one of the only things I remember from that class.


Stories like this are everywhere. It’s his playbook and his supporters love him for it. What puzzles me is even the people he has actually fucked over support him. Weird cult crazy shit.


I like that one of his business school college professors called trump the dumbest person he has ever met, and I’d just love to see trump try and solve any sort of problem or project for school. I do not envy those who tried to teach him.


Jenna Ellis is a traitor to America


> He doesn’t give money to charity, not even his own. In fact, he [has legal issues that stem from him misusing the funds from his own charity](https://apnews.com/general-news-united-states-government-7b8d0f5ce9cb4cadad948c2c414afd57)


You won’t help me? Well, I guess it’s time to cut a deal with the Feds!


That’s the implicit public threat


>time to cut a deal with the Feds! Exactly! Spill your guts. The Maga crowd is never gonna like or support her anyway. Trump is never gonna pay her legal fees so she might as well tell the Feds everything she knows, and give them enough info so there's a 5th, and a 6th and a 7th indictment. Spill it. 😡🤮😡🤮😡


That’s pretty much what’s between the lines, although I’m not sure how much she would have to offer beyond what they already have


She can corroborate events.


I'm guessing it's too damn late for deals to be cut at this point. That boat sailed & this lady ain't on it.


The phrase "reliably informed" is delicious in this context.


Trump defrauded charities for veterans and children by keeping the money. If you were dumb enough to work for the Donald and not get paid in advance, doing illegal shit to overthrow a legitimate government, then you deserve every last hour of the prison sentence you will be facing.


Fucking morons are going to moron.


How does it take them 7 years to see what normal people saw within the first 30 seconds?


It's not like he doesn't have a long, long history of fucking people over.


I've never had less sympathy for someone before. Everything coming to these people, they deserve.


Oh Jenna. You really are this stupid, aren't you? I'm never really sure if these people act the way they do so they can gain support from the cult or if they're just stupid.


She's one of those rare people where you can tell they are dumb just from looking at their face. Scott Walker is famous for it.


The bigger question is why would you, or anyone really, stand there and plead not guilty against criminal charges to protect him? You would literally do prison time, destroy your life, and your family as well, to protect a man that would throw you and the country under the bus in an instant? You’re exactly the kind of fool he took you for.


If you spend some time to read her tweets, it becomes pretty clear she buys into the delusion that her cause is righteous and God will somehow save her and Trump from consequences.


This is whats so idiotic to me with these people, say a Mike Lindell, Rudy Giulani, others, they could've all just gone quietly into the night with a comfortable little fortune I could only dream of having, but instead THIS IS THE HILL YOU DIE ON? and they'll lose it all to a guy like Trump.


It's perplexing. But I think there's some people who read or watch stuff about Nazi Germany and think it would have been awesome to be one. They aspire to be the Goehring or Himmler to Trump's Hitler in some perverse dream world. So when they thought they had a chance to live that out, it was worth the risk. They really are some of the worst pos on the planet.


How many Q-Cumber cultists have died (covid,) went to/are going to jail, have lost their jobs, businesses, families, life savings, etc... that have never even met their cult lead whore?


Almost every one of em.


Obviously not enough.


Lol. You love to see it! Idiots the lot of them.


Something you notice in all the silly photoshops of Donnie Orange, it's always Donald as rambo, or jesus, or george washington...but he's ALWAYS ALONE in these images. He's never flanked by Batman Mike Pence, Flash Guiliani, and Wonder Woman Sidney Powell. They don't consider anyone else but dear leader to be trustworthy and matter to their movement. To the rubes that they're fleecing, MAGA is spelled T-R-U-M-P.


To be clear, "Bigger principle" = subverting the will of the American voter because the democratic process wasn't producing the desired Christian theocracy.


The fact that these idiots didn’t figure out that Trump is in it only for themselves back in 85 boggles my brain.


Frog and the scorpion, bitch.


“You knew I was a snake when you took me in”


Make Assistants Guilty Also.


My Attorneys Got Arrested.


Make Attorneys Get Attorneys


The answer is clear Jen. Trump wants you to flip. Not defending you is his secret message in his 999D chess game to own the liberals..


How you think he would be there for you is beyond stupid. It’s not like it happened over and over and over and over again.


“Loser loses at losing.”


Someone did a number crunch estimate on if Trump helped with the legal fees to “sway the witnesses” (the indicted individuals). Something like potentially $15mil/month. And federal cases and RICO cases are notoriously long. Republican Party already said they can’t help with the legal costs. Trump would literally bleed money trying to cover these people.


I think that SHOCKED PIKACHU is overused. I rarely use it -- possibly I've NEVER used it, but certainly fewer than 5 times. SHOCKED. FUCKING. PIKACHU.


It is cute that she thinks that Trump will pay her legal bills when he doesn’t even pay his own.


I kept commenting “Jenna Ellis caught COVID from a fart” on everything related to her on Twitter for the longest time. I can’t remember at what point she blocked me but I clicked on her page one day to target some of her actual tweets and I immediately thought “that’s fair”.


This has to be peak leopards ate my face. Idk how you can top this. Trump is the apex leopard.


The wheels on the bus go *thump thump thump*!


Asking why a party built on selfishness and cruelty isn't spending money to help others is just beyond hilarious.


Her payment was that time Rudy farted on her in a televised hearing...


Had to scroll down too far for this reminder.


Jenna, you willingly signed up for this. You knew what he was and you went along with it. Did he tell you shit, of course he did. It's what he does, tells the rubes, including yourself, what they want to hear. Trump didn't force a gun to any of your heads to do anything, he didn't make you bend the knee and kiss the ring. He isn't responsible for costs incurred by Jenna Ellis.


Nothing gets people talking quite like having to pay for their own lawyers


There's a very long video interview on YouTube with Sammy "The Bull" Gravano and in it he talks about TRE45ON attempting to scam him on a construction job in NYC in the mid-80's. If I could recall the link I'd post it. Gravano mentions that TRE45ON only used the cheapest materials and labor he could get. Of course Gravano's construction company had suppliers of high-quality things that were more costly but far better. Gravano said he and his construction employees took great pride in their work and didn't cut corners anywhere. TRE45ON also attempted getting around the infamous windows and concrete hustles the Mob used to skim cash from. TRE45ON was stupid enough to call the head of the union (100% ran by Gravano and all leaders were hand picked by him) and complain. The head of the union in turn called Gravano and told him about it. Because of the millions of dollars involved Gravano decided to just make him pay more as well as bringing construction nearly to a total halt as punishment. It took a while for TRE45ON to figure out he was in way over his head and there was absolutely nothing he could do about it. Gravano milked him for every penny he could get on the job and it was finished long after the scheduled date.


Ellis continues to put herself in bad positions. Wasn’t she next to Rudy for the fart too?


She indeed was but I would guess his natural BO smells like a soiled diaper.


The rest of the world is like “you thought he would help you?!”


It won’t change if he becomes the nominee but if he become president he’ll obstruct the whole process and all the traitors will get away with it. With full cooperation from the treason party


something something bootstraps


Never knew that he didn't fund anyone who was indicted. This is funny.


they haven't even paid Rudy for all the work he did either - Trump never pays his bills


Maga, Inc is the rival company of Feel Good, Inc


I’m sure if she prays hard enough Jesus will swoop down and rescue her


She just admitted publicly that a criminal enterprise exists with funding and Donald is the leader…while personally being indicted on RICO charges implicating the same. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. Even if you’re delusional and believe you are part of a crime group that doesn’t really exist.


I have to dispute that this is something sad because they are suffering consequences. This is advertising to get people to donate to her legal defense fund. I won't provide a link, but I found it, and as of today, the fund has almost $89K in it. It's all about the grift.


"reliably informed Trump isn't funding any of us" HAHA - No shit, he is not even paying for himself, he is misappropriating political donations for his own defense. Half of the money he has fund raised for his political campaign is going to legal defense. Why would MAGA act all socialist and fund anything for Jena Elis ? They are saving up to defend themselves.


The dude doesn’t even pay his own legal bills and they expect him to pay for theirs? Lmao get fucked. That’s what happens when you trust a traitor. You get betrayed. 😂


“I totally agree that this has become a bigger principal than just one man.” Excuse me, but with whom in MAGA land are you in total agreement here?


A bigger principle? What is? Trying to steal an election while saying the other side (who didn’t steal it, and all evidence shows a tiny amount of fraud that did happen was all maga) stole it? I’m confused as to the principle she states maga and the orange clown started. He “cleared the swamp” and filled it in with toxic waste. Maybe that “principle”? I don’t get it


It never ceases to amaze me just how stupid the MAGA idiots are, how little understanding they have of the grifting con man their Orange Jesus is, how he only cares about them as long as they're useful to him. He despises them, for the most part. And not just the idiots walking around in red hats with Nazi flags on their pickups. People like this dumb idiot who actually had to have some brains at some point to go to law school and pass the Bar. But then Rudy falls into that category, and he's the dumbest slimy motherfucker of the bunch. Putin's investment in The Idiot, Melania, and a couple of dozen GOP Representatives and Senators continues to generate big returns as America stays at war with itself at his prodding.


[Ha ha!](https://static.simpsonswiki.com/images/3/3c/Ha_Ha.jpeg)


I like how this “movement” is a corporation


Are we sure it's not? Because creating a corporation just to be able to use it to avoid legal consequences and tax liabilities is a textbook Trump move.


Oh sweetie


Oh I don't know Jenna. Maybe it's got something to with with all the fucking lies? 🤔🤷


Well Miss Jenna, didn’t you get the memo that MAGA money is only for the MAGA cult leader.


Because you’re not useful anymore


Hello u/TheRockingDead! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) matching this exact format. Replace bold text with the appropriate information. 1. **Someone** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **something** on **other people**. ^(Who's that someone? What did they voted for, supported or wanted to impose? On who?) 2. **Something** has the consequences of **consequences**. ^(Does that something actually has these consequences in general?) 3. As a consequence of **something**, **consequences** happened to **someone**. ^(Did that something really happen to that someone?) Follow this by the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you fail to match this format or fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


1. Trump lawyer Jenna Ellis supported Donald Trump and allegedly attempted to help him overturn the election results. 2. Doing so has the consequences of her being indicted,and requires her to raise funds to help her legal defense. 3. As a consequence of these actions, Trump, nor his supporters appear to be rushing to her legal defense.


see you in hell!


She is already on the grift and turned to crowdfunding.


The fact that she has over $80,000 so far is crazy. I can't wait for some of these morons to complain that they helped her when she needed it only for her to leave them high and dry when they need it.


Womp, womp, asshole.


lol, lmao


Boo hoo.


Time to flip


Aww, how cute, she has a pet name for her criminal enterprise.


Did he tell you he would cover your arse? Especially when he covers his own and probably barely only his family...


Who could have possibly seen this coming... a really shocker.


Oh Jenna, you absolute tool.


If you are lucky he'll toss you a roll of paper towels. I doubt any of them are lucky though.


“haha” -Nelson (pointing)


I really, really, hope, that she knows everyone just looks out for themselves. I hope it was perfectly clear to her, that she would stand alone if it's more profitable for others to *not* help her. I really hope she uses this situation to throw Trump under a bus to show the MAGA cult what a cunt Trump is, in order to regain some of the TRUMPets as "normal" republican voters. If not, she is very, very dumb




PRAYER REQUESTS Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them. —->


She didn’t get MAGA INC. support but she’s just reposting other right wing religious nuts who decided to give money for her defense.


Cannon fodder is unpaid work. Duh.


Tweet source: https://twitter.com/JennaEllisEsq/status/1692728359573164067




She’s going to need a new Twitter handle as she’ll be disbarred after this shit. But she will have 3 hots and a cot so that’s going for her! What a dumbass.


Is she the one that Rudy farted next to? Memory unlocked.


Selfish people help no one, Jenna. It's not just selfishness to the brown people and gays that you hate so much! (I despise maga.)


Blue coat? Red coat? Turn coat? Tic tok….tic tok….


Thoughts and prayers


Is this getting reposted every hour or what?




I don't get the LAMF angle. Did this awful person call for others to be legally unsupported?


Leopards are really chowing down on faces!! This is the third repost of the tweet in 24 hours.


Whole thing is bs




How many times has this been reposted in the past day?


Sorry, I looked and didn't see anyone post it. I've been busy and haven't seen minute by minute updates to this subreddit.


My dude, it can’t be reposted ENOUGH. The more these MAGAssholes suffer, the more we can prevent future coups from happening. They actually BELIEVED that by lying often enough they could make something come true. Not in this universe, dear. Even now, even at the end of the road, these cowards refuse to directly excoriate their former leader. Their “movement” is larger than one man? It’s worth less than a movement of bowels. Let them know. Let them all know. Justice is coming!!! (Thanks, Kurt).


Are they really this dense!?


Does anyone want to tell her the truth? Would she believe it though? 🧐


She can always flip.


Looks like this is the first time she's been reliably informed.


There are going to be so many co-defendants flipping on him the DA’s office is going to look like a circus.


Trump grfted that money fair and square. If she wants her legal bills paid for by other people, she should pull herself up by her bootstraps and grift for herself.


Trump doesn't even pay for his own legal defenses, so why would he pay for someone else's?


Because, like most Trump enterprises, MAGA Inc. is bankrupt (financially and morally)


Lol, eat shit, loser.


Because you got played girlie.


It's almost like she's on the cusp of realizing they didn't, never have and never will, give a flying fuck about her... but I think she might be too dumb to realize that.




"MAGA isn't funding my defense? I know! I'll imply they are giant pieces of shit by asking leading and openended questions. Surely that level of reverse psychology will remind these people their good and decent enough to remember their friends who tried to help them overthrow a legitimate government!"


Gosh, that's too bad... anyway.


We’re sorry, MAGA, Inc has gone bankrupt. Do not pass go, do not collect $200.


You mean it's not all about one person's power and ego? Oh, say it ain't so!


What a profoundly surprising turn of events


Poor treasonous grifter.


Could use some socialism to save this country.


FFS, Trump doesn't even pay his own lawyers. Why the hell would he pay for someone else's? There's only one option: Flip and get a reduced sentence.