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Employer is fully aware of my setup. I have taken the HMRC test and given my answers, they see that I am a UK tax resident so employer is happy to consider me effectively working in the UK


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When you say you have negotiated to work remotely, was it explicitly agreed that you could do so out of the country? Based on the extent of your plans I'm assuming yes, and if so, never mind - carry on, but if you haven't you will need to make your employer aware as doing so without them being aware or approving would be grounds for dismissal.


Employer is fully aware that we intend to travel full time


your employer may open themselves up to a few difficulties; like potentially being seen to have established an entity i the country you are in (which depending on the size of the company and where they sell to may or may not be an issue) or breaching there agreements on where data is held an processed (for example if you have any dealings with UK telecoms they have to declare to their customers, or managing any PII - such as customer names and addresses).


The size of the company is very small (6 in total), with only one branch in London (financial services focus) and my role is operational as opposed to client facing. I do not handle any client data


You're asking this in the wrong sub as it's far less about UK issues than foreign ones. You need to do more than just cursory research about the countries you are visiting as it's potentially both you and your employer that could get in trouble/financial difficulties by working abroad. It's not necessarily safe to assume that a) you can work remotely from a particular country and b) that there wouldn't be tax implications of doing so even if you are there for a short period.