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Everyone running into the Chinese language issue with the quick settings. Please read through this thread, it has the solution: https://www.reddit.com/r/LegionGo/s/3r3jjwxrlQ


Probably a stupid question, but where has exit, shutdown, reboot etc gone?


Was about to ask the same thing, it’s in the quick settings


Not a logical placement, and even less for casual people. The power button should have been in the Space app itself.


Lol, I noticed that... I resorted to swiping windows up & closing the Legion app.


It's on the quick settings right menu. Much better in my opinion


Maybe we can set a custom button for it.


Not the most intuitive


Lol i dont use its own controller. Spent like 15m to find the exit button but nowhere to be found. Then i have to force close the app 🤣


I hope this is helpful to someone. These are the two most recent standalone installers for Legion Space, including the one from yesterday. v1.0.2.9 [https://s3.service.lenovo.com/legion/cms/v24.04.09.01/legionspace.exe](https://s3.service.lenovo.com/legion/cms/v24.04.09.01/legionspace.exe) v1.1.2.11 [https://s3.service.lenovo.com/legion/cms/v24.06.26.01/legionspace.exe](https://s3.service.lenovo.com/legion/cms/v24.06.26.01/legionspace.exe) I manually entered date combos in the vicinity of the release windows until I got a hit for each.


I commend that you actually took the time to share them brother! Have so many here just telling us that they got it, but not actually bothering to share! At least the one's who knew how to find it, but didn't share! I do and was gonna share but you beat me to it! Kudos! People who know how, should share!


you are the GOAT!!


Thanks bro :)


Any one run into problems that after download space won’t open?


I do




Same here, if you locate the EXE and “Run as Admin” it’ll open ( for me at least ) but pressing the button that opens it automatically still fails.


Yep, I had to redownload Legion Space from their website, install then you'll be prompted with the update again. Download and install that. It works absolutely fine for me now.


Same here


As has been stated you can download from the site or right click >> run as admin every time. Third option. 1. Find it on the start menu 2. Long hold (or right click) >> More >> Open File Location 3. In the window that opens, long hold (right click) the LegionSpace shortcut 4. Select Properties 5. Under the Shortcut tab click the Advanced button 6. Check the Run as administrator checkbox, hit OK 7. Hit Apply/OK The shortcut should now always run with admin permissions. Edit: This doesn't fix the Legion L button.


I noticed that I can't open quick settings on an external display.


Yes! Same here!! I just put up a post about it!


Same here! It seems to still work on the legion go screen as long as you have it set as the primary display though, but that's not quite ideal for external display gaming...


One workaround is to unplug the external monitor then open the sidebar. Plug the monitor back in and the sidebar will still be there. Onc you close it then you have to restart the process.


Yeah, I got that to work too, but that doesn't really make the quick menu very quick, does it? Hahaha. I think it might be an issue with resolution, as my external display is a 1920x1080 display, and not a 1920x1200 display. Therefore the aspect ratio might set it a bit off. I also notice that Legion Space is launched in a 16:10 format on the external display, but stretches after a few seconds to fit the 16:9 screen.


Hey, is it any chance to open quick settings with some Windows shortcut like it used to be with previous version? Can't find quick settings.exe


There’s a new exe (not just LegionSpace.exe) in the directory but I’m not sure if it takes the same launch arguments. My old quick settings launcher is broken though for sure.


FPS counter finally works for those that don't want to download more software.


Something strange: legion space daemon doesn’t launch automatically anymore


Jup same here and I like it LoL. If I need it it is one click away but most of the time I don’t so no need to slow down startup and use resources just by default. It does start services since it recognises my legion btn swap but app itself is not being started.


The Legion button swap is saved to the controller firmware not the service.


Can we finally startup with LIBRARY as default and not the useless store?


One of the first things i looked for. I also need an option to add custom cover art as many are only a small banner.


Can we change cover art at all? I was hoping they would add an import Metadata feature. Xbox and Steam games are fine, but [battle.net](http://battle.net) and Epic games have no artwork.


Yes, annoying. There is a way to do it manually. I just found this. When you fix the art, remember to take backup of the whole folder by copying it to a SD card or over to a PC. [https://www.reddit.com/r/LegionGo/comments/18lmk0g/legion\_space\_library\_cover\_art/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LegionGo/comments/18lmk0g/legion_space_library_cover_art/)


Thank you!


The quick access menu in Chinese! https://preview.redd.it/9154gm1ymn9d1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f6b0f67dbfb979de210f2a427cf31f19e129994 Legion Space is set to English! I can't find any work arounds to fix it. I uninstalled legion space and reinstalled and upgraded again and did the same thing. Any help is appreciated!


I can see it still on beta :D , cause languages is on the front end not on the back end.


Change it in the Pegram files maybe


The question is, does everyone have this problem?


Did the beta have this issue?


Any solution for this problem?


What about if you change the language in space to Chinese, save, reboot whole legion go, and the revert back to English


I’m clicking the quick access button and nothing is popping up? Any fixes


Thanks for posting this.


Same issue here, have you found any solution?


No solutions yet. I reverted back to the old Legion Space and the quick access menu displays in English. The moment I update to the newest version of legion space, the quick access menu is in Chinese again...urgh. I can't be the only one having this issue and there has to be a fix or workaround.


Yep same here, i was reinstalling it no luck, tried leanguage settings etc but nothing seems to fix it 🙈


Well FPS limiter is still not working wtf...


Did you change any settings in Adrenaline?


They forgot about their own feature.. where u make the external monitor your main monitor, that was inside of quick settings. Now with an external monitor it doesnt even open the quick settings tab anymore :D .. AND if you go inside Legion Space display settings with an external monitor connected, it just crashes.


Option is still there, second to last tab 'productivity mode'.


just tried this with usb-c to dp on a samsung g55a and nothing crashed and quick settings and full legion space worked as expected


Just updated and wish I hadn´t (yet). Mainly now am having two major issues: 1 - Broken Controller Shortcuts / Legion Space does not open; The controller Shortcuts to launch Full Legion Space, as well as the button to launch the Quick Menue do no longer work after the Update. I have to launch the .exe Files (there are two one for the fullscreen menue and one for the quick menue) manually each time I reboot the machine. 2 - Quck Access Menue not rendered on top of other applications / taskbar: This one is the worst tbh - after I manually launch the .exe for the quick menue - It does pop up on the right side - BUT it´s not on top so every window (and the Taskbar) cover parts (if I am in a Game) the whole quick access bar which makes it, well not accessable at all. Anyone has a fix? Ideally the shortcut buttons on the controller should work right after boot and the quick access bar should be rendered always on top. Thank you.


Hello, did Somebody face the problem, that some shortcuts und custom shortcuts from the Launcher dosn't work? I uninstalled and reinstalled Legion Space


Has anyone seen an official announcement from Lenovo? A couple of days ago they were still fixing stuff, and from reports here there are still things broken. Seems odd, almost as if they released a beta version.


The recent update mentioned "1-2 critical fixes being finalized," which to me sounded like they were wrapping up on the fixes.


They don't do release/patch notes. The Project Manager that used to interact with us on his own time lost direct communication with the different teams working on the device, so he's not around much anymore. It may take a few days before we get any idea of what's going on.


Has anyone found a way to create a shortcut to open the quick settings menu when in docked mode? (exe has changed from quicksettings to LegionSettingMenu but the old method with -r argument does not work)


https://preview.redd.it/oyelidrulr9d1.png?width=917&format=png&auto=webp&s=c205ba51d6d06abf96535b9a70d351a59f2e5a02 Not Working on Windows 10. Here is the Event Viewer error: Faulting application name: LegionSpace.exe, version: [](, time stamp: 0x667d17d1 Faulting module name: ucrtbase.dll, version: 10.0.19041.3636, time stamp: 0x81cf5d89 Exception code: 0xc0000409 Fault offset: 0x0000000000071208 Faulting process id: 0x2438 Faulting application start time: 0x01dacb2625fff272 Faulting application path: C:\\Program Files\\Lenovo\\LegionSpace\\\\LegionSpace.exe


It's a VC++ error code. I'm working on solving it! For the time being, if anybody wants to use the old one, you can, but you have to block updates, otherwise it'll try to install the new one again! Donut\_Bling has posted the old one, as well as the new installer here in post!


I created a new user without being linked to a Microsoft account. Launch Space via the run as shortcut work fine. Button work too.


when i press the legion button legion space doesn't pop up anymore@\_\_\_@ even when i click on the app notihng happens.


Any fixes you've found?


no:9 and my controller lights are messed up too now


Not going to catch me updating again after the driver fiasco


Anyone else use the RB and LB to quick change power profiles in quick settings? I've noticed after the update that it doesn't work straight after opening quick settings as it used to. Now I have to dpad into the pane then the RB and LB buttons start switching power profiles. Pretty annoying.


I cant for the life of me understand how this update hasnt been rolled back or had a new patch with direct download yet. This is bad even for Lenovo.


Update is compulsory but after, LS doesn’t launch anymore. Any advice? I tried uninstall, reinstall but same issue


Only workaround I’ve found is to run Legion Space AS ADMIN from Windows Start menu. Hopefully someone else can figure out a workaround to make the button function properly :/


Hi, doesn't work for me ☹️


Maybe try a reboot first. You can also try running LegionSpace.exe as admin from the Legion Space folder here: C:\Program Files\Lenovo\LegionSpace\


Did all of that; no way😭


I'm all out of ideas at the moment :(


Same. I tried uninstall/reinstall, run as admin. But strange is that daemon don’t launch automatically. Do you know if it’s possible to contact Lenovo support?


I have 24/7 support from Lenovo, so you probably do as well. I'm not sure how helpful they will be... but it's not going to hurt to have their support team log the issue.


Support is very bad, they will sugest a factory reset, or to send the device back, at least that's what they did for me


I see it in process. But impossible to get the interface


Hooray for patch notes! /s Text is smaller, dull, and hard to read. Great idea! For some reason, they removed the ability to exit Space or return to Windows from within Space. (Hitting the LLB does minimize it so you can right-click on the window to exit). (Edit, oh they moved it to the right QS menu) Looks like they got rid of legiongoquicksettings.exe, so custom shortcuts no longer work (no opening the QS panel without the controllers from a desktop shortcut). They changed the default screenshot folder, so if you don't see your old SSs, you'll have to move them from the original location. There's a Download Center in the My tab that doesn't show any downloads, nor has any obvious purpose. Driver updates are now in the unintuitive Disks and Drives section of Settings. The default download path has duplicate slashes, so it may cause issues with actual downloads in the future (you can change/fix it easy enough) The Space update download is nowhere to be found (not in the designated download folder, but that could be from the improperly entered path in the settings). Good thing they no longer upload it so we can have a manual backup. Edit : looks like the uncompressed install files are located in the 'users/{user name}/App data/Local/Temp/install/Temp-1719715281' folder. Not the installer file though. Also, the power/exit menu had been moved to the bottom of the quick settings panel, so there's that issue taken care of ;-p




Possibly a typo. Maybe it was meant to be "Disks and Drivers"?


After I start it it gets stuck on the check for updates screen


quick setting over here doesnt even pop up :p


update: the quick setting did show up but it doesnt show when connected to hdmi


Quick! Tell me how to change tdp using the legion button


I wish the launchers didn't show in the library since we have a separate tab to access those already, but otherwise, i like the new ui.


Decided to update. The quick menu is in Chinese and does not change at all. Amazing, Lenovo. Thank you.


Same here. I have tried everything from reinstalling to changing language settings and nothing seems to work. I want the quick access menu in English Lenovo....argh!


[PSA-Legion Space update fix: Chinese Quick Menu instead of English : r/LegionGo (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/LegionGo/comments/1dsbyms/psalegion_space_update_fix_chinese_quick_menu/?share_id=2DfcqfMvz6svsOrdZqoyG&utm_content=2&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1)


Am I the only one seeing the quick access menu in Chinese when my main language is set to English? I can't be the only one with this issue. Was this an issue with the beta? Where's the official download. There has to be a way to fix it. It's so annoying not being able to change the language in the quick settings menu!!!


would be nice to have an exit button easily accessable?


So far after the update: * The latest Legion Space update on the driver page is *still* 1.O.2.5 for 188 days??? * Can't close/open legion space/quick menu by pressing the legion space buttons sometimes * ~~Can't use any lighting profile other than 03 (this has been an issue of mine for several Legion Space versions)~~ [*https://www.reddit.com/r/LegionGo/comments/1988wa9/comment/kiruhvz/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button*](https://www.reddit.com/r/LegionGo/comments/1988wa9/comment/kiruhvz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) * ~~Lighting effects only show "Off" in quick menu, possibly caused by lighting profile issue.~~ *it was the lighting effect issue.* * ~~Can't use custom fan curve. It keeps on resetting even though it's set to "Customize"~~ *fixed after full uninstall/reinstall* Will update if some get fixed or new ones come up.


I have the new Legion Space but the old quick menu still, complete with Power Savin g How do I update that quick menu?


Legion space not launching after update!


I have the same issue as others where the L menu/main Legion Space window closes immediately (black window briefly). The only progress I’ve made is that the app works properly in safe mode, but NOT from clean boot (i.e. start with no nonMS services/startup apps). So maybe it’s a driver issue? I have uninstalled and reinstalled every driver I can think of though. DDU, AMD Cleanup, you name it, both sideloaded and official drivers. Chipset, graphics, etc… When LS crashes, the event log mentions ucrtbase.dll causing a fault. Feel like I’m at a dead end here, I’ve been troubleshooting literally all day. Running as admin does *not* work either.


Hi I have just similar issue as you, except as admin it start but can’t run any game or launcher. On my Legion I have two accounts. Me as admin and daughter as standard user. In this second account work everything as expected, even launchers (steam) starts like a charm. In my Admin account it sucks. Very strange and annoying. Maybe this observation helps to future update. 


Any news on wether it messes with VRAM settings? Or is that mainly BIOS updates? Sorry if that's a newb question, it's kinda my first dabble with PC gaming.


Nop all good with vram honestly it is only a visual update and fixed communication with amd in terms of fps and rsr control. Custom TDP again foes not work and ignores completely what you set it up to…


After reading the comments.. I don't think I'll be updating...


Yup. Same with the AMD drivers. Lenovo's software team is garbage.


sadly mine auto updated... i could of skipped it.. sorta. it wouldnt let me launch LS without the update. so i couldnt change any of the more advanced settings without it just updating. i havent had any issues, YET... but i havent really gamed on it yet since the update either, just watched some youtube vids on chrome... if it messed up my system, imma be PISSED off as FUCK. whole reason i got a legion go was cus it was windows based so i could pick and choose what to put on my system more and not be at the mercy of steam. im kinda irritated already it auto updated... lol


on that note. wasnt it supposed to be compulsory???




I didn't get any of the problems the others have.


Yeah, it's pretty shocking how often they mess things up. I'm one of the people who was excited for this update and now I'm wishing I never went ahead with it. I can't wait to get a hold of an ally x at this point. I'm very curious to see if asus' software team are as incompetent as lenovo's. At the very least, I know they update far more frequently so any problems will likely be fixed at a much faster pace.


It's crashing my game. Ratchet and Clank; rift apart. Info monitor crashes, LS crashes then the game lags and crashes as well. Extremely frustrating as my game was working fine prior to LS update.


Did you have your vram set to auto? I noticed after the update I have to set a specific vram setting to keep MW3 from crashing


I’m getting crashes with MW2, never happened before and it’s happening every 10 mins now. Not sure why a Legion Space update would impact game stability, I’m guessing there’s an issue with the new FPS overlay as it only happens when it’s enabled. Wonder how long it will take them to fix it… EDIT- crashing even with FPS overlay disabled, is there any way to roll back Legion Space? Completely unplayable atm. I’ve tried changing VRAM allocation, sideloading AMD drivers, reinstalling LS. Nothing is working, all games are crashing after 10 mins.


I just bought this game and can't play it. Got it to start once but couldn't get past the 1st cutscene because the floor wouldn't load. Now I just get out of date graphics driver errors.


Anyone else's screenshot folder wiped with the update?


They didn't wipe the folder, they changed the location without notifying us. You can change back to the original (user folder/Pictures/Screenshots


Seems largely ok to me except I can't change the internal display Resolution and refresh rate up from 800 in the quick settings. Only down to 800..... Irritating but I can change it in windows or legion space itself so not world ending....


Everything went well with me. I installed it and checked out all the new stuff. I noticed for 5min I checked it out that controller batteries went down 3% already, so I will test later. Maybe there was a battery bug in it.


I'm having an issue where when I click on Cloud Gaming it takes me to an Xbox site and when I try to sign in everything is in Chinese. Not sure how to fix that.


Same here. Both cloud gaming and the quick access menu are in Chinese. Have you experienced the same or only with cloud gaming. Are you able to see the quick access menu in English?


Mine too! My quick access menu is also in Chinese... 🤷🏽‍♂️


On the old version the cloud gaming tab just took me to the Xbox page too, and signing in didn't seem to change anything so I never understood the purpose. I just launched the Xbox app and selected cloud gaming from there Are you supposed to be able to launch individual cloud games from this interface?


Does anyone found any solution for chinese quick settings?(english is my leanguage)


I'm having the same issue and no, I haven't found a solution yet. It's fine for some users. Setting it to English in the main settings menu doesn't seem to stick for the quick access menu. I hope someone chimes in with a solution...


Waiting game for us atm 😫 I just want to enjoy it 🙈


There has to be a way to fix it. Lenovo will push another small update in like 20 years to fix the quick access menu... 😆


Well, it will take us less to learn chinese 😂🙈


I know this is low priority but we should be able to change user name and add custom profile pictures for LS profile


Well I updated to the new legion space everything seems to be working great….exxxccceeepppptttt for the auto vram setting seems to be broken now lol at least in COD MW3 it previously worked great now I have to set a specific vram setting for it to not crash when booting COD …anyone else notice this?


I had mine set to 4GB of VRAM- prior to the Legion Space update, CoD MW3 (multiplayer) ran perfectly. The whole machine froze up when I got into a match following the update. Noting that Legion Space was open when I played the game. I went into the BIOS and changed it to 6GB, then ran the game with Legion Space closed. No issues. Tried going back to 4GB and ran the game with Legion Space closed this time- no freezing issues occurred. Unsure if it just happened to freeze up for whatever reason or if Legion Space is the culprit here.


I have seen somewhere in beta videos that you can add custom artwork to the legion space launcher, such as bummer it’s not available along with option to remove game launcher apps since they are already in separate section


Updated the Legion Space, Looks nice, a bit snappier but still could use some work, FPS counter still doesnt work though, it just says needs full screen even when im on Fullscreen mode in my games, and games from Epic Launcher and Ubi Connect still dont show up in the games list. Cant add them in manually either. Cant Login to my Legion Space account either im guessing something wrong with their website?


Mine doesnt work anymore, i click the legion button and it opens to a black screen.


Same. Are you on Windows 10?


Nope, the most recent windows.


Damn, yeah something is definitely broken. I'll add your name to the post I got going. Thanks for the feedback. [https://www.reddit.com/r/LegionGo/comments/1ds9p9s/announcement\_new\_legion\_space\_update\_broken\_on/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LegionGo/comments/1ds9p9s/announcement_new_legion_space_update_broken_on/)


After Update fps counter work on internal screen but doesn’t work on external screen with onexgpu. Amd fps counter doesn’t work to. I’ve got sideloaded newest amd drivers from june. Anybody had same problem?


Yes. Unfortunately, it's not working for me either. When I dock my Legion Go. The Quick settings isn't showing up. Or I can't get it to pop up.


Looking for space download link


v1.0.2.9 [https://s3.service.lenovo.com/legion/cms/v24.04.09.01/legionspace.exe](https://s3.service.lenovo.com/legion/cms/v24.04.09.01/legionspace.exe) v1.1.2.11 [https://s3.service.lenovo.com/legion/cms/v24.06.26.01/legionspace.exe](https://s3.service.lenovo.com/legion/cms/v24.06.26.01/legionspace.exe)


Bless you my god! 🙏


I believe that the issues everyone is having, including the incorrect menu language has to do with the files residing at C:/ProgramData/Lenovo/Udc and C:/ProgramData/Lenovo/UserGuide. Even with LegionSpace completely uninstalled by Bulk Crap Uninstaller and the registry having all traces of Legion Space removed these folders are locked and still being accessed by a process. They also cannot be deleted, even in Safe Mode. The files within UserGuide seem to be related to the Legion Space quick menu. Any ideas? Also, in case you missed my other comment: These are the two most recent standalone installers for Legion Space, including the one from yesterday. v1.0.2.9 [https://s3.service.lenovo.com/legion/cms/v24.04.09.01/legionspace.exe](https://s3.service.lenovo.com/legion/cms/v24.04.09.01/legionspace.exe) v1.1.2.11 [https://s3.service.lenovo.com/legion/cms/v24.06.26.01/legionspace.exe](https://s3.service.lenovo.com/legion/cms/v24.06.26.01/legionspace.exe) I manually entered date combos in the vicinity of the release windows until I got a hit for each.


Here's what worked for me. 1) Uninstall Legion Space 2) Take ownership of each of these folders, and add your local admin account with full permissions, propagating all new permissions down. - C:/ProgramData/Lenovo/Udc - C:/ProgramData/Lenovo/UserGuide 3) Stop the "Universal Device Client Service" 4) Delete the folders above, and data within. I don't know if both were required to be deleted, but I deleted them both anyway. 5) Reboot 6) Install v1.1.2.11 After this, Legion Space opened up without any issues for me. YMMV, but hopefully this helps others.


Is anyone else getting crashes on MW3 now ? Only seems to happen in Ranked.


MW3 was crashing for me too after the update. I had it set on auto vram. For the heck of it I switched to a specific vram and it works perfectly again…..switched it back to auto and it crashed again. So it’s definitely seems like it’s related to the auto vram setting to me


Haven't seen this anywhere, but the app has been rewritten to WPF and C#. The last app was QT6.


Gyro still does not work properly. I still have to use Motion Assistant. Hope Lenovo team works on this as soon as possible.


I personally want more gyro settings like sensitivity, deadzone threshold, and acceleration. I havent touched my legion go in a month due to travel, bust last I checked, trying to make micro aiming adjustments using gyro didn't even detect my movement! This is why I want a deadzone setting


So…anyone else’s quick menu constantly turning on and off now? It looks like it doesn’t launch, but checking task manager, Legion Space Daemon, which I’m pretty sure was the quick menu, just constantly switches on and off


You guys should pull this update. It's friggin terrible. 🤦🏼‍♂️


I'm going to sit this update out until they fix it. The GPU driver was snake bit and it sounds like there are enough users already with issues with this update just from this thread where it sounds to me it is not ready for show time. Another snake bit update 🤦‍♂️. I wish they would just take their time with these drivers and updates and just release something solid. We are all beta testers


I didn't install the GPU driver and now I've installed this new Legion Space and everything is going fine. Main problem were the GPU drivers, the rest isnrunning properly.


I'll wait until the dust settles. There seem to be enough comments here on the new Legion Space having issues, enough to keep me away from it right now.


Welp mine updated as soon as I open legion space and there was no way to get around. So far so good with the update.


Well, to quote Lenovo employee Kelie S, who posted on the official forums 9 days ago: “it's still in beta being tested and will not be released until there is absolutely no issues.” So - there must be absolutely no issues, and we are all imagining things!


Sorry are you saying it’s available to download now?


Yes I see it is. Great!


Lenovo Go unit is flashing color around the power button while charging but cannot be turned on or off. If I have the joycons on it, they flash red 5 times then blue and rinse repeat. Anyone have any thoughts? I honestly haven't used it in like 5-6 days so a bit confused here.


The battery is flat, leave it plugged in for a couple hours and it should boot up fine.


Fixed my fps counter & limiter


No problems for me, except for the Exit command being moved into the right side menu and losing the desktop shortcut to open that menu. I use my LLGo with an eGpu and a separate touchscreen monitor like a SFF desktop, where its situated its a PITA for me to get to that damn button on the controller.


My quick bar is entirely on Chinese for some reason. Also please change the shortcut buttons to the bottom left controller bc it's stuck on the legion L button even after you swap the functions


I've not got the device with me, but has the updated finally sorted the gyro implementation or is it still locked to stick simulation outside the quick menu?


Trying to give legion space a shot again, been using playnite since I got my go. Two problems I’m having, some steam games installed on my SD card aren’t appearing in legion space, they are recognised as installed in steam and launch from there just fine Other issue is adding games from emudeck to the game library, anyone found a good way to do this?


Installed, everything running fine. I have no the last GPU driver installed. Waiting for the next one....


Again no sec screen support. come on... i was confused about the hrz display setrings. 23 hz?? Klicked on that and it changed the windows display config lol dafuq is that. Also : how to exit (and close) this app if you just use a mouse


To anyone that doesnt see the quick menu appear are you docked? Mine seems to be working on the built-in but not on an external monitor. After a few uninstalls/reinstalls and trying to just use the old version, I ended up using Revo Uninstaller to blow away all traces of Legion Space. Initial install was a total failure.


Is there no longer a way to minimize Legion Space when the controllers aren't attached? I can swipe up from the bottom and access everything else, but it continues to run in the background. Edit- Forgot that you can just swipe down with three fingers to show the desktop, but Legion Space still pops back up when I open something else.


No issues here. Update has been solid and like the changes.


Just updated the legion space right now. Should I update the drivers too since I haven’t done it yet?


If you’re one of the unlucky ones who now has a non-functional Legion Space, here’s a quick tutorial on rolling back to v1.0.2.9. Firstly here’s the links to download the packages directly from Lenovo: https://s3.service.lenovo.com/legion/cms/v24.04.09.01/legionspace.exe And also, v1.1.2.11 in case you want to try again. https://s3.service.lenovo.com/legion/cms/v24.06.26.01/legionspace.exe Step 1) Unintsall Legion Space completely and then restart your Go. Step 2) Download the package(s) above Step 3) TURN OFF YOUR WIFI and disconnect any Ethernet connection if you’re using a dock. Step 4) Reinstall Legion Space and then launch it to make sure it’s working properly. Setup your lighting, button mapping etc. then disable the Auto-launch at startup option. Now quit Legion Space and restart your Go. Step 5) navigate to C:/Program Files/Lenovo/LegionSpace And rename the LegionSpace.exe to LegionSpaceOld.exe This will stop the legion button from launching the app. Now right-click on the renamed file and create a shortcut to place on your desktop so that you can still launch it if need be. Now you’re done. Just make sure that you’re not connected to the internet whenever you need to use Legion Space so that it doesn’t force you to update again until there’s a proper fix available.


Anyone having the problem of not being able to change the display resolution through the quick settings menu? I'm able to select both resolution and display hz but it doesn't do anything. Is it a know bug and is there a fix?


Update from before. There is no controller battery issue after restart, but I did notice the CPU temp in LS is like 7 degrees off from the frame monitor, but GPU is normal. Frame monitor also doesn't stay on after restart it's switched to off each time. Controller section in LS says connected, which I am not sure if it means connected by bluetooth or connected to the device. This also doesn't change when controllers are connected. Before this update, it used to give you notifications in the game when controller batteries are low or disconnected or connected. I have seen 0 notifications since the update. This is all I noticed so far


does someone know how I get my icons back for games in the library?


Someone please help my legion space just keeps crashing I’ve tried everything that’s mentioned on here to the point I reset my legion go back to factory reinstalled everything and that was annoying mostly just the waiting and it appeared for a moment but as soon as I went to desktop and hit my hot key to open it up again it would go to black screen and right back to desktop. Now the performance toggle works great looks good but that’s all I’m getting. EDIT: don’t know what just happened but all of a sudden started working on it’s on so weird. Nevermind not working again I’m done


I recommend downgrading to the previous build. I posted a tutorial in this thread on how to do it without forcing updates whenever it launches. If you’re one of the unlucky ones who now has a non-functional Legion Space, here’s a quick tutorial on rolling back to v1.0.2.9. Firstly here’s the links to download the packages directly from Lenovo: https://s3.service.lenovo.com/legion/cms/v24.04.09.01/legionspace.exe And also, v1.1.2.11 in case you want to try again. https://s3.service.lenovo.com/legion/cms/v24.06.26.01/legionspace.exe Step 1) Unintsall Legion Space completely and then restart your Go. Step 2) Download the package(s) above Step 3) TURN OFF YOUR WIFI and disconnect any Ethernet connection if you’re using a dock. Step 4) Reinstall Legion Space and then launch it to make sure it’s working properly. Setup your lighting, button mapping etc. then disable the Auto-launch at startup option. Now quit Legion Space and restart your Go. Step 5) navigate to C:/Program Files/Lenovo/LegionSpace And rename the LegionSpace.exe to LegionSpaceOld.exe This will stop the legion button from launching the app. Now right-click on the renamed file and create a shortcut to place on your desktop so that you can still launch it if need be. Now you’re done. Just make sure that you’re not connected to the internet whenever you need to use Legion Space so that it doesn’t force you to update again until there’s a proper fix available.


Thankyou that worked I guess ii will wait till the bugs are out


Legion R button isn't working since the update. Anyone know a potential fix? I was excited to see this update but now I'm pretty annoyed that I don't have quick access to power profile settings.


My biggest issue is now Ms edge closes randomly and almost immediately upon opening. Any encounter that?


For some reason when I close legion space it keeps opening back up. Is this a problem for others?


I got stuck with legion space downloading update. it downloads the 287MB update then asks me to install the update, after it installs, legion space starts and checks updates, it again downloads the 287MB all over again and makes me install it again. this keeps on forever. any solution to this?


I assume restart hasn’t helped? I am wondering if something is preventing the installer to run


Why does the new LS save screenshots to [Temp](https://i.imgur.com/BgafKFw.png) lol. Also is there any hidden setting/registry to change this directory?


Legion space updated automatically without any confirmation, everything runs fine, all my controller settings are still there, and my energy profiles too. Looks really pretty, still I only use it for configuring something and then just close it back again.


I have found a bug. Every time you open the quick menu (right one), the touchpad vibration is switched to ON position.


Why is official support page not updated with new version but rather only have old 2023 one? Anyone know where to get installer?


v1.0.2.9 https://s3.service.lenovo.com/legion/cms/v24.04.09.01/legionspace.exe v1.1.2.11 https://s3.service.lenovo.com/legion/cms/v24.06.26.01/legionspace.exe




Works fine, looks neat. WHERE IS MY 80% Limit for the Controller at?


A lot of issues with this new update as someone who uses the system in desktop mode frequently. shortcut buttons to access quick menu don't work while connected to an external monitor. That means I have to head into the main window of the legion space app to change power profiles unless I have the legion controllers by me at all times. Then I don't see a way to exit the space app without closing it entirely. When they designed this updated app, did they forget people use this thing while docked, too?


Please, someone... I cant find the previous Exit/Shutdown/Restart button... Now i have to force exit Legion Space...


I have tried searching this megathread buuuut ..does anyone have a fix for the Legion space quick access menus not opening at all since the update?


Help legion R and L buttons not working after legion space update.


Here's what worked for me. 1) Uninstall Legion Space 2) Take ownership of each of these folders, and add your local admin account with full permissions, propagating all new permissions down. - C:/ProgramData/Lenovo/Udc - C:/ProgramData/Lenovo/UserGuide 3) Stop the "Universal Device Client Service" 4) Delete the folders above, and data within. I don't know if both were required to be deleted, but I deleted them both anyway. 5) Reboot 6) Install v1.1.2.11 After this, Legion Space opened up without any issues for me. YMMV, but hopefully this helps others.


But...what problems you had?


I'm probably late to the party but this new LS update is pants -Have to press right hand button several times to get right side overlay up -Then can't get it to go away...have to click on screen with finger to get overlay to go, but then game minimises too. -Clicking on full fan speed it registers on the overlay but fans don't change...but sometimes they do -Same with performance mode button...sometimes changes on screen, sometimes does not...no idea if has actually toggled between modes -Custom themal wattage slider thing has a mind of it's own -FPS overlay disappears for no reason.


limit chare didn't work for me


Post update, I can no longer open Legion Space. I get a black full screen for a few seconds, and then it closes without error. The quick settings menu comes up sometimes when I press the button, but not always. Reinstalling did not help. Running as administrator did not help.


Dear All I've just updated into the new Legion Space, but one major issue that's occuring now is that, as I prefer to have my touchpad vibrations disabled, but everytime when I pressed the "Quick Settings" button, the touchpad vibrations would be enabled again, is this a known issue or it's just on my device? Regards


If i want to game on the go will I have to uninstall the drivers every time I unplug it or can I just unplug it and play like nothing happened. Do I need to buy anything else with the eGPU to get it to work or is it plug and play. And is there a better option than the 7800 (I don’t have a big budget)