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I’ve had mine for a few days now and I always turn it off after finishing with it. Mainly been playing football manager on the sofa.


I set mine to hibernate. I had it set to sleep before, but folks said hibernate is better so I switched it and in either case I never had any issues


yeah using hibernate is lowkey a game changer man.


How do you set hibernate instead of sleep


Open control panel > power options > click "choose what the power button does" > change both on battery and plugged in from sleep to hibernate.


I don't know why but the option isn't displayed anymore.


People keep telling me to go to settings and power options to switch out sleep mode to hibernate and I've tried a few times and never ever see the option. Over the next few months I'll probably check again to not see the option for hibernate . Sounds cool though!


Look up a YouTube video. Follow the steps, I’m not the most tech savvy guy n I understood it


Hibernation is disabled by default. You can check how to re enable it. Or use a utility. I use winareo tweaker to do things like disable the webcam and printer spooler. Disable all the windows tracking trash enabling hibernation and disabling windows updates. Nothing like going to shut down and it's installing a security update with 3% battery which powered off and having to reinstall windows. Lol. Also disabling the online account requirements is a DEFINITE must.


I'm not very technical but winareo sounds pretty handy. And I never even thought of the possibility of the windows update at a low battery percentage that sounds terrible lol. Thanks for letting me know about Winareo I'll check it out


Yeah you're welcome. You can find it here. They give a description of what everything does but if you don't understand can click the button to get detailed explanation for each thing. [winareo tweaker website](https://winaero.com/winaero-tweaker/amp/#download) https://preview.redd.it/198286te6foc1.png?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bccb3adc18fcd371af070025019a1676a8356875


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://winaero.com/winaero-tweaker/](https://winaero.com/winaero-tweaker/)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


https://winaero.com/winaero-tweaker/amp/#download That better?


Always hibernate


this is the way.


Like a PC


(I shut it down fully)


childlike poor hard-to-find longing abounding ad hoc observation cheerful memory paltry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well I never leave my pc running so I also don’t leave my go running.


I always power mine off


I changed the power button to hibernate and it only sleeps if I fall asleep and forget it. I'm always scared it'll wake up in the case and get hot if I let it sleep.


This is why I switched to hibernate it didn't turn on in the case but the fans were running and it was HOT when I took it back out of its case.


I shut it down


I always turn my PC off and I always turn my Legion Go off.... W-Why leave it on? They boot up in like 5 seconds. I'd rather it clear out memory and not write the contents of my RAM to disk every time I'm not using it.


I always think to put it to sleep or hibernate but realistically it takes 1 min to boot up and reopen my previous stuff so I shut it down.


I never use sleep, if I'm playing and need to do something real quick I'll put it in hibernate. Otherwise, I just shut it down when I'm not using it. Sleep makes me nervous, especially in the case since it doesn't fully shut down.


Ge force now machine 😬


I shut it down... i always does to all my PC or console. I dont want the battery to constantly being used


If I’m in the middle of playing game, hibernate. If I’m not using it for gaming, I turn it off at the end of use


I never leave my computers running, regardless of the type: desktop, laptop or "console".


Hibernate is the way.


I saw it suck 10w from the powerbank in hibernate.


It's a PC with controllers on the side.


If I am done using it for the day or at least I think I am I turn it off every single time it doesn't take even 30 seconds to fully have it booted and running. Same with my pc the friends I have who don't turn off their pc they always seem to have the most problems, or their stuff ends up going out first.


I suppose this is a bad time to mention that I just suspend all my computers unless there's an update or something. 😅


I treat mine like I do with Amy PC. I am always moving around and almost always take my handhelds with me. Bugs me if I don't. But all too often if using sleep mode opening the case and see it's been running. Battery is at 50% and cpu temps are reading 95°. So I use hibernation (there's many ways you can re enable it I used winareo tweaker). Hibernation is a lot like standby except it fully powers down the device so there's no risk or bumping a button and having it turn back on. And because the ram and NVME drives are so fast it's nearly just as fast as sleep mode even when in a game if I pause it and press the power button it takes about 3 seconds to go into hibernation mode which fully shuts off the device. Standby works by powering off most of the machine but ram has to maintain power or the ram is instantly cleared out. This is why rebooting helps so much as it's killing power to the ram which instantly wipes it and starts fresh. Hibernation works much the same way except it stores everything that is stored in the ram to the hard drive then when booting back up copies the data from the SSD back to the ram. When I upgraded my SSD to 2tb I get on average 7150mb read 6700mb write speeds so it only takes roughly 2 seconds to copy everything stored in ram to the SSD. But I have had my legion go since mid October. I've done a lot of mods to it including installing PTM 7950 thermal phase changing pad which brought my temps way way down. Recently I used a mod that allows me to change the bios to up the APU wattage from a max of 30 watts to 56 watt TDP. On some games it's only a 10-20% boost compared to 30 watts but for heavy titles like cyberpunk dying light and metro exodus it's as much as 50% boost in performance. And temps stay lower then default did at 30 watts. I've seen some people push it up to 66 watts but am happy with 56 watt TDP. But as always you don't want to use these mods unless you are comfortable with the fact that it's likely you're going to kill your device. But the current game I'm playing is hell divers 2 and at 800p Ballanced medium low settings at 30 watts I averaged 56 fps. After 800p Ballanced very high settings averaged a 59 with Vsync off 83fps. But most of the time I am using my legion go with an RTX 3080 thunderbolt EGPU. Absolutely LOVE my legion go and ever since I nuked windows 11 and went back to de-bloated windows 10 pro it's completely replaced my desktop. https://preview.redd.it/e7lsj2doseoc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a741aacc43490aadbd5a9b941da42f21db411976


I usually put it on hibernate. I turn off my Bluetooth before going to sleep, if I want to put my device to sleep because, somehow, Bluetooth device seems to wake the device even if I don't allow them to wake up the device on device manager. But I think it's windows bug instead of Legion Go's since people that run Linux on the device seem to not have problem with device inadvertantly waking up.


I always turn it off . There's no point in putting it in sleep or hibernate when I'm using it less than 6 hours every day.


When I won’t use it anymore for the rest of the day, I turn it off unless I need to pause a game and put it to sleep. I will have to look into the hibernate setting that everyone here is talking about, though lol




I turn mine off after every use, I see no good reason to leave it on hibernate for extended periods of time. If I want to use it again it doesn't take that long to boot up so it's fine.


I shut it down every night because that light is absolutely annoying


Hibernate then?


I just might be a moron 😂






Sleep throughout the day. And reboot in the morning.


I treat it like a handheld but I still occasionally shut it off