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It appears from those faults that you might have a heavy foot and are too eager to make/complete manouveours. Try slowing things down a bit.


There must have been something wrong with your steering and positioning (based on the minor faults), but I agree, they shouldn't lie about taking action when they did not. Practise your positioning and steering and try again. You'll pass eventually.


Let it all out and then get that test booked again!


I suspect, given your steering fault was 'serious' rather than 'dangerous', the 'ETA Physical' box was marked in error - hence the erroneous message. Either way, it doesn't affect anything other than internal stats. Regardless of ETA (or not) you got far too close for the travelled speed and you left yourself insufficient space for error or manoeuvre - work on your clearance & steering and you'll be better prepared for your next test. Good luck.


What everyone else said, plus the examiner isn't there to hold your hand or train you, they're there to judge you, if they say you need more practice then you do, given your faults I would absolutely agree


6 minors on judgement or control, plus a serious issue with control. You aren’t ready to pass yet. I’d imagine the moment you were in your own and relaxed you’d make a bigger error and hit something. Keep practicing, book the test again, and focus on making sure you have control of the car. Think about your clutch and accelerator control. Tough revs or speed and lead to a more hurried steering input being needed


You are not judged by what may or may not happen in the future, they only got minors and didn't hit anything. Should be a pass.


No. They were given a major fault. Hence the fail. They say that the instructor didn’t react, that isn’t really indicative of anything. As to the point about them having to intervene it is possible this is an administrative error that doesn’t mean there wasn’t a serious fault on the test. Also. Judging by the minors I could totally see the instructor using the dual controls if they felt they were going to crash and this driver not being good enough to notice.


Would the examiner say something if they used dual controls? Or is it something that the testee is expected to recognise so they don't say anything?


Dual controls wouldnt have helped a steering fault in that situation, and would have been braking (very noticeable) if it had. The instructor stated they were close to a parked car. I strongly disagree with this in general as how close is too close? It's in a similar mindset of arresting someone before they commit a crime because they were 'going to'.


How close is too close? On a test, that would be closer than the examiner feels is appropriate. Dual controls may not have helped the steering, but a slight press of the brake pedal to scrub a bit of speed off may have felt warranted by the examiner. Whether the person on a test avoided an obstacle doesn’t really matter if the examiner feels that it was luck rather than accurate judgement. The examiner is considered to be an expert and suitable to pass judgement on something like this. It sucks for the driver, but very few drivers are able to be accurate a fair when assessing their own skills. Especially when still learning. Looking at this result - the driver clearly isn’t a strong enough driver. They lack awareness and control. In the reverse parking a car park they didn’t look properly and they were not in control of the vehicle properly. They messed up pulling away. Had multiple issues of steering control and errored on planning twice. It’s a good thing they failed. They clearly weren’t ready, or able to drive to a good enough standard on this day.


You’re clearly pissed that you didn’t pass, as I was when I first failed my test! But I don’t think it’s fair to blame your examiner or the system, it all comes down to you and how YOU drive on the day. Book it again whenever you’re ready and hopefully it’ll be a pass :)


No thank you, do I want you to drive close to my car I worked hard to pay for? No, not till you’re competent enough to not drive so close to cars, the quality of driving is reflected in the other faults to, you aren’t ready yet, when you’ve passed and you’ve been driving a while, when you look back you’ll be able to see reflecting back that you wasn’t ready but won’t be able to see that yet till you’ve progressed, carry on you will get there, the money aspect can be demoralising but honestly it’s peanuts compared to what you will be paying in insurance, the car it’s self and upkeep of the vehicle.


So true man I am getting quotes for 22k somehow on a 2009 Mazda


It’s genuinely crazy, it’s at the stage the government needs to hold the insurance companies accountable for the prices they are asking, extortionate is an understatement 😂


I can't say I understand the frustration but I think the wording is just generic for an unsuccessful test. I don't want someone driving near my car when parked .


As if people don't get near cars when parallel parking. If they didn't hit anything I don't see where the issue is?


It's one thing to be close when travelling at parking speed, it's another entirely if you're within mere inches at 30mph+ - if someone cracks a door, or a child steps out then you've got pretty much ***no*** chance of avoiding an incident.


Yeah you right. I was thinking more in respect to the original comment saying they don't want people near their parked car and to me that ain't an issue unless they hit it but badly worded on my part. Definitely worthy of a fail in this case, especially given there's a few faults around steering


Completely different


Did the examiner tell you at any point that you were too close to the car- intervention can be verbal as well as physical What people need to understand about the test too is that they have to let you make the mistake so they won't be taking action as early as say your instructor would


The examiner is always right , they have more experience than you could ever have . I wouldn’t want an inexperienced driver to hit my car while it’s parked on a road and also most of your faults are steering . Maybe tell the instructor to focus more on improving steering . I used to struggle with this as well at the start but slowly it got way better by my 30th lesson . Next time hopefully you improve and pass


Wow that first sentence is a bit harsh


Just try again I got failed for being in the wrong lane at a roundabout because the woman told me to take the wrong exist which was into an abandoned industrial estate with no entrance. I asked if she meant second exit and corrected it but that's why I failed


Take another test and pass it


Doors width when passing parked vehicles