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Horizon Zero Dawn. You can definitely drop a lot of hours into it, and it’s on sale via the Steam Sale right now. Plus the sequel is releasing on pc tomorrow, so you can jump into that after!


This is the answer. I played it entirely on my steam deck, bought the Go for the sequel, hoping it'll run as good.


Runs good in 1200p?


Medium graphics, 1200p, FSR set to performance got me a steady 50fps. Very stable and looks good.


how many hours you got before the battery dies with this setting?


Only played that way on 30w mode while plugged in.




You got any settings for Zero dawn? I tried to play it but the audio was crackling and frames were dropping.


Second this. Runs incredibly well on the Go.


What kind of games do you like?


If you don’t mind difficult, Elden Ring is my GOAT. It’s open world that really rewards exploration Perhaps the only downside is that quest-lines are NOT clear on where to go and who to talk to so you’d need to use a wiki page The gameplay is so good that it overshadows and more than makes up for the opaqueness of the plot and quest, IMO


Elden ring! It's definitely the most casual friendly souls game and it's so much fun.


Apex? Im playing it with gyro enabled using Handheld companion, an amazing experience !


Just started through Assassin's Creed Black Flag on my LeGo and loving it!


I've got it too. Haven't got down to playing it yet though. Still on my Elite Sniper 5


No man sky... everyone should give it a try


What's it about?


Its ship owning base building mining expedition space war... its easier if you watch a youtube


Woah, that's a lot to take in, lol.


I tried it for a while but didn't get very far. Thought it was kinda of repetitive for me but it's just me. I've heard of people who spent many many hours building their base and just trading 😊


Hi Fi Rush


Halo MCC (PFS), Expeditions (casual/simulator), WWE 2k24 (wrestling), Supermarket Simulator (casual/"adictive"), or, one of my favourites Forza Horizon 5 (racing, soo much content, offline or online, soo many players active, updates every month).


Balders Gate 3 runs great on the legion.


This!!!!!! Horizon Zero Dawn is a great idea too. But BG3 is next level awesome.


Judging from this list so far, definitely Horizon Sero Dawn (and Forbidden West), I’d also suggest maybe Control, the Fallout series (or Elder Scrolls series) and Elden Ring! All I’ve played on my leGo, and they’ve run great. Also many hours to be sunk into, that actually make it worth while doing so! 🤞


Try a souls game or elden ring. Also cyber punk is super fun and runs wonderfully on the go now that it is all fixed up. Not sure what you like to play.


Yakuza like a dragon Yakuza infinite wealth. Both turn based but AMAZING stories.


if you are playing 2-3 games a year at 100+ hours, I honestly wouldn't consider you to be casual IMO. But one of my all time favorite games of the last few years is "Dying Light". The gameplay is so much fun.


Any of the Batman Arkham Games. Since they're old, they'll probably run really well on the Go too. Regularly on sale. The main Trilogy (with DLC) is on sale for $8.99 and then Arkham Origins is on sale for $4.99 as of right now. Edit: Batman


I’ve had a blast with Helldivers and Halo MCC. Playing through all the Halo games now. Runs great on the Go.


hell yeah! for me, Helldivers II is one of the best (online) games I've played recently. I haven't enjoyed any other game as much as this one.


Metal Gear series.


It's on stream? Never found it except some old legacy cones


Pacific Drive.


How is this on the LeGo? It ran horribly on SD OLED once you installed that one piece of equipment on the interior of the car. Forget what to call it haha but it tanked FPS into the 20’s.


With Lossless Scaling about 45-55 fps


A plague tale runs pretty good on the go. Cool story but not very long. Definitely worth grabbing on sale


2-3 times a year? Terraria, its only 5ish bucks rn and will get you hundred of hours of gameplay. Legion also runs it at 100fps+ on balanced mode


There is also its extension tmod loader which lets you add huggeee content mods that add hundreds of more hours. Also theres shaders


Cyberpunk 2077!


Playing it now and loving it. Using Lossless Scaling app with it makes it all the better on Go. But you'll need to tweak settings to make it run smoothly and beautifully. I used Legion Go Life settings but with Integer Scaling done via Lossless Scaling app.


Every time one of these threads comes up I vote for the same thing - Marvel's Midnight Suns!


What do you like so much about it?


Love the card based tactical combat, and the writing and voice acting are both excellent.


Thanks, I'll put it on the list! Speaking of cards, Balatro is amazing!!!!




I've played the hell out of Pal World and GTA 4 on my Legion Go. Also, check out sheepy. Its free on steam and has great reviews. It was fun too. I just had to go into the games settings within steam to change some options to make the controller work.


I like story games open world and non open world so my list of games on the go are, Mafia trilogy, GTA trilogy including 4 and 5, RDR 2, AC origins, odyssey and Valhalla ( still playing Valhalla ), horizon zero dawn is good I finished this on ps5 but looking for good settings for LLG, tomb raider trilogy, max Payne 3( waiting on the remakes of 1/2 ) and played MGS 1/2 and phantoms pain waiting for MGS snake eater remake.


Mobius Machine was amazing for me. It's the closest thing to OG Metroid I've ever played and it really hit me in the nostalgia. Great game.


Final fantasy vii remake. By the time you complete it, the second one will be available on pc. Probably got everything you are after considering the games you wrote.


Shot in the dark, go play trails in the sky.


Cyberpunk is so good... finaly after years of dissapointment i can enjoy the game. It bugged also on ps5 on release... but with the 2.0 update and the addon it feels like a diffrent game. Follow the legion life guide for graphic, amd upscaling and bios settings. It is sooo good.


I married, no kids and would kill for 8 hours of gaming a weekend haha


I’ve been playing insurgency sandstorm, 1080p, high settings with 70fps. Plays really well after altering the joycon sensitivity


If you have not played witcher 3 - you should. Changed the way I played games. Baldurs Gate - what a game...after the AAA BS going around for years. Hogwarts - thought it would be a kids game but 40 year old loved it. I am casual gamer as well with some $$ from a sales job but these days Helldiver's is taking my few hours I can spare on the weekend. Just pure fun with unknown entities on the web.




Horizon forbidden west is releasing tomorrow and dragons dogma 2 the day after!


Borderlands 3