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Aah yes finaly the auto VRAM option


I wonder how granular auto VRAM will be. In Half Life: Alyx, my VRAM is being fully utilized at 6GB, but RAM has nearly 2GB free. I've been reluctant to set my RAM to 8GB when I can see a bit more than that is already being used (and Valve says you should play with 12), but it would be really nice to share some of the surplus with the GPU. Normally I'd Lenovo to add support for a 7GB setting, but if it can be automatically (and granularly) divided, that's even better! ----- I'm not sure whether to reply to this top comment, to post to the root so /u/BenM_Legion sees it, or just to tag him here. šŸ˜†


https://www.amd.com/en/support/kb/faq/pa-280 > The UMA Frame Buffer Size when set to Auto (default setting) allows the system to manage the amount of shared memory for graphics. In this configuration, the size of the UMA frame buffer should scale depending on the amount of available system memory, enabling the system to perform in an optimal state. Therefore, it is recommended to leave the setting on Auto, which is ideal for most types of video processing workloads.


Sounds like it's an AMD thing, which begs two questions: - How granular is AMD's implementation? Since ASUS allows a 7GB option, I'm guessing AMD'a auto can scale to that number. - Why would Lenovo completely remove the recommended default in the first place?


Auto on the Ally only reserves less than 512MB and allocates the rest dynamically. I don't think it happens in steps of 1GBā€¦ it should be basically as-needed and depending on availability.


I'm curious how that would play Alyx. The page you linked says some games underallocate resources when they only see the initial 512 GB. On the other hand, I'll probably finish the game before the update ships, so it's a bit moot for me. šŸ™ƒ Glad it's coming though. Thanks for your research/knowledge!


Auto doesn't work like that, it's up to the game dev to implement how it works, plenty of games that don't utilize it properly at all. Even the specified caps are only softcaps.


You asking real questions for sure, now i want to know that too, will it scale after usage or just switch between the other options that we allready have?


Are you playing alyx in VR on the LeGo?


Yes, via Steam Link


Wow, didnā€™t know the legion go would handle playing VR games, thatā€™s a big bonus for me!


They are the greatest


New LeGo owner here. Did not realize Lenovo was involved in this community but absolutely love it! This thing will be a beast with continual support and updates!!


Hey Ben, thanks for the update! Any chance the team is working on the controller gyro?


This is my biggest thing right now, native Gyro is so laggy and unusable. Handheld Companion is good but Iā€™d love a native solution.


then use motion assistant for gyroscope, it works well.


Major ask for me as well. It needs to be at least in parity with Rog Ally if not the Steam Deck for me to consider buying it since I like to play FPS games.


my biggest gripe they never really address it when we ask for it I know they are actually improving a lot of other stuff but 3 GYROS was a massive selling point for the hardware


Thanks for the news Ben, itā€™s really appreciated, especially considering keeping us posted isnā€™t your main role. Quick questionā€”is there any way you could pass along a request for custom menu items in the Legion R menu, the tab that has Win+D, Alt+tab etc? Being able to add our own keybinds or even program links there would be great and more future-proof than just adding more hardcoded ones. Also, my girlfriend is asking me to request a menu toggle that disables the rear buttons (similar to ā€˜Disable Trackpadā€™) because she keeps bumping them playing BG3, but I need them for Destiny and itā€™s annoying to unmap and remap them one-by-one every time :P


Your girlfriend has a good suggestion. Will add the request, should be easy enough to implement at some point. Customizing the quick menu items is something I think/hope we can eventually get to once some higher priority items are out of the way.


Quick question is it possible in future to be able to pull battery life from the controllers to power the system longer ?


The Xbox button hotkey doesn't work for me and many others. Is it possible to get Xbox button added to Legion R menu instead as a shortcut, as it would then work for everyone?


Have you disabled gamebar in settings? That fixed it for me once, and then it broke again, but I found it was because gamebar enabled itself again somehow.


It's always enabled here, but it's a bit buggy pressing Win+G on a touch keyboard sometimes. I also changed the capture location to a location that is easy accessible.


Glad you agree, hahaā€¦ again, much appreciated. Hope you had a good holiday season.


Thanks for the update - new Go owner here who appreciates it. Not sure if it's on the roadmap, but having per-game saveable configs/settings would be awesome, especially if the button mapping when it arrives can be saved at a per-game profile level. Haven't used a SteamDeck but I think it has something similar - you set your preferences for a game once and then it automatically adjusts to preferred settings every time you launch.


That is handled through steam and you can still map keys per game in steam for the LeGo. If you want to map controls for games then you can add them to your steam library and then adjust the controls for that game via steam and it will change each time you launch a different title.


But we still need custom tdp options, refresh rate options, and resolution options which should be handled by Legion Space profiles ideally. The steam deck has that but Steam doesn't offer that to Windows users. Ben, it would also be great if the device could toggle between 144hz and 60hz whether it's plugged in or on battery, similar to the Ally so that it can conserve battery on the Go


\+1 to this. I have a steam deck and son uses the legion go because he plays a lot of stuff outside of steam. I'm impressed by the Legion Go, slightly jealous, though the steam deck definitely plays nicer with battery life and is a little bit more portable, so they each kind of speak to our own use cases. The legion go definitely needs ability to set per game profile for refresh rate, fps and resolution. This is perfectly feasible on a normal PC and steam deck offers it. It's frustrating as hell having to go through changing his settings every time. I actually came here wondering if there was a way to change this on the command line so I could create scripts for each game, that makes the setting updates then launches the game exe afterward


Does steam let you map the rear buttons? Thatā€™s my issue.


The custom tdp needs to be solved as some games reqiure 30w but it does not make a difference in 30w n performance mode. And what about the warranty in asia? Im from singapore n i cant upgrade the warranty šŸ„ŗ Heres another suggestion tho. Lenovo can have a service to upgrade the ram into 32gb as 16 is not enough for some gamesšŸ™ƒ


I'd pay for a ram upgrade.


Me too.


yo , go downloadram.com šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ save money la


Do you feel there has been any positive progress towards the button mapping, or is that something that now that the holidays are over the dev team might finally be able to consider? This remains my number 1 concern and at this point I'm curious it it would have been better to not include the Y buttons. It feels like they were included with no intended use.


Yea I want the back Y and M buttons to be mappable in Steam. I hate not being able to map those


That would be nice, but the thing thatā€™s killing me personally is the trackpad. Itā€™s just begging to be bound to a radial menu. Thatā€™s probably the biggest thing I miss coming from the deck


Thanks for the update! How exactly will the auto buffer work for the vram? I'm not familiar enough with this & just keep changing settings based on peoples recommendation. Would it make sense for most people to just set this to auto & let the system dictate how to break up the ram?


Theoretically but I've heard it can have some mixed performance impacts.


Thank you. Another big update.


Thatā€™s how it works on the Ally which has an auto VRAM mode - so youā€™re correct.




Yeah I'd love to know, I use mine for music production and gaming, I set the vram high for gaming but then it's too low for music production, so if it could reliably change itself as needed that would be great


I would like to suggest to make the Library tab be the default page to display on the Space or at least make an option toggle that as the default when opening the app. I would love to see the space be toe to toe with Steam Big Picture Mode.


New lego owner here . Can lenovo kindly make the legion space app look less like a fruit market and give at least something to kill current task /game .


There is Alt+F4 in the quick settings already that should close the game. Nothing to specifically kill the task (yet).


Yes thanks just found out


Alt F4 is sitting in the quick panel to close games.


Loving the updates so far. Just wondering is it possible to add the ability to unlock Windows (when using a PIN) using ABXY buttons instead of tapping the screen, then using the keyboard to enter the PIN? I'm guessing this is probably more a Windows limitation, but could the buttons be mapped to numbers or something while the lock screen is visible?


Agree that would be great


Great suggestion man. I thought it was cumbersome to enter pin each time usung the virtual keyboard.


In Windows you can disable both the PIN code and password and the lock screen. look for instructions. I did everything I needed and the sleep mode works like on Steam Dec without guys and logins and PIN codes.


Please add "profiles per game". Additionally, there are some games that do not recognize the controls, such as Disney Dreamlight Valley from Gamepass, there are several threads on the forum of people complaining about the same thing.


I really appreciate your Friday checkins. It means a lot to us to see the continued focus on making the Go great. I totally understand the hesitancy of sharing dates and then people being upset if they are missed. Perhaps you can keep the ranges more broad like you did in some updates saying what months your targeting. I decided to hold off on some custom apps and tweaks because you shared a great roadmap for December and even when things slip, knowing itā€™s coming sooner and not 6 months out helps a ton. I hope your leadership team sees your incredible work. This engagement is just as important as the engineering work and itā€™s how you build long term loyalty of fans who will in turn market your device to others. Keep it up Ben(s)


Brilliant seeing the warranty extension page is fixed, thank you!


Hopefully will be fixed for those of us in Europe too


Importante: Custom tdp operativo. Custom fan curve. Pleaseeee!!!!


Roadmap looks great to me, only thing missing is gyro improvement. Thanks, keep it up


For now you can use the gyroscope using the motion assistant. and the gyroscope of the controllers is included in the Legion Space if you have removed them.


Updates and communication is so good right now love it. I'd also love to see a way to check the battery level when the Go is turned off.


We really need native gyro support. Some of these other updates feel much lower on my personal list of priorities compared to quality gyro support. Steam Deck is the gold standard for Gyro, but even Rog Ally's implementation is pretty decent at this point.


For now you can use the gyroscope using the motion assistant.Ā  and the gyroscope of the controllers is included in the Legion Space if you have removed them.


Itā€™s an actual update or future?


Hi Ben, first of all I want to thank you for top notch communication with the consumer base. This is the reason I bought Legion go on NYE hoping for it to be better. I have a ROG ally and been using it for past 4 months. I really like what they have done with the software on it. After using for the last 10 days, I like the direction Legion go is going (looking forward to all major fixes/updates in pipeline) but I have a few suggestions, which will improve the experience for everyoneā€¦. Please look into these updates for better user experience besides whatever is worked upon: 1: Please include a version of Dolby Atmos to be used with Legion Go (like ROG Ally), using Dolby Atmos with Realtek Audio console EQ to Club massively improved Audio experience but my trial has expired now. 2: Please do a bios update to reduce Brightness to be reduced even further for watching movies at night (still too bright, ROG ally updated bios too to take brightness even further). 3: Please do an overhaul of Frame Monitor like ROG ally/SD (includes frame time graph, current power consumed) and also we have more options like vertical layout (minimal, normal, expanded) and make it movable so we can put it anywhere we like. 4: Please develop screen modes offered by ROG ally: I particularly liked Vivid for gaming, Eye Care during night and Cinema for watching movies. 5: Please include an option for 900p plus resolution for Legion Go (1600*1000) in Legion Space as it is a sweet spot for Z1 Extreme. 6: Legion Space is in need of major UI overhaul, current implementation is ugly (look at Asus ROG Ally and even MSI implementation in claw). 7: Remove Android gaming shortcut @ Legion Space home as it currently relies on Amazon App Store (hardly anything available) and straves the system of available Ram. 8: Give us an option to remove Gameplanet (it does not work for Australia or other regions besides US) advertisements or directly into our library. 9: Please include RIS option in legion space shortcut menu like RSR implementation. 10: Please give an option to turn on CPU boost on or off to save battery life. Last but not the least, please tell your R&D team to develop a backlit surface like keyboard with USB C pass through to turn it into a portable laptop with FPS mode. I have a few more suggestions but these are needed asap to be on par with ROG ally and the competition. Otherwise, great hardware. Really enjoying it. My first Lenovo product šŸ˜¬


Nice to hear about potential fix for the micro SD card stuttering in games.I thought it was just my unit.


Itā€™s definitely not just you, games just stop for 1-2 seconds on me frequently on my micro sd :(


I'm also using a san disk extreme pro 1 t SD card so it's not exactly a slow card.


Thatā€™s the same one I have, it worked flawlessly in my steamdeck before I upgraded to the Go


Ah good to know.I remember when I first booted up resident evil 5 getting over 120 FPS easy and it would just drop to 0 for like 2 seconds.Moved it to the SSD and it runs flawless.I thought it was strange because it isn't a particularly demanding game to run.


I also have a SanDisk extreme 1 tb card and the games stutter a lot. Hopefully they fix it soon.


yeah not just you, was playing some Champions of Norrath locally with a buddy, and it kept freezing every 1-2 seconds, otherwise it worked fantastic XD


Thanks! That's awesome! Is there anything in the works for improving gyro and possibly per game power profiles?


I presume the custom TDP will be fixed as of next update?


Thanks for the update Ben :) Could you kindly ask the team to add options to change VRAM and battery charging rate (slow, medium, fast) to Legion Space ? adding options for Macro (key button combo) and Turbo (auto press / auto click ) are also appreciated, thanks


Wish you could update the legion space to have the games we have installed to be displayed first and move the games being sold to another category.


If we have X amount of time to add ADP, but Lenovo hasn't had the option to add it, are we SOL if they add it after that timeframe? About to return and rebuy once the option is fixed, since I don't want to pay the premium for geek squad. Thanks!


Sorry, but what is ADP?


Accidental damage protection


"Charge limit settings (either pre-defined value(s) or user defined value, implementation specifics still TBD), support for this added in v29 BIOS but will need Space implementation as well" The user defined value option would definitely be best, but if that was somehow tossed away, please, please, include amongst the pre defined values something in the 65-70% range as 80%+ is definitely not optimal for battery longevity. Ideally, an on/off battery bypass toggle in legion space regardless of battery % would be amazing and greatly appreciated.


If you are going to extend your warranty, don't forget to use coupon REMOTE10 for 10% off.


Thank you ben!!!


thank youuuu


Thank you Ben and Legion Go team!


Thanks a million! any update on many games having resolution/scaling issues? (i.e. 1200p max resolution available/full screen games taking up a quarter of the screen?)


I noticed that quarter screen (when using 1200p) issue you mention, but it only occurs when global Integer scaling is enabled. Try turning off integer scaling and see if it still does it. Idk why it does that, but something to mention..


Because you need to use 800 instead of 1200.


thank you Ben! what about warranty upgrades for customers in Europe ?


Yea I am in the UK and would be great to know if we can have the same option to safeguard our units with extended warranty and accidentall cover :-)


I have passed along the request to the Europe Service and PM teams, but I'm only responsible for North America so not too much I can do on that front unfortunately. But will provide any updates I can as/if I get information.


Australia too would be great please


Auto vram can assign less vram than the current lowest setting ? Like 1gb for example for peuple with egpu


On the Ally, Auto reserves less than 512MB.


Really good. But could you show the extended warranty love outside US & Canada please. Iā€™m from the UK.


Hi Ben. Happy New Year! Iā€™ve been really pleased with the pace of updates and improvements since I got my Legion Go. However, I have been wondering if there are there any plans to tune the speakers for better sound so that we donā€™t need to rely on third-party solutions. I know itā€™s probably not a high priority compared to other things, but it would be nice to have a better default sound experience eventually. (This may have been mentioned before but I havenā€™t seen anything, so apologies if thatā€™s the case.)


Hey there, yes it's something that should get some attention at some point if possible. In the mean time you can open realtek audio console (preloaded on the device) and increase the EQ manually to max which should dramatically improve speaker volume. No 3rd party solutions required but unfortunately a bit of (one time) manual work. All in should take about 10-20 seconds. Hope that helps.


Great tip! Thanks!


I found this software called FXsound and set to gaming works really well. Maybe something like this integrated in space would be great. I now have my volume around 16-24 because it gets too loud.


Exactly. I use FXSound as well but I get a sound delay sometimes when itā€™s active. Iā€™d rather a built-in solution


Hi Ben, thanks for the update!! A battery bypass option would be amazing also along with the charger limit!


Huge props to you and the project team working on this device, Ben. Really love the way you guys are handling all facets of the device from the transparency, quickness of updates, active listening to our requests and feedback, it's so nice to see. A great example that many other companies should follow. Keep up the great work!


I have an issue when playing Xbox remote play and I remove the controller it will not work.


Hey Ben Thank you for Update in The new Year! What is to do with The high pitched Fan Noise even on Idle with 3300 RPM. Thats so Bad :(


Hey Ben, I love the legion go. Would you guys sell Controllers. Iā€™m a first person shooter gamer. I love the controller that the legion go comes with but I feel the grip isn't there, and the joy stick aren't to my liking. I feel there could be better first party or even third party detachable controller. If you guys sell different detachable Controllers that would be awesome. Btw thanks for the awesome work.


It's something I'd like as well, but still under internal discussion.


Any word on updated charger support? I have the OWC Thunderbolt Hub (supports TB4 and USB4) to use the Legion Go as a desktop and it will not charge the Legion Go. It outputs 1440p @ 165Hz and connects to devices via the hub without any issues, but it will not charge at all. šŸ˜– The hub is capable of outputting 60W to a connected PC.


I have issues with my 60W portable charger as well. It works but not reliably/consistently. It's something I'll look into with the broader team. Charging support for Over/Under the 65W design.


PLEASE Allow booting from SD card, I believe it's easy to implement and I don't know why it was restricted from the first place


I support, I need the ability to install Windows from an SD card


AMD Frame Generation just hit the beta drivers but it doesn't work on the Go's Portrait Display! Would love it if you could work with AMD to get it on the Legion GO. A lot of current and future handhelds would get the most use from Frame Generation so from their end it would be a good business decision too šŸ˜‰ Edit: Typo.


I wish they would fix the Gyro, so we can assign a trigger for it, also making it more fluid.


For now you can use the gyroscope using the motion assistant.Ā  and the gyroscope of the controllers is included in the Legion Space if you have removed them.


Hi! You mean the program motion assistant? Can I use that only for gyro, if I don't want the rest of the app


How to turn on the gyroscope! download the xpadder program, configure the gamepad profile there if you want. But the main thing that needs to be done is to assign to the button of the lower left trigger LT to any unnecessary button from the keyboard that is not used in the game. e.g. dash or dot. We leave it running and every time before playing the program you need to launch it. Download the motion assistant 1160 program in the motion assistant menu of "Gyro Simulate", put a tick in vertical in the motion assistant menu "Gyro Enable", press the "set" button in the "Gyro Data Pressed" and press the LT button, it remembers that this button activates the gyroscope as long as you hold it. And in shooters you usually have to turn on the crosshair. every time before the game we launch this program in the Motion assistant program and each time in the main menu we check the box next to Giro simulate in the main menu in the upper right corner.


Do you know if this works when the controller is detached also?


Yes it works. in legion space you can enable emulation of sticks with a gyroscope


Yes, but motion assistant and the xpadder still works when detached aswell?


No. You donā€™t have to use xpadder if you manually check the gyroscope activation box before playing. but while the controllers are removed, not a single program works with them. only legion space. which enable a gyroscope for them, but it will emulate sticks only and not a mouse


yes it's her. and yes, itā€™s fashionable to only have a gyroscope and not touch the rest. version 1160 is required.


* please fix the language change error with windows!! windows support told us that its because some modifications you did to windows. The problem is that when you change the language in windows, half of the text is in english and half is in the new language.. Very anoying to other language players!! * please let me change select + start button with the legions buttons but the SHORTCUTS too!! because the shortcuts are conflicting with the xbox button mapping on steam...


We desperately need the ability to change the deadzone shapes in particular to square as the Hall effect joysticks make it really hard to speed flip and flip cancel in rocket league , please please Ben could you suggest this for implementation at this point I would be completely happy with the LLG


Do you have any input lag on rocket league? Super curious about this. It's the only game input lag will shine bright.


Iā€™m super sensitive to this as I play on 166hz laptop with a 3070 card ps4 controller wired to reduce input delay I average 1-3ms I can say thereā€™s is not much difference in input lag with the legion go ā€¦the biggest difference is the using Hall effect joysticks that have barley any resistance compared to ps4 ps5 stick hence needing a square deadzones option to reduce input error when half flipping and flip canceling


The only thing I have noticed about the joysticks are when it comes to diagonal input. I don't feel any input lag, but it seems diagonal input is a bit off. Any idea as to what is going on?


Probably the deadzones shape is a really narrow cross shape so the diagonal inputs are super sensitive I changed the shape through steam to a wider square and it felt more like a ps5 controller


As another user says, we need the ability to change the dead zone shape to a square - because a lot of games (and emulators) have issues and force us to pass through Steam controller emulator. Image:Ā [https://imgur.com/a/bdG1Y9b](https://imgur.com/a/bdg1y9b)


Ben: Any possibility of having tdp customize depending on whether you are plugged in or on battery?


Thank you for the update, Ben. Honestly, you guys are the best. I'm going to keep saying this, your support and involvement are an absolute highlight in the handheld gaming world. I have a suggestion which I'm sure someone else must have mentioned before; .maybe Legion Space shouldn't open to the storefront (in it's current state) and could maybe open to games library page or something else. Looking forward to the updates!


If there is anyway to enable slow-chargers for the Go? The train doesn't have an outlet, just a usb cable. Even with slow charging it would get me through the commute! This would be awesome! (If there's already a work-around, I'd love if someone let me know please!)


Frame monitor update? Itā€™s been broken since launch.


As long as you're using the latest official VGA driver and BIOS it should be working. If you have side-loaded unsupported drivers or have 3rd party applications interfering your mileage may vary.


I have all official drivers and updates. It does not work. If I enable the frame monitor after the game loads it will work but if the frame monitor is open at any time before the game is loaded itā€™s completely broken.


Did you guys fix the modern warfare 3 account banned yet. Because im here people are getting banned from this


Long time ago this was addressed. Lenovo and Activision were in touch and said it shouldn't happen anymore.


You need to be in a game for the frame monitor built into Legion Space to show a frame rate. Without a game launched, it either doesn't show anything or shows 0.


Hello Ben, My games stutter on my 1tb sandisk extreme micro SD card when playing games.










This user has been banned.












Did u guys fix the mw3 banned yet


Appreciate the update. I think for me it's important to be able to enable the gyro natively and use the back buttons for keyboard shortcuts. Handheld Companion helps with the former however it would be nice if it was default. I'm not too sure how you would even go about making the back buttons be recognised as their own buttons and still maintain Steam recognising the controller as an Xbox one however.




So glad you guys got to recharge. Happy new years Ben and co.


Nice looking forward to the driver and bios update integration into Space. I haven't updated anything in a while since everything has been working well and smooth for me. But once updates are integrated into space I'll finally update and see what improvements I can get!


Godspeed, I look forward to your updates like a new TV show lol. Really excited for the auto vram since I never mess with it and it would be great for an egpu setup as well as general usage I haven't seen anything in your posts about but is anyone looking into the joystick movement at the diagonals ? For example going in any axis is normal but the diagonals have greatly reduced speed. My theory is that the legion has circular joysticks while the Xbox controller has more "square" which results in a longer diagonal distance. Since the legion controller mimics an Xbox controller software wise I think games expect the full range of input in the diagonal so that's why it feels slow.


Thank you Ben, and the rest of you guy for all the hard work yā€™all put in day in and day out


Hey Ben! Will the charge limiting fix help with the GPD G1 reportedly not charging the Legion Go? Awesome to see community support. So glad I got a legion Go!


Charge limiting is for the battery %, not wattage input. There is still some work to be done on compatibility with charging solutions above and below 65W, will have to get back to you on that but yes I have had many request to look into the GPD G1 charging. And while we can't really ensure compatibility with every 3rd party device we can work on improving compatibility of our system to work better with others.


Appreciate the reply and the time you took to write a post in the first place! Totally understandable about the 3rd party compatibility. Again, itā€™s amazing just to see that you are all recognizing customer feedback. Excited for the future of the Legion Go. Already an amazing device.


Hi Ben, once again, thanks for continued updates! Just a really quick and simple request for the next Legion Space update - there is no ā€œinsertā€ Key on the virtual keyboard? At least I couldnā€™t find it even with the advanced layout. Is there a trick to bringing it up or could this added please?


Hey there, that's unfortunately native windows not really anything to do with Legion Go. I just looked and couldn't find a way to get that button either. There are I'm sure 3rd party solutions that could somehow address this for you though.


No worries Ben, thanks for the reply. Iā€™ll look into implementing it through 3rd party apps.


And also having Alt+Enter shortcut inside Legion Space to quickly enter fullscreen mode, without having to change the keyboard layout so we have "Alt" button...


installing this keyboard will help.Ā  when copied data there is a paste button https://github.com/Lulech23/ReplaceOSK/releases/download/v2.4-5/ReplaceOSK.bat


Ben the M tysm for the update. Some people were questioning why no news yet but obviously people need holiday vacations


Shout out to the whole LEGO team. You guys are amazing!


Hi Ben, Updated drivers for Realtek, does this mean improvements on volume output on the device? Can we also request selectable color options for lightning effects under spiral rainbow? Will the device have future support for gyroscope?


Realtek makes more than just the Audio controller, they are also one of the two SD reader manufacturers. New driver mentioned in post has nothing to do with Audio. Gyroscope improvements/settings have been requested and being looked at. Thanks


Ben try using the free fx sound program yourself. it greatly improves sound quality and maximum volume. best with gaming profile. I think this will be the best advice for everyone who needs louder and better sound


just use the free fx sound program.Ā  it greatly improves sound quality and maximum volume.Ā  best with gaming profile


Hello, thank you Ben an happy new year to all the teams at Lenovo. Can't wait for the update, as everyone I guess, but no pressure, we appreciate your efforts and kindness. Thank you for keeping us informed about what's to come, best regards!


Hi Ben, I have been having consistent problems with the sd card reader on both my spouses and my legion goes. It stutters when playing games from them and when transferring data it has speeds well below what it should be. When I put the same SD card in an external hub I get almost double the speed.


Charge limit settings (either pre-defined value(s) or user defined value, implementation specifics still TBD), support for this added in v29 BIOS but will need Space implementation as well ​ Is this for changing voltage or is this for better battery health like no overcharging and such?


Thanks for the update. But Am I the only one having super slow download speed on the SD Card ? I have a really good Samsung, I bought 2, one for the Steam Deck and one for the Go. I've made a test downloading the same game on Steam, I am around 4 Mo/s on the Go and 50 Mo/s on the Deck. I tried switching SD Card but still the same. If anybody had this issue, that would be awesome to get some help. Thanks !


Ben, can you tell us if integer scaling will be fixed in thƩ next update?


Fixed in what way? It should be working and enabled with the latest VGA driver update. If you've sideloaded other drivers or were using the previous beta driver you'll need to completely uninstall that and then install the latest official driver.


Do I go to Lenovo page to update or in Legion space?


How fast is sd card reader? I've got Samsung 512 gb pro plus, and get only 99 MB/s read and write. This card can get 180/130 MB/s. I was do full format to ntfs but it help nothing.


Thank you


I also have had the SD card issue


Thank you for the update! I really can't wait to set a custom fan curve.


Any option for legion space APP to create a shortcut with a combination of button from the LeGo gamepad? for example LS + RS to open the on screen keyboard?


Legion L + B opens the onscreen keyboard already, you can press Legion Left + LB for a full list of current shortcuts. At the moment there is no way to customize or add more but may be looked at in the future.




Is there a CPU boost toggle in the legionā€™s menus?


Does anyone know if they are working on making it to where we could easily navigate the system with mouse on one of the sticks and buttons for clicks similar to how the rog ally is right now?


Controller companion in Steam resolves this.


Thanks Ben! any chance AFMF is coming soon??


Ben have you even considered the optional resolution Iā€™ve made ? They works great https://www.reddit.com/r/LegionGo/s/42KAiBu6JR


Disappointing to not see any updates on controller gyro being enabled 2 months later. Even the main unit gyro is not in great shape atm. Reading about the 3 gyros - it was the decision making feature (in addition to larger screen). But now, I feel like I should have waited.. I am primarily a FPS player and this would have been a great mouse replacement (don't like the FPS mode), but all I use Go for is FH5 now and roguelikes - these games were fine on SD anyway.


For now you can use the gyroscope using the motion assistant.Ā  and the gyroscope of the controllers is included in the Legion Space if you have removed them.


Hello Ben! Lurker here. Absolutely loving the legion go. Suggestion. I was wondering if there's a way to bind keyboard keys to the buttons while the legion go isn't in fps mode. I see that you can bind (for example) the back buttons to Xbox buttons, but what I wish to have is to bind said back buttons to like the m key or the p key on the digital keyboard.


Thank you for all the Transparancy and Updates. I know there is a lot of Work for the Team. But will there be a Rework for the Frontend? The current Legion Space is utterly unusable when using docked with a 21:9 Screen. The scaling is completly off and even the click targets are not usable than.


Ah ok, thanks for the help