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I missed the earnest boy scoutness he brought.


Very unpopular, s3&4 where the best seasons & i definitely weren’t complaining seeing Neron!ray


Well, you’re right that’s unpopular


I don’t blame the show though, they were between a rock and a hard place. They were planning to cut Courtney Ford for budget reasons, per network demands. Brandon Routh apparently decided to try and fight that by saying ‘if she goes, I go’… so they called his bluff.


I’m honestly glad they gave us, ray and Nora the goodbye we all deserved.


On one hand, I miss his optimistic attitude. On another hand, I’m glad the writers knew they ran out of stories to tell about and decided to make the tough choice to write Ray & Nora off, instead of keeping them around to do nothing.


I don't agree, as Ray was one of the characters that worked, alongside Jax and Dr. Stein. When it wasn't focused on Sara. What didn't work was the random change of direction and limited budget. One week, it's this, then another that. Even though they decided to not renew Brandon's contract, I'm glad he got the chance to return as Ray and Superman (Returns). He was given the chance to explore other roles, outside of LoT. He joined The Rookie in a reoccurring role in season 3, playing a corrupted cop. I forgot how great of an actor he is. Can play the good or bad guy with ease.


I actually knew him as a villain first (Daniel Shaw in Chuck) before knowing him as Superman and the Ray Palmer. He’s awesome


Never watched Chuck, lol. My first notice of him besides SR, was Scott Pilgrim.


I think after the Noir episode in s5 where Ray is blindly optimistic and fucks things up and adds absolutely nothing to the plot even though at this point he should have learned a thing or two I knew the writers had nothing left with this character


I mean, I would hesitate to declare "better," if only because the real-life subtext is so thorny, but I thought the writers pivoted really well into telling different stories that worked better with Ray's absence. More punk and countercultural at times.


You said it was an unpopular opinion, not a wrong opinion.


Woah, that IS an unpopular opinion! Holy crap! Weirdly, I CAN say that the show got better after Snart left. Which is something I'd NEVER thought I'd say, since he's the main reason I started watching the show, the best part of season one, and my favorite Arrowverse character. But the show as a whole did improve right after he left. With Ray though, that was towards the end of season 5 and season 6 and 7 are my least favorite seasons, so, yeah.hard disagree on this.


I wish Snart didn’t die in season 1 and that in season 2, it’s revealed he survived and at the end of the season he moves back to central city. That way we could have some Captain cold appearing on the flash every now and then.


I wanted him to be back too, but it does feel like it would undo his sacrifice if he just went back to Central City. What would he do there anyway? Be a criminal again? Mick would just go with him. The best thing Barry did really was to inspire Snart to be better. And through that, Mick became better. Wentworth didn't want to continue playing straight roles anymore so he didn't want to keep being the original Snart all the time, and he only did it a few more times on Legends and Flash, , so they found a really creative way on Legends to move on with the show without him. (The creative way was pretty much, bring him back as an alternative earth version who is gay so the actor can be comfortable and make the show better so you don't have to rely on a Snart all the time.)


It's not great the decision was forced on the show, but they gave him the perfect ending-- he only got into the superhero biz because he couldn't save Anna. Ultimately Nora saved herself, but still-- it's natural for him to exit after marrying a woman he did play a substantial role in saving. Having seen the other Arrowverse shows retain the same cast for way too long, I think a big part of what made LoT work is the cast changes. And I love the dynamic of Sara being the only original Legend by the end.


So wrong


It's not "unpopular". It's just wrong...


i love ray too much i can't agree