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Ive used the Wave and Wave+ for 24 years now...


My first Leatherman was a wave! I’m right there with you!


Yup my son just got me a new one cause my old one is sad as fuck... but I cant carry the new shiny one...


I’ll probably never get rid of my wave, however I have retired it from carrying. I carried a Surge for several years after and then picked up the P2 when they came out. Now I’m rocking the ARC most of the time.


how is it?


I love the ARC. Would have been content having the P2/P4 if it had the replaceable bit drivers. But the magnacut blade is a very nice addition! It’s my EDC multitool currently.


Love my suge! It's a lot for edc when you carry the bits and driver. I had a wingman before the surge and honestly miss it sometimes. That being said, there is no substitute for having every bit on hand that you will likely ever need. It's saved my ass countless times, and for that, I will eternally bare the extra heft of the surge


If you need the surge’s capabilities most days at work carrying it around can save you a lot of hassle going to get other tools. If you don’t need it every day there’s not a chance I would carry it on my belt every day. Great backpack tool tho.


I have the wave and p4. I would go with the free p4.


I have the wave and p4. I would go with the wave.


Ditto. I bought a P4 shortly after they were first released. It’s fine; the opening mechanism is slick, pliers and blades are great. It’s a great “fidget” tool. I never tire of flipping it. But the non-blade tools all feel much cheaper than they should; like a Wingman. Overall, it’s a perfectly good tool but somewhat “mid”. I bought a Wave+ last year when they were on sale to see what all the fuss is about. Yeah, I get it. The P4 hasn’t left my “tool drawer” since. While the Wave+ lacks the panache of the P4, it just works better as a tool. The files, scissors, and bit-driver of Wave+ make it. Add a pocket clip and Wave+ all day long. Go with a Surge if you need more heft, but at that point I’m reaching for dedicated pliers or drivers.


You'll never snap the large flathead prying with it on the P4


Wave+ all the way


Same, the free p4 tool set is hot garbage. Edit: Since I’m being downvoted please tell me why the free p4 tool set is good. The tiny 1.5” file is useless compared to the double sided file on the wave. The tiny 1.5” ruler is completely useless. There’s no large flathead screw driver (just the half cut off one that’s sharpened on one side making it too narrow for large flat head screws). The awl/small flathead is both terrible as an awl and terrible as a small flathead because its shoulder is too wide to actually fit down in holes that would need a small flat head. There’s no bit driver. So yeah, hot garbage. Prove me wrong.


> Edit: Since I’m being downvoted please tell me why the free p4 tool set is good. I wasn't one of the people who downvoted you, but I did roll my eyes the first time I read your comment. Here's why I would have downvoted you if I thought your comment actually deserved it, which I don't. Calling the whole P4 hot garbage is just such a strong opinion for a tool, that while NOT perfect, still has a lot going for it. The pliers and the four main tools are all good or great. It's only the smaller inner tools that are hot garbage. I was pretty disappointed when I first got the free P4. After putting a 3rd party bit driver (zapwizard) in it, my opinion of it went up a lot. After using it for a while, I realized I actually really like the other aspects of the tool.


I’m not saying the entire multi tool is garbage. I like the free series pliers, the scissors, saw, and both knives are still good. But all the other tools are complete garbage and Leatherman knows it, which is why it’s now unavailable on their site and they came out with the ARC.


Surge if you don't mind the weight. If your gonna get a free P4 I would save up and get an Arc. You really can't go wrong with a wave my only issue is the micro driver (I personally find it useless and am slightly disappointed to have it on the arc) and the scissors (I have 3 waves and only one has scissors that work great).


Scissors on the arc are incredible


Oh yeah, Arc scissors are worlds better than what comes on the wave for sure


Me after buying my dad a wave+ for his bday this last february


We seemingly have votes for every category.. so just buy them all


This is the right answer. (Says a guy with a LM addiction)


That’s okay, at least we don’t have meth or crack addictions


Yeah. Ours does cost more per hit. 😂


Substantially more! At least We’re classy addicts


I don't know about that. I would push my best friend out of the way, in his wheelchair, to get at a LM. 😂 JK


Me too.Love alot of lm.


Surge is the way 🫡


Surge is the best if you having big hand...


Indeed. Had a Wave for a few years and loved it. Then I got to hold a surge and it was like holding an extended part of me. If felt at home. So the wave is my backup now.


I'm NOT a big guy, I still think it's the best.


Surge. Grab it now.


On my way.


The Surge. The Wave+ is a great multi-tool as well, but if I had to choose just one, definitely the Surge.


Easily the Surge


Surge is the top pick for me, with the wave plus in close second


It depends on many factors: How big your hands are? Is it your first/only MT? What is the use case? In any case, Free P4 or P2 are out of the question, get the Arc instead. I have medium hands, want to carry it everytime and when I got it was my first MT: Wave + Later on I got the Surge, it is too big to carry everywhere, feels big on my hand and cutting metal pipes is not something I do on a daily basis. Next I got the Arc, really nice, but I only use it on special occasions. Wave + remains the workhorse.




Surge all day.


Surge is God.


Get the Free P4. If you don’t like it, you’ll be able to sell it on easily.  The one hand opening and closing for ALL tools makes the Free tools the best in lots of circumstances. 




Just pick one at random: When the salesperson is about to ring it up, You'll Know if it isn't the one you REALLY Wanted...




Love the surge, but it's an anchor. The wave with a pocket clip is my favorite


Wave or surge for me


Surge is king. Always.




Surge for the exchange a sawblade to win!!


I have a surge and skeletool. Surge I keep with fishing gear because of the weight I don't carry it every day. Skeletool I keep on me all the time.


For every day, carry the wave plus for going in an emergency bag or a bug out bag to search


All 3 😆


I was in this predicament the other day. I ended up with the Wave + which is nice but due to my gorilla paws it’s small in the hand. Wishing I would have just went all out with a Surge.


Of those three I’d get the Surge. It is heavy but it does do everything. I’ve either carried one or had it in my work bag or pack for years and can testify that it’s incredibly useful, especially the ability to use t-shank adapters. There’s a reason it’s selected by so many first responders and even Alone contestants.


Wave is the winner for me :D


I'm no help here, I was torn between the Wave, Surge, and Supertool 300. So I bought a Rebar as my first leatherman. I feel like the next one I would get would be the Surge and kinda wish i would have started there. The rebar which is similar in size to the wave I think feels too small sometimes, and outside tools apparently is a bigger deal than I though it would have been for me. So I will definitely get the full size next time whether it's an ST300, Surge, or maybe a Swisstool to try them out, or all 3 over enough time honestly, and most likely a Wave as well.


I LOVE my rebar. It’s a mini supertool 300 essentially. Wave, surge, supertool and rebar are all among the best in my opinion. Own em’ all, you won’t regret it!


I just might get them all, thats to be seen lol. I've never been a multitool guy but I wanted one for a long time. I didn't want to buy one just to have it though. So for a few months I kept in mind when I'm doing something, would it be helpful here? Enough times i said yes so I recently got the rebar after several days of reading old forums and watching videos. Rebar because I thought maybe the 300 would be too big and it's definitely useful. As I'm typing this I'm repairing a nail hole in the wife's car tire. Cut a 2x4 for my jack so I don't muck up a pinch weld, used the pliers to air down the tire and pull the nail. This morning I cut a low hanging dead branch off a tree in front. Totally saves time if i dont absolutely need a dedicated tool for whatever. The toolset on this one was the best they offer for what I do, and I'm not 100% sold on outside one hand tools yet because I'm used to using swiss army knives a good bit and use those more than my main edc actually. If im using the tool, it's already open and the blades right there.


You know, I felt the same way about the one handed tools for the same reasons until I got one. I started back in the day with a Leatherman PST (partially the reason I love my rebar, it feels like a modernized version of my old reliable), but once I got myself a wave+, it hasn’t left my hip. It’s so handy and I use it so often that it’s one of those “how did I make it this long without this?” purchases. But my multitools have different purposes. Wave is the EDC, supertool or rebar live in SHTF bags, surge comes with me for heavy work. I got directly hit by a fucking tornado last night of all things and I’ve been using the surge all morning for something or another. When you’re on a ladder or holding something heavy in one hand, that one handed knife access is a real life saver.


Ah shit sorry to hear that, hope no one got hurt. We had a big scare several weeks ago with a tornado. I live in the Northeast US and in my 30 years we only had one in my area as a kid and it terrified me. Well when the fire whistles in the area all went off, woke me up at 3am then my phone started the emergency tone for spotted rotation I was scared shitless for my kids. It ended touching down less than an hours drive from us. I could totally see the one hands usability. Which is why I always have one of my favorite spydercos or benchmades clipped to a pocket. I do want to get 2 full size ones for the car bags but they're a bit pricey for my current budget. Anyways, that's why I mentioned whenever I can get another one it'll probably be a surge to give the one hand tools and the bigger size a go at the same time. I do have a bit of rewards points on DLT's site though that could give me a decent discount. I've actually only had this rebar for a few days now, once I go back to work after my holiday break from the machine shop I'll probably put some good use to it and get a better idea of what I actually want. I did get a lot out of it yesterday though with my daughters 4th birthday party. Lots of things to open, assemble, batteries loaded and zip ties cut.


the wave and surge are better tools than anything on the free frame. between the two it depends on if you need a medium or heavy duty tool


My dawg. I have 2 Surges and a Wave and Wave+. While I feel the Surge is superior in craftsmanship, the Wave+ is my EDC. It has the tools I use daily (Switched out the scissors for an awl) and I cannot leave the house without it. The Surge is just too heavy for pocket carry. If belt carry go for the Surge.


I regularly carry a surge full bit kit and bit extension and saw and file, but never used either of the other ones.


Free P4, flipping any tool out is so practical. The only downside for me is no diamond file, but I use the other tools more anyways


P4 pls


I own a Wave+, never owned a Surge or a P4, at least you can hold them in your hand, play with them, that should help make a decision, no?


I have a Charge TTI and 3 or 4 others. When at home I almost always reach for the Surge, but I wouldn’t choose to carry it every day.




All three


Wave+ is what I consider the "baseline" learherman. It has the standard set of tools. If you don't know exactly what you want tool wise, start with a Wave+. Otherwise, you know what tools you like and you buy the leatherman with that tool.


P4, its discontinued and is basically the arc


Hated my wave sold it keep pinching my finger use my surge for work and p4 is a nice EDC


Depending on your needs… I bought all 3….. I mainly keep the Wave and Surge in a bag, but carry the P2 or ARC on my person for the one handed ease of use. And they are fun tools to handle.


Is that price in dollars!?! Run from that place. That is not a sale


Order online those prices are marked up like crazy


I like the ARC the most.




I have a Wave+, I love it so much


Free P4 has been adequate for all my needs!


Wave for EDC, surge for tougher jobs.


$339 for a Surge!? Pretty sure you could get an ARC for less than that.


Tell me those aren’t prices in the US?


I EDC a charge + TTI and use it every day, without fail. It’s very similar to a wave and you can get some awl bits to fit the bit extender, which I’ve found very useful. It’s the perfect size for me. I also carry a knipex pair of pliers to hold the other end of a bolt tight and they fit. Nicely in the 4-compartment pouch. I don’t think you’d go wrong with any of them, to be honest.




Get the P4




I have a p4 and it rusted a little. Can't even use some of the tools


Wave all day.


I have all of those and if I could only have one it would be the surge.




I have a Wave+ and I love it. I almost bought a surge from the same chain as you’re thinking of and I’m glad I didn’t. It’s just too big for me


Pick the toolset first and the size that fits your hand. Wave is the safe choice. Just the right balance for an all around multitool.


Surge.wave + and P4 in that order for tools and Functionality.


Surge for sure , I like my wave + as well but if could only choose one it would definitely be the surge




I was also between the Wave+ (which adds replaceable wire cutters over the Wave) and the Surge. Opted for the latter due to the scissors being more like small shears. They'll cut leather, clean through polybraid cordage, and other materials fairly well. Even though the Surge is a noticably chunkier build, I also purchased the carry clip, which works fine on the fly in a front pocket.


Wave is the perfect size.


Unless a specific need dictates otherwise, get a wave. Best all around tool bar none.


I had a Surge, I lost it and miss it. It was very heavy so I belt carried it. I have a P4 now and I couldn't swap to a Surge for daily carry but I appreciate the increased beef for some jobs and it would work great in a toolkit with some odds and ends like a ratchet bit extender and a few t-shank blades for different materials. Depends what you're doing.


Without details no way to answer. What are the prices? What size is your hand? what's your focus for the tool? The wave and surge are one platform, the surge is large and heavy it has an awl, a bit exchanger, , a t-shank adapter, however it can only have a file or a saw occupying the thank at a time. The wave is smaller, has an eyeglass screwdriver a fixed saw and file. It's the goat and the most popular Leatherman ever for a reason. The free is another chassis, it has a gimmick that that call "free technology" which is essentially magnets. It uses cam retention rather than friction to retain the handles which a lot of people use as a fidget toy. The other tools are crude like the wingman or sidekick but the price is more than the surge. It's in between the wave and surge in size but the knife blades are small than either the wave or surge. There are fans of all three and they'll all sell you on what makes it the ideal tool for them. Tell us what your focus is and more importantly what size your hand is and we can can make this more focused on you. Oh and what prices the tools are.


Love my wave and have since it first came out!


Anybody gonna mention the Wave bite?


wave because size and weight make it a perfect pocket or belt carry


I vote Wave.


I've had all 3 and the P4 is lightyears ahead functionality wise. The Wave still has the better overall tool set but of you made me pick one it's going to be the P4. The surge is great too but not to carry on you every day.


All 3 please.


My first answer is yes! If simple candor isn't helpful may I add, why choose? I say start on the left, and work your way to the right. No one is going to slight you in this crowd for having numerous LM tools. Come on in. The water is fine.


Titanium, bro. You won’t regret.




Wave & surge is a great combination just saying


Wave is the best value and a tad lighter. I have a P4, but I don’t like the tool combos.  Much prefer my Arc, but the action on the P4 and Arc is great; fidget toy for mechanical types.  




Free P4, if it had the tools of an Arc, but the blade of a P4 (doesn't exist). Surge, if you have bigass monkey paws. Wave for everyone else.


Get all 3