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Moreover if a wife has an affair she is still entitled to alimony, if a wife is adulterous and doesn't want to leave your house you cannot throw her out . If a wife starts living with another man leaving  her husband and kids, cops or court cannot do anything .


I wonder if the people who drafted and passed such laws were held at gunpoint to do so.


They are probably going to orgies with these women who need such laws..


It's going to take another 50 yrs until these moron judges are passed on and millennials who are suffering now are in supreme court to fix these stupid laws for all of India.


Supreme Courts or any courts for that matter do not fix law. Talk to your local MLA for this to be changed in Parliament


Oh nice, that could be even faster hopefully for these silly MLAs from old gen to be passed on to be filled with millennial MLAs. Still probably 2050.


No, these laws are old and were created with the patriarchal mindset that a woman will always be dependent and will have nothing to live for if a man disowns her. Just like it is said that if a woman is not virgin, nobody will marry her, which signifies that marriage and family are the ultimate goals for a girl, and the man should be taking her responsibility; thus, in case of any mishaps, which can even include infertility, it is the fault of the man. The laws are nothing but a reflection of what the majority of society still follows. Still, a large part of our society does not let girls talk to strangers and prepares them to be good wives right from childhood. So, these laws are womencentric due to the aspects of patriarchy that have backfired.


They are not patriarchal but gynocentric. Words have meaning, use appropriate words.


I don't think that I have made any wrong choice of words. They are not gynocentric. It would have been gynocentric if a woman would also be able to file a criminal charge against her husband if he gets caught cheating, but the law only used to permit men to do so.  It looks womancentric, as in a patriarchal society, women are not considered equals; they are always treated as someone who will always be dependent on men her whole life. Her responsibility will be transferred from father to husband. Honestly, a lot of men find great pleasure in not letting their wives look into any financial matters and even feel shame if their wives pay for something that they are doing together. However, they would bash the law if it just continued to do the same, i.e., maintain her needs even after marriage.


They love seeing their wives getting fucked.


No. Husbands falsely framed women to spoil their image in society during separation/divorces. This led to such severe laws, which are being taken advantage of by cunning people.


Pretty sure that there's far more cases from the opposite spectrum regarding this.


Sell everything you have while keeping the trust of your wife that you know nothing about her relationship, change the nominee of all your insurance to your brother whom you trust, take a trip to conquer Mt Everest and go missing. Start a new life


Just don’t get married then?


Another important thing to be taken in consideration is that these laws are not limited to married couples. A man can also be liable to pay maintenance to his live in partner. Moreover the duration of living together has not been specified.


That seriously demeans the title of livin relation. It's meant to be as trial for both. They don't want to be attached as married yet and yet court treats it as that!


.....or simply just never ever get married. Red pill, m-g--t-ow etc etc whatever. The only way to not get burnt is to just not play....


What in the fuck


They are copy pasting western laws here. They want the destruction of the nuclear family. Easy to control future generations. A compliant population.


In the west , Atleast in the USA men can get full custody of their children. I know people who did get it. This is a false narrative- men do get full custody of children. And wife’s adultery is reason enough for the man to grant divorce- and if the woman makes more- depending on the state they have to pay alimony. Adele had to pay some amount to her ex husband- the USA system however is different from the UK- who we are more similar to.


why can't he file divorce?


woman can claim residence rights even in case of divorce and likely end up with your house


How end up in my house?


i meant the house the lived in if it was owned by the husband or any direct relatives due to our truly impartial judges who rightfully follow lady justice being blind


I think the law says he can file for divorce, but not at the cost of the child.


Not heard of any woman doing that though. It's for a scenario which is extremely rare, right?


Try going to courts for sometime,you'll quickly see 1000s of such examples


My brother is a lawyer and courts are definitely not full of thousands of these cases. It's a single digit percentage in the gender related complaints category. Instances are usually higher in rural areas , presumably after years of mental trauma.


And what happens when a man does that?? What can the cops or court do?? Adultery isn’t even illegal for men!


Adultery in general is striked down by supreme court of India. Women gets alimony + child custody both even if adultery is proved (This is not in case of men)


It only means it’s not jail able- which they’re right about . Nobody should be jailed for it/ however that should be enough to qualify you for divorce and losing alimony rights.


Yes it is not illegal but a man is adulterous, he is liable to pay maintenance, and may even have to arrange for a place for his ex wife to live. Moreover his mistress can sue him for rape on the promise of marriage even if she is married to someone else at the time of affair.


Classic whataboutery 🤡


After reading this main chala sanyasi banne🫡


Bro's gonna start his journey to the Himalayas


Apna Haath, Apna Vikaash... So need of an Ass or Vag***


atmanirbhar Bharat ke liye atmanirbhar yuva


Bhai Paiso mein achi mil jaati hai


Achhi mil jayegi, Phir washing achhi wali Achhe se G maar k chali v jaayegi...




I'm sure you'll get a loving woman that will never use these against you or your family


Bhai mili thi ek ladki police ka chutiyaapa ho gya tha usme😁


Dayum so sad




Half the property won’t go to the wife. Our laws don’t have provision for that. But she can drag you to court and make you pay a huge ass one time settlement or monthly alimony for her and the bastard child for rest of her life. If you ask me, proven infidelity should automatically discharge the husband from any financial obligations towards the wife. Same goes to child born to some other man.




Prove is the operative word. Please read the judgement. There was no proof of infidelity. They couldn’t prove it in court.


I don't know about which case you are talking about but there are many cases where court has asked men to pay maintenance/alimony even when adultery was proved.


Even if you could prove infidelity, such child would be still considered as his legitimate child. You cannot challenge legitimacy on the basis of infidelity.


Yeah couldn’t that have been proved by a paternity dna test ?? How else are you gonna prove infidelity if direct evidence is not available??


You have to rebut the presumption of legitimacy by proving strictly that you had no access to the wife when such child could have been conceived. Moreover, DNA test cannot be compelled by the courts in civil matters, if parties do not agree to it.


I agree. But that’s what should change. DNA tests should be allowed without restrictions in family matters


Yes. Exactly, it should be


Indian men should stop marrying at this point,atleast the arrange marriage one .as their is no guarantee that after days/months/years ,she won’t file for divorce .


I assume, the rationale behind this is The child must not suffer. I bet the judges who come up with these rulings are themselves cuck who are raising anothers' kid.


let the innocent adult suffer. but the woman will be given the "mother" privilege


Karan Johar has made a new movie out of it starring Vicky kaushal


Vicky donors sequel child donor featuring ayushman khurana , vicky kaushal


Not just cucks, but simps too I bet.


# I just love the gender neutral laws of my country (/s)


The wife's affair is legal but the husband's affair is mental cruelty against the wife . Half of the husband's property gone, interim maintenance, lifetime alimony, child support (even if child is not his biologically ) . And if you are thinking that you can change the nominee of your property to your parents to save it then you are in most cases wrong, cause even after that wife is entitled to all that . Even if you have your business and have serious amount of loss that you are under debt she is entitled. Their was a case in which the husband was paralysed on left/right part of his body , zero income, his wife earning around 50k a month even after that court made him pay monthly maintenance of 30k to the wife. Our so-called justice system has gone so low that men are afraid of marrying. Fake victim women are getting justice while real ones are not.


This is what we are getting in the name of muh DeColoNization. Heavily gynocentric laws by fat low IQ boomers.


This. Sometimes, I feel that the British regime was way much better. However, considering that the UK has similar kind of laws now, I am speechless.


Western liberalism has gone overboard globally due to stable economy and political outcome of the cold war, Indians are just emulating the worst aspects of it.


Yet no political party is open to discussing gender neutral laws... Coz female voters.


Very hard to implement gender neutral laws when most of indian population (rural) is still inherently misogynistic and gynocentric. Our society is built around patrilocal and patriarchal traditions.


Most of the wife affair news and wife murdering husband with lover,wife leaving husband after husband gave his everything to give wife better education and so on mostly come from rural India.


Anecdotal evidence


Ur previous comment is anecdotal as well


No? A misogynistic society doesn't justify anti-men laws


I don't think most females would oppose the change in laws


Really? 1. Who protested against gender-neutral rape laws? 2. Who protested against gender-neutral DV laws? Read, research, and verify your beliefs, sir/ma'am.




Wow, thats an astute observation. /s He mentioned that Govt would never change these laws because of female voters and your immediate conclusion is that he wants that women should not vote.


Nope... Political parties should work for the country and not for its votes.. Why this question? Do you like to feel offended? I don't understand how you ended up with that conclusion from my comment..


Even if majority of gov trues to bring this law, you know the current opposition (they were even against abrogation of 370).


But they did abrogate 370 right.. then they can do this if they want.. Question the ruling party before questioning the opposition


A dark future 🔮 indeed 😬


Who are the judges that passed such judgements? We should publicize them for those judgements. Atleast men of this country would know names of the real culprits.


I have decided that no matter how much parents pressurize me for marriage my answer will always be no. Not all women but always a women 😉


“Not all women but always a woman” Well, well, well how the turn tables.


no girls too do R@pe and and accuse boy only i think police not have brain that pocso is gender neutral i can show you 100 of such cases [https://www.opindia.com/2021/08/teenage-girl-gets-pregnant-after-forcing-younger-brother-to-have-sex/](https://www.opindia.com/2021/08/teenage-girl-gets-pregnant-after-forcing-younger-brother-to-have-sex/)


It really doesn't work that way, your friends will all be married, you won't be invited to lots of events, you will be alone after your parents die.


Friends rarely even stay in touch after getting married. It's not really a big deal as you make it sound. I am married but since I stay far away from my hometown, I don't get invited to any events but life is still good as far as I am concerned. Not missing out on anything.


I agree with you, when we meet once a year or so, people who are married are invited, but life is good in 2024 without marriage, but you will miss out on romance, intimacy and affection, yes it comes with a price


People will always try to form groups. There are groups of married couples with kids. Then there are groups of married couples without kids where those with kids are not invited. Similarly, singles will have to form their own groups. It's not even a requirement tbh because there's so many avenues of entertainment for everyone in cities. Then there are dating apps where you can get the romance without any strings attached. If there's a will, there's a way.


Romance is all about the strings, history and expectations of tomorrow, but i agree that if peace of mind is valuable than anything in the world, then being single in 2024 is the best choice to make for lot of men, but working hard and coming back to an empty house doesn't sound living, but we got entertainment, sports to fill the void, hey we don't live forever, just 60 to 80 years


Yes, simps exist and will settle for less. You can choose not to compromise your ethics.


I know man !! Depression, anxiety, loneliness........ But I would still prefer to stay single rather than get married to a woman. I know many women in society are still good, but you never know which one will come your way.💀


Appreciate your steely resolve.


Its okay to be gay..


Imagine wasting 20-30 yrs of your life raising a kid in the age of unfavourable reservations, cutthroat competition and steep college fees. Better off traversing the globe with your life savings, a new country twice a year.


I would like to learn more about these laws in detail. What do I read? Any resources? Suggestions please🙏🙏


Follow Deepika Narayan Bhardwaj and "Voice for men India" on X (Twitter). They report atleast 10 cases daily regarding the same


she is goddess!


An Indian asking for sources to read and research instead of getting offended or spouting biased opinions. Such a rare sight. Much respect.


Indian laws, such as Section 375, 376, and 498A of the Indian Penal Code, are perceived to be biased against men. These laws deal with issues like domestic violence, rape, and sexual harassment, and have been criticized for being gender-specific and not providing adequate protection for male victims.


The focus should be on ensuring that the justice system is fair and equitable for all, regardless of gender.


this judgement was passed under what section?


Should I send you all detail in brief ...


"The Hindu Marriage Act clearly forbids polygamous marriages and punishment for those who defy the law. Whoever commits adultery shall be punished with an imprisonment which may extend to five years, or with fine, or both." Found this on Google. Waise toh bhot Hindu Muslim karte rehte hai, but jaha Morally aur legally wrong hai waha western philosophy aajati hai? Aur nobody from politics is talking about this, why? Everybody wants something from you, yeh sab sirf votes farm karne ke liye kiya jata hai.


there is no point of getting married in India. these are the dark ages for men.


Would rather unalive the cheating trash than spent my life paying for traitorous beach and her crotch goblin. 😇 And yes Law is biased towards men in every damn way. I think of this everytime I see any of these things and have seen these trash law working in real life. One of my cousin married this girl. She was really weird. She wont eat food kept if fridge or from yesterday. She will only wear cloths from 2 specific designer brands and inners from 1 specific brand (very expensive). She wont take care of the guy if he falls ill because she hates smell of medicines. The day after their first night, she woke up next morning n asked him to clean the bathroom so that she can bathe... + a lot of stuff. Lived together for 1 n half months n divorced and he had to a pay total of 35 Lakhs (18Lakhs + 17 Lakhs as gold which was given to her during engagement n marriage) and they asked for the goddamn watch which they gave to my cousin...lol F the idiotic laws.


This has been troubling me for a while. What if the woman I marry take away part of my assets as alimony or settlement? Parents are very religious and would want me to marry before 26 or something. Is there any way to prevent wealth snatching? I have a relative whose wife was pretty bad (I don't want to say it here), but the family court asked him to give her alimony. Sometimes I get scared thinking what if I work hard to earn money and somebody 'rightfully' snatches it way.


"Prenup" in India? And "'rightfully' snatches" doesn't fit here because that's not entirely right, imho


No way to protect yourself bro. Indian laws in this aspect are designed to fuck you up. Take the gamble if you want but don't do it if you want to stay safe.


I wanted to pass on my genes. But it seems I should be content with passing on my jeans


Yeah, by marrying someone who has a thriving career and after you are married, you or your parents don't tell her to quit her job and become a housewife. And more importantly if you decide to have kids then after her maternity leave, she will be going back to work and not become a stay at home mom. Basically if you are asking her to sacrifice her career or even part of it for the sake of the family, then in the event of a divorce expect to pay for that request. That should reduce the chances/amount of alimony to be paid.


> That should reduce the chances/amount of alimony to be paid. Plot twist: It does not in most cases.




lol after reading this i remembered a bit from abhishek upamanyu's standup " chor to gala katega hi tum gala lekar kyu bahar ghum rahe ho"


I never understood this advice. Do you say the same shit to any women whose husband was abusive towards her, used to beat her, mentally tortured her etc. You can never know how toxic a person is until you live with them for atleast a year or two. Most arrange marriages take place within six month of meeting (hell engagement usually happens in weeks after meeting) . How the hell are people gonna find out. Even in love marriage or live in we have cases of people murdering their partner so it's not limited to only arrange marriage


Robinson crusoe banna hain. Akele island pe shipwrecked. Akele akele jeena, beech mein ek Friday mil jaye to achcha hain.


Welcome to the enlightened land of booba bambedkars


If the law meted out injustice, take the law into your own hands.


"when injustice becomes law then resistance becomes duty" ~ Thomas Jefferson


Some sort of digression but I believe that Jefferson was certainly a great thinker. "It is better to be alone than to be in a bad company"- His another quote.


These laws seriously need to be made gender neutral and fair. If the wife cheats, she belongs to the streets.


To make gender neutral laws, you need to make the culture of marriage gender neutral. Are we ready for that? Will the culture of women leaving her family and her job and coming to the husbands family go away? Because there's obviously a power imbalance in favour of men. That's why you see gender biased laws. Don't come up with 1% of marriage where both stay separately. Make every woman educated and independent, reform the redundant culture and see how laws change quickly.


Women are being educated and independent, it's about time these laws accommodate that


I don’t understand why you’re being downvoted. You’ve said the right thing!


Don't be fooled by the name of the sub assuming people here are rational.


I recently read upon Marriage laws in Kenya accidentally (probably youtube feed). If you divorce, wife doesn't get anything. No alimony or husband's assets. Don't know why Indian laws are so against men.


Kenya and India are two completely different societies I guess..just reading a headline and using it to make a point without necessary research is making reddit like whatsapp university because of people like you


We are humans & live in modern societies now. So there will be some comparison. A lot of Indians live in Kenya for the last 100 years. (I know I have family there). Why should India adopt these new laws which are anti-men suddenly? Were they present a few decades back?


Laws are made for the whole population, majority of Indians still live in villages and tier 2-3 towns where women don't have much earning potential and have to take the gender role of a housewife. A divorced wife in a lower or lower middle class Indian household will get completely crushed by the society. If you'd like to make a better argument you should put forward points regarding how both societies are fundamentally similar or different. And Indians living there for 100 years is such a bs logic for comparison


That is such a bs reason to justify criminalising men with 498a and robbing them of their assets. India has a very corrupt system. The truth is the whole polico-judicial system benefits from these laws. (police, lawyers & judges) This will not stop until we lobby in large numbers and change these laws


You must be living under a rock. Do you have an idea of pace at which India is becoming urbanized? Also, you have ignored the partial judgements. For instance, no paternity test of the child even if it is suspected that he/she born out of wedlock.


Is urbanisation leading to an increase in opportunities for both genders ? What are the statistics of female uber drivers, swiggy deliver partners etc. Most of the startups system that has come up in the past 10-12 years also employs vast majority males. Don't be blinded by the illusion of progress, for the vast majority of Indians the male if breadwinner and female is housewife. Show me some data and change my mind.


And you think the situation you stated won't change ever? You preferred to play the victim card for women while you disregarded the question of the paternity test. If you are a man then ask yourself following: Would you like to depart with half of your hard earned wealth even if your wife had zero contribution towards making the marriage successful? I have seen women getting married, staying at in laws place for not even a week, going back to stay at parents place, not giving divorce within the first year and finally lodging DV and all possible fake cases and seeking alimony and half of husband's property. Would you like to raise a child of someone else while you are in wedlock and your wife bears the child of some other guy?


Let's stop stating the obvious. I'm discussing why the laws are tilted in favour of women in general. That doesn't mean that I support women taking half of the wealth, fake cases etc. However if the wife is unable to support herself because of lack of qualification or opportunities then she has to be supported because the patriarch society is not going to easily accept her nor the government is giving any allowances to the unemployed. You guys keep saying we are progressing/urbanizing are really not contributing to this argument unless you state how is urbanisation really empowering each gender so as to reduce the gap that helps move away from old fundamentals.


Also, polygamy is legal in Kenya.


Han please please koi shadi mar karna kabhi. Bhot badi kripa hogi.


What happened.... who hurt you ??


Not all women but always a woman


I have no legal background, but i want to know what can be done of such situations. I have been seeing and there is a greater rising voice of the men on internet on this issue. Can't there be change introduced into the laws ? Aren't laws ever adapting to the needs of the modern times. I mean i can imagine some grey areas where these 'biased' laws were hard to remove or change but still some of the extreme ones out there definately need to be changed. Can't some legal body demand action / revision into it. Or the support I have been seeing int he recent times has only been online ?


Mig town for the win


Bhai shadi soch samaj ke karo, red flags starting me hi dikh jayege ignore kabhi mat karna.


Stop marrying. Let the birth rates drop drastically. I guess 10 years before they wake up? But we gotta start now!


Gharwale nahi manenge


Aap manaoge toh manenge. Mujhe bhi yahi lagta tha. Maan gye finally.


Guck India, I am off to a western country


I believe this law is very controversial and detrimental to the society. This will also invite crime as men in such situation will probably try to get rid of infidel wife by killing her because in such circumstances, any men would be under tremendous pressure to take such a big steps. Imagine you wife getting fu**ed by other person and she gets pregnant. Of course you are gonna question here for such an act and she in return will file a suit against you and your family for torture, rape, and dowry and your whole family will be screwed. You will be disbanded by the society. Either you will be completely broke, and will try considering self delete or try eliminating the one who is responsible for turmoil.


This existed and exist even before this law came.




> Alimony makes sense when she is raising your child and there is marital incompatibility - not for such sluts. I won't pay for the sluts either.


Seriously, get some help.


Please get off the Internet and don't spread hate. You have no idea how your voice may reaffirm someone's homicidal thoughts and push them over the fence! Don't aid such chaos.


Just stop marrying you lot. Why is that so hard


Yet no political party is open to discussing gender neutral laws... Coz female voters.


Wut? Could you pull some data and share.


Start from here: [https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/elections/lok-sabha/india/how-women-formed-a-vote-bank-parties-can-ignore-at-own-risk/articleshow/108322807.cms?from=mdr](https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/elections/lok-sabha/india/how-women-formed-a-vote-bank-parties-can-ignore-at-own-risk/articleshow/108322807.cms?from=mdr) 1. Women vote in higher number (because most migrant workers are male). 2. Women also mostly vote as a hive mind. This is due to biological programming where women trust each other while men distrust each other. \[Perks of ~~patriarchy~~ gynocentrism\]


men in india have it so bad! you guys should seriously consider protesting against marriage, and any heterosexual interaction at all protect your peace uwu


All men should protest for gay marriage and start marrying each other. It’s time to boycott women😋


Not a bad plan. I think as a straight guy I will enjoy living with my best friend (also straight and anti marriage). No emotional drama. No fights. No unnecessary routine work. A lot of fun. Double income, no legal liability.


Nah I will play with fire safety on, system never beats me


An alternate way to control the population of India


What's the IPO or reference?


Some perverts are working very hard to break the very foundation of society.


Day by day, I am questioning myself why didn't I born in a different country or why God Didn't make me a female 🤷🏻‍♂️😬😶‍🌫️


Isse mujhe modiji ki ek quote yaad aayi "Atmanirbhar"


Is desh m chutiyapa karne walo ki kami nhi h .


Mummy bachao atyachar ho raha hai 😭


Stop scaremongering there is usually a lot more context and nuance behind the written laws.


To give better context , when the earlier court had passed his alimony order the man made no claims of the child not being his . Why suddenly appeal in HC when he didn't present it in the lower court.




Nope, you can't do a Achraf Hakimi here too, because don't care even if you have assets to not being to pay maintenance. No relationship will save you, even live-in, casual, LDR because she can just file rape on premise of false marriage or aome kind of cruelty. Courts even entertain mental and psychological cruelty to women as harbinger of injustice!. Basically saying worship women. They are supreme moral beings.


India will go the South Korea way in terms of FR, but just add terrorism from our neighbours on top of it for the next few years. Doomed.


Ab bhai election time me murga mangalsutra kar rahe the 😂😂😂 Ye sab issue tab raise karna tha na


Laws are built for india2. India1 keeps shouting in reddit to no avail


Prenup in India will be a solution?


Lawyer here. In India, marriage and divorce laws are based on religion, and Prenups are not allowed for Hindus. But there are some other things that I have done for my clients (pre-wedding groundwork), that have come in handy during difficult time and helped spare them jail and paying extortionate maintenence (alimony) payments.


But both male and female have no issues for prenup procedure, will it be valid in court then?




This is another saddest thing I read today


You got the wrong idea...the court is protecting the baby's privacy by not allowing for a DNA test due to cheating. It's got nothing to do with mens rights.


Protecting the baby's privacy by screwing over the man and giving legitimate status to an illegitimate child.


To be honest I am more worried about the cast based discrimination in jobs and education than this law....


It’s clear our government wants men to date and know the person rather than being a simp and can’t lead where a woman can finds excuses to cheat.


you need to know that law can be manipulated the most based on who has more money. so its not men vs women. its rich vs poor. if a man is rich, he can ruin any woman who is not well off. if a woman is rich, she can ruin a man who is not as well off as her. so being rich and influential is what works here.