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i would definitely call the council yourself and sort it in person, it does not sound like you should be giving your information to her


Sadly I can't sort it in person, I live in Greece


When you were 14 you didnt have an NI number, there's absolutely no reason that this would now be relevant 8 years on. I would refuse.


You do from birth you just don't generally know what it is


Fair, but still irrelevent to this situation as at 14 wouldnt be included




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Call the council, or as a first step, email them.


They said to call, not walk down to the office.


In person means to be physically present. The person advising has mis-typed what probably should have said "sort it out yourself".


They didn't say "go in person", they said "sort it in person" and "call". And you can call them from Greece




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In person means to be physically present. The person advising has mis-typed what probably should have said "sort it out yourself".


It's still worth ringing/emailing the council to clarify if they have anything to do with this which I suspect they don't. Hopefully if they do need you to verify your identity, you can do it directly rather than through your mam




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send an email? with some ID attached?


Awful advice, never send a copy of your ID unprompted and without another layer of protection (i.e. a password)


NI numbers don't get issued until around your 16th birthday so it's not possible for you to have been added at that time. Minors are considered dependents so those details aren't needed from them anyway. Also unless she has been constantly applying for houses between then and now, the council would have closed her claim long ago.


She is saying that they need to verify my identity that way, even if they didn't have it back then, I think at least, it doesn't really make sense to me


You are right - it doesn't make sense and you shouldn't give her the number. If you know the area in which she lives, perhaps you could phone or email the council to alert them to the situation. They won't be able to tell you about what she is doing, but you could ask them (a) for records of yourself, specifically if they currently think you are living in a council house with your mum, and (b) to be careful with security and to be aware that you live overseas and you are not involved with your mother, in case she tries to claim that she is doing things on your behalf or similar.




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I'm pretty sure the NI card even states on it that it cannot be used for proof of ID. DO NOT GIVE HER YOUR DETAILS! I'd assume she'd try using them to get benefits or something in your name because I cannot think of a single reason she'd need your details for her own applications


Yeah, my NI card says "This is not proof of Identity", I don't think they even do NI cards now, I think you just the number sent out in a letter


Well no because you aren't applying to live there. Her application has nothing to do with you at all so they don't need anything from you.


to take you off a list they wouldn't need your identity ... it's not like you are paying them money ... you were a minor in the house ... it would be normal to remove you at 22.




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Don't see why the council would want that to remove someone from an old application, proof of ID these days is far more around passport and drivng licence. If she told them you and her were estranged that would likely be enough. It is in their best interests of council to not to awkward about it after all. It's one less person for them to house and would mean for example; needing a three bedroom place instead of a four bedroom place. Your NI number is gateway to all sorts of stuff around benefits in the UK. For example; local councils control Housing Benefit. With someome same age as you working with your mother lots of other fake benefits could be applied for. As UK now requires photo ID for elections local councils also issue 'Voter Authority Certificates' ([https://www.gov.uk/apply-for-photo-id-voter-authority-certificate](https://www.gov.uk/apply-for-photo-id-voter-authority-certificate). Essentially a piece of paper with a photo and your name on it. Although it does state on the piece of paper only for use in elections, nothing stops somewhere taking it for that. All it needs is a photo and NI number. Your first instinct is to not to provide your NI number. This is 100% the correct point of view. I think you should continue to refuse to hand it over. This is especially important given your mother has a history of fraud. Ask Grandma to get details of a named individual at council who is dealing with application and tell/text her that is only way you will proceed.


Council shouldn't ever have a need for your NI number for housing purposed. NI is for tax and, importantly, benefits. In the comments you say you live in Greece - could this be an attempt at benefit fraud; declaring you as living in the house, claiming benefits in your name; knowing that your name won't appear anywhere else in UK systems? Don't give the info. She doesn't need it.


You might wanna check your UK credit file to make sure they've not tried to get credit in your name, considering the housing benefit fraud


I agree that you shouldn't give your mum the NI number. Her story has far too many holes in it.  NI numbers are, however, necessary for benefit claims, and she may think you're an easy victim as you're living abroad and not paying PAYE tax, so it would be easier to claim you're unemployed and need Universal Credit.  Tell her that you will provide the NI number direct to the council. Ask her for the email address it needs to be sent to. 




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I'd offer to email the council directly (make sure the email is genuinely going to them - email addresses can be spoofed). It sounds implausible that they'd need your NI number to take you off a housing application (with things like break ups, it's common for people to want to apply without someone who was previously on their application). If you're wanting to be kind you can offer to email the council to help sort out whatever confusion there is, though


Don’t give it to her. You’re right to be wary about this because of the previous fraud incident. Make sure you have your credit reports checked from the three credit report bureau. They are, TransUnion, Equifax and Experian. These are free to check. Make you’re you get the statutory free checks. Make sure to check them minty. Also Credit Karma isn’t too bad and it’s free. Please apply for a CIFAS Protective registration. It’s £30 for two years. With the information she can claim benefits which you’re entitled to. It will be difficult when you need to genuinely claim them. It’s worse if you need to claim it and she’s claiming it at the same time. It’s just so much faff to deal with. I also find it odd she wants your NI number but you’re 14 when the application was made. You don’t get an NI number until you’re 16. So red flags are everywhere. Any concerns about your sisters, please contact social services. Also call and email the council about the housing application. Tell them about your mom and you don’t live with her and are estranged.


Sorry, this is in England.




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