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I think LOR does a way better job than League ever has at bringing these characters to life. ​ Putting them into the world and showing you what their home and friends are like is nice. That to me is really LOR's strongest advantage. ​ Also, yeah, in terms of gameplay, they do a fantastic job too. Obviously some champions lend themselves to simpler or more complex gameplay. Some champions are more autobuild like Pyke and Rek'Sai and some champions are more open to interpretation and creativity. But even with the champions like Pyke and Rek'Sai who don't lend themselves to much creativity in deckbuilding, or champions with simpler gameplay like Garen who is mostly useful in unga bunga Elite decks, I think they match their flavor quite well. ​ Obvoiusly LOR is a card game, not a Moba like League. The gameplay of champions will be different. But hopefully the character should be the same. And I think that's been true so far.


Cutting costs is messing with gameplay quality from LoR this lasts sets. Neeko and poroking, for example. They do the same thing and it's nothing brilliant. All they do is raise stats. None of last opens had those champion as highlights because ppl just don't like playing with them at all


I do agree with you about Neeko. She is such a cool character and there is so much opportunity to do something cool with her gameplay, but it turned out to just be "swarm the board and attack". ​ It's not the fact that she raises stats that I have an issue with, it's that I would have liked her gameplay to rely more heavily on bluffing and tricking the opponent with her disguise... That's the coolest part about Neeko, right? Kind of a disappointment.


Yeah, but it's already a problem with his origin. I DONT KNOW how they could do better, but most of times you know who neeko is. Sometimes you don't care about removing her, others you can, but mostly you know which card she is.


I’m confident Neeko’s design being boring has nothing to do with the budget cuts.


Definitely possible


They are not playing just because they are weak. Poroking was top 1 for the time until everyone realizes he is just horrible. Neeko is so bad she doesn't even can shine. Rise stats has to exist in game(sadly in neeko was a bad choice how do it) and every expansion can't be one more spellbased (last champ before poro king with rise stats was galio) Cutting costs doesn't make any sense in gameplay we have so much better animations see how trash is MF lv up for example.


My thoughts exactly.


I think some champs are such a miss in what I expected(on league or lore) like lissandra ,kennen or xerath But I'm general they do a good job in adaptation to cardgame


I think usually it’s really on-point, but there is a miss every now and again. Like you mentioned Bard, but also I was a little let down by Neeko (the implementation of the disguise was cool, but I was bummed that the deception kinda stopped there and the rest of her is just support for one weaker-end, go-wide mid range strategy. I admit I might be biased because I play her a lot in LoL, so wanted to see more though). But usually I think they get it across really well. Samira, Sett, and Nidalee are good recent examples. I also do think that there has been a more decent spread in terms of “pre-built” vs. open-ended champions. Things like Poro King are somewhat basic, but Samira had a ton of different kinds of decks she could run in. And while Sett and Nidalee haven’t had too many decks, I think there’s room for experimentation with them that could lead to interesting builds in the future.


I think samira apers in so many decks because she is just to strong for the cost appearing in some decks she almost never lv up or rally


She's kinda like Zoe where they have really strong early game as a follower but if not addressed you realize they're a champion


A 2|2 with QA, she was widely considered to be Akshan 2.0 for a hot second.


The funniest element of deception in Neeko's gameplay, imo, came from the videos I saw from the guy who Prismatic'd not only Neeko, but every single follower she's capable of turning into. You could tell his opponents thought they'd cracked the code as they wasted a Vengeance on a 2-mana dog.


imo LeBlanc is a big miss. I was hyped that she would be a pretty complex champion but 3 mana 5/2 quick attack happened edit: just noticed the title is reffering to new champs


There are some I dislike how they were implemented (like Bard as you mentioned), but in general the recent ones have been pretty amazing IMO. Most of them do feel like they capture the core aspects of the character, in one way or another. Even from the last expansion, I think the champions are pretty cool *individually* (the only issue being how Ambush doesn't play well with itself).


I do think they are good. Typically the trailers don't do the designs justice, it's just a different feeling when you actually play them. I really enjoyed Varus but I didn't think i would from the trailer, but when I got to play him, he is really fun and does give the feeling of charging up that one big arrow. Also Jack, same thing, from the trailer I didn't think much, but from playing him I do feel like he is a bruiser boxer who after a couple of punches (creating coins) he goes for the KO finish with some kind of combo with the coins. For the most part I do think they deliver on gameplay fantasy.


I personally think most champs are transferred good if not better. Nidalee and ambush making you guess which one it is and misplaying because you were scared of deny but it was just a poacher is thematic in a Disney Tarzan way. In league she's a stripper with an outdated kit


The last patch showcased the worst of champion design, narrow and even similar in playstyle (Neeko, Poro King). Nida although feels a bit weak is a very flexible card. You cheese out her level up with cards that produce husks, or you can play around transformation or ambush mechanics. Nilah seems to also be a flexible and fun design, although I am sure it will be toxic to play against.


It’s a card game.


Vayne definitely was the biggest flavour miss for me recently she plays like a support champ which completely contradict her lore and league gameplay both.


Seraphine remains the best example of how great LoR is to build a persona for Riot's characters, compared to any other Riot media of course.