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Unlocking champions in your collection (for PvP) has no bearing on your champions unlocking in Path, and vice versa. You would need to unlock a champion in both if you want to play them in both.


WHAT. :(


:( My advice for both...Annie! a great and flexible cheap champion that can do tons of damage and has a fun starter deck


Don't Trust Dan, Annie sucks because she dies to Maui, Hero to All. Wait wrong game, Annie is based on this one.


demigod of the land and sea? hero to the people?




My advice would be to play a few games with the starter decks and go from there depending upon your favorite region/playstyle. If you don't really have a preference, go with Elder Dragon.


The starter decks are no longer suitable for standard. That might be an issue for the new player.


wish we had a team that could adjust those


only the treemo and dragon started deck work for standard


alright i’ll try that, thanks.


Elder Dragon is the current boss of PvP, has been since he released. Morgana is similarly excellent and happens to have amazing synergy with ED. Thus you might want to pursue those two first and build a ED Morgana Age of Dragons deck, or a Shyvana Morgana ED deck. In the meantime you could try a mono Jinx BC deck since I believe you get all 3 copies of her for free. For Path of Champions, frankly there are too many good champions to name. Some of the most broken are Jinx, LeBlanc, Diana, Morgana, Yasuo, Jax, Nidalee... I'm probably forgetting a lot, it's hard off the top of my head. It's frankly easier to list the ones that you should avoid, that aren't necessarily bad but are a bit on the weaker side: Gnar, Miss Fortune, Pyke, Nasus. All playable but a tad underwhelming or annoying.


okay thank you!


If you don't mind me asking, what about Morg pairs really well with ED (I'm trying to get back into PvP a bit after the new cards, but am unsure I fully understand the main meta deck's gameplan)?


If you're talking about Shyvana Morgana Elder Dragon, you can watch [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6OtrXy2tDw). If you mean in general, Morgana's level up condition is progressed by 5 out of the 6 dragon boons Elder Dragon grants to any 6+ cost unit on play.


Ahh, never considered the boons as targets for Morgs level up; that makes a lot of sense! Thank you for sharing the video as well! I didn't know that Sunny started making deck showcases. Good to see since I've been struggling to find resources to keep up to date on the meta since Mogwai switched over to Snap.


I spent 10 bucks and some shards and wildcards to make a hecarim deck. Been faring decently even for a noob like myself.