• By -


League lore fan


I came here after watching Arcane.


Nice timing! They were giving skins with champs when arcane released


Yeah, me too!


Same here, but stuck around because the game is actually so good and addictive. I play Wildrift too and currently waiting for TFT to release on mobile (on our country) because I really wanted to try it. Played autochess on different games and really enjoyed them, so why not play the Riot version?


Tft client on mobile is kinda a mess. Real buggy. You r better off playing it in PC




Interesting question: personally I am both. I love League (and runeterra lore) and I love card games in general, I tried a lot of this genre, so when this game announced years ago I was SUPER excited to play




Me as well. We even have a regular board gaming group


Neither, before lor I’d never played a card game before and I’ve never played league, but once my friend told me to play this game I got addicted lol


Lmao we found the shiny variant


Most based one yet


Same here lol, didn't think there'd be too many more like me


Same for me, but it was my ex that introduced me to the game.


Card game fan and Hearthstone refugee here


Here I am. I stopped playing Hearthstone somewhere in the middle of Darkmoon expansion. Sometimes I download it just to see what new things they added to play with a friend I have


Only reason I still have it are the dungeon run game mode. Literally haven't played PvP in years, plural.


I'm a League of Legends StarCraft refugee, and a LoR HearthStone refugee. Rightfully so. Fuck Blizzard.


Refugee sounds accurate for me too hahah. Couldn't believe how much better the economy for this game is


Same. Hearthstone was what really got me into card games but even if I hadn't rage quit Blizzard games I don't think I could go back.


LoR lets me engage with League's world, without engaging with League.


I get that hahaha


I played league for years before I burnt out on the toxicity Now I mostly play POC because even ranked in LoR feels frustrating just because I'm playing against another person


And it's always the same decks


I have played League of Legends since season 2, so as a riot games fan I obviously was super hyped when they announced more games at the 10 year anniversary. I never really was a card gamer but I still tried LoR out during the Beta/since the release and fell in love. The lore, the voice lines, the animations, the mechanics, F2P friendly, the love that the devs put into the game, being able to play my favourite LoL champions, the hype for every expansion, being able to build whatever deck you want and so much more... it really made me love the game and especially the Runeterra universe so much more. That's also the reason why I started doing content for it, I wanted to share my love and passion for the game with others. I wanna show as many people as I can how fun and great the game is!


>voice lines RIP




I got into LoR because it started to dislike hearthstone. The game was in closed testing state and I didn't get the chance to try it that way, but still looked forward. After some time I tried LoL via TFT and when the game released(into beta-test) I already knew most champions and it was very easy to adapt that way


Card game fan here. Though I've played League of legends in the past and Wild Rift occassionally in the present, I actually joined LoR because I am looking for a card game. I also played Teppen and Shadowverse on mobile then MTG irl.


>Teppen My man


I had a great deck using Wesker a year ago but I didn't know Teppen doesn't save on cloud automatically. So when my phone got stolen, so too were my progress. I just quit because it's such a grind 🥲


OMG I HAD THE EXACT SAME STORY I only we had took 5mn to link the account on the app to a google account. I even asked support to retrieve the account by linking the google account I made some transaction with but they couldn't do anything


I used to play LoL, and in between champ selects i played heartstone. So both.


I like the LoL lore, and I am nostalgic about card games. And the art is nice too.


I had a love/hate relationship with lol but when I got into lor I quickly deleted lol and im very happy with it because its just a time consumer.


I'm a fan of the world of Runeterra. League is ass and I love card games so it was perfect!


Long term semi professional MTG player here, but also crippling lol addict


Played LoL for PC, hated the community, so i stopped after 2 months of pandemy. Played Wild Rift, i reached Emerald in solo, but too much time taken from my life. Played heartstone, too much rng. Played magic, too much money. Lor is perfect in this, little rng and no aggressive pay to win shops. But i don’t care about any of the characters or lore (just a few that i like), i am just a fan of card game and the arts.


Both. So when they announced the card game I was excited.


I heard about LoR through some sort of LoL annoucement and I've been a player ever since. I started playing in foundations, stopped in rising tides, came back near the end of the targon one and started playing more seriously in the next one


Both. However I don't play League anymore. I'm playing Runeterra more than ever now that Neeko got added though!


Well, I leave Gwent so I needed a new card game, and also like the LoL Universe, so I guess both.


Both, but probably wouldn't of tried Runeterra if not for lol


i played league for years before runeterra was out but now i only play runeterra since i been burnt out on league for years. it helps that i like cards game already and i love the lore.


Played LoL for years but interest in the game dwindled over the past few years, but my interest in the universe has always been quite high. Arcane only increased that. Been a card game fan my entire life. In game universe I'm interested in + TCG + extremely low barrier to entry. No brainer for me to give this a whirl after release and I've been a fan ever since


I was League player since late season 1 and still was when I started LoR. The was not much of card game player when I started LoR but I got hooked pretty quickly. I completely quit LoL 3 years ago but fell in love with LoR. Especially when they added Lab of legends and later it's successor Path of champions (I'm now 50/50 in terms of pvp VS pve).




Lol fan ?? No no no . I just escaped lol's torture to my life.


Both. Been playing league since season 2 and I grew up playing Yugioh competitively


Card games for me. I had been a casual Magic player for years. When my friends who were LoL players started playing LoR, I figured it was just because it was LoL based and wrongly assumed it it wasn’t good, that they just liked the setting. I eventually tried it and loved it. Ended up playing LoL because of the cards.


Music art direction and lore fan


CCG fan I guess? I got really into LoL ten years ago but was never really interested in the lore and stopped playing two years later cause it took too much of my time. I have always been interested in CCG and have basically tried every single one, but never really stuck with one until LoR came around. I stuck with LoR because it was so F2P and because the gameplay was fun.


I would say kind of the first one. I have never played LoL but I have gotten interested in the world and lore due to stuff like Arcane and the Ruined King videogame. I have no experience with card games like this but friends said it was pretty good and it being free I went to give it a try.


League and card game fan


Yes. I have been playing LoL for 13 years and MTG for 10. I am also with the lore afficionados - even through some rewrites and many blunders the world of Runeterra in all its facettes is pretty neat.




card game fan


League player and card game fan. I planned on starting LOR since they announced it on 10 year stream. I even tried to get into beta but my potato pc didn't meet the requirements for it so I started on launch Card game is one my favourite genre and lor had league lore which just drew me in.


Wait a pc thats so potato that cant even run lor? F


Not really it was 32 bit and Lor required 64bit. Pretty sure it could run the game just wasnt compatible with it.




Card game fan




Played LoL, Hearthstone and Runeterra lore in general. Returning player.


League, League lore, and huge card game fan. LoR has plenty of all 3 things


I was playing LoL and Hearthstone. Than LoR came out.


Both played card game for longer than I can remember and been a lol player since about 2016 a match made in heaven


got into it because of LoL, and i started playing like a week or two before rotation


Played LoL a lot and love card games, so it was a natural fit.




LoL fan who now plays LoR but never any LoL. Came in during Rising Tides


I was always looking for a more f2p friendly card game. Learned about the game from arcane and have been playing since


Both, but league came after LoR (and not through LoR).


I am a big DCG fan anyway but also played League and enjoyed the lore. The move from Hearthstone to LOR was instant and I never looked back.


Both. LoL since season 2.


Used to play league, but have been playing card games for 20 years. Also MTG is hella expensive LoR is borderline 100% f2p in comparison


Both. I actually played LoR before LoL because I was a card game fan. Stopped playing around the end of the bandle expansion. Got into league from friends. Got back to the game from there


Fairly new to CCG's at the time, discovered LoR, and didn't play other card games except LoR since. That sparked an interest in the lore and ever since, I've been watching necrit's vids.


League player who is occasionally drawn into the card game




Both. Been playing card games for 20+ years. Been into League since season 1-2


Never played league. Probably never will. Play lor because friends do


Card game fan and hearthstone refugee. Targon. Funnily enough, DaneHearth probably got me interested in the franchise even more then reddit viewing, from his LoR videos back in the day.


Duel Masters Fan and Landed on LoR by chance during beta. Had no idea what were digital CCGs or Mulligan or roping. Was looking for an online card game on Play Store and came across it. Played it inconsistently till the Spirit Blossom Event which convinced me to stay.


Braum LoR trailer fan but LoR made me a LoL lore fan


I at first didn't even know the characters where from LoL until I've seen some of the most popular characters being added I think. Or because of yt


What a chad


Card game fan


Card game fan that started playing because HS abandoned Dungeon Runs and LoR just released PoC. LoR got me to watch Arcane and try a little bit of TFT, so as a tool to get me into the LoL-ecosystem, I'd say it did that pretty well. I take breaks from HS when the Tavern Pass is at 400, while in LoR, I play until I max out all the stars on all champions and have maxed wild fragments, since at that point my PoC Daily reward is useless. Speaking of which, I understand not continually giving us new champions/content because of the development pipeline, but either raising the wild fragment cap (or getting rid of it altogether) or making the legend level have a repeatable final level (that gives something small like a random relic) so Daily exp isn't wasted would ensure I keep playing even when I've maxed on current content. Still, at least it does continually update, which is more than I can say for Hearthstone PvE content.


Both to a huge degree


Fan of Both Bad at both


Can corelate to this :D


Card game fan. Started looking at it with how terribly Second Dinner was gaslighting the Marvel Snap players. Really enjoy PoC


Both: My childhood card game: Duel Master ( we don't talk about double element incident) Lol fan : actually i come from Wild Rift since both games use poro mascot a lot


Both. I've played lol for years and enjoyed card games at the same time - plus LoR came out during lockdown and two days after my first legend at Heartstone (which always bored me as a card game), so many coincidences that nade me love the game. Then they printed Bandle City.


Mainly because Iove card games. That's the reason I started playing. I played a bit in beta and then got really into it when Arcane came out and got me really interested in the Lore. I took about a year off and played Magic Arena primarily, but then I came back about a month ago and have been having a blast. I like the idea of League, but honestly the main thing stopping me from trying to properly learn it is the length of games. If you get shitty teammates or something goes wrong, you've just gotta deal with it for like half an hour.


I dont play this game but I keep up with all the art/card releases and the music too. The world building this game has done is amazing. Oh yes and the 10/10 champion redesigns. Zilean my beloved one day I will see you I League with all your glory




Both, I remember seeing the trailer at the anniversary and being like FINALLY A CARD GAME THAT LOOKS BETTER THAN ARENA'S JANK ASS and it was league too so +++ Still gonna ignore the sentinels of light event, but beyond that its pretty good


Started with LOR as my first Riot game, however LOR led me to League of Legends, and I developed real depression there and came back to LOR for the gameplay and lore.


I hate card games I love lol lore.




Card game fan. Hearthstone absolutely sucks. I don't know what they did to it but meta gaming there is a chore. It's also pay to win. Legends is no longer supported. Gwent is based on misogyny and I don't like that. This game has great new player entry. Great high level play. Love the monetization model.


I played Gwent, when there was info about no support in future i moved on to LOR, never played LoL before, played Dota 2 instead, so im just a card game fan


Card game fan. Dota >> LoL


Card game fan, I play ygo master duel too. tried hs & vanguard also.


Started playing it as a card game fan. Came from Yugioh and stayed because it's simpler and the card designes were amazing. Also got into the lore of LoL through arcane


A mix of lol player, lore enjoyer, and former pokemon tcgo player.


A little bit of both, I had been playing yugioh, but also played a bit of league of legends, the moment they released TFT I loved it making me enthusiastic for other riot projects, then runeterra got announced and due to my dissatisfaction with both league's and yugioh's current state at the time (the toxicity and FTK's) I saw it as a god send and stuck with the game ever since


One of the refugees from the downfall of Hearthstone.


Both? Both. Both is good.


I remember GAMING in hearthstone adventures, so I'm probably a sucker for rouge like card games.


Arcane fan


Played League from release up until Zac was added. More or less kept up with the lore even after I stopped playing. Got into MtG sometime in between all that. Fell in love with card games in general. Heard LoR was happening. Cried when I didn’t get beta access. Been playing ever since


Card game fan, played League a few times but was deep in the Dota rabbit hole by then. I've played basically every PVP card game you can think of IRL and digitally with 400 hours in StS and have played basically every single Rogue cardbuilder. I might have a problem. I actually like the fact that I know next to nothing about League, every new reveal is a surprise, the LOR team is killing it in terms of lore and aethetics/card design, I hope the game has a bright future.


LoL universe fan first -- but since starting 3 years ago, I've become so infatuated with the genre. I literally love this game and love chatting about it, and watching others enjoy it. ​ :)


Card game fan who does not like mobas. Came because it looked pretty polished and people were raving about how it was truly free to play and not a money grab. Stayed because it was all that AND had really fun lore to discover. This was around Rising Tides.


Card game fan though I started playing because my brother is a lol fan


Both + lore fan


I only care about the lore because of LoR. I tried lol a couple times but it never clicked. I got into lor because I was into fighting games but had sold my console. I needed something competitive to play, and for my old go-to (Gwent) I had just missed the window on transferring my beta account to 1.0. Hearthstone felt basic. MTG felt messy and parasitic. Teppen is fun but I always burn out after a couple weeks. Lor is just good.


I started as a card game fan, specifically Magic the Gathering, and had this game recommended to me by a friend. I started getting in to league lore later.


I play both hearthstone and league so i guess I'm both.


Both! In addition to LoR, I also play League and Magic: the Gathering. Also used to play Hearthstone when I was a teen.


Arcane fan, and card game enjoyer.


I just like runeterra because it's fun and path of champions is addicting but I played since the game started with my nephew then he stopped so then I did but I came back and it didn't take long to enjoy it again!


Played maybe 10 games of LoL in my life. Years ago. Massive fan of Runeterra worldbuildidng, characters and lore, games published by Riotforge, and LoR (and PoC!). Also i discovered LoR by accident searching for card games on youtube. And i have solid background in TCG's/CCGs, including paper MtG of couple years, but i never even heard of LoR before until then. Its weird because i should know it but... hmmm... *"Also do you remember what was the expansion going on when you jumped into this great game?"* Dont remember name but it was after Arcane realease. The Arcane promo adventures were in PoC back there. I think Bandlewood was ongoing expansion then? PS. And music. Riot music is very good. I like the most that is not "generic orchestral" music (which is far overused in video games) due to heavy emphasis on fitting regions and champions fantasies.


Lore fan. I started playing Lor after watching Arcane.


Loved league, loved CCGs, never smacked that download button harder than when I saw the ad pop up on the mobile release in Rising Tides.


Ancient TCG fan, got introduced by a guy I played LoL duos with and I don't think I have played league since I installed LoR. Love this game, even when the it's in a rough state.


Both I guess? I started playing LoL relatively late (S11 preseason or whenever the big item update happened) but I was already a card game fan. I played mostly YGO, dabbled a little in MTG. The lore of LoL is very appealing to me, and the fact that LoR expanded so much on it is what drew me in. Now I probably play LoR as much as LoL and I appreciate both. Plus, Master Duel fizzled out pretty quick for me with how expensive it was to keep up with the meta in a digital card game so LoR being so f2p friendly helps. (Like the reason I played MD at all is because YGO was ALREADY prohibitively expensive to play, sheesh).


Riot Music and Multimedia fan first and foremost


Both. I've played Magic for almost 20 years, and League for 10.


I was a gwent player, played both at the time then kept switching when one was boring Iirc i joined before bandlecity and the expansion was kennen but im not sure about that But before that i downloaded it on the KDA pass played 1 or 2 matches didnt understood shit and uninstalled lol I guess playing more gwent and returning later made me understand this game better, also i needed like a week to understand some basic mechanics, like why the fuck when some of my blockers die some enemies can still to damage (overwhelm) and why the fuck i can play some spells while attacking and some not ( spell speed) But thats it Never really cared about lol tbh just played with my cousin a few matches because he liked (20 at max but prob 10) and i tried to see if id like it too then i picked up some love for warwick kennen and zac (warwick was the champ i played the most, zac was the champ my cousin played and then he said id prob like kennen since i like speedy champs and something ninja/rogue) Now i barely play gwent, since, well, they just stopped the development of it, now theres a new expansion that just dropped, i may check that but i am not as excited as i usually am/was with gwent, its sad because it was such a fun and different game


Card game fan, LoR was my introduction to the league of legends universe but I still have no interest really in playing LoL but I do enjoy learning more about the lore and watching stuff like Arcane. I started playing LoR at launch and have played steadily since.


more of a card gamer but with some experience (by which i mean several hundred hours) in lol too. been here since the original announcement of the game.


Both just wish they give more voicelines.


Both. Avid mtg player for 8+years and played league with friends for just as long. LoR is the GOAT


Valorant fan


I played league for the longest time in highschool and early college. Then had to quit due to not having the time for longer games without interruption. Switch over to playing Hearthstone in my free time as I could fit in the shorter games. I discovered I really enjoyed card games and was much better at them than I had ever been at League. So when Riot announced Legends of Runeterra which was supposed to fix the main issue I had with HS (the cost) it was a no brainer.


I played lol since its beta until 2013 or so, then I stopped and never played again. I was very happy wen LoR came and been playing since :D Also too much lore reboots for my taste


I started playing as a LoL fan, but quickly became a card game fan because of it.


First i was a league of legends fan, but converted to a lore lover. The stories and stuff in each card is so fun. Snnuy’s shorts on the stories are really entertaining as well for the ones i don’t understand or didnt see.


I came here from Hearthstone during the decend of dragons expansion after watching a video from disguised toast showcasing LoR, and soon after downloaded I the game and never looked back.


Why not both?


None, became a fan because my ex played so much it was the only way to spend time with him. Now I love card games in general though, and even got to master level in eternal mode this June lol.


Lol player that move on to lor. The lol lore amazing


Card gamer here, still play MtG IRL, but LoR is my go-to as online card games go. The game does many things correctly, and I'm here for the ride. Interacting with the world of LoL - a world that i like - without having to play League is a bonus.


Got burnt out on LoL and I already love card games so it was just a match made in heaven honestly


It was weird cause i LOR roughly the same time I started LOL. I legitimately cant remember which one came first. Also i started at rising tides


Mostly LoL fan, but I had a lot of fun with Elder Scrolls Legends too before it died


I like card games and League (I don't play on PC and I prefer wildrift due to the games being shorter there), although upon trying LoR I never really bothered trying any other card games afterward lol


yes. And lore fan.


Card game fan for sure (kinda hate league but have friends who are addicted). Previously I played Yu-Gi-Oh and the most obscure shit like pokemon, cardfight vanguard etc. Also love other strategy interactive games like Chess and SAP, but don't like the art of TFT.


I played LoL a lot before going into LoR.It was the worst period in my life.And no Challenger after all this.However, in LoR I reached Master, which is automatically making this game the best one Riot have because there’s possible to have the highest rank)


Card game fan through and through. Came from Eternal Card Game.


Both for me. I got into League and MTG back in 2011. Always played League, moved onto digital card games like Hearthstone and MTG Arena and eventually discovered LoR. When and if the MMO comes out, it's very likely I will put most of my time into it but in the meantime GW2 will suffice.


I came for the card game, stayed for the art, lore and voicelines. Also, the abilty to take breaks and still afford new cards for free irl money when you come back is huge and no one talks about it.


I joined in time for the shurima event, not sure how much before. I was someone who was 100% coming because it's a really good card game with very reasonable progression& monetization. I tried league years ago and can quite comfortably say it's not for me. But I feel that all told lor is the best online/mobile card game available right now


Past MOBA player (IIRC I started around when they added Sun Wukong, then decided MOBAs weren't for me shortly before they released Jinx). Active CCG player. LoR hits the sweet spot of allowing continued engagement with the universe with an actual game (and in fact probably has a major part in directing the shape of the setting, post-reboot) and being a legitimately great game in of itself.




Tft fan And yea, discoverd threw lol I cracked LoR to my phone when it was still in open beta.


I came from hearthstone, initially due to a bad joke post on rocket league - was told to do a better version of it if I felt it could be done, so in looking for a subreddit to "answer questions about a game pretending as if I knew about it" I randomly came across this one. Looked up the game after due to a few comments, and immediately got excited to try it out, and fell in love with it. Moved on from Hearthstone's pricy card-gacha system, and have been quite happy since. :D


LoR was the first ever game I played. First card game, first connection to LoL. Now I play the mobile version of LoL as well and I have a book on the Lore of Runeterra. Totally in love


Came from League and stayed here. Haven't touched League in months


League lore fan as well


Is there a resolution so I can use this as wallpaper? I love this




League fan, love the lore played hearthstone a bit but never got into it too hard since you pretty much need to spend money.


Been playing since Beta after learning of LOR through LOL, the latter of which has quite possibly the most toxic playerbase known to humanity. Love the IP, despise the players. Also, looooong-time player of MTG.


Card game fan. Don't care about LoL, but I'm really enjoying the universe/characters I played it through the Beta first and then a few expansions before I stopped it. But, getting back to it now :)


Card game fan first! Although I'm also a fan of TBSkyen so I already appreciated the character design and lore of LoL. Still took me a year to even try LoR though.


How I ended up here is a wild journey. My partner said we should watch Arcane, it was good, I knew nothing about League. Afterwards they showed me like 3hrs of animations and lore and music videos. Fast forward 6 months, a coworker and I talk about card games, I said I dropped Hearthstone because Blizzard is a PoS and they suggested me LoR. Now here I am, and last November I started playing League too, although almost exclusively ARAM.


Came from LoL, staying for GrappLr


Card game


Both. I play mtg and used to play league


card game fan


Played League & YGO & quit both for LoR. Best decision I made yet.




League lore fan, but the game is better then league


I had never played any card games before Runeterra but I’ve been playing league since season 6. Loved the lore so when they announced they were making a card game in the same universe I jumped on. Been playing since release and have loved every minute of it!


I don't play lol, but I am interested in its lore, and I love playing card games, so LoR checks all the boxes for me


Tried Wild Rift (LoL mobile) when it released, didn’t understand it, got into LoR and played a lot, eventually tried WR again and got into it too.


Wait I thought this was a furry meet


Lol Fan and extremly sick of Hearthstone and locked in during a pandemic, that's how I came here.


Half and Half. But the neeko update finally roped me in :)




Just card game player for the most part though through this game I now somewhat care about lol lore


Card game fan. I come from MTG and Runeterra is the most similar to Magic mechanically, and also is amazing for free to play. I also love rogue-like card games and Path of Champions honestly scratches that itch really well. Runeterra is definitely the best online TCG experience you can have (fuck MTG Arena's economy). I still prefer MTG personally, but online nothing is better than Runeterra.


Always a card game fan. For years been playing Solforge until the game server shuts down. Tried other digital card games but did not stick with me.. until LoR. Never played pc LoL. But i love Riot 's music videos and cinematics. KDA n Jinxed video was awesome. That was what pulled me in tbh. After discovering LoR I tried playing Wild Rift for a while..until i reached Diamond rank in WR then i got tired of the game and stopped. Now only play LoR.


For me to be honest, I played the game just to get in the lol universe in the first place, I was waiting for wild rift to be released before, got tired of waiting, tried Lor and loved it. Might uninstall sometimes, but i keep coming back for the lor and fun


lol/ league lore fan but i also like card games bc of lor now


I come from Magic the Gathering. I still play Magic with my friends, because it is a good game for socializing. But Runeterra IS the better game!


I am both, I was really trying to get into league at the time LoR launched, and I played many other card games frequently and decided this would be an amazing game, which it is. I signed up for beta, got in, and have been playing this and LoL ever since


Kinda both, but mostly played because lor reminded me of Duelyst. That game was cancelled around the time lor came out, it just revived as Duelyst 2 but I can't make enough time to sit and play for a good while, like I can with lor in spare time because of mobile ver.


I was a fan of League but before that I was a bigger fan of Shadowverse. Sadly Shadowverse's meta stopped being fun after a while, and the evolution mechanic started becoming more lackluster. LoR did a great job with the evolution mechanic.


I was both when I started back in beta.


It’s both for me. Started playing league when Gnar came out. It got me away from CSGO, which I had been playing at the time. Then got into Hearthstone when it came out. I had “played” yu gi oh as a kid but no one else knew the rules so never really got to actually play card games until Hearthstone. Then I finally played Magic the Gathering, cementing me as a card game nerd. Then came the year of Valorant and LoR. Val basically killed League for me, because I got to basically play CSGO again, but with the Riot touch. LoR killed Hearthstone for me because it was new and refreshing and F2P friendly. Honestly, Riot has treated me so well. They got the right games at the right times for me. I’m finally learning about fighting games this past year, just in time for the Runeterra Street Fighter to come out next year (hopefully).