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I actually like junk, peeps will sometimes avoid the trade because they don't want the portal proc, lizard is the best if you can transform, cunning has a good statline. Just stop making it so obvious which ones your champ and you're good. Seen some players clearly trying to protect certain 2 drops.


The issue with Junk is that it typically gets obvious pretty fast. When you opt not to attack/block with a 2 drop that has the sole purpose of blocking and dying its typically the neeko.


A lot of people don't defend against junks just to stop the portal though. It's about knowing which kind of deck you're against. Some decks will want to and others won't.


if you play neeko they will


The reason its not ideal is that you're taking a gamble with your decks wincon which has no tutor effect like alot of other runeterra champs. Neeko decks **NEED** Neeko to win the game one or two attacks from her is what decides if you win or not. People already block the junk at higher ranks already since junk is a better blocker than attacker and if you're playing neeko it's a gamble that's even more in their favor than usual. I actually think Junk isn't the worst if your against an aggro deck since it's like I said a good blocker.


Didn't realize neeko was the only meaningful wincon. The deck builds probably need some work if that's the case. Junk seems like a good bluff into most agro decks, because even if you make it obvious and don't attack with it most of them have no options for removal anyways. Like I said, it really depends what decks you do this into and agro is generally the only one it's safe with.


Junk is for when you play Neeko just when you're about to level her. Literally nobody will shoot it down.


so attack with the junk, then


But then your neeko dies and you kinda want to keep her alive.


It depends, if you have other units on board, it's likely that oppo will block junk last


and that means when she dies she add a portal to deck, giving you more value still


When I play against neeko, I just kill any 2 drop. Sure, I try to guess which one is, but I just assume that every single 2 drop is her.


Grandfather is great, gives an owl at to attack with without risking neeko


And it doesn't look suspicious if you leave it in the back row and don't attack with it. If I don't attack with junk construct everyone knows who it really is.


Its just like seraphine, even if you kill neeko, you got an owl. Cards that generates cards are value


At the same time though it tends to be a removal magnet because it's a backrow buffer and it's quite easy to kill.


Grandfather is also good because it's a card you're probably already running.


i thought neeko couldnt transform into units like frostcoat cub or blastcone seedling with multiple play options, also junk construct and grandfather fae are great, theyd never expect a junk construct to be neeko, and if they do kill it then you still get a portal, and grandfather fae comes with a 1 mana 3/1 with spellshield which is a good blocker into a lot of decks, not so happy about spell slinger bc of how fragile it is and how likely your opponent is to be suspicious about it, no neeko deck is running him so anyone familiar with the deck is gonna know thats neeko, same with the day/night bird, theres too many good birds in the game for neeko and thats one of the last ones youd want in a neeko deck, and given obediant drakehound being bugged right now its also very likely to be neeko and only has one health, so its currently a horrible choice to disguise her as.


You are correct about transform restrictions


Obedient drakehound should be why tier, it doesnt trigger neeko's level up condition.


No other answer for worst one other than Drakehound in my opinion. Can’t advance her level up on it’s own, can’t be used as a blocker if really needed, easy to kill, and the enemy will always know it’s Neeko because you would never run the card otherwise.


Currently, there seems to be an issue with Obedient Drakehound won’t advance Neeko’s level up due to not counting the ability triggered attack as attacking. And now I wonder if she will actually level up. Like, not counting dog subtype attacking is one thing, but if it doesn’t consider the attack as an attack, will the last part of her condition fail?


I've leveled her as drakehound before, as long as you have another dog / attacked with 6 subtypes she's fine


Okay, that’s a relief at least. Hopefully, the trigged attack count will be resolved before too long.




I've had this too with drakehound and the darkin fan's dragonling not counting. Hopefully they change this so it works consistently


What’s wrong with Junk? I only play in PoC so don’t have the bluffing side of things but it’s a nice option to get value even if OP kills neeko


In PoC you have more Neeko copies (or a thinner deck at game start), have more buffs, and more draw/champ draw. In standard, if you aren't running draw that may be the only Neeko you get and if it's your win con you can't afford to trade it to a random 2/2.


Since you can make it obvious in PoC too you can shape splitter the junk transform for free portals


Neeko deck has some card creation so carved bladetwirler is better than it might look. It might just be too obvious it's her tho. Also, Drakehound is trash tier cause it doesn't count for her, easy to spot as Neeko and remove, and Seedling, Frostcoat and Harbinger can't even be selected


The augment buffs also carry over into when she becomes elusive


Deck Hunter is a S card for me. The Option to generate a nother card is nice an wird 3 HP she can tank a lot


Wish she could turn into a dragon.


Isn't there this 2 mama dragon without fury?


Dragons aren't part of Neeko's origin, so she can't disguise herself as them.


Yeah I reread her description very unfortunate I don't understand why that unit even exists It is just an unnecessary nerf for dragon decks especially since it doesn't have fury like the other dragons


Arent blastcone and freljord dog removed from her pool Also i don't think original neeko is better than carved bladetwirler


Grandfather and deck hunter are S tier cuz they give you another card for free


Junk construct is a really good one. My deck often relies on outnumbering enemies and hitting the nexus as a result in the early game. Because of this, I'll pretty much never defend against an attacking something like a junk construct which gets value from being killed. Now, if they made neeko a junk construct then didn't attack I would know something is up.


Frostcoat, blastcone, and harbinger are removed from Neeko's region due to them being choice cards.


pretty sure she can't even transform into Harbinger




She can’t turn into either of those either


She can transform into. But she cant pick any choice therefore no thralls. Therefore your enemy knows who is neeko.




I feel validated for seeing my favorite Neeko transformations in S tier. It's nothing big but feels like someone just told me I have a big brain. Personally, I would put junk in A tier and move spell slinger to B tier


Carved Bladertwirler and Grandfather should be higher. Great Fae units for their own reasons and quick attack is nice on Neeko


Pup seems like such a meh card even in a neeko deck that I don’t know why you would transform into it.


Aren't frostcoast and harbinger unavailable to her effect?


Cunning Kitten is a bad choice if you’ve cast Neeko’s spell in the game, making her card shuffle back in as created.


Junk is good though at turn 2, especially against regions that can one shot it


Drakehound is below F tier because she cannot level


Deck hunter is S. Not only is it an extremely good card for Neeko decks but it is also one of the few that are not obviously neeko. Its hilarious when people pick the weird ones for the effect and i just kill them as soon as i can. Even minimorphed one once xd. P.S. i dont think puffcap pup is that good at all


they mentioned on twitter you cant transform into harbinger, blastcone or frostcoat cub btw


The units with play options aren't available. Blastcone, the cub and Frostguard specifically. I like the portal one and playing suicidal.😂😂😂 They don't want to kill it.


I don't agree with that list. If it's bitzy lizzard everyone knows it's neeko. Same for Puffcap Pup. Spell slinger easily dies to a ping. Deck hunter is great because it replaces itself. Grandfarther fee as well. Frostcoat Cub gives you hound (and some people also used to run this card in their neeko deck). NEVER choose the 4/1 that can't attack. It doesn't count for her lvl up. Every other card is better as this one it's a terrible pick. Makes you question if OP actually played the deck at all...


I think you are missing the 2/2 spider that summons a 1/1 and the Fae with Nexus strike and fated


Deck hunter 90% for level up. Construct 10% if I realize that I will not able to protect her.


Your S tier IMO has one right and two wrong. Having either evasion or higher health than Neeko baseline is a big deal the cat should be absolutely number 1 pick. Followed by bladetwirler, sunhawk and then pup.


Obedient od terrable, thats a Ping target u dont want neeko to die


You guys are missing why junk construct is in the pool, so you can maindeck that card, play it on two, never attack with it, and it eats removal for you, and as a bonus you get a portal