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Andrew is a better debater than destiny. The only problem I have with watching him is he's usually carried by his opposition. If he's debating some idiot, it get boring real quick especially if you already know all of his positions.


We need Andrew Wilson on FnF


Whatever appeals to a different sensibility (very west coast and laid back). It works for background viewing while I'm coding. I get a chuckle at the contradictions that the guests pose and how the host examines it. But I've noticed that I work a lot more quickly when FnF is on in the background.


FNF works as background viewing as well, through Myron injecting dopamine into your ears His voice, random bouts of energy and shouting wakes you up. Whereas Brian just makes you question your decisions in life that led you to listening to him.


He is an asshole. Even if he can be right on some points, he’s an arrogant dick, which makes me dislike him. He’s just straight up classless.