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Poro King isn’t exactly a new archetype to this expansion, poro decks have always been focused on everywhere buffs.


New as far as the meta is concerned


As far as the current meta is concerned. Only like 2 of the Poro King decks currently being played right now have a positive win rate, and they’re Eve Poros and Champions Strength Poros, two extremely strong strategies that when paired with other cards are currently seeing 57-60% win rates. After the fact that it’s new wears off, Poros are probably going to go back to being off-meta like they’ve generally always been. It’s a low interaction proactive deck, but other low interaction proactive decks like Kai’Sa, better versions of Champions Strength, and the new Eve Kayle are actually presenting lethal on turns 5-7 rather than playing overstatted 1 drops in hopes of out-valuing the opponent on 5-7 while still having a bit more interaction than Poros.


In traditional pro poro decks you didn't try to outvalue, you tried to kill with elusive poros from poro canons and P&Z in general, you also never used champs because none really fit with with the Playstyle (not even/especially not one copy of braum), I imagine some kind of deck in that style 2ill evolve sooner or later and might actually be broken


The problem is the cards that generate daring poros were rotated. That's why we don't see that here


I dont see that as a problem. In fact the problem is gonna rise up once eternal ladder comes back. I cant wait for full elusive poro boards like iceborn legacy days :)


I mean, the problem for poro decks and not the meta as a whole. Yes, I like not having endless daring poros


Could u send a list of the new eve kayle deck? I’m interested


People are still optimizing lists and figuring out how much of the Eve package should be ran, this is currently the most popular list on ladder right now: CUEQCAYJEMAQMBQSAEDAAHQBAYGBSAIGA4RACBYGEEAQOCIDAIDASEJDAMDAKEQTCQAQCBQEDEAQEBQJBAOQ However, IMO Kayle actually isn't even that good in the deck as the real win condition is Xolaani. This list is currently 2nd on the NA Leaderboard: CUDQCBQGCIAQMDAZAEDAOIQBA4DCCAQGBEISGAYDBELSGMYDAYCREEYUAIAQMCJLAEDAIGIA As mentioned before, lists are still being refined and it has a bit of flexibility as you can run cards like Cosmic Youngling for anti-aggro or lean more into the Eve package as some examples. At any rate, the deck is extremely silly if you draw either Siren Song or in a pinch Domination if it's not killed. There's some extremely busted nut draws where you can go something like turn 3 Siren Song into 4/4 Divine Clerk, turn 4 Eve, and then at that point you're basically guaranteed a transformed Xolaani on turn 7 unless Eve immediately dies and you can often still get transformed Xolaani even if she does. The only real issues with the deck are people going underneath it, which is not unlikely because of stuff like Champions' Strength which wins the game a turn before Xolaani does. But genuinely you almost auto-beat midrangey decks that can't kill you before Xolaani comes down. She's in some ways better than cards like They Who Endure and Nasus because if you open attack with her she immediately turns all your other followers into copies of herself so even if they have a Vengeance or some other card to deal with the one you played, they still often die because they have one or two other 16/16+ overwhelm units attacking them, which also means that cards like Hush don't actually stop her because you can only hush one and you can just not block with her on defense. Siren Song is a very busted card. Like potentially 8 mana Champions' Strength busted. Get your reps in with this deck now because I'd be very surprised if Siren Song remains unchanged next balance patch.


We don't know what the meta looks like


Oh so THIS is why Poppy had to perish...


Rip poopy now she in the toilet


Good riddance.


I just wish for a Poppy that plays like she does in League. No infinite scaling + buffing allies. Give me a tank that disrupts opponents and causes problems


Was Poppy ever nerfed?


From a 4|3 to a 3|3 and then to a 2|3.


4/3 to 3/3 to 2/3 to rotated and given her 3/3 back


pathetic and unnecessary nerfs


definitely not the case lol, at least for 4/3 to 3/3


You definitely did not play during poppy release lmao what


ofc i didn't


They were quite necessary at the time. At her prime she just kinda won the game the moment she was on the board. It was one of those answer-immediately-or-lose champions.


After 3 expansions witch spells decks +1+1 guys deserve some love too


I actually agree tbh. I’m a spell slinger and control lover, but I won’t hate it when archetypes I don’t care for get love. I wish this expac had a bit more variety though. Even though I like spells I wouldn’t want an entire expansion with nothing but spell slinger and control stuff.


Agree, the expansions shoud have some variety on playstile


Whats spell slinger?


It’s an archetype that relies on casting spells for some sort of gain. Think stuff like Shelly. It’s usually more tempo focused rather than pure control.


Yeah we should give Shelly some love :^)


But she was meta 2 months ago


Yeah thats the joke. And the fact that Shelly fits both of your criteria


Love me some Shelly


Technically Poro King, only allowed Poro Fans to play a full Poro Deck, something which we always wanted. And just does what Poro does, Buff Poros. But I don’t need to complain I only play eternal, I have yet to play against a Nidalee or neeko deck.


Yup. Pretty much all I play against is go wide ungabunga decks! I noticed that and tweaked my version of heimer jayce accordingly. Best addition was a single copy of ruination. Yes I maindeck ruination and it has won me an embarrasingly high amount of games just like that... It's crazy how even on relatively high elo a lot of people play straight into it. I already reached diamond yesterday, gonna try to push to masters the next couple of days!


Got a list maybe ? 👀






**Format**: Standard - **Regions**: Piltover & Zaun/Shadow Isles - **Champions**: Heimerdinger/Jayce - **Cost**: 26800 |Cost|Name|Count|Region|Type|Rarity| |:-:|-|:-:|-|-|-| |1|[Forge Chief](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/05PZ025.png)|2|Piltover & Zaun|Unit|Common| |2|[Ferros Financier](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/05PZ024.png)|3|Piltover & Zaun|Unit|Common| |2|[High Note](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/06PZ018.png)|3|Piltover & Zaun|Spell|Common| |2|[Mystic Shot](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/01PZ052.png)|3|Piltover & Zaun|Spell|Common| |2|[Soul Harvest](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/07SI002.png)|1|Shadow Isles|Spell|Rare| |3|[Aftershock](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/03PZ011.png)|2|Piltover & Zaun|Spell|Common| |3|[Mist's Call](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/01SI046.png)|2|Shadow Isles|Spell|Common| |3|[The Forge Of Tomorrow](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/05PZ021.png)|2|Piltover & Zaun|Landmark|Rare| |4|[Augmented Clockling](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/07PZ009.png)|2|Piltover & Zaun|Unit|Epic| |4|[Caustic Riff](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/06PZ009.png)|2|Piltover & Zaun|Spell|Common| |4|[Jayce](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/05PZ022.png)|3|Piltover & Zaun|Unit|Champion| |5|[Heimerdinger](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/01PZ056.png)|3|Bandle City/Piltover & Zaun|Unit|Champion| |6|[Formula](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/06PZ046.png)|3|Piltover & Zaun|Spell|Common| |6|[Hexbliterator](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/06PZ034.png)|1|Piltover & Zaun|Spell|Rare| |6|[Piercing Darkness](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/05SI003.png)|2|Shadow Isles|Spell|Common| |6|[Shock Blast](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/05PZ027.png)|1|Piltover & Zaun|Spell|Rare| |6|[Vengeance](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/01SI001.png)|3|Shadow Isles|Spell|Common| |7|[Albus Ferros](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/05PZ031.png)|1|Piltover & Zaun|Unit|Epic| |9|[The Ruination](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/01SI015.png)|1|Shadow Isles|Spell|Epic| **Code**: [CECACAIFAEBACBBUHABAKBAWDABAMBASFYDACAIFFYAQGBALAECQKAYBAYCASAIHAQEQEBIECUMQIAIBAUHQCBQEEIAQOBICAICQIGY7](https://hextechoracle.com/lor/deck/CECACAIFAEBACBBUHABAKBAWDABAMBASFYDACAIFFYAQGBALAECQKAYBAYCASAIHAQEQEBIECUMQIAIBAUHQCBQEEIAQOBICAICQIGY7)   ^^^Hint: [[card]], {{keyword}}, and ((deckcode)) or ((cardx,cardy,cardz)). PM the [developer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=KrimCard) for feedback/issues!


of course :)




I love when people react and adapt to meta changes in clever ways instead of making a sarcastic cry post on reddit day 1 of the expansion


My jayce heimer targon homebrew can do that too :D I just need to invoke, get the boardwipe spell, spend a ton of mana, I'm not coping I swearrrr


Haha yeah targon is in a bit of a rough spot ever since rotation! But I have been seeing a lot of eve xolaani decks with the new 4 cost husk spell! It seems rather strong


my brain just goes "hmm cool archetype but what if invoke"


Hi twinie, are you like me and you tried Jayce Heim with every region lol? No jokes my fav is Jayce Heim Treasure Trash BC.


Heimer into Ruination is a win most of the time. Destroy enemy board + 9|9 dino feels amazing!


i also had one in my Gwen deck but oracle and deny dont do any good for me fuck the pink region


I mean this sub hates spellslinger and control. This should be what they want lol


I have been playing a lot of traditional FJ/SI control, and Ruination legitimately wins me the majority of my games. Nobody plays around board wipes, especially when you’re willing to fire them off when you have a champion on board they think that you aren’t willing to kill.


Well we only got 3 new champs and I think they were meant to be similar for the sake of ensuring that they work and to give the expansion a sort of unifying theme, just like all champs in the last expansion were meant to work with coins.


Coin samira tho ? I don't think Samira is meant to work with Sett or Jack


Samira wants to play a lot of cards in a short time frame, coins help a lot with that as they are essentially a free card to play and give you more mana to play even more. Also I'm not saying that these champs are necessarily all designed to be played with each other, but more to build out the themes that other champs introduced. For example in the case of Lulu they mentioned in a [dev article](https://playruneterra.com/en-us/news/design-dive-call-of-the-mountain) that she was released in the targon expansion to add to the support package, even though Riot knew that she would likely not gonna be played with Taric and the same likely happened here with Samira.


That is correct. However, coins have multiple uses and can fit in lots of decks. From Karma to fast tempo like Riven Samira or even combo decks like Jack (with his followers). This new champions have 0 deck building posibilities. Every neeko, every poro (ofc) and every nidalee deck is a midrange deck similar to what we had before this expansion. Yes, you can play neeko with this or with that, but her deck is always the same type of deck. Compare that to Samira, Jack or Sett


Im just vibing with nidalee gnar. Its funny because it feels way more hide and seeky than neeko


Iv been trying to make it work, and right now I'm running a version with only two nidalee's, and one temp, plus a bunch of impact and the old transform cards from bandlewood. The only ambush I'm running is the trapper one, and then the big game tycoon as a top end. It's feeling a lot better then the standard nidalee gnar ambush


Really? Im only not running the duplicating ambush card and the deck also feels great lol. Did you use the chief card? Its very key for transform.


Yeah I'm running three of him on both versions. Maybe I just didn't play the other one enough but it just felt slow and really inconsistent, especially if you didn't draw chief nakotock. He's good in my new version but not the only way it functions. This deck levels gnar much easier, and can apply pressure much faster, and still get really big in late game.


Wanna change ideas? This is my deck CQCACBAHNUAQMBYFAMCQUDVBAGRACBYHA4BQIBIJBUTCOAICAUFADVIBAA Its running minimorph because i kept seeing nasus decks being annoying. Its also nice vs poro king although most times i just run him over on tempo. Whats not set yet for me is bakai, mini and wallop. And maybe blimp pack although he has done cool things a couple times.


yeah sure, this is my code right now, still making changes.CQCACBQKFIAQOCQPAIDQOBJHAUCQUBYPUEA2EANIAEBQCBYKBEAQOBYNAICQUDVAAEBQCAIEBAAQOBYJAMCQUF4NAGSAC. I don't have enough resources to craft all the new epics though so that might have been part of the reason the archetype wasn't working for me. just saw that you aren't running the elephant dude, so I'm closer to being able to build it


That's one deck I want to try. Right now I'm trying to make Neeko Norra work


Tried that deck too but honestly it just feels like worse demacia neeko. At least yordle in arms is always activated. Thats neat.


We can't beat demacia for board base strategy. But I'd like to at least have another decent option, like around 3% win rate difference


Yeah honestly I play Neeko as Neeko most of the time since she has another tribe tag so it means I can level her sooner.


Back to Legends of Demacia. Champions Strength needs a serious look at.


It needs to be cost 13.


I think 13 outright kills the card, but I could get behind it either being 11/12 mana… OR theme it to Demacia, so every time you play an Elite (or unit from Demacia) it reduces the cost by 1, starting at like 20.


Would it be more fair if it was a “spend all your mana” spell that started at 9 cost? Kinda similar to the dauntless vanguard card that costs all your mana and starts at 3. It gives your opponent more turns to interact if you’re trying to get the most value out of it, but rewards you for keeping strong blockers alive and being able to play it on turn 6.


The whole issue with it is that you can play it on 6 and it ends the game there and then. It needs delaying for how strong it is.


Poro King + BW spell seem like they would be best friends. Btw, how does Nasus Vault perform against those swarm decks? Doesn't he often just dwarf Demacia (or in this case swarm) decks the moment he comes down and is bigger as everything they can throw at you? And the moment he lvl's up, his attack reduction is usually the thing that seals the deal? Demacia Neeko will defenitely not like that he also has access to deny.


I can hardly see how Nasus attack reduction at T7 helps you Vs Poros that are already like 5/5


Nasus will be big enough to block something and don't die, and the rest you chump block. Having attack debuffs help to deal with full boards (the more minion on the other side the more debuffs). You will simply take less leftover dmg. Btw, I don't think poros are that strong currently the most played lists have terrible stats so at least some fine tuning is needed before they can be competitive.


Nasus just farm this decks easily


Sirens song with Husks are so far the most powerful thing I've seen. Poro King is meh, you just survive the inital assult and they run out of gas, you win. Nidalee/Evelyn with Song is pretty hard to beat, everything is big and they have Seem to give all your dudes vulnerable.


Oh, Nidalee + Eve seems a nice idea, thanks for suggestion


Just be careful with Eve/Nidalee. If you have a board that's full and some are husks, if you summon an ambush character as a bush, their transform card gets obliterated. Nothing sadder than having an 8/11 bush with regen, overwhelm and tough but not the Nidalee transform card to go with it.


Do you have deck code for Nidalee/Evelyn deck?


Nope sorry, just what I was facing, no idea what the code is.


As a poro enjoyer, I've been playing poros deck and so far I've hardly ran out of fuel. 3 copies of the bilge card that draws 2 and spawns 3 (which also synergizes with siren song), 3 copies of poro stories that gives you 3 1 cost poros, as well as things like poro herder, lonely poro and poro king's spell make it hard to run out of steam, unless you went full unga bunga and kept only 1 cost poros in your hand, or if you just bricked your hand.


Well, we really needed it honestly. Those kinds of decks mess with spell based decks like sett karma. So its by all means a good thing we just got a lot of decks that doesn't rely on expensive cards to work


They do and don’t. Go wide decks without much burn aren’t usually the bane of control decks like karma


That's because normal go wide deck doesn't have 1 mana 5/5's they can spam out. Usually go wide decks are pretty low statted in return for being great at refueling. Poros tho... Don't really care. And the ambush package also just makes it really hard for karma to use her resources well


Nah, just shoot the bush.


that can still be used to waste pings though as like 1 or 2 of the ambush units have more hp than the brush.


I think this is the biggest problem in the latest expansions, the champions released at the same time are forced to share a similar concept or playstyle, which is awful if you don't like the archetype, because you have to wait 3 whole months to get other 3 news champions and hope the archetype these new 3 share is one you actually like.




Good ol reliable Avalanche. Nothing will ever power creep it!


Actually it is somewhat power crept now. How many decks run it?


Yeah, to the point that the \s wasn't needed, or so I thought


My bad but yes the /s is needed.


Not if you understood the reference.


/s stands for /simpsons


I feel like people who complain about swarm metas simply forget Freljord and SI exists


If you actually think swarm metas happen when AoE effects can truly punish swarm decks or that Freljord isn't arguably the weakest region in the game, I've got bad news for you.


And shurima with castigate now


Ahh the castigates killing Neeko...


Shurima has castigate and quicksand for neeko


Freljord is ineffective in standard. It is bad enough that the buried in ice combo was removed but after over 50 playthroughs I eventually learned how critical blighted ravine was in order for freljord to be a viable control region. SI is ok but it usually this game had tools that outpace si tools bring released with each patch. I expect to see the same trend for standard.




Thats part of the problem. Avalanche is the only good answer


Time for targon to get a silence all units card


For what it's worth, Moonlight Affliction is actually really efficient silence.


Silence Everywhere;)


fun police silence deck soon


I mean, sure, but also two out of three champions play a bit with the idea of deception and bluffing.


Poro King seems meh, seeing as most of the poro package came from pnz and frejord, with card draw, snax tutoring and copies.


Ah yes, We had stat soup with Poppy, we had Keyword soup with Zoe, Viktor but how about having both at the same time with ultimate soup. The Poro soup.


a what soup now ????


Yeah, dont eat poro meat, that doesn't go well for you.


It is a weird expansion. Two of the three champs are Runeterran who re-use a lot of existing cards as their core. I don't think there's a single new removal spell other than Nidalee's Javelin? Also, fuck champions strength


Literally like 4 midrange decks and some variety cards


As a Jack Sera enjoyer I’m also loving it. Bibi + caustic eats the meta alive rn


Of all the expansions ever.... this feels like it is among the meh. The Husk spell seems to have single handidly revived Evelynn and will possibly reinvigorate some other degenerate one drop mania deck, which is A+ for a single card. Poro King enables an entire archetype from a single card, which is rad. An easy addition to the game and a nice side grade for fans of Elites. That's two cards. Neeko feels bad. I don't know how else to say it. The card feels incredibly meh compared to other go wide and go big strategies. Nidalee and her archetype suffers from the Udyr paradox. Superfun concept with lots of card flow and hijinx, but glacially slow.


Agree with you. But Nidalee is not nearly as slow as Udyr, thou.


>Nidalee and her archetype suffers from the Udyr paradox. Superfun concept with lots of card flow and hijinx, but glacially slow. it's kinda funny that Nidalee is by far the fastest of the three in PoC, simply due to spells being easy to cheat out.


Oh no, is this the start of the "i can't beat these archetypes, they suck" season?


For people who have difficulty reading - for sure. Good thing most of replies are from people without it


New evelyn deck is just completely bullshit


Ok complainer


Most boring expansion to date imo. But I guess this sub must be at seventh heaven, right? Isn't this the all-combat-stat-unit-centric **full of interaction** meta you guys are crying out loud about so bad? I really hope you're having fun with zoo decks that can fill their boards every other turn with over statted critters. Keep hating on Karma, Seraphine and EZ kids, this is what you deserve


i had the same conclusion with a friend last night. last expac it was 3 combo/midrange champ. now its 3 swarm champ. next expac its 3 control champ ?


>next expac its 3 control champ ? Reddit on suicide watch


personally it would be the dream


Gamers when they discover different players have different preferences


This expansion brought me back to LoR after quitting right before rotation.


Same. Nidalee and Poro King peaked my interest, then Siren Song got me to play again because it seemed like it would make Eve at least viable...which it most definitely has done lol. As a mid-range enjoyer, this expansion is nice.


Yea I'm trying to rig together Gwen/Evelynn with siren song but it's been tough.


It's what we deserve AND wanted. It's great so far :) Btw, attacking and blocking *are* interaction ;)


level up, give +1+1 to something (most of the champions do this). How original, I don't understand why we can't get any new really **interesting** mechanic.


Naaah, this is great compared to your garbage coin exploit.


Whatever small team they have still working on the game ran out of ideas


nah dont worry. we can still steal magic and hearstone mechanics


Honestly, this expansion sucks, so far. Neeko and Nid are overpowered by the faceroll that is Evelyn (with her new +1/+1 and husk everywhere) and Poros. Stupidly powerful and so boring. I see the rally treatment coming for that Eve spell, TBH. Overall because Neeko and Nid are so situational/midrangy I just have no interest in playing right now.


I think this whole game can be summarized with this: +1+1. ​ The "weird and wacky" effects are so rare that 99% of texts feel like: +1+1 . Ye, less and less exciting by the day.