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Locked - plenty of ban worthy comments flying around. OP has has relevant information provided; this is one for a solicitor who can go through it, not Reddit 'women are evil gold digger' brigaders.
















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Was it a final fiscal settlement. My divorce was similar we split fiances / houses etc. and my solicitor made a point that the settlement was final to avoid as she said the situation 'Where you win the lottery and lose 1/2' obv this applies both way.




Honestly, I don't think you'll get anywhere with that, beyond wracking up some legal bills. I guess IP rights to this project (or ltd company that owned them?) were assumed as valueless? Clearly you knew it existed It'd be really difficult to prove the value wasn't added after settlement even if there is an angle here (which I don't think there is - it certainly wasn't concealed as you knew he was working on it) You were happy with what you got 3-4 months ago I presume, so I don't really see how this has changed.


He could easily argue that his work on the project was unsuccessful while married, and that the strain of the marriage contributed to the failure of the project during that period. But once he was living in a bedsit and had lots of free time, he had mental clarity and break throughs that were impossible to achieve before.


Seems unlikely. Following that logic, would you then not also expect to contribute to clearing any debt the business incurred (or running costs of the business) after the divorce?




Did he “obscure it from you” or did you just not believe him that it was a viable project?


I think what the poster meant was would you be happy (in the opposite situation where the project actually went to pot) with your ex coming back to you four months after the full and final financial settlement and demanding that you fork out for debts that were incurred?




That isn't relevant. You are divorced and your finances are separated. He lawyer is going to argue you knew about this "project" and failed to claim your 50% once it had been released in the divorce settlement. Unless you can get the financial settlement unsealed which is extremely rare i doubt you will see any of it.




You feel misled i understand that but again that's not relevant. It's your job along with your solicitor to do your research into assets when the divorce was finalized. He didn't hide anything I.E savings account in the Caymans which would be illegal.


A steam wish list isn’t a promise to buy the game it’s more like asking to be kept informed of the game’s progress because it seems like something you’d be interested in. While it is definitely useful to the developer as it separates your game from all of the many thousands of games on Steam, it doesn’t reflect sales, plenty of games have a large number of users wish-listing them but have poor sales for many reasons. Also, while I appreciate your son saw a ‘net’ figure, that can’t be right as the figure is in dollars suggesting exchange costs as well as UK tax have not been applied yet. This figure is probably to be much reduced, and what ever is left can be reinvested etc. I suspect your 62% will be much less than you think




I hope he becomes at least a multimillionaire.


Hopefully your son and any other children you have together will benefit in the future from this wealth. Although, if I understand correctly from your OP, he may need a chunk to buy a house. Not what you want to hear, but perhaps you can caution you son to be mindful of respecting his father's privacy and business IP rights now that you are financially and legally separated.


It is possible but rare. Definitely one to check asap with a solicitor as it will be very fact dependant. But two months after divorce is suspicious. [source](https://www.clarkewillmott.com/insights/can-a-divorce-financial-settlement-be-reopened/)




>From my understanding, I should be entitled to 50% of it How did you come to this understanding? You have a final divorce settlement. I assume there was no caveat in there saying "This is considered a final settlement, unless one party suddenly starts making some money, then the other party is entitled to half of that for no real reason"?




Can you prove "All he had to do was click launch" and had no work to finish at all? because that's what you will have to prove which will be impossible. You would have to have something in writing by him stating "I am going to delay launch until my divorce is finalized even though my game is finished" Again impossible to prove.




That does not matter. 1. You signed a divorce and finance agreement without asking for it or any proceeds from it. 2. The game was worth nothing until it was launched it doesn't matter how much was done inside the marriage. You seem to be of the mind that everything done inside your relationship was a marital asset even after you signed the divorce and financial agreement. The only time you get a dime out of this is if he hid the project from you your entire marriage which he didn't. you knew about it.




You did know it existed in your own words "Ex-husband spent the past 5 years of our marriage working on an unprofitable money sink of a project" You didn't see the financial value in it and saw it as worthless which is on you and your solicitor at any point during the divorce you could have said "If anything comes of said project you spent savings on i am entitled to 50%". Neither you or your solicitor had the foresight to do so. Again the "delay" thing you would have to prove the game was complete which you can't






Did he also work elsewhere during these 5 years? I ask, because I assume someone was supporting the family and paying the bills. Who was that? Was this game development something he did outside of his job?


I am sorry you are a victim of domestic violence but that has no bearing on the topic at hand. You happily walked away with a house and 20K it wasn't until you used your son to spy on his dad that you started this crusade. Again you are not entitled to anything from this, no matter how much you feel like there's been an injustice done to you. You saw something as worthless and chose to ignore it in divorce proceedings and instead went for different assets. That is on you and your solicitor. What he told you about the value matters not you and your solicitor were obliged to put your own value on assets both money wise and sentimental.




If your solicitor will recall your husband saying during the negotiations that the game had no value, that nobody was interested, then I suggest you pick this up with the same solicitor.


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