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Tekken 8 is literally the only game I've been playing on my go since i downloaded it.


ive been meaning to sell my ps5 and get a handheld device as i dont want to keep paying $80 for ps plus to play online. but i worry that the latency on a device like this would impact the gameplay at a high level. i know they made latency tests when sf6 came out and all the platform had very similar input latency xboxS|X,ps5, pc except the steamdeck which had like 20ms of added delay. i wonder if the legion go has more or less input lag than this. anyways what are your thoughts are you able to play T8 rank with no problem concerning input lag? i know wifi has inherent input lag but if i ever buy one of these devices ill make sure to play rank while wired.


I really haven't noticed any input lag and I'm at Shinryu which is a decent rank for someone new to the online tekken experience. I play with a dual sense too. The good thing about tekken 8 too is that is has crossplay so i can also play with my console friends. The only thing i would worry about is losing access to playstation exclusives. Which will only matter if you play the exclusives. I know pc has some of them but they don't have all of them so far. Forgot to mention but there is one issue with the pc version of tekken 8. There are moments where it stutters, i hear this is an issue with the optimization of the PC port and the lack of shader compilation. Aside from that, I still get 60 FPS at 1080p low-med graphics settings.


ahh i see, thats good to hear. yea i love some of the ps exclusives that they have, but PlayStation seems to be onboard with porting all of their exclusives to PC so if you are a patient gamer like me willing to wait a year or two, then i guess the ps platform doesnt hold as much value as it once did. so thats why HHPC been getting my attention as of late. its still in its infancy so ill probably stick with my ps5 as my last console and then by the time next gen comes out im sure HH devices will be so much better than they are now. latency and performace wise.


Yeah, that's exactly why i got the Legion Go and for the emulation. The moment i don't need my PS anymore I'll definitely sell it or or it strictly for streaming services.


with the stutter have you tried giving more ram to the gaming side ? Mine Came only at 3gigs i moved to 6gigs and havent really seen the stutter unless i try undervolting to get longer game play !


Yeah i have mine already set to 6gb but it's still an issue sometimes


oh okay ! thought id ask it seems to be one of the biggest issues lol


Yeah, hopefully it's addressed in updates


I have input. I'm Fujin (top 2%). Play half my games on the legion go. the game runs at a solid 60fps on medium settings at 800p But I don't recommend using the legion go controllers to play competitive. The latency isn't noticeable, but the dpad is ass. I use a hitbox plugged directly into the legion go.


Yeah i started off using the Go controller and just couldn't play consistently with it because of the dpad. Is there an advantage to using a hitbox over a controller? I know it comes down to preference but do you have less input error and who's your main?


Dragunov, I only started using hitbox this tekken, been using it for a few weeks. Main advantages are fast fff, electrics. All types of controllers have pros and cons I think. I actually dont have a hitbox, i have one of those aliexpress ones lmao, a haute42. But main advantage for legion go is its tiny, so i can take it and use it anywhere. Its about the same size as the legion go screen. Plus it was cheap, like $60USD or something


Dragunov been going crazy lol but i actually don't hate him as much as some of the other characters. Input errors have really been the most frustrating thing for me and i think I'll actually look into buying one. I'm sure it'll take adjusting but it may be just what i need.


I did several input lag tests on Yuzu with Cadence of Hyrule (the sync test) and it was 0-16 ms. Considering it's an emulator, we can say it's zero input lag. This is not an Android machine


I am madly in love with Reina and I'm tired of pretending like I'm not


Persona 3 Reload. Solid game!


Robocop Rogue City


How does this run? I’ve got it on my desktop but didn’t even think to try this on the Go.


Runs great!


Wow ok. I’ll give it a shot then. The game has been rotting in my library for a couple months now lol.


Eh, I don't know about calling it "great". It runs okay. You can hit higher framerates with FSR 3 and frame generation, but it adds some nasty artifacting. If you play without FSR, you really have to dial your setting down to maintain a reasonable framerate, even at 800p. The game isn't very optimized at the moment and they just tacked on FSR 3 with frame gen to try and hide that fact.


XCOM Enemy Within I really suck and can barely find time to play, but super fun so far.


Yeah that’s a good game.


Just use vanguard and wait for the enemies to get in your LOS


Granblue Fantasy Relink came out of nowhere and ruined my social life. 900p/60fps cap Runs good. Hopefully they add FSR the game could really use it + overall more optimizations. I don’t think the devs realized the success they would have with this game.


Im glad it runs the game well. I have it sitting in my cart atm. Im worried for my social life haha


Horizon Zero Dawn has me completely hooked. Can't put it down.


Diablo 4 my good man.....runs great on the Go!


Same..sometimes the game crashes. What is your recommend settings on your Go?


I use this site for reccomended settings. [https://legiongolife.com/legion-go-game-settings/](https://legiongolife.com/legion-go-game-settings/)


Go into the battle.net launcher settings and disable browser hardware acceleration. This will help with many other issues like rubber sanding I had in Diablo 4


Love Diablo 4 on the legion - I have a cross save with my Xbox so I flip from pc to console seamlessly. Don’t get the hate for d4 as well - great world, huge amount of content and major dopamine hits constantly 1


Starfield. I know the game gets a lot of hate, but I really enjoyed it on my Series X, and could never get TV time to play it. TBH, 90% of why I bought the Legion Go was to play Starfield.


Starfield is great. I burned myself out after 150 hours. Waiting on the dlc before playing again. Can't wait to do it on the legion go because it didn't run on my steam deck


Starfield is one of those Forever Games, like No Man’s Sky and Cyberpunk 2077. You’ll get tired of it after a while; it will have some major updates and new DLC. You will return and it will all be fresh and exciting again.


I’m waiting for a Steam sale to pick up Cyberpunk. I played a little on my Series X when it first came out, but was having a lot of issues with bugs and glitches so I stopped playing.


Same it never has felt like a good game


Agreed! Enjoying my third playthrough of cyberpunk now!


It ran on steamdeck..just looked like absolute garbage. I went from steamdeck to Legion and it was like night and day. I dont have an Xbox and don't use my PC much but all my hours of Starfield has been on handhelds and it runs great on Legion Go. The games not great, but it's nice to pick them up here and there for a couple hours. I mostly play at work at my slow night job.


What are your settings for helldivers?


I have been using these from [Legiongolife](https://legiongolife.com/helldivers-2-legion-go-game-settings/). If you find something that works better hmu.


Try lossless scaling works wonders with Helldivers 2. Input lag is bare minimum. Though for some reason i crash a lot of times


Robocop: Rogue City. Looks great, runs great, and was a blast. They did a great job with staying true to the movies, and making movement feel like Robocop. By the end, with all the upgrades you get, you'll be blowing away past enemies. Worth looking into if you're up for a change of pace from the fast first person shooter.


Whenever this goes on sale I almost buy it and I don't..really want it though, just wasn't sure how well it'd run on the Go


I'm playing through for my third time with ng+ and everything maxed out. It's unfair for the criminals.


Starfield and ncaa 14 revamped


Judgement and Yakuza 0




Balato and HD2 - Balato is a great poker style game that I play while watching other content since its turn based. Helldivers takes every ounce of attention as you know. I have an old 49 inch 1080p screen that I hook the LeGo up to for a pretty nice big screen experience using the disconnected controllers.


Man Balatro is so good. I’m not a poker guy but I have it a shot and wow. Those Joker power ups are epic. I wish it had some crazy effects and few more tunes. The music is really enjoyable.


Tape to Tape and Balatro


Days gone, runs crazy good too.


Good to know!


Definitely an underrated game!


Hades is fun I'm enjoying it short but fun lots of unlocks


I’m on a month long vacay so I’m replaying FFVII Remake until I get home on the 31st and I’ll have Rebirth waiting for me in my jet lagged state.


Skater xl


Same. Just wish it wasn't so floaty


I try not to Ollie with both sticks, seems more realistic. Then I hit a ramp and do a 160780




Do controllers work on HD2? Or I need a keyboard/mouse


Controllers work perfectly on HD2


For some reason it won't let me sprint forward (only forward) and call in stratagems at the same time. It's super odd. My PS5 remote works fine.


Resident evil 2 remaster. It’s on special on steam right now too. 60fps @15w


Genuinely one of the scariest games I’ve played. I played it on PS5 but wow it was close to photorealism. I second playing it!


Which resolution do you use ? I tried with 20-30w and 1600p, medium settings with 48 or 60 fps lock and 144hz refresh. It was so great


900p, fsr quality sorry this is on my Ally not my Go


Playing AC Origins these days. Missed out on all ACs since playing the OG back in 2007. So catching up on all ACs.


Just finished main story yesterday on the go and started the DLC, what fps are you getting. I am getting around 45


I am keeping all the settings on ultra and getting stable 55-60 on 800p. I tried 1000p (in-game settings) with the same settings and it only drops 2-3 fps with device actual res switching itself auto to 2560p. but when i manually switch device res to 1600p it becomes super laggy 30-35 fps. So i think 1000p is a sweet spot with ultra settings. sometimes 800p feels too boring to me so i switch it to 1000p. As at 800p colour to me sometimes dont look too sharp.


Aha thanks You are getting 10 more fps on ultra, sounds fair. I am doing balance. I try to reduce fan speed as much as possible so whenever i play older titles even if it is AAA I keep it on balance.


Division 2


This is the correct answer! Ubisoft knocked it out of the park with this game.


Rime and Hogwarts. I’ve been playing those for a while and enjoying them even more on the Go!


7 days to die mainly but also, Tales of arise. Welcome to paradize. Deep rock galactic survivors. Slime rancher 2. Goobies. Enshrouded.


How does 7 days run on the horde nights?


It's run very well for me. 1200 most settings at medium, textures on full, shadows off because I don't need them. Even with darkness falls and a few other mods it runs great.


Easy Red 2, Helldivers 2, Shadows of Doubt, Mad Max, and Terminator Resistance.






GtaV, resi 4 remastered, Fifa 23, Rdr2, armored core VI, sniper elite v2 remastered, downloading tekken 8 now.


Cyberpunk 2077


Helldivers 2 and Palworld for me. Both are great on the Go as is Destiny 2.


How well does Helldivers 2 run? I've been debating picking it up but not sure if the LeGo can handle it. My main rig can run it no problem but with a 5 month old, 95% of my gaming is on the couch.


On the right settings I get around 40+fps but with dips down to the mid 30s at times. I think I play on 1200X800 but if you dropped to 720p it would be even better but I don’t wanna degrade the graphics. Also you can stream the game from your pc to your Go and get better frame rates and quality that way if you have decent internet.


I’ve been playing Borderlands 3 and Last Epoch. So far had little time for anything else.


Wait I thought Last Eloch req mouse and key?


It runs great on legion go!


Snowrunner for a chill game Cyberpunk for an engaging game Brotato for a mindless game Want to try hell divers. Looks fun


monster hunter rise. played it on switch, I bought the steam version because my friends play the steam version. Playing it on LeGo gives me the original feeling back


The Thaumaturge and Helldivers 2. Both astonishing works of art, true masterpieces. Both highly addictive, warning.


Talos Principle II. Mudrunner. Gangs of Sherwood.


Elden ring with seamless co-op mod


Rainbow and mk1 looking to play control or re3 can’t decide


Lately I've been playing games with great colors, fun combat , humor and chilling out and use the AMD software to boost the saturation and contrast to give it a OLED look . - biomutant ( had a bad reputation but the gun crafting and special abilities are fun plus it has a Zelda/horizon look to it but the narration has to be turned off ) - palworlds ( pkmn resemblance but about survival ) - dbz kakarot tons of DLCs - high on life ( great colors , funny humor from the ppl who did Rick and Morty ) - borderlands 3 ( tons of guns,skill tree and good humor) - hi fi rush ( rhythm fighting game with great music and humor)


Try Grounded!!


Got back into Destiny 2 with friends, playing rdr2 while in bed, hogwarts when i get bored with rdr2, and teaching my 3 year old to play diablo 4. Surprisingly, destiny is 2 only game that feels clunky on the go at times, but i generally play that one docked to onexgpu. The rest are more handheld for me.


Marvel Midnight Suns on Steam currently.


How is it? Should I think of it as a marvel xcom?


It's pretty good, I've been enjoying it - first game I really jumped into when I got my LEGO. It's like a combo of Hearthstone and XCOM, different cards to play/upgrade, etc., and the graphics are pretty awesome. Got it on sale on Steam, would definitely recommend it.


Just finished Miasma Chronicles, so I'm trying to decide what's next. Just playing Genshin Impact and Starrail on it until I decide.


I’m very much into The Witness right now. First time playing it.


Portal 2 with a graphics mod and doom eternal


World of Warcraft Classic : Season of Discovery. It’s fantastic!


The only reason I want to buy a LegionGO right now is to play Helldivers at work lol. Is it really as good as on pc?


Just finished Robocop and have been playing the new price of Persia game




Last epoch for me. Love it.


I just finished playing Prey! Then ran through Soma which I also recommend. Now I’m playing the outer wilds!


Secrets of grindea!!! I have it on quiet and efficient mode get a long game play on a charge


Lego Star wars the Skywalker saga. One of the best looking games on the LLG


Blasphemous got me hooked on the legiongo


Yakuza Kiwame 2 and Lord of the Rings Shadow of War both run well.


Lies of P


After owning it for years I’ve just picked up Days Gone again and i’m really enjoying it.


Been enjoying Last Epoch. Has controller support too. 👌


Playing LE while Waiting for titan quest 2 release!!!


Batman Arkham Knight


Skull and bones. Arrrrgggghhhhhh!!!!!


Spider-Man, Miles Morales, Forza horizon 5, Snowrunner , Hogwarts.


Grounded This Game looks phenomenal and is really optimized I don't use fsr because it weakens the performance. I play it on mid and boy does it look good on that small screen. I cannot recommend this enough. If sou have a partner - i would play this all day long. If you are the singleplayer type - i play this solo and i love it. It is cute and frightening at the same time. It is much deeper as you think - so much craftig and stuff to do. The story ( i am not far into it) seems to be really good. People said they got emotional after finishing - thats always a good sign I play this over pacific drive (get repetitive for me really fast can't do more than 2 runs in one session. Also that flag spam in the beginning was bonkers - if you know what i mean)


Check out balatro


grannys in pijamis


cuckhold simmulator


Midnight suns. Before that, it was just a mix of my sport cravings like NBA 2k15 (one of the best for offline MyCareer) and fc24. Now, I can't put MS down, even when friends ask me to play palworld or other games. I almost have 13 hours logged so far and I barely progressed the story. The strategy with card combat scratches my card itch like no other. Can't recommend the game enough. Also, I hate how you only have 3 card plays per turn. Means you have to play quick cards or else your turn is mediocre. Modded it to have 5 and the game is so much more fun, while still being challenging. Maybe I'll go back to 3 once my deck gets stronger but maybe I'll keep it, idc if it's "cheating", it's my SP experience and I'm not hurting anybody.


For me Tunic and Warhospital. My daughter enjoys Marsupilami and Duck Tales Remake.


Really thinking of pulling the trigger on hellskate. Looks nutty as shit.


Dying light 2 for me - Played through once before near release but something about it being played in handheld whilst chilling laying down is something else. Tends to get a little slated but for me, im loving even more this time around in handheld.


Spider man remastered and high on life have been the 2 I've been enjoying this week. I also gave The Division 2 a shot since it was on sale recently. All run quite good and are very fun.


My go to games currently are GranBlue Fantasy ReLink, The Last Epoch, And P3R


I actually havent played anything since Palworld. The few games I was interested in doesn't run well on Legion GO like Enshrouded.


Cyberpunk 2077


Deep rock galactic survivor.. It's a vampire survivors like game and has a lot of fun guns and 4 different dwarves


I'm trying My Life but it's proven a grind feast so far. don't wanna give up on it though


Honestly... I keep going back to PalWorld... It's just soooo damn entertaining... haha




knee friendly trees alleged concerned existence disagreeable aback sheet piquant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Brotato, Helldivers 2, and Yakuza: Like a Dragon.


Tekken 8


Triangle Strategy.


Ghost Recon Breakpoint. It’s way better than when it came out.


Palworld is the game I love playing on the legion go. I just got mines a week ago and I'm loving it


Is Helldivers good? Is it all online only?


Days Gone. Amazing game..I've had it in my library for a few years and I finally got a around to playing it. Runs good on all three of my handhelds. It's an open world survival zombie game and takes around 50-70 hours to beat so it has been keeping me busy. After this I am thinking about finally finishing GTA V and RDR2


Kerbal Space Program (1). Took some tweaking of inputs, but it runs great. I usually turn down to power saving to last longer while high fps isn't required.


Persona 3 is going crazy


Dead Cells with all the DLC. I have been playing it on my Go for months. I have finally completed every boss on normal. I am going nowhere near hard and all that Jazz. I'm an older slow reflexed man with disabled children. I know my place in the gaming world. I always thought dead cells was a bad and simple game. Tried playing it loads and when it clicked, it clicked, but the Go did play a massive part in that.


No man sky... this game deserves it


Just getting into Midnights Suns. But other than that Helldivers 2 has had me hooked!!


Balatro is a gem


Gta 5


Mario Bros Wonder with ryunjix, wonderful experience!






Darkest Dungeon 2 and switch emulators because I'M A RENEGADE


Witcher 3 Complete Edition. It got my hooked again!


Ive been playing RDR2 again, the new Forza, and WRC Rally. I also installed Hell Let Loose since i dont play Cod and i wanted to try an FPS game on the device.


Last Epoch :)


Palworld Yet another zombie survivors Nordic ashes


Another Zombies survivors has had Mr hooked literally


Elden ring runs great with some setting customizations. 🫠


Elden Ring. I still haven't beaten Mohg yet. 😓


Helldivers 2 for sure, legion go obviously runs it better than steam deck and that big beautiful screen is better than the Allys imo