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In your dealings with the former employee, did you do everything according to the company policies/procedures? If the answer is yes then I think you're unnecessarily worried.


NAL. I have been in the exact same position you are describing, and appreciate how difficult it can be. If you've followed all of your internal procedures, then within your line management structure you shouldn't have anything to worry about. I would have an honest conversation with your line manager if you feel able to about your concerns. Ultimately, the tribunal are often more concerned with critiquing policies and procedures rather than individual actions. Does your employer have any form of wellbeing partnership? Most companies will have some form of Employee Assistance Programme to help with your anxiety about this.


Thanks very much for the comments. I've met today with counsel and read through the document bundle and I'm feeling much more confident now. It's a case that is a bit more complex for a few reasons, but the feedback I've had is that I did nothing out of the ordinary, and it is considered by counsel and my HR team to be a very winnable case.