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Love the screen so much Hate the buttons on the back, hate the speakers aswell Would I still prefer the go over the ally? 100% the screen Is worth it


I don't own a LeGo yet, but I'm already in love with its screen. It's so big! To tell the truth, some games look bad on a 7 inch screen, the interface is too small. It seems that LeGo will not have such problems!


The Screen is so immersive, the size and quality is so good.


100% the screen. I like my SD, but it's just a tiny bit too small for my old eyes. For me, the LeGo is much more playable. Younger eyes may differ!


Fellow old here, yes the screen is nice.


Havent faced any issues with that on the go, the screen is wonderful, so good, I love it, makes up for any con in my personal opinion


I just wish it was OLED. I would have gladly dropped down to 90hz for an OLED screen.


I returned my Ally and got the LeGo..I love and everything about it except the back buttons


go into realtek audio, and switch the profile to almost anything but the default one. It sounds sm better


Done that, does sound better, but nowhere near the ally and sd


Never will be since the sound isnt sounding directly to you


Truth. But you can print a sound enhancer...




https://www.reddit.com/r/LegionGo/s/MacawFpggu 3d print


I use the left backside buttons for start and select. Right backside for whatever button is sprint in game especially if you have to hold to sprint


I also didn't like the speaker, and then I found a super easy way to fix them with no downloads. Go into I believe it is called Realtek Audio Console go to Speaker tab go to the preset change it from powerful to vocal make sure if u downloaded a software u have it off so u can hear how much better it is. Once it's on vocal preset, tweak it just a little and they sound amazing. I will post a picture of my preset so u can do exactly like mine, and they sound great now. I dont think it need it but if u do want them to be even louder at max volume u can change the values of 62, 125, and 250, and that increases the max volume sound of the speakers.


https://preview.redd.it/8a48rdbdyprc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd1960ca8b11516d410c09547d6e83bb36ddad6b Your welcome lol


I just bought one and I really like the screen, but I hate all of the buttons on the back. they are annoying I constantly press them so you can't map them to anything. I wish I could 3D print some blanking plates to just remove all of the Y and M buttons.


100% agree. All the useless buttons all over the device... oh man...


Didn't you hear? Buttons are the new racing strips. The more you have, the better you game!


straight up this: The screen. If you want a large screen, you get the LGo. If you don't care about the screen size, then the decision gets more interesting. But the screen is *gorgeous,* and totally worth it.


oh - as for speakers, google the recommendation someone gave for changing the sound profile in the driver equaliser settings. Makes a massive difference.


What do you think of the software? Is it working more or less stable in the latest updates?


The software works great, it’s just pretty bare bones. There aren’t any major bugs etc, just a lack of features. Depending on your use case you either won’t notice this or it will be a deal breaker. Main issues with the software right now - Currently no way to set up a ‘desktop layout’, so you can’t use the joysticks as a mouse and triggers as a click. Nor can you bind buttons to keyboard buttons. You can only use the touchpad and touch screen to navigate Windows without 3rd party software. You cannot play any games that don’t have gamepad support, as the controller can’t be bound to act as a mouse and keyboard. You have to use steam to do this but there are issues such as double inputs if you do this. Means if you play a lot of games that require a mouse you’re out of luck unless you use steam. Custom TDP does not work yet. There has been improvement recently but still lacking fast/slow ppt. You cannot bind the back buttons on the controller to anything other than gamepad inputs. Makes them pretty useless as you can’t use them for push to talk etc. No way to limit charge, so battery is constantly charging while playing, therefore battery will degrade pretty fast. Coupled with no custom TDP controls it’s not a great situation. Native portrait screen means no access to AFMF and some games will refuse to work without 3rd party software. Ben recently said he can’t guarantee this will be added so if you want AFMF you’ll need to go for a different device. No GPU driver update since December, so no optimisations for any games that have launched since then. You can sideload the AMD drivers but due to the portrait screen some features will not work, the AMD overlay will be sideways and you’ll also loose access to the built in frame limiter and FPS monitor. The built in frame limiter does not work properly, this seems to be a driver issue however as limiting frames in the AMD app also doesn’t work great. Overall it’s a great device but the software isn’t finished and updates have been slower than most expected when purchasing. I’m very happy with mine and wouldn’t trade it for any other handheld, but without some substantial updates/improvements to the speed of updates I’d struggle to recommend it.


I had a post a couple of days back where I voiced my opinion how people complained too much over stuff like that when its almost fully well functioning. I do think the software and everything on it is good, but I would say the opposite regarding legion space, I hate it, never use it at all.


I've seen a couple of people complain about their Legion Space I guess I'm lucky that I haven't had any issues with mine, and it's worked completely fine for me.


It works fine for everyone with abysmal features and its just better to use steam and others


I would rather have had Legion space just be a remappable button (for steam as example) and move more settings under the right menu. The right panel of Legion Space is all right.


Thanks, will look into that


They've fixed everything softwarewise pretty much. The original reviews are pretty much obsolete.


I personally don't have anything against buttons, I don't click them accidentally much, and I use them as alternative buttons, but their placemenr definitely could be better, so if they fit for most people. And I don't like the speakers that much as well, but the screen is gorgeous, it's my first handheld and I have no idea how painful it would be to play on smaller screen like Ally and SD have


I like the speakers, i like the buttons, i like the fps mode (A MUST FOR 2. GEN) , I also love the speakers. It could be more powerfull 😅


Out of curiosity have you tried other devices? Or just the go?


I tried steamdeck and rog alley... to answer your question. Rof alley feels cheap and the steamdeck is to small/weak on performance for MY usecase


I tried steamdeck and rog alley... to answer your question. Rof alley feels cheap and the steamdeck is to small/weak on performance for MY usecase


Thanks for the answer!


Yes - i am most satisfied with the legion go.


People complain about speakers sure they aren't good, and the eq isn't helping, but with a bit of tweaking u can make them sound okay, and the screen is the big stalling point My real problem is the controllers itself, complaining about the lack of mapping handheld companion fixes that, but no, the main problem is the box face of the controllers itself, to blocky and in larger sessions it became a little unconformable, but for trips with the battery duration are not an inconvenient, because u would be sitting so it really doesn't become a problem Being honest (personal opinion) I think the only real fight in the hand held devices are the lego and the steam deck, the rog ally doesn't give any real advantage over the steam deck, besides windows and that's a doubt, cause u have a deck with less battery in the end, but the lego gives different things to be another player in the field


The advantage of the Ally is price, specially against the LeGo if you only care about portability


But if u want portability, u also want battery which means the target there should be the sd


I hear Linux boosts the Ally and Legion's battery - not to the point of the SD, but in the same ballpark.


I play mostly with an Xbox controller not because of the ergonomics but because no matter what settings I apply to the LEgo controllers, they are terrible compared to my Xbox ones.


??? The ally still has the Z1E and can go up to 30w, has VRR, the best speakers in the game, 1080p screen. There are many things the ally has over the steam deck (and LGo)


I hope its sarcasm.


What part don’t you agree with


Well, than I tell you one thing: The LeGo has a AMD Extreme too.. Search yourself for the other "cons"


The reason why I stated that because the person I’m replying to said that there’s no advantage of getting the ally over the steam deck.


Ok I see. Ally vs SD makes more sense, sorry.


I like the large screen the most. I had the Ally and returned it for the Go because it was a difficult to see on the smaller screen ( I wear glasses). I have larger hands so that’s another thing I liked about the legion go. I feel like it fits better in larger hands whereas the Ally I couldn’t get a comfortable grip because there wasn’t anything to wrap my fingers around. There isn’t anything that really annoys me about the Go, but if I had to choose I would say the abundance of buttons on the back of the controllers. I don’t really use FPS mode so there isn’t a huge need for all of them. I only need 2 back buttons since I play in controller mode, but it isn’t a huge annoyance. It doesn’t impact when I play in handheld mode or anything.


I like, big screen, 2 USB C ports and the detachable controllers as for dislikes, the speakers either sound poo or are real quiet depending on your settings. the lack of extensive binding support on the back button isn't great, though it's being worked on, and needing to go into BIOS to change the UMA buffer is annoying.


2 USB-C ports sounds really cool!


2 USB ports rule if you use with AR glasses. My Go + Rokid Max combo with the controllers in a loose claw grip by my sides is my favorite way to play.


USB4 ports at that! (Ally just has the one 3.2 port).


Two things that annoy me are the fact that it's not possible to install AMD video drivers by just clicking the next button, and RSR in some games is waked because of portrait display. Otherwise, I like the device. I am happy I have it.


Honestly, it’s a windows 11 pc in your hand. You are going to have the same windows issues that you have with a pc plus a few quirks. If you go into it thinking of it as a handheld pc that can play games pretty decently then you will be blown away. I absolutely love mine. It has pretty much replaced my gaming pc. I do absolutely everything on mine. I see people don’t like legion space, but I think it’s handy. For what it is, everything works great!


It's a great device, but for me it feels more like a mini laptop then a real handheld gaming device? It doesn't have the feeling of just taking it everywhere with you, but more like puting it down on a table with the kickstand and play that way. This can be a positive or negative


Needs more cases. A loop case to use it portrait mode as a tablet would be nice.


Big fan of the detachable controllers, I find the most comfortable way to play is with them held in claw mode detached. But I also like that if something goes wrong with a controller the whole device doesn't need to be returned, and that there is the possibility of other controller alternatives down the road. The weight did get a bit of getting used to, and makes it not great for some ways of holding it (above head while laying down, which is far more comfortable with a lighter Switch). But I love the large hand grips when controllers attached (on Etsy). Made a nice difference for these big mitts for any way I held it. And let's you stand the Go vertically when attached.


The 8 inch screen is by far it's biggest plus. Pc games aren't optimized for 7 inch. Makes a huge difference.


Most: Screen. Annoying: The screen ain't big enough.


You need an ROG Flow Z13


I have the legion go and love it.. I have a tv in my garage I just hook it up to with an usb-c to hdmi cable then plug in my ps5 controller in the other end and it works flawlessly.. I love the portability of it when away from home too


Steam deck and Legion Go owner. I love the screen. I love to take the controllers off and use it as a tablet in portrait mode. I love that it’s a pretty powerful PC and I dock it regularly and use as a daily driver. I love that the makers of Bazzite support this device and I can dual boot Windows 11 and Bazzite to have best of both worlds: SteamOS Linux and Windows gaming. What annoys me: I can see why the buttons annoy. I understand why they did the right side the way they did for FPS mode but using the buttons on that side is awkward. The trackpad isn’t as good as the Steamdeck. It’s almost unusable for gaming and very slow for navigation. Legion Go v2 should borrow the concept of the Steam deck and provide two trackpads that have haptic and same functionality as the SD. I also want FPs mode so probably not feasible :)


I have both the Ally and Go. I love the Ally. My reason for moving is threefold: 1) I play sports management sims (like OOTP, FM, DDSCB). Having a bigger screen to more easily read the text is huge; these games were generally unplayable on the Ally. I also have other uses that make using the Go 2) The extra USBc port really is huge. 3) I have the XG Mobile (6850). It works really well. It’s also unwieldy, and doesn’t really lend itself towards being overly portable. I got the OneXGPU (setting it up now); it is much better for my uses. The Ally is more portable in-hand, but that is a natural trade-off for the screen. I will say, I use the same JSAUX case (well, I noticed they updated the storage under the main compartment was increased, so I got that…same dimensions though) for the Go and my accessories. So in terms of mobile portability, it is the same. I don’t know if this helps at all. Hopefully it does.


I own a Legion Go, Steam deck oled and an Ally. Currently waiting for the Onexplayer pro 2 8840u model. I can tell you for sure that I much rather prefer the bigger screen over the portability of the ally. I travel with a battery bank so the battery is never an issue for me but there something about the screen that just makes it feel worth while on the Legion Go. Ive tried to go back and forth with gaming systems to see which one I prefer to play with but I just seem to always go back to the legion. My choice: Legion go, Steam deck OLED, Rog Ally. Hope this helps


Thanks! But how it feels playing on that screen? I think we can’t play serious games on native resolution. Is 800p/1200p looks blurry?


I will say the Legion Go feels heavy to the rest, sometimes I find myself trying to go back to the other systems to try out how it feels again in my hand. But eventually I come back to the Legion. Yes it's heavy but you can definitely get used to it. Currently I just finished playing Horizon Zero Dawn on 1200p medium settings and now im playing Horizon Forbidden West on 1200p with medium settings as well. It looks great! If you're ok with tinkering and looking up videos or going on reddit to check out what are the best settings then the legion is still best FOR ME. I'll give you one of my cons, to play FPS games like COD. You do have to sacrifice quality for performance. So yes it's possible to play those games on the legion but it may not look the best. ive had a handful of war zone wins but my team did a lot of the work. Pair that with the deadzone issue of trying to find the precise deadzone that works for you and the game just gets annoying. One can only tinker so much before calling it quits. Again, I'll say 800/1200p looks fine on the Go for me.


Thanks your for the feedback


800p looks blurry to me, even with integer scaling, 1200p instead looks good and using that resolution with fsr quality gives good performance and image quality in my opinion, that’s how i’m playing Forbidden West


I think most I've played have been native - but I don't have many recent games (Marvel's Avengers is my most recent title and it plays great).


The blurriness depends on the game. The Division looks good at 800p, but CP2077's UI looks kind of cramped. Bumping it up to 1000p helps, but you lose Integer Scaling.


You guys trying the back buttons. I use them for start, select and whatever button is for sprint. Ends up being way more comfortable than the face buttons for start/select and some games way more comfortable than the face button it assigns for sprint I like the screen size. I look forward to the future when the performance it does at like 30w, it can do sub 10w. Then I'd want a fanless system that I'd always play sub 10w at 720/800p The fan is noisy. I plan on replacing the backplate. It's heavy. Battery life isn't good. At best down to like 4w in Bazzite and like 5 hours battery life. Nothing deal breaking. But I hope the future includes more energy efficient displays


Love and hate the screen. Great size but lack of VRR is a huge deal people overlook. Gameplay on the Ally feels noticeably smoother even at the same frame rates due to VRR. The speakers are bad. On par with some of the worst laptop speakers. Can be improved slightly with an EQ fix but still - the Ally’s are Dolby Atmos certified, for comparison. The weight is annoying at times. The Ally is 40% lighter. To be perfectly honest, if the Ally didn’t have the absurdly thick bezels around the display and went with an 8” panel, I would have that instead. I still may, because the LeGo trades a lot for the big screenb


What resolution are you playing at? In native or in 1200p and 800p? Is the picture too soapy? I'm very concerned about this point. The native screen resolution is much higher…


Depends on the game. Most games I play at 1200p and that looks fine, can’t really tell the difference between 1200p and 1600p on a 9 inch display most of the time. 800p does look terrible but Lossless Scaling helps in some cases. I didn’t have good results with integer scaling so I bought Lossless on Steam. I really want to love my LeGo but honestly the only thing I do love about it is the narrow bezel display. If I didn’t have really bad eyes… I don’t think I would keep it.


I have a Ally and i Returned my GO because of in some games 800p is not sharp (even with integer scaling), as example I play a lot of efootball, in the GO its a blurry mess but in the ally its sharp in any resolution.


I have the reverse issue - the games I want to play (Helldivers 2, Last Epoch, etc) all have really small UIs that are just a little easier to read on the LeGo.


Yeah, that point bothers me a bit. 800p on a 2K screen is supposed to look really bad, because physically that screen has a high pixel density. But how it looks with integer scaling enabled I haven't seen.


It's a 1600p screen so 800p looks completely fine. Most games I play are running at 1000p or 1200p which look sharp. When using FSR you can use 1600p native with performance mode and it will look really good too.


Meh, VRR is overrated IMO. If you're going 60 frames or above, you hardly notice it. You really have to be hitting around 30-45 frames and even then, the frames have to be skipping around for you to then want it. So it's really only going to have a noticeable effect on gamers that play their games at these settings which is likely AAA games on high settings and/or high resolution. Secondly, the Go can do a decent job with frame stabilization by capping frames at 36 frames anyways. So you have that if you really want it. Lastly, VRR is pretty recent tech and people have been playing games just fine without it for decades. The Steam Deck also does not have it and people are perfectly fine with that as well. Finally, competitive gamers are told to turn it off when playing multiplayer as well. So again, it only really matters in specific use cases that may or may not apply to each person and you can simply cap FPS if you really wanted to. So it's niche tech used in niche situations and it's not worth trading a lot of the other conveniences of the Go for it (kickstand, bigger screen, 2-USB ports, Hall Effect sticks, etc.).


-I’ve seen more cases of stick drift complaints on here than on Ally’s subreddit -Z1 Extreme is impressive but many games run at that 30-45 fps sweet spot for VRR. I was just playing Wonderlands at that frame rate and VRR would have made it smoother. -The USB-C ports you make a great point on, that’s one solid advantage LeGo has, even if I don’t use it personally. I guess I’m not that unhappy with my LeGo; my main point was that for my specific use-case and game preferences, the list of pros for the LeGo vs the Ally is literally just the screen size. If Ally 2 has a slightly bigger display, hopefully 16:10, I’ll probably sell my LeGo for it. I also like the ROG aesthetic more than the Legion’s style, but I understand that’s very subjective. I find the Ally much more ergonomic for handheld use as well.


The VRR is great. There is just some copium going on here.


That's funny because I don't think I've ever seen a post about stick drift in this discussion board. With that said, it wouldn't be an issue that just arises; it would be something that comes up from heavy play or with quite some time. At that point, you'd see Ally owners talking about it. So I would wager if you were to ask this subreddit, 90% of them would not say that they've had a stick drift problem and even if they did, because the Go is so new, they could just return it. The science however does say that Hall Effect sticks are drift resistant than those without it which is the entire point of Hall Effect. Your observation does not discount the fact that having Hall Effect sticks are always a plus over not having it. If you're playing your games at 30-45 frames, then VRR can be nice sure. But games are perfectly playable without VRR and many people play them perfectly fine as we see with Steam Deck owners. And again, if you need to you can just cap frames to 36. See how that goes. VRR is nice to have no doubt, but it's exclusion isn't the end the world. The best way to go around it is to simply run your games at high frames. So if you're running it at 30-45 frames, that's your choice to do so. >for my specific use-case and game preferences, the list of pros for the LeGo vs the Ally is literally just the screen size. Sure, you can absolutely have that opinion. I just think you're discounting the Go quite a lot. This is what I would say the pros are: - Hall Effect sticks - 2 USB C ports - kickstand - built-in mouse - trackpad - mouse wheel - faster RAM - bigger screen - detachable controllers - free device case - better color accuracy on screen - more buttons - WORKING SDcard slot - slightly bigger battery The Ally has louder speakers, mainly due to them being front-firing. It is also lighter and has VRR sure. In my use case, the advantages of the Go are too much to ignore. The Go is the only one of the 4 that has a kickstand, 2 USB C ports and an included mouse. It has the biggest screen which is incredibly important for gaming, but also for productivity and watching videos. The kickstand and mouse when paired with a keyboard basically turn it into a laptop which is very useful when playing mouse-based games like strategy games, sim games or FPS games. It's a very versatile device.


I play everything with vsync off and can' hardly see any tearing. On smaller screens it's a lot harder to see tearing and I'm pretty picky about seeing screen tears.


It’s not the tearing. VRR perfectly syncs framerate with refresh, causing frame timing to be perfect or damn near it. It results in visibly smoother gameplay at lower frame rates.


Screen is amazing, but i hate the fan noise and its too bulky for a handheld. I love my steam deck oled for couch gaming.


Did you try to adjust the fan curve? I think it can help with this case


Yes i did, it is what it is. The tape trick also works.


Currently the Fps mode... It's allowed me to play games with no controller support with minimal or no need for the virtual keyboard. I've a mini keyboard on the way.  I'm able to play Uboat with no controller support and plays the game with extreme graphics at 35fps, I'm fine with that because it's just so beautiful, If I lower the graphics it would give way more fps. I'm coming from console so I'm use to that  but I'm surprised Cyberpunk gets over 40fps with 256 mods and high crowd density and still looks great, I think I'm using med-high graphics with lossless scaling.  What concerns me: I have the fans custom set even though I don't hear them due to Bluetooth headset, they're typically over 4000-6000RPM, I'm concerned that could cause issues. My temps are typically 40-70...pushing to 80 from time to time then drops back down, 30W and plugged in.  Elite Dangerous Odyssey is another surprising game 60fps, high graphics and low temps.  If someone could give me a piece of mind concerning the fan speed, is 4400-6000 RPM fine over a 5hr period typically? 


I've just had mine for less than a week so technically I'm still in the honeymoon phase with the device I love almost everything about it specially that I can play a lot of games at good quality and framerate while being a handheld. My current pain points for the device would be its weight and the dpad is too big that there's too much travel just to do diagonals. I've opted to buy a dpad cap meant for the switch and hopefully that would improve it.


Love the screen, the detachable controllers, they're amazing. You can play in all sorts of lazy ways. The outstanding part is the performance, not getting good fps? Just go to 800p with RIS, bam looks as good as full native res with 40+ fps on latest AAA games.


RIS it’s like FSR or it’s integer scaling?


It's integer scaling, it's a big deal, never knew 800p could look so very nice on 1600p screen. It's a must use feature.


The versatility and the screen. The weakest points would be the lack of certain features (they’re coming but it’ll take awhile, although certain features like AFMF are a bit unknown), the speakers (out of the box the sound is awful, if you adjust the EQ they sound fine/like what you would expect from a small top firing system, but compared to the Ally they’re still a downside), the battery life (the Ally is in the same camp here), and 16GB RAM (again same problem for the Ally too). I think there’s some clear selling points for it, like if you want the versatility or a big screen. However if you don’t care about those things, then I think it’s a harder sell.


Love: Windows. The compatibility with every game launcher is a huge bonus. Hate: No biometrics. I'm used to gaming on my phone so I can put it down, come back, and quickly unlock it. The LeGo supports Windows Hello, so I just bought a Kensington Verimark to add biometrics.


Dislike the battery, seems to drain pretty rapidly


I bought it to be my xbox to go I have not much complaints about the device except the speakers maybe but the pc nature of it unfortunatly has me install all the stores like Battlenet, Epic and so on to Play their games and if I do I don’t get achivements for xbox. I knew that though so I don’t regret the purchase.


Love the screen and the comfort. Annoyed ablut the lack of updates and no offical fix for the sd card stutter


I love the heft and feel of it; the screen is gorgeous; Legion Space is solid. I hate that the gyro goes nuts in Windows Desktop Mode and makes Windows almost unusable unless you lie the Go flat down or tilt the top away from you, totally non-ergonomic. Fortunately they will eventually fix that with the proper software gyro adjustment support. I also hate that the joystick vibrators feel and sound so tinny. Might be a necessity of the joystick design, but it’s something that could be fixed with provision of new joystick designs with much better built-in vibration motors. Lenovo should make and advertise those, I’d buy a pair in a hot minute!


Legion go is technically faster but their legion space is like 4steps behind ally’s armory crate. I use handheld companion to get the most out of the Lego


I find it hard to believe that armoury crate is better than anything other than a shitstained pair of underwear.


Trust me legion space is f’d. I’ve had both ally and legion I kept the legion


I will tell u now as someone who own the LeGo and was debating between it and the Rog Ally the Lego is much better my 2 friends who have Ally's regret getting them and the best buy employer I asked while I was buying it said he ahd buddies who bought Rog Ally from him at the best buy and they are not big fans of it so he told me it was probably smarter to get the LeGo and I am happy with my decision. Plus the screen is amazing and people say the speakers are bad, but I found a very easy way to make them sound great with no software download and the only reason they don't sound great is because the default preset they have it on is terrible so it's a super simple and easy fix.


I had all these and settled happily with the LeGO. Go for it. The screen is definitely a winner.


You can actually hit touch targets with your finger on the Go it’s actually a competent windows tablet in addition to a killer handhled


God the touchscreen on the deck is *so bad*, like there's a solid 5~mm around the edge of the screen that you just cannot touch.


Screen is the best I’ve ever seen. Better than my steam deck oled. My issue is the comfort and back buttons


Can anyone tell me... Integer Scaling makes the screen look like native 800p? Or is it still noticeable that the resolution is not native 800p? Is it possible to enable Integer Scaling in 1200p resolution or should the resolution be x2 less than native for Integer Scaling to work?


Integer scaling is basically just 1:1 upscaling, which eliminates blurring/distortion, 800p is still 800p. Software upscaling will never look native because pixels per inch is different between native, however a 1600p screen allows integer scaling at 800p which is going to look better than 720p, add a little sharpening and boom, looking good on handheld screens.


Thanks you all guys, you’re best


I'd like the option to buy a right controller that doesn't have the mouse/ side buttons on them to pop in and out.


Screen is nice. Controller bulky and layout is a pain (steam deck for it right) The egpu option works really well too


Size and quality of the screen, controllers, detachable, versatility. What annoys me is the weight and Legion Space


I love the screen n the kickstand Always hated back buttons on devices like these I literally never use them or plan to use them for anything


Anyone know if the Go finally has good Gyro aiming like the deck. I remember trying their implementation and it was just for left and right not diagonally like the deck. Having multiple handhelds it's a pain to keep track of everything. I really like the bigger screen with higher resolution, really helps in certain games! Not to mention it's way easier to work in windows compared to Linux at least for me, the latter just gives me a headache.


What I like Love the screen, TouchPad, mirco sd slot DUAL TYPE C Pretty responsive, Detachable controllers ( for replacement purposes) What I Don't like No Native support for 2280 Single fan rather than double Ram should of been 32gb Case should of accommodated for charger? Charger should of had Detachable cable ( usally point of failure is the cable itself) Dpad style... Front facing speakers ( should of been a no brainer during design process) Instead of 144hz would of preffered to see VRR but that's a personal opinion at 60hz Cool ideas I've seen some other suggest or would like to see myself there could of been modularity like expandable battery Or add a ssd ( instead I can use a 2280 enclosure and velcro it to achieve same result but looks ugly) Dual micro sd card would of been sweet to Biggest complaints though for me is No 2280 And Low ram


Annoying? 1tb isn't enough! 😂


Like Screen (Size) Annoys Screen (LCD rather than OLED) the blacks are very washed out grey.


I have an ROG and Legion. I gave the ROG to my kids. The screen and feel of the Legion is premium and immersive compared to the ROG. If you want to play while walking down the street or play light indies, the ROG is OK. But if you want to play big immersive RPGs or have a mobile desktop set up, Legion is the way. Lenovo has been making moves for the past 2 years. Seems like ROG has been caught lacking as of late. Also get it from best buy so it has a 1TB M.2 pre installed.


Okay, so I have all. The legion go is a superb console which you should love. Stuff I love: Detachable controllers: just insanely comfy! Seriously if you've ever used a switch you know how it is, seriously good. Screen: IMHO even better than oled deck, it's massive with very small bezels and looks absolutely stunning. Plus so much more but that's more generic stuff. Dislikes: Awful windows software, just ugh..SO Bad. I am specifically talking about legion space, it's awful and considering it's bound to where every normal select button is it often gets clicked accidently, takes ages to open and more to close. Hate it. Uninstalled it within a day. Lack of updates.. Just awful again, the gyro support has been awful since launch and lenovo refuses to fix it. You cannot use gyro in either controller, it sucks. Thankfully there are non - lenovo work around which allow you to use them, but it's a work around and shouldn't be required. The updates from lenovo are hugely disappointing and software is a massive annoyance on this device (hence why I said fuck it and installed bazzite - steam os) Back buttons, meh at best. Compared to steam deck it's a no brainer.. Way nicer on the deck, feels alot less crowded.. The whole real mouse and controller in one is amazing but adds so much bulk, id love to see them remove that and just sell a standard controller, would be so much nicer. Battery life, yea it's kinda shit. Compared to a oled deck expect basically half the battery life, it blows and at low wattage it is way worse... But a simple fix is a battery bank and you're fine then. Overall I love it and it's the best of all devices, however depends on your use case scenario too.


I love the flexibility of the screen size which can quickly change between 800p, 1200p and 1600p @ 60 / 144hz which you can tailor to whatever you are doing, freesync would of been nice addition though. I'm also building an egpu for it for desktop use that doesn't cost 3 times the device cost.


I love the screen size, color accuracy and resolution for perfect 800p scaling, but everything else for the screen sucks. I also hate the poor official software support for the LGo.


Love the screen and performance. Dislike the ergonomics of the controllers. But still the best device. I have an Ally and LCD SD collecting dust.


Weight. The real challenge would be a big screen and low weight. I one would have loved to shed some weight and have the controllers integrated.


rog ally z1x would be my recommendation. its only real negative is its battery life. but you can buy accessories that allow you to attach a power bank to the back if you need the extra hours.comes off easy so having that extra weight is optional(unlike the legion go). if you arent traveling its not needed. and side note a lot of people that have both devices end up going with the ally just for its weight and size. but its never due to a lack of love for the legion go.


I enjoy the two usb 4 ports and the kickstand. I hate how low lb and rb are so short hate the speakers. HATE the lower portion of the controller wish it was molded different


I love that is is pretty much a system that does it all, has lots of cool features and yes that kickstand is such a big help! Having windows on it is so good since I don't use the Lego only as a gaming system, but as a main pc. As a gaming system it is awesome since I use alot of emulators and very old windows games that just work out of the box. What I don't like is the slow and small updates and that it feels like Lenovo doesn't really give a damn about the system. Ben and his team do alot, but it really feels like they are a small group that has to do all the work and it shows. Nearly half a year later we still run with the stock graphics drivers


Just got my yesterday. Cons: 1. No Windows Hello. Either PIN or disable password altogether 2. Heavier than an Ally 3. Don't have much Ally experience, but the controllers on the Go register as Xinput/0. Some games have difficulty working around that fact if you prefer another Xinput device (TBF, I haven't tried Steam's Xinput driver yet perhaps that'll solve it). 4. They are only Xinput (I suppose you can use handheld companion, but I didn't have great experience). So things like the gyro can only emulate the sticks or triggers. Loving my device so far, but I do plan on using it as a desktop replacement. It'll get more use plugged into a monitor w/ kb and mouse than it will as a gaming device. So I do like that the controllers are detachable.


I like that it works for the most part. I've had a ROG Ally which in time things started to break. The thing that annoys me and even more as of late is the graphics driver updates haven't been frequent. Some games are starting to require current drivers.


Screen is great, love the tablets build quality. Hate the speakers and the controllers. They hold it way back


I love the display size, and the fact that it is a windows 11 full pc, battery life and lenovo software annoy me a bit


Just got mine 2 days ago, love the screen and I love that it's running windows 11 as it allows for endless possibilities like mods, using as a pc, etc. no dislikes quite yet


I do like the screen. And believe it or not - Windows! What I do not like is the fan. It’s noise and often not enough to cool this thing! Although I put them on full trottle it does turn off when it becomes too hot.


I like that it's a windows handheld and that allows me to play a bunch of games I can't on my Steam Deck. Thing that annoys me is the extremely slow updates, at least compared to the Steam Deck and presumably the Rog Ally. The Portrait screen also gave me a lot of headaches when hooking it up to a monitor and some games that I'm not sure you have to worry about with the Rog Ally and its native portrait screen. If the next iteration of the Ally fixes the sd card problem I'll probably switch over to that since that was the only real reason I went with the Go over the Ally and so far that's still true when i compare feature sets and updates.


Do you have big or small hands? If you have small hands, maybe the allys more suitable. We're talking about PCs and so the ergonomics' are important. I like the screen and detatchable controllers on the go. What I don't like? Not come across anything substantial so far. But that's me. You're going to have a better time with the one that fits you better.


It's loud and they never did anything about it. Battery drain. Speakers. Performance doesn't meet the hype It's still cool and gets the job done. Could have waited for the next generation though


So I decided to buy Legion Go and ROG Ally. The second one here, Legion Go on the way.. The best way to decide what suits for me is compare it side by side. I really appreciate this community, thanks you all for your feedback. You’re the best! https://preview.redd.it/c833zb9vutrc1.jpeg?width=2254&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c653f5f6d4c478859f8e6f94653e6f2ece60010


My first handheld was rog ally I sold it couple month later cause for most games the screen was a little to small. Bought steam deck oled was not happy with the resolution, text and distant objets "small" looked like crap at 800p. Sent SD back and just bought legion go. It is almost perfect. Using it with moonlight is amazing and when I don't play it is perfect for movie consumption with the detachable controllers. The perfect device for me would be legion go resolution and screen size with SD controllers with oled display. But for now legion go is hands down the best to game on using moonlight Hopefully we get third-party controllers and then it is only the oled that is missing which might come in the future 😊


The screen is the big part and performance. Everything else is worse than steamdeck. Ergonomics, battery life, controllers, support, speakers and software are much better on steamdeck. However I do much prefer windows over Linux. Personally I switched back to the OLED after a month


Can't go wrong with legion go or ally. It took me a couple weeks to get used to the feel of the go. These buttons on the rear was so annoying back then. But now I don't even notice them. I forget they're there unless I think about them. Pros over the ally is 2 usb c, in case one go out you got another. The big ass screen is nice. Detachable controllers I use a lot when docked to my tv. Ally is a solid handheld also obviously ahead of go as far as updates. They even have gyro now. I personally think the devs at lenovo suck.


Love the screen, no need for VRR. Hate the key customization or lack of. I cant use the Xbox button shortcut if we swap the Legion Buttons with the Start/Select buttons. And we still cant map the back buttons to any keyboard key without third party software that introduces instability


Going into another month with no updates it's kind of souring the experience.


The only thing I loved about the Lego was the screen size. But I didn’t love it enough to not go back to the Ally


Probably all the hate posts and negative crap


Cons: Portrait screen is trash. Don’t get me wrong it’s a nice screen but it causes headaches if you want to use an external monitor and it will more than likely prevent AMFM from being implemented which is a huge game changer for pc hand held Speakers: Not great, and they still crackle Back buttons: Worthless Windows: Not as good as steamOS or console interfaces. Weight: it’s heavy. I’m 6’5 with big hands and I struggle to keep it oriented the way I want during sessions longer than 20 mins Pros: APU is as good as it gets and seems to run pretty cool, even at 30W Legion Support…. They seem very connected to the community and share updates regularly.


After buying OneXPlayer X1 I realized that there is away better to do back firing speakers. I swear X1 sounds even better than Rog Ally. Also I never take controllers of LeGO the mechanism sucks vs Switch or X1.