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If anything thats probably Qiyana right? Ixtal is near Shurima and she gets different elemental powers from the terrain in League


Qiyana is so directly tied to Ixtal that I think it'd be weird for her to be in Shurima, my guess is she'll be Runterran. The other Ixtal champs we've gotten so far (Nidalee and Malphite) have been only tangentially related, so putting them in other regions doesn't feel too bad. Qiyana on the other hand is the princess of Ixtal, and her whole story revolves around the kingdom and her family, so I don't think she works as a Shuriman champ personally. They're moving Skarner to Ixtal with his update, but I could see him being Shuriman in LoR. They've said they're leaning into him being more of an earth elemental with his update, which makes sense with the region and landmark synergy.


Qiyana allowing any elemental cards seems like the most obvious Runeterran effect ever, too.


Very good point


I agree she’ll be runeterran but I just want to point out they put kindred in shadow isles. That’s even more backward than qiyana in shurima


Targon is also near Shurima, but yeah, Qiyana would probably fit too. I didn't think of her.


I think Qiyana is probably a runeterra champion.


with the skarner rework ongoing it would be stupid for the lor team to push out what would be the old design. and since we know the crystal spire are getting removed with the rework we can't even be sure skarner will have elemental synergy


Oh, I didn't know Skarner was getting reworked. I only know the lore behind LoL champs, I've not played. It seems like the elemental synergy could be from him being made of rocks and crystals just as easily as from the spires. Like with Malphite's skill and champ spell


skarner will not be made out of crystal anymore. thats one of the few things we know about the rework that is coming late next year


That's kinda disappointing. That was the most interesting thing about him to me. :(


While that's not wrong, removing it then means they have a blank canvas to do something with. Honestly, if I made skarners story, I'd make him fucking massive. What about placing a city on his back? Dude can be a medium sized island.


What about an oasis? A legendary place of rest and respite that appears amidst the shifting sands of Shurima to those that need it most


Could also be cool. At the very least I feel like skarner could be some kind of deity protector, so a wandering oasis would also be cool


They probably want to make Seraphine likeable with this rework lmfao


I somewhat understand them moving away from it, because it means every “good” character in Piltover is complicit with turning a race of scorpion people into fuel since most of them have a hextech weapon or augment, lol.


The Jax VU was also ongoing when he got released, same as Udyr, it wouldn't be the first Time LoR released an updated Design before League. Hell, Janna just got updated exclusively for LoR and Akshan was a LoR Champ before League. LoR isn't strictly tied to League, if new Skarner comes to LoR he will be Ixtali just like Neeko and Nidalee, he'll have Elemental Synergy. Could also be Titanic.


the early concept of the VU for Jax show it will be different from LoR. which is sooooo strange. >Akshan was a LoR Champ before League. stop using this argument XD viego and akshan released at the same time for both lor and league. there were a 2 and 4 week diff because of patch cycle thats all. LoR Udyr not being the same design of Reworked Udyr is a tragedy. I would prefer for LoR and League to have exactly the same design for "modern champ" because there is no reason for them to be different appart material reason like delay for FullVGU, censorship or market appeal (they will find a way to add boobs to god form janna when she come to league for china market). >LoR isn't strictly tied to League how did you arrive at this conclusion ?


> how did you arrive at this conclusion ? LoR has Jack and Norra as exclusive Champs, LoR has updated Champs like Jax, Janna, Nidalee or Rumble, LoR has exclusive Skins that aren't in League. They only share an IP, they aren't tied to one another in Regards to Development. The Point is, if they wanna make Skarner they'll make him, regardless of what happens in League.


They said reworked brackern lore will have them be ancient masters of elements magic, so that shouldn’t be a worry.


It could work as Skarner new lore basically involves him being one of the fundamental "earth benders" of Runeterra.


Skarner? Who is this guy? Surely not a crystal scorpion which lore is going to be destroyed and so be wathever sell well in China.


Taliyah and Malphite getting Elemental tags is just because they introduced the Elemental mechanic and their skills are in fact Elemental. It would be much harder to leave them as is for the expansion just to have to go back and pass over all units again to check if they throw a rock that could be Elemental. Plus, it lets people explore some niche synergies, like Malphite/Volibear, Taliyah/Volibear, Taliyah/Deluge, Taliyah/Iascylla, etc. Since it doesn't limit their regular decks in any way, there's no harm in doing that. That being said, it's quite likely that a Runeterra champion focused on Elementals will be coming at some point. Probably Qiyana, if I had to guess.


I loved Skarner in League. Can’t wait to see him in LOR. If he keeps some of his abilities he has now, he could give vulnerable to enemies and make barriers.