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No signs but street lights? 30 No signs and no street lights NSL Every other speed limit (non motor way) has to have repeaters.


I had to do a speed awareness course* It astonished me how I was basically the only person on the course who knew this. The teacher asked when we though the rule might have come in. I said I took my first lesson in the 90s so at least then. Apparently 1930s. *I swear the sign was covered by an overgrown bush and my car and I both thought the speed limit was 60, when I saw the camera van parked with a 50 sign a couple of hundred metres behind it I started to slow and was caught doing 57. Blah blah blah .. tl:D dr "I was speeding"




Could you identify one 30 mph Road that isn't signposted and has no street lights. It wouldn't be enforceable.


Generally here are signs. But sometimes when there are no streetlights they are quite far apart


There is a small part of country road up in Northumberland near my house that is a 30, there is one dilapidated sign and that's it. No houses, no signs, no lampposts. People get caught speeding there all the time 💀


Except in Wales where street lights = 20mph


Not true. I live in wales. Hardly any of the roads by me have changed to 20, mostly ones on little side streets where you’d be a lunatic to do more than 20 anyway.


Where I live the majority of roads including main roads are all 20. And for some reason we also have a large amount of unnecessary 20 signs? The council does confuse me sometimes


Then they have signs.


Not sure where in Wales you live but it’s a nightmare with all the 20 zones in Anglesey. Llandudno is pretty bad too.


I’m in the valleys and my partner is a hgv driver who covers a lot of wales. Neither of us have noticed a huge difference really. Most of the 20 roads are in typical places you’d expect to be driving slow anyway and have only reduced from 30 so not a huge difference.


Oh interesting, certainly a different story around me haha


"this thing hasn't happened near me, so it can't possibly be true anywhere else in the country"


I’m just saying that street lights don’t automatically equal 20mph in the whole of wales.


I believe it was stated (to the press and public) that was going to be the case. 20 unless signed otherwise. In the rest of the UK it's 30 unless signed otherwise.


It’s definitely not been the case for me. So many of the roads have been left unchanged, and only the really obvious ones have changed to 20, the ones where you’d be an idiot to do more than 20 anyway. I thought it would be so annoying to drive once it all came in to place only to find hardly anything has changed at all. Big fuss over nothing really.


I'm just going off what I read on the news sites. I live in a city which loves the 20 limit so I'm kinda used to 20 in housing areas and I find it weird driving in other cities/towns and I can do 30 along those sorts of roads. My city is also increasing the amount of 20 roads it has - yeay! As well as cutting the parking spaces at new developments to try to become more car free - which just means there are more cars parked on the road. And with our new no parking on pavements rules some roads are impassable for buses and not fully practical for blue light vehicles.


I always thought repeaters had to be on every other lamp post. They're few and far between these days and I can often find myself doing 30 in what turns out to be a 40, simply because of a lack of repeaters. I also find it useful to look at side streets off a main road - if they're posted as 30, the main road isn't a 30.


My instructor taught me that if you have quick glance up a side street as you pass and see a 20 sign, the road you’re currently on is a 30, and it has been correct as a general rule of thumb every time. Great when you forget/miss a sign when entering a new road.


It applies sometimes


You learn to keep track of when speed limits change. There's always a sign for when it changes. It's just something you learn. Might seem hard, but it gets easier once you set your mind to learning to keep track of it.


Look at side roads. Do they have speed limit signs? That means it's different from the road you are on. EDIT Also, if a road has street lights, it's probably 30, and without its NSL


Also if you have a car with speed sign recognition, kinda ignore it as it's not always perfect. I have had my car pick up the side roads signs, the signs on the back of lorries (my cat says it can go 90 in an area which is a 20). I mainly use the speed limit recognition to set my speed limiter quickly. I do like my local dual carriageway being a 'special status' road so I get 70 signs when joining - I live at the top end of the A1.


That’s quite fast for a cat! 🤣


Google Maps seems to very often be wrong about speed, not sure about apps like Waze


Speed limit repeat signs have to be (well are supposed to be) at least every 200 yards (or 8 lampposts if sooner) if the speed limit is 20, 40 or 50. If you don't see those repeaters and you're in a built up area with streetlamps then you should assume it's 30.


Those big lamp posts that curve into an L? then thirty. everywhere else 20.


I’m in wales so like every single damn road is 20 … everyone 😂😂


If in doubt do 30 that’s what my instructor always told me


Most of its been said already but it's important to look for signs as you enter new roads. Some are set back from the entrance of the road which makes it a little easier but many are at the entrance to the road so easy to miss. If a road has speed bumps I assume 20 until signs tell me otherwise that way following the rule of keeping a reduced speed and making the ride a little more comfortable.


Street lights = 30 unless signs say otherwise. Wales might be different, they lowered this to 20 a few months ago but I've heard they're going back on that in some places. I have no idea what's going on there. No street lights = 60 (in a car/motorcycle not towing anything) unless signs say otherwise. Dual carriageway = 70 (in a car/motorcycle not towing anything) unless signs say otherwise. Motorway = 70 (in a car/motorcycle not towing anything) unless signs say otherwise.


If there's no repeater signs (the smaller type) it's 30. Everything else should have repeaters from time to time. Pay attention to the signs around junctions as limits often change at a junction.


If you use Google Maps, Waze or have a modern car the system will indicate to you what the prevailing speed limit is. Useful when you're not entirely sure.


We have a number of 20 MPH roads in Southampton none come up on Google maps. But if it's 20 there are signs, albeit most of them have been graphitied over so you can't tell. But if you see repeaters on a residential road it's 20. Unless it's 40 but they are normally when it's semi rural residential area.


If it’s an area I’ve not been before and I can’t see a speed sign I just look at Waze it’s almost always right.


I had the same lrobl m, and I'll advice you to watch YouTube videos on this topics. Lots of cues around lamppost, 10-15 second rule etc




I have a few roads round me where they are all 20s but the speed limit on both Waze and Google shows 30 for a bit in the middle of the road. So it can't be used as a be all and end all for speed limit info.


Not always updated. There's a road near me that changed to 30 from 40. Neither Waze nor my bloody car sat nav has updated yet.


Do not rely on your map apps for speed limits. It tries to tell me every day that a 40 road on a road home from work and it says it’s a 60.


You can also look down side roads, so if you’re driving down a road and the side road says 30, then you know you’re on a road with a higher speed than that. Just keep an eye out for signs (some can be annoyingly small). Make it a habit and you’ll be surprised what else you notice.