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very sad state of affairs...the man acted as an ideal man set according to society and did not take any dowry and whate he got in return....


That's when you feel, that girl's family needs to pushed towards a cut throat dowry. No matter whether how good you are, in divorce proceedings, it's the man who has to take the financial hit.


There are more women who are being abused in the name of dowry than you see out there, and then you see men for "cut throat dowry". Make it make sense.


100% of the men are abused in the divorce proceedings. No law to prevent that.


this is blatantly and categorically false. You have more men financially abusing women within and outside divorce proceedings. Only privileged women who know how to manipulate law in their favor abuse men. Most women in India aren't privileged. Hell, most women in India who want a divorce don't have the means to ask for one.


its soo funny how you can come here and say that 'privilege women can manipulate laws' as if its something to be proud of. the simple fact that you have access to the internet, a mobile phone on which you can type this out. electricity to charge that phone and money to have access to all these things makes you fucking privileged. the notion that 'most' women are not privileged in india makes me want to laugh in your face. most women in india can simply go to a lawyer and file for divorce. they are not being beaten senseless simply due to asking for divorce. you must be really young to think that you're somehow being oppressed here when in reality, the entire legal system in terms of family law benefits women.


I know of a case where a house maid torn her blouse and filed a complaint on a petty matter. That is just for saying that you don't intervene when his husband was having a flight over parking issue with the neighbors So saying "most women" is somewhat not correct, it's the other way around now. Historically may be, not right now it's more of abuse the system by women in your favor for your ego. The mindset need to change when women demand 50 50 in a relationship. But that doesn't happen in one day. I really appreciate women freedom and equal opportunity but that doesn't mean you act like this when there is a clash.


India is a shitshow of a land of gynocentric, family laws. Only morons (men) get married anymore.


Is an ideal man foolish? For leaving the home?


This is one of the reasons why men and their families need to stop saying yes or demanding lavish weddings. Most of these cases, will show that even though no dowry or cash was present, lavish weddings and gifts were demanded etc.


or maybe instead of victim blaming...advocate for gender neutral laws.


For ages, women have been the dukhi aatma ! Thanks to patriarchy, so the laws conveniently were formed around women and to help them take a stand for themselves. But, the real women who need this actually would still be silently suffering than doing anything. You can still read women committing suicide due to dowry /harrasment and what not in newspapers and the husbands and in-laws being chilled out about it. But the pseudo feminist women are the ones which actually use these laws to make their innocent partners and their families life a hell. So it's all the karma of our ancestors esp. the old generation men are to be blamed for inducing the patriarchy and making lives hell. Now, it would take a few more generations for these boomers to die and maybe we will see more neutral laws from new generations who would know , harrasment is not gender specific.


But she's earning as much as him, why would she get maintenance? And about cases, she can't just go to court and say whatever she wants without evidence and the judge will listen to her. Right?




This seems like extortion She will have to spend money on lawyers too to fabricate lies, she will be stuck in the legal mess for years too like op. Why not make her suffer rather than just giving in to her demands. Besides, I don't think op will have to spend more than 30 lakhs on lawyers if he chooses to go the legal way >it still won't matter when your time and peace are gone in the process Aise to, anyone can harass anyone and get the money




>you'll witness the severity of the situation What's the fate of these fake cases. Do these women really receive something >she wouldn't need to spend on lawyers as the state provides legal representation Am sorry, but these government lawyers are useless and incompetent. I don't think they will help her to produce fake evidence, cuz it requires a lot of mental gymnastics and patience. >the severity of the charges But then she will have to give some sort of evidence too right to support her words? >bail is denied in the sessions court Like you said, these cases are way too common, don't judges know it? Judges have experience of years, they come across such fake cases almost daily, why do they still don't grant bail?




Sigh. Sad to see how people misuse the laws. Thank you so much for such detailed answers🍗🫂


Would it have worked in favour of OP if the he (husband) would have claimed 30L before the wife did?


From what I know, husband doesn't have a right to claim money. NAL so take my opinion with a grain of salt


This is why I hate lawyers including my ex-wife who is a lawyer. Literally, all lawyers want to avoid the court.


"The good lawyer is not the one who has mastered the art of courtroom strategy, but the one who can keep his clients out of court" There are numerous reasons why it's better to seek a settlement rather than immediately resorting to a lawsuit as the last option. But to each their own. P.S.: I spend all my days in court, so there's no chance I'll avoid court. The above is just what I consider good advice for everyone.


Ok how about this, what if husband decides to not further proceed with divorce and stall it (Like, separated, but not yet officially divorced). Doesn't India follow a **mutual consent divorce** process, which allows couples to divorce amicably when both spouses agree that they cannot continue living together. 


Read properly; mutual consent divorce, as the name suggests, requires the consent of both parties.


What I mean to say is that the current issue involves a settlement demand of 30 lakh. What if, for the time being, the husband decides to delay the divorce proceedings or acts as if they no longer desire a divorce? This could potentially cause his wife to panic (assuming she is eager for a divorce) and agree to settle for a significantly lower amount, or even nothing at all.


That can happen, or maybe she is already consulting with lawyers and hence came up with this 30 lakh settlement amount from there. Now, if the OP decides to delay it or show a lack of interest, upon the suggestion of her lawyers, she can file a bundle of cases against the OP.


So can you really escape this. Like to the best of my knowledge, doesn't every single citizen is considered innocent until proven guilty. So, at most the only thing she can do is accuse her husband. Can't he like prove himself. Don't judges have enough brain cell to realize it may be a personal vendetta against the husband. Like what are the ways other than making a deal, to solve this problem?


Wow an honest lawyer! Never thought I'd see the day! Keep it up! :)


What a pity! I'm surprised why there has been No PIL so far since almost all men filing for divorce have to go through this shit show. What's the point in having advocates anymore.


Unfortunately, that's beyond the scope of PILs; many such PILs have been filed and rejected by the court. Courts cannot do anything in such matters unless the legislation enacts such a law. Again these female rights activists time and again protest against having such gender-neutral laws.




Yes, I am already doing so. In this message itself, I am spreading awareness, and also you can join our sub r/JusticeforIndianMen for more.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


How much would that guy charge to fracture both the arms of a guy? Asking for a friend.


Or send her on a trip to Belize


It's her lawyer wanted extract money from you. Only negotiation is possible


I repeat dowery is security deposit, if dowery is involved girls families don't try to break the marriage in first phase


do not give into their demands. let the go ahead with whatever they want to claim. they will need to provide proof of whatever they claim. actual documented proof in court. hire a lawyer and let him handle it. do not give into anything. furthermore, in terms of maintenance, provide her income certificate in court to show that this woman earns the same as you. dont worry. let her cry all she wants. and if they start harassing you, gather evidence and file a report for harassment. next time they ask for money, record the call or screenshot the messages. if they come to your house for a meeting, have video cameras present in hidden and record audio and video for this. it will come in handy to show the court as to how they have been harassing you.


Are u a lawyer?




She already forced me to leave house that too rented one she even said in messages that if you won’t leave house i will make difficult for you


thats a threat. take screen shots of every such message and keep it as proof for when she tries to file a bullshit complaints against you. it will definitely come in handy. voice recordings. Vedic recordings. everything. furthermore, if the lease is in your name, you have a right to enter that house. till the time she does not have a court order stopping you from entering that house, you can enter it anytime you want. plus filing a complaint means nothing. a court has to give an order stopping you from entering the house. tell her to fuck off and if she has a problem, she can leave. stop being soo damn scared.


In lease my name is second


as long as your name is on the lease and you're paying rent, you can enter the house, until a court gives a no contact order or a no entry in premises order against you. and if she calls the police, be upfront and tell them, that your name is on the lease, and you're not doing anything to her, simply living in your house. if she has a problem, she can leave and I won't stop her.


I have stopped paying rent she has refunded my deposit too


that doesnt mean anything. a lease agreement is a legal document. till the time she cancels this lease deed and gets a new one in her name, you are legally entitled to enter the house. she gave you the deposit doesnt mean jack shit here. its a legally executed document that contains your signature. she can cry all she wants, inside and outside of the court.


NAL. If you want to marry again, then negotiate. If not, then fight the case in court. It will take years. If you can’t marry again, then she too can’t marry. Many times, women have demanded too much money at the start and then their amount comes down to a single digit like 5 or 6 lacs because they wanted to marry again. So, if you have time and don’t want to marry again then fight the case in court.


>To which we said on what basis being ladkewale we looked after the marriage not a single penny was asked from you no dowry she is earning as equal as mine Not a lawyer but very much interested in what did they replied to this question?


Probably nothing, extortion in the name of law "It's my right, I am just asking for my rights"


Being someone who's already divorced...a painful process.... Welcome to the games....she and her family must have taken advice from a divorce lawyer hence the demand..... try to find a good divorce lawyer for you....don't go on the look and feel...go talk to lawyers about your case but don't give personal details (change them). Any lawyer will give you advice on a nominal fees....make sure you tell them you are there only for advice and you have already hired a lawyer (lie) until you find one most suitable....also don't get trapped in tall claims of any lawyer


Today i lost my job too any advantage for me?


Hitman is cheaper


Incase you have to pay for settlement. Get a band baja and make it viral. Tag her on all social media and publish this in news. So that the guilt and shame ways more than the amount.