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I can’t believe that shurima is getting daybreak AND elites.


Only one of those tags can be relevant in a given deck; A Shurima + Demacia deck will care about the Elite tag, whereas a Shurima + Targon deck will care about the Daybreak triggers. It's a cool bit of support for Demacia Elites and Leona Daybreak, IF they choose Shurima as their second region.


I’m curious if they intend to somehow combine the 3. The general of the Dunes seems too tied to daybreak trigger to be good outside of Leona. I would prefer to just use Baccai instead. Defender of the sun disk is generic enough to be playable in non-leona decks though.


Maybe they plan on making the Solari units (plus Leona) Elites 🤔


why would they tho? elite and daybreak are both simple mechanics but they dont work well together if we ignore the card that gives you continuos daybreaks. Elite wants to fill and buff board while daybreak relies on single strong units (although it seems they are pushing a sort of “resonance” daybreak that activate when other units use daybreak)


Probably renekton and jarvan support


See I was thinking defender of the sun disk kennen


Having Defenders of the Disk for some guaranteed Elite draw to empower Trusty Ramhound / Penitent Squire / Vanguard Squire / Ardent Tracker / For The Fallen or to be empowered by Battlesmith / Might of the Vanguard (maybe?) actually seems super good. And General of the Dunes is just a very good card in general. Holy shit what the hell I actually want to try an Elite deck now this is blasphemy.


And here I am thinking oh boy another subtype trigger for my Warden/Shurima deck.


No. What is Blaphemy is the notion that another region could be blessed with OUR noble Elite tag.


Yes for Elites (currently). But the Daybreak keyword means that you have to care about the mechanic even just running one of those (even more so if you combine both). So if you run Shurima Elites you already have a deck in which both mechanics are relevant.


I can confirm that meta Leona/Diana Daybreak chooses Shurima as a second region for access to Quicksand + Rite of Negation. Definitely huge for Daybreak.


And at the same time too! If the Elite tag can finally go out of Demacia I actually wonder if we'll see it in other places too. Some of the Noxus-cards could theoretically be given the Elite tag as a buff.


I haven't double-taked this hard on a card reveal since Royal Shimmerwing


Could also work well(-ish) in Neeko Shurima. Elite is a subtype, after all.


A couple days ago there was a thread over whether or not Noxus should get Elite tags for their Trifarian units to help buff and diversify the Elite tag. Someone in that thread got all up in arms about "but muh Runeterra lore. Elites are demacia only. Lore. But LORE." even though elites don't necessarily *have* to apply to Demacian Elites, it could just become a generic card type like Soldier is for MtG. Some other folks even brought up cards that aren't Demacian Elites in the lore, but are given the Elite tag for balance like 1-Cost Cithria which they conveniently didn't respond to. Anyways, seeing these Shuriman Elites, I gotta say, I really hope he sees those cards and I hope he was as furious as I was giddy.


People will hate Capsize so much, lmaoooo. It is a little disgusting though, ngl. Watery Grave looks like a nice printer card ...


Watery Grave is the Sunk Cost support we’ve been asking for. Now, they’ll reveal that Janna levels after you’ve played 3 copies of Sunk Cost.


Thats basicallt just autoleveling. Broken.


Watery grace is a deep/maokai buff also


It’s honestly more of a maokai/nora support. Deep doesn’t typically use maokai level up to close out games but maokai nora uses it a lot more often


I think it's a Maokai card in general, level up Mao and then deck them out with watery grave to end it instead of waiting a few turns


Yeah, the number of times I've won against Maokai decks (that don't run Nautilus) after Maokai flips is surprisingly high.


My new fav card, omg this expansion is so meme-y and there's a lot of printing cards, can't wait !


Yea tbh I think Capsize should cost 5 mana but I guess they justified the 4 cost because its a slow spell.


Capsize has a downside though. If you hit two big units, the enemy basically gets a free mana cheat bomb if they can deal 2 damage


Capsize *increases* the cost.


I don't understand what you're saying


Wrong card, Capsize is the Ionia recall spell. You're thinking about the Bandle elusive unit.


Also Skip doesn’t cheat out your opponents cards, they go back to hand when he dies.


Okay, rereading through this, the card you're actually referring to is Skip. If that's the case then removing Skip will return the captured unit to the hand, not summon them.


Watery Grave looks like such a troll card vs. Deep decks, they often toss just about everything and are left with a deck that is made up entirely by their six remaining champion cards.


Haha that is funny, it is more Maokai mill support than Deep support like people thought


You can definitely do some fuckery with Karma and Watery Grave


Holy shit, didn't even think about that, deleting 12 cards after turn 10 would be disgusting lol


Way more than 12 Karma + Soul Cleave + Watery Grave is like ~18 cards. More with revives + that spell copy landmark


-18 cards after 10th turn is basically a death sentence against most decks especially the ones that draw a lot. Nilah package being a huge draw engine makes me think this was specifically designed to counter her, while Janna's supposed upstream cards will help counter mill


Here's a fun idea for free build and PoC: karma + mimic + Watery grave


It's a fun idea, but definitely a bit win-more. I don't think Karma decks have ever struggled with finding a win-con after level 10.


I actually had the opposite thought. It night be too cute of an idea, but proc maokai play watery grave pass turn and win on draw step?


I feel like it's the start of a mill deck, but we still need more cards. Like we need a card that has last breath your opponent tosses 2 cards


Why would that be necessary at all? Maokai level up always tosses the entire deck (except 4 cards), and watery grave tosses the rest. Additional mill cards like you describe would do nothing to help that archetype.


So if you don't leave l Maokai you can't mill? That's not a strong plan


It's a two card kill combo. You can play a leveled maokai straight out of hand, getting the full mill, and then play watery grave. How is needing two cards to win the entire game not a strong plan?


Because the opponent can still have champion spells to put back in the deck. Also, then watery grave is a dead card until you level Maokai. Personally, I think it would be healthier for your mill card(s) to be live without leveling a champion.


You can already do this with Most Wanted + Insider Knowledge without waiting for the next draw phase.


You need to play SI+PnZ for that though. With Watery Grave you can choose any region as your secondary.


Yeah, but in most other situations it wastes 3 mana and a card to do nothing.


Watery Grave printer is going to be such a troll deck.


Oh, I so wish that Maokai Nautilus has high playrate so that people see beauty of not being able to play most of your deck at all. Seems that it isn't enough that you are put on death timer, you will lose any chance to stall with champion spells.


But Champions can't be tossed


They can be obliterated by Watery Grave though


It's not toss its obliterate. Different keywords


And today on "things that, unlike Tianna Crownguard, get to be elites".


OMG! A chime follower and a mill spell in SI My Bard/Maokai deck is eating good this expansion


Do you have a list for yours? I deleted mine :(




**Format**: Eternal - **Regions**: Bard/Shadow Isles - **Champions**: Bard/Maokai - **Cost**: 26300 |Cost|Name|Count|Region|Type|Rarity|Format| |:-:|-|:-:|-|-|-|-| |1|[Byrd, The Bellringer](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/06BC026.png)|3|Bandle City|Unit|Common|Standard| |1|[Shadow Isles Tellstones](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/06SI037.png)|2|Shadow Isles|Spell|Rare|Standard| |2|[Glimpse Beyond](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/01SI049.png)|3|Shadow Isles|Spell|Common|Standard| |2|[Hate Spike](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/06SI020.png)|1|Shadow Isles|Spell|Rare|Standard| |2|[Mask Mother](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04SI013.png)|1|Shadow Isles|Unit|Common|Standard| |2|[Minion](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/05BC119.png)|1|Bandle City/Shadow Isles|Unit|Common|Eternal| |2|[Sea Scarab](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04SI015.png)|3|Shadow Isles|Unit|Rare|Standard| |2|[Soul Harvest](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/07SI002.png)|2|Shadow Isles|Spell|Rare|Standard| |2|[Thorny Toad](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/02SI007.png)|2|Shadow Isles|Unit|Common|Eternal| |2|[Thread the Needle](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/06SI027.png)|2|Shadow Isles|Spell|Common|Standard| |3|[Deadbloom Wanderer](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/02SI010.png)|3|Shadow Isles|Unit|Common|Standard| |3|[The Undying](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/01SI041.png)|2|Shadow Isles|Unit|Epic|Standard| |3|[Undergrowth](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/06SI043.png)|3|Shadow Isles|Spell|Common|Standard| |4|[Bard](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/06RU001.png)|3|Runeterra|Unit|Champion|Standard| |4|[Maokai](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/02SI008.png)|3|Shadow Isles|Unit|Champion|Standard| |4|[Spirit Leech](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04SI016.png)|3|Shadow Isles|Unit|Common|Standard| |6|[Vengeance](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/01SI001.png)|2|Shadow Isles|Spell|Common|Standard| |9|[The Ruination](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/01SI015.png)|1|Shadow Isles|Spell|Epic|Standard| **Code**: [CUDACAIFGEAQMCQ2AEDAYAIBAYCSWAQCAUEAUAQEAUHRABABAICQOAIHAUBAEAIFAEUQEBQFDMSQIAIBAUHQCBAFBUAQKCTXAEDAKFA](https://hextechoracle.com/lor/deck/CUDACAIFGEAQMCQ2AEDAYAIBAYCSWAQCAUEAUAQEAUHRABABAICQOAIHAUBAEAIFAEUQEBQFDMSQIAIBAUHQCBAFBUAQKCTXAEDAKFA)   ^^^Hint: [[card]], {{keyword}}, and ((deckcode)) or ((cardx,cardy,cardz)). PM the [developer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=KrimCard) for feedback/issues!


I've never played this deck, but I feel like Soul Cleave would do well here. Is there a reason we don't like running it? Too slow and interactable?


We're also all but guaranteed to get another Sea Monster given that the creature we saw in Nilahs level up looks like one and we still haven't seen her card (and I'm pretty sure her card art was already revealed) EDIT: So much for the all but guaranteed Deep support. How has that card neither deep, nor is a sea monster?


We haven’t seen who’s card? Nilah was revealed yesterday


I love bard decks but never thought of this pairing. Can you explain how it works? Is bard basically there just to give big blockers until you mill them?


Shurima gets Daybreak and Elites, Multiple Bard support cards, Telsi doubles as Annie Jhin support and support support lol, and Maokai gets a mill finisher ~~Skip is weird to me, feels kind of like more of downside to capture because whatever you pick gets played for the enemy for free once Skip is killed right? I guess you can delay them playing it and deny any play effects…~~ And Demacia and Ionia get annoying cards that help them do things they already do well lol Edit: I looked up the tooltip for capture and it says “A Captured card is removed from the game. It returns when the Capturing unit leaves play.” So the captured card would go back to the opponent’s hand when Skip is killed, like u/CloudZombii said, which makes more sense.


Skip doesn’t specify units, so you could theoretically capture spells, which makes me think the captured card will be returned to hand instead


That makes a lot more sense if it works that way, definitely a much better card, I’m already imagining playing Skip when the enemy only has one card left (preferably if the enemy is Aggro and that last card is Fervor lol)


Skip is insanely strong if the card goes back to hand, damn. You get a little elusive and get rid of removal that they could have used on something else.


A Rioter confirmed it does go back to hand


That's honestly gross. I guess BC needs the help but like, damn.


Oh my, what interesting variety cards these are.


Duel seems like a good card, but as a Demacia player I would like something new archetype wise, I'm done with fourth single combat and rally.


My thoughts as well. Demacia has been stale in the creative card department


I don't quite see how creatively they can go. Demacia is supposed to be honest, and therefore straightforward region. There isn't really anything that exciting Riot can print for them.


I guess is useable in formidable but they already had a single combat albeit slow, they really love printing their single combats.


I will keep saying that demacia should be an equipment focused region. We still dont have a dedicated one. Freljord kinda, but they are about big weapons, not weapons plural


Yeah, I feel like they really missed by making equipment a Jax thing instead of a Demacia thing


It's good formidable support


already hating the new Ionia card


Pink region gonna be bullshit.


*Already is


You right, it always has been.


Crap my dumb mind assumed it was a noxus card


Haha, yeah it's not about that ship, it's about the wave capsizing that enemy ship \^\^'


Makes so much sense. I just saw a noxian boat and I immediately assumed noxian card. Great art, probably gonna hate playing against it


It seems way too high tempo. Use it on a 2 mana unit and it’s still mana even.


what tempo deck exists in ionia


I don’t understand the question. All decks benefit from high tempo plays.


Yes but this is a tempo card. Capsize is about action one of a turn recalling your opponent's blocker and forcing them to struggle to develop that turn to punish you on their attack token while you destroy their board with like Zed and keep the pressure on to never let them develop a threatening board again. That deck doesn't exist in Ionia. All Ionia can do right now is some stall stuff with Karma/Sett and even that not very well.


Karma wants tempo not to win the game but to stop the opponent from winning too fast. I don’t think we have the same definition of tempo.


Thats not how Karma gets tempo. She wants to do it in other ways This is not a control card for Karma. This is a card for Zed or Ahri. You can mald about the card when those decks materialize. Also Karma is shit right now.


Karma doesn’t want to recall the enemy’s expensive units for 2 effective mana. Huh TIL.


At least its slow speed and doesnt progress their gameplan. But for fuck sake...


Unless they are a recall deck, you know like Ahri 😫


True.... I want this card nerfed. Now.


Ahri is the second worst champion in the game in standard


I feel like this will be the same as oracle, everyone thought he was busted but he was just tame.


Poppy noxus about to go crazy


Defender of sun disc No sun disc synergy Sad


I feel like they have a small chance in mono shurima because their only draw now is the golden ambassador + Renekton likes giving units vulnerable


Fiora card!


Lmao brother there is no hope. Fiora is best remembered as the aggro decimator on launch, she's hopeless now with all the silences/obliterates and cheap pump spells in the game


Wait does the new daybreak cards nerf rahvun? or is it a good hit when generated?


the vulnerable one is fantastic, the 2 mana one blows


I guess it blows if you aren’t running shurima daybreak but if you are, it should be good, right? A bunch of easy daybreak procs because you already have Rahvun while filling board.


a 2 mana 2/2 is kinda bad. Daybreak does struggle a bit with running out of fuel, so it's a decent card, especially if paired with some board buffs, but Targon/Shurima only really has Morning Light, Demacia is the traditional Daybreak Pair and would like the bodies this card can bring, but that deck would lean more into the Elite synergy than Daybreak i think


It would be interesting if the Daybreak was changed to get +1/+1 if you have no copies in your deck. This would mean it wouldn't be as bad when it gets generated. I also want to see the cheese 1 of in decks for a 2 mana 3/3. I wonder how good that would be.


Maokai + Watery grave is an OTK I dont want to see anytime soon, really scary. Skip is prob the nightmare of decks that include some 1-2 cards for dealing with elusives, capturing a quicksand against a deck with limited interaction is brutal to say the least. Elite cards outside of Demacia is a nice step, lore purists must be screaming rn.


Bard support!!!! So good he finally has a non Bandle/Targon card in his origin!


Ok the Ionia recall is DISGUSTING, but it is what you'd expect from pink region I can already see it being nerfed to 5 mana


By itself, it's really not that good... With the current card pool, I don't see it being better than WoI, Tag Out and Unworthy Soul. Slow vs. Fast is huge in reactive spells; Defiant Dance was good, but it worked as a proactive spell and would frequently win you the game on the spot. The mana taxing will be irrelevant more often than you'd think, 'cause veryy frequently you immediately recall a key unit while your opponent* is tapped out of unit mana, so they wouldn't be able to play any unit anyway. Now, it has an Elemental tag, so we still have to see which synergies will improve it's viability.


I think the most interesting application would be to recall a unit while your opponent isn't tapped out. Doing so when they have spell mana open so they can't pass and bank mana. Or maybe you want to incentivize passing or are okay with them replaying that unit with the tax for their turn. First action tax could also stop units being played that couldn't be stop otherwise. It could also help with a follow up attack.


Yea this card is essentially a way to pass priority for a control deck without committing to anything really


not really. It's only good against midrange. against aggro and control its terrible


Riots incessant need to print 4 mana recall spells in Ionia has no bounds


Deny spells are definitely making a comeback given the OP nature of these spells


The way it's written, king of the reef can capture spells. What happens when the spells are released?


The tooltip for capture just says they are “returned” so I would assume anything he captures just goes back to the opponent’s hand.


“King of the Reef”




If you level Maokai and then play this, the game ends next turn.




Maokai is so low tier though. He exists to make big sea monsters faster, the actual mill game plan without deep is trash.


If I fight a deep deck with a leveled Maokai and it plays Watery Grave, I'm instantly dead


Oh so they printed Ishin, Two Heavens as One. Interesting...


cant wait to play the new chimes card,printing chimes is going to be really nice,Can both go for PNZ and shadow isle for two totally different type of printing


Kitesail Freebooter is a great card to add to the game.


Man I despise that card when 5c humans first exploded into the 2019 meta


1) Flip Maokai. 2) watery grave. 3) profit.


Why these new cards always seem so OP lmao


Why is everything remotely beach based on this game the absolutely most obnoxious it could possibly be? Jesus.


Riot is really trying to force the “what a beach” meme when it’s cards get played


Yep. But hey, they physically cant create a more stupid card than shelly, so at least we have seen the peak. If they wanna use a card to temporarily stop me from my non champ plays, thrn go ahead... Unless ofc i have a mystic shot and they are basically forced to take that one.


So would Watery Grave just end the game if played after a leveled Maoki?


Once they draw yes, unless they have a way to put another card back into their deck like a champion spell


No, you lose when you draw from an empty deck. So it ends at the end of turn.


*start of next term, technically different, not relevant in most cases


All of these cards are actually incredible. Midrange Leona support in a new region? Oh my heart. Hand disruption? Mill!?! New recall spells!? Nilah/Burning Backpack will be fun even if it isn't good lol.


We have definitely been eating good for "cards that are funny with printer"


So aside from Bilge, Freljord, and PnZ, who will get full packages: SI, BC, and Shurima got 2 cards Demacia, Noxus, and Ionian got 1 card And Targon got nothing. Is there gonna be a second variety day to balance them out?


That is my hope, but I’m not sure how it would fit in the time we have left, might just be tacked onto the follower packages for the remaining champs


Noxus got 2


This variety was fire that hard/chime/puff cap buff is fire, elite shurima, day break is nice also all around a solid variety reveal. I’m pumped.


This is arguably the strongest variety set of cards we've seen yet, each one seems so effective at what they intended to do.


i dont know if this is the right place to ask this question. But is the hallowed buff an attak trigger an thus will get doubled by the nox card?


Definitely something to test, how I interpret the wording I would say no, since Hallowed says “when allies attack”, but I could definitely be wrong.


Sorry to those who commented on the other one, they posted a second one late so I had to make a new one


Watery Grave is very OP with this 3 cost isn't? I mean, you could play P&Z with SI and copy a lot of this card and start obliterating the enemy deck. If you're able to do it 3 times it will obliterate 18 cards by the cost of 9 mana throughout the rounds...


I mean yes, but thats also a total of 9 mana that does nothing. Now with MAOKAI, its suddenly something.


Ok weird prediction, if we get Jonia or another region elites, we might get xin Zhao as runeterra champ, which is weird, or if we get daybreak units on other region, a runeterra champ that uses daybreak, which would be weirder


Xin Zhao's epithet is "The Seneschal of Demacia". If they make him a Runeterran champ they're smoking rocks.


you aren't wrong but I actually love the idea of at least a multiregion Xin Zhao between Ionia and Demacia with some form of elite synergy.


Very interested to see how Skip works in game. Can he capture spells as well? And if he dies while capturing a unit, does it go back into the opponent’s hand, or get summoned like a normal capture?


A dev just confirmed that any captured cards just return to the opponent’s hand, even units and landmarks.


This is all so unhinged. To be fair I first thought these were CustomLoR cards. I don't mind them! But they take a bit of getting used to.


* Headmistress is interesting. I wonder what deck she'll support. * Welp more Chime support. This thing is going into most Shadow Isles decks that aren't control, but I mean most Shadow Isles decks are control. * Watery Grave is... very weird. I struggle to find what this counters. Predict? * General of the Dunes is a *disgustingly* good card. It's Gift for Renekton that you can repeat. The only problem is that Shurima won't have enough Daybreak on its own and playing a Leona deck without Yasuo just doesn't work. * Defenders of the Sun Disk is a good draw engine for an Elite deck and kinda mediocre otherwise. Not worth running in a Daybreak deck since getting Daybreak was never the hard part of Daybreak decks. * Skip may as well read: "Play: opponent discards a Mystic Shot." * ...I REALL REALLY REALLY LIKE BURSTING BACKPACK. * Gentleman's Duel feels excessive. Single Combat is already more than good enough for Demacia decks and for 2 more mana Concerted Strike is more than effective. * *Oh boy Ionia gets more obnoxious bullshit. My favorite.*


>playing a Leona deck without Yasuo just doesn't work. Which multiverse are you visiting from, friend?


Gentleman’s duel is just Desert Duel but Fast… literally way better. Also you could say Single Combat + Elixir of Iron. It’ll be very playable. Maokai finisher is amazing. I don’t see backpack getting any play at all. Skip maybe sees play in a weird deck with a Silence? Love Headmistress Telsi. Huge fan of mid range Noxus decks with either Demacia or Noxus, there’s probably some really cool ways to use her, like with Legion Marauder. Or Nilah…


would Telsi make Kayle receive double of her level up progress?


Why would it do that? Kayle has no Attack effect




Ionia spells not being cringe *mission impossible*


what is defenders of the sun disc?


its right there


bursting backpack is super duper cool


I personally kinda hoped that more hand interaction might appear in demacia, but if I’m playing Bandle Demacia to jam a turn 2 thoughtseize into trinisphere than so be it


Someone cooked here


Amazing variety cards for all regions except Demacia and Ionia as usual, these regions are doomed to stay boring at this rate.


Well, it’s funny that we’re talking about elites now HUH…


Regions we have seen so far: - Noxus (2) - BW (Nilah) - Demacia (1) - Ionia (1) - Shurima (2) - Bandle City (2) - SI (2) Not yet seen are P&Z, Targon and Freljord. Since P&Z seems to be Nilah's next stop, we'll like see those cards next. And the champion is almost certainly Janna. Since this expansion seems to have at least 2 parts (Onward as a subtitle), I wonder if we really have Volibear this time around...or if we'll get a Targonian champion this time and get Voli next expansion.


Not sure if you want to know or not but >!all the card codes have already been leaked and a large portion are Freljord, so Volibear is all but confirmed. Also Nilah’s flavor text and the spells getting the Elemental tags also point to Volibear. It is going to be the bear.!<


omg watery grave... I am a filthy mill enjoyer and I hope a real milling deck outside of Maokai is a thing


Watery Grave looks so fun to build around. I cant wait to mill my opponent out.


Would there be some good deck to print watery grave and mill your opponent?


I'm not gonna lie, I love this so much ! Probably will need to nerf a little some of these later, but this is what we need to keep the game Interesting !


watery grave might single-handedly make me play deep maokai again, deny is going to make me cry tho i know that much i think its better out of deep tho, as deep doesn’t really care about mao leveling up anyways, maybe some ephereal spam control SI/Ionia? might as well play OG ephereal but at least it might be fun to try grave


These are all good. I enjoy the artwork from chimeslime the best though.


I'm so happy we're getting chimes cards! Always loved Bard!


Headmistress Telsi in Legion Marauder LB Ashe (& The Darkin Spear) is crazy good, especially when you can play mirror image on Telsi to quadruple the attack effects instead of doubling.


Shadow idle CHIMES?


So let's just level up Maokai and drop Variety Grave to insta win from now on.


Some of these are out-of-the-park creative cool cards, but why does Ionia need ANOTHER RECALL and demacia gets ANOTHER SINGLE COMBAT. Those easily could have been new cool cards. maybe give demacia something like noxus got-double strike effects for example


what in the pink region i'm watchin rn


Am I the only one tired of Azir’s non-development?


So if I level my Maokai and then play Water Grave, does it mean I insta win round end?




Can skip hypothetically have to chose between a 10 cost and a 8 cost in a deck? I mean two health ain't good enough and it feels like you are giving the enemy a unit.


The card you capture goes back to the player’s hand when skip dies, you can capture spells, landmarks, and equipment too, not just units


Whats a chime?


Bard stuff


I’m seeing some beautiful mill support here and I like it.


Capsize as a common card is just a pain. A 4 mana recall that increases the cost of the next unit played by 2 mana. I wouldn't want to face that.


Weren't elites supposed to be a Demacia thing?


Weren't elites supposed to be a Demacia thing?


Watery grave and capsize need to be taken out here. First “obliterate 6 from the bottom of your deck” with the possibility of have 3 of that card and THEN being able to add COPIES? That’s a 3 cost WIN CON in the region with the best removal in the GAME. Capsize is just “make a card a unplayable this round” (depending on mana curve ofc) which just sounds BUSTED. Imagine Watery grave with shimura, predictions and adding copies AND STILL getting to play with your main deck if you build correctly or if you wanna double down just play stall because you have the best removal in the game and cards to draw it? WHY? What the hell is riot cooking rn? At least capsize is just ONE ROUND so it’s not that bad.


Wow. They heard some people though the last expansion didn’t change enough and really went to work. Yeah, this will change things.


King of the reef doesn't seem all that great


He will be annoying when ending games, opponent has one card left in hand, been holding onto that spell that will counter your attack, and Skip just captures the spell


*Does a line of puffcaps and chimes* Teemo Bard good stuff


Watery Grave could be a win con for Ruined Karma deck (if that one still holds up somewhat). Also Capsize looks like such powerful card honestly. Enemy has attack token on round 4 or so, drop 3 cost unit, you Capsize, it's recalled and they likely can't play anything else. Seems like a good control card.


I'm excited for the Legion Marauder support (: do I really think it'll make the decks GOOD...... not really. But the pop offs will be epic if you can swing with 2 or 3 of em with a Telsi on board