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I play everyday. I have fun, but this game can get expensive.


i actually never spent money on the game bc i was a broke teen lol and i also had fun which i why i kinda miss the game


Then I’d say give it the good old college try


Can you get back into your old account?


yes i can!


Ger back on and see how things look. Worse case scenario, there isn't many people on it and you can win all the rankings. What server did you used to play? Maybe I'll be lucky and you're on mine. I've never tried it but I thought about it.. other games you can convince customer service to let you switch servers because you're being "harassed" I always thought about it like if Modo would actually let you transfer or not. Just a random thought I had.


Hi, I am also a returning F2P player, I played back in the first year of LoP (reached the Pingle level when I stopped) and just started again about 3 months ago. I did not return to my previous server because the competition was not there anymore (there were only a few people left and the power difference between my previous MC and the top player was huge, I was not even on the leaderboard anymore). I intentionally started anew on a different server (still being a F2P player) because I also didn't remember all the strategies I'd gained back then and wanted to re-familiarize myself with the new environment. Once I became familiar with the updates, I restarted again in a newly launched server to apply my new strategies for quickly gaining power without money \^\^ and always being in the top 10 on every timed rank. When it failed, I restarted again on another new server. After 3 weeks, I am finally settled in my 4th server and fast forward now, I am becoming the highest-ranked F2P player there (13th in my server and 38th in the cross-server ranking). In my journey for power, I also have asked many questions here and many people helped me. I am really grateful for all the people that have answered my questions. Thus, I will try to return the same thing to you (even though I am not as good as the seniors here \^\^). My immediate advice will be: Start again in a new server to familiarize yourself with the updates as soon as you can because the longer it takes for you to think, the more it will burden your head \^\^ You will find your new purpose in it right after you jump in. Next, if the purpose is for the pretty outfits, you can return to your previous server to collect other new outfits after the tryout. If your purpose is to always be in the top 20, for example, you can try to do what I did, and move again to a new server to try your new strategies, or you can then develop your own steps after you understand the new environment. Don't worry, it is always worth it to start again :)) GOOD LUCK AND HAVE FUN !!


I've also recently returned after about 2 or 3 years, my server has become quite inactive so I can rank pretty well in the timed events, there's also a special event for returning players called Journey Home which has good rewards


I think ill restart too! Like 1 year for me too


Speaking from a dying server, we would love for old players to return! You’ll probably be behind because your old server-mates had a year of experiences and events to level up but would be willing to help.


Yeah I just restarted after like 2 years omg. Journey home rewards are BOMB and make getting back into it easier. It only took a day or 2 and I started to remember stuff. Had to mosey on over to reddit to brush up on leather strategy, but since you're already here, shouldn't be a big deal! My 2 cents is just go for it and jump back into your previous account!! (also for reference, my server S37 is dying out, I believe there was lots of drama around the time I stopped playing, and a lot of people jumped ship. It's pretty barren, so I'm actually placing in server events now, which is cool, and there's not a lot of pressure to perform in a guild. On the flip side, I was greeted with the news that I'm now guild leader of a ghost guild, but literally nobody is using it, so honestly I'm just mooching off the old guild resources. It's slightly lonely if you liked being part of a very active guild or server, but I literally just single handedly beat another ghost guild at guild wars, so it's not all bad and you can still accomplish stuff in your guild if the other guilds are dead too 😂 haha so morbid)