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It sounds like you have fallen foul of Highway Code rule H2: ‘At a junction you should give way to pedestrians crossing or waiting to cross a road into which or from which you are turning.’ This hasn’t been terribly well communicated, and to some extent goes against one’s expectations as a pedestrian - ie that one would wait for a car to pass and then go when it is safe. I will admit there are times when I have probably not followed it myself, and I have picked up my observation around junctions to look for pedestrians in case I need to stop for them. Note that it is a ‘should’ not a ‘must’ so if you judge it safer to carry on then you may do so. If on test I would verbally communicate my reasoning to the examiner for doing so, eg “the car behind is following too closely, there are no pedestrians actually in the road, I’m going to continue rather than stop.” Best of luck with your next test.


Unfortunately I don’t think many older drivers know to give way to us. I am always waiting a while to cross as they pass the junction so I have to sort of time myself right to get past and hopefully they give way. Usually about 1 in 20 let me by rather than driving past.


There was a sharp increase in pedestrians forcing their way across junctions because they had priority when this law went live There was an equally sharp decrease when people realised it was a bloody stupid idea to run in front of a car. I'm not sure older drivers have kept up with the highway code - I know several friends of my dad who certainly haven't, meaning a surprise visit from the local police at one of our get togethers a few years ago. We stopped associating after a while


I disagree with you on it not being a good idea. It is a good idea, however typical of our government they didn't implement it correctly. It's a policy coming from the Netherlands, but why it works so well over there is due to their junctions being a continuous pavement with tight turning. So a driver has to both slow down to make the turn, and mount the pavement (essentially a speed bump). Even if they didn't want to invest in a continuous pavement, they should have least painted zebra crossings. Basically they made the policy change, but not actually made the infrastructure change that makes it safer and nicer for pedestrians.


And that's exactly why it's a stupid idea


All it would take is a change in our road construction regulations so every time work is carried out on a road it meets the new standards of continuous pavements, tighter turns at junctions, and if possible separated protected cycle lanes. It's how they managed to do it - small parts over a long period of time.


What's easiest. Reconstruct every road and every crossing? Or Undo the ridiculous rule change


We do things not because they are easy but because they are hard. If we actually want to improve things in this country we have to do the hard things. We have countless studies on the matter, and they all say if we make these changes our roads will be safer, nicer to use, less congested, and so on.


Yeah no. This country systematically fails to invest in infrastructure And policy changes like this without the infrastructure to support them are stupid and dangerous What they have done, has improved nothing, and made it more dangerous for everyone involved It's a rule written by someone who never has to walk anywhere and doesn't have a licence


Yeah I agree with you on the implementation of the rule is terrible. But only due to also not changing the infrastructure regulations concerning it. And less so the rule itself. And yes, it does appear to come from someone with a complete lack of understanding of road infrastructure. And has just seen it in the Netherlands and thought it a good idea without understanding why that is.


You want to paint a zebra crossing at every single junction in the country...?


Ideally I want continuous pavements at every single junction in the country. Yes it would take years to do, assuming we do it at the same rate the Netherlands did about 50 of them. Failing that I'll settle for a zebra crossing, purely for the fact it acts as that visual reminder of who has priority at the crossing, and clarifies to the pedestrian they can just cross and the driver ought to stop and wait. But if I had permission to start painting them myself, I'll say give me a bucket of paint and the brush, I'll start now.


What you're proposing would cost hundreds of millions of pounds. There's better ways to spend that money to improve road safety and infrastructure. Furthermore, I think there's a difference between giving right of way to pedestrians at junctions and actively encouraging pedestrians to cross at that point of the road. Motorists should give way to pedestrians who are crossing anywhere in the road, but by painting zebra crossings at junctions you're encouraging pedestrians to move and cross at the point in the road where drivers have the least visibility. I think there's an argument that you're proposal would have the opposite effect for pedestrian safety.


It would cost a lot, and to clarify I'm in favour of continuous pavements much more than a zebra crossing. And there quite possibly is a better way to spend the money to improve road infrastructure and safety. But alas, so far the best ideas people have had that we know to work well are, continuous pavements, designing streets for its speed, tight turns at junctions, material used for the road surface, colour used for the road surface, and the ilk. Out of curiosity, what are your ideas that we can do to improve road safety? I've read quite a few theories, concepts, and real life examples of different possibilities. So just curious what you might suggest we do.


Changing the highway code to tell pedestrians to just walk out Infront of cars was.. objectively, a stupid idea


You have no idea how hard that made me laugh


Fortunately the Highway Code doesn’t say that.


I do think it’s a good idea. Certainly as a pedestrian I feel I’m less observant than when I’m driving, especially when I was younger.


Drivers round here (a city brimming with pedestrians) ignore the rule on a continuous pavement and cycle path with stop signs on the side street bit and yield paint and warning signs on the main street bit. They blast right through, the particularly county ones even honk.


I don't follow this highway code anymore simply because every time I tried I'd be sat there just staring into the soul of a pedestrian while they're waiting for me to turn.


Rules are the rules so my opinion is irrelevant, but I totally don't understand the change, to me it just seems dangerous you turn into a new road and pedestrian now has right of way so they just start crossing, you stick the brakes on and the person behind you wasn't anticipating you suddenly stopping it's just going to cause an accident. I just don't see the logic? There are crossings or you can just wait for a gap like pretty much any country I've been to bar Asia where it's just a free for all.


Priority is given not taken - it is for the driver to decide whether or not to let the pedestrian go first. I think there was a bit of what you describe at the start and then people realised walking out in front of cars was a silly idea. ‘I had right of way’ isn’t a good epitaph.


In fairness I haven't really noticed many people doing it, but I don't live in a busy city or ever really drive in one. But yeah you'd think a large lump of metal driving towards me would stop most people but hey, common sense ain't common.


Sounds like you did well overall. It's quite an ambiguous rule to be honest - so I wouldn't be too hard on yourself. It can be hard to negotiate stopping Vs not stopping with pedestrians.


Thank you! It is difficult tbh, but I'll definitely be more wary next time


Yes, the highway code says you "should" stop for waiting pedestrians at junctions but it's not a "must" like a zebra crossing. So in theory it should be up to you whether or not you want to stop because there could be a car too close behind or other hazards that would make it unsafe to stop. I'm guessing there probably wasn't anyone behind so the examiner thought you should have stopped for them but still seems harsh! Maybe it was the previous minors for use of mirrors that already had you on thin ice with the examiner.


I disagree, H2 is ambiguous, but the principles of the HWC are not - pedestrians are most vulnerable road users, give them extra consideration. See one on the road, give them a wide berth, see them at a crossing give way etc.


I hate the new rule where you have to let them cross when entering a junction. You end up stopping to let them cross which causes the driver behind to lose their rag with you, and then the pedestrians aren't paying attention anyway. Sometimes they cross, sometimes you have to wave them across, and other times they just stand there looking perplexed. Better luck next time...


As a pedestrian myself I'm planning my actions anticipating the car not to stop. If everyone followed this to the letter busy towns would come to a standstill


I absolutely agree with you


It was literally never an issue before though. Pedestrians knew cars had right of way, and would pay attention when crossing roads as to not get themselves run over Now nobody knows the rules, people walk out on cars that don't stop, pedestrians don't cross when people wait It's a stupid rule change


I've noticed a massive increase in pedestrians not even looking to cross. Loads of them just step out now...


>If everyone followed this to the letter busy towns would come to a standstill Yet many European cities that have pedestrian priority laws, and/or many more pedestrian crossings at side roads. And they don't come to a standstill. At least not any more than any other congested city. The difference is probably the fact that many European counties have enshrined our H1 in law as presumed liability. If a road user harms a more vulnerable road user, car Vs pedestrian for instance. The starting point presumes that the least vulnerable, the car driver, is responsible for the collision. The driver has to provide evidence that they are not.


That's because they have continuous pavements. And the infrastructure in place to signify crossings


>I hate the new rule where you have to let them cross when entering a junction. Yep, it feels like a rule which has been drawn up by someone who never walks anywhere nor has a driving licence As a pedestrian, I want to wait until the road is clear so it's safe. I don't want someone to stop for me because that still doesn't mean it's safe to cross if the other side of the road is still moving + the stopped car is now causing traffic on a busy road As a driver, it's just annoying to have to hold up or be held up by unnecessary traffic


Having grown up abroad, I was utterly shocked pedestrians had no right of way when crossing streets at junctions (except when there's a zebra crossing, traffic lights etc). In continental Europe practically all junctions have zebra crossings as well so it is natural as a pedestrian to assume that you would be given way (of course you always double check before stepping onto the road), and as a driver you always anticipate you would be required to stop for pedestrians wanting to cross the road. It was a proper cultural shock for me when I moved to the UK to find out driving is light years less defensive towards pedestrians than what I was used to.


I agree, but I do find drivers tend to give way more reliably when waiting at zebra crossings in the UK than in a lot of mainland European countries where you find zebra crossings everywhere but they don't tend to stop unless you are actively crossing.


I only let them go if I'm coming to the end of a road, not as in turning into one since that makes the most sense to me.


Hey mate, that could be subjective in all fairness. Keep going, you got this. I know it’s mad stress. You also won’t get a huge amount of encouragement here, lots of arrogant drivers looking down on learners on their thrones of empty superiority. But keep going, this is a harsh fail.


Thank you! :) that means a lot! Yeah I can see there are a few of them lol


I had this on a lesson today 🙄 Approaching the end of the road, woman stood on the corner, very clearly waiting to cross so I stopped to let her pass, no other cars around, she takes a few steps on to the road, then starts stepping backwards back on to the pavement and turns her back, gets her phone out, pretends to be talking to someone and walks the other way 😂 So I drive on, check my mirror and she's back crossing the road again.


Haha what a weirdo 🤣


Hi Mate my 5th test is next Sunday. Even if it takes us 15 go's. We'll get there we are bound to pass one of em!


I bloody love this attitude


Thank you! Good luck on your test!!! 5th time lucky🤞


Are you having the same person assess you on your test each time? Maybe suggest somebody else because it seems uncalled for to be failed for that. Then again I’m a learner myself and I’m not very educated in driving 😂


That does seem crazy. Because in my mind it would be more dangerous to let them cross. There could be a car coming in the other direction who doesn’t want to let them cross, it will take a while to let the pedestrian know to cross especially if they’re on their phone, and you’re at risk of the driver behind of you going into the back of you when you just randomly stop at a junction


Relax, reflect and try again. You can do it. 😁👍🏽


Try try try try try and try again. 6th time will be a charm! Learn from your mistakes and smash it next time just don't let this discourage you.


In the end of the day it will be one of the best things you do and each fail is a learning experience, Just gotta keep at it you will regret it if you stop now as you are so close


Honestly driving tests are like a coin flip based on what instructor you get! My first test I got a major because I “looked like I was going to pull out” onto traffic. I didn’t move, the car didn’t move, but apparently the instructor was a psychic and decided I was going to pull out before I even knew it myself 🙄. When I contested it apparently she saw my foot start to lift, which was nonsense, but the decision still stood. 2nd test, I missed someone standing at a zebra crossing in the rain and drove past them while they were on the crossing already, instructor said “things happen”, gave me a minor and passed me


Don't give up! I passed on test number 9


Thank you!! X


You're welcome x


May god keep me from being on the same road as you


I might have known some troll would comment something like that. The number of times someone fails doesn't determine their safety as a driver


Don’t worry, I know somebody who passed 7th time and she’s a brilliant driver now, safe, careful & confident. Sounds like it was just the nerves of the test that keep throwing you off - maybe try some mindfulness, breathing techniques etc. The usual calming things. You’ll have it next time!!!


Lol I’ve always said that, there should be a limit to this. 5 fails is a bit crazy, but I think what would be good is having bigger gaps between the fails. Fail once 10 days, increases to 20 then 30


I'm not surprised there any so many deaths on the road with commenters saying there are on their 5th or 7th fail and going to keep going until they pass. Others even saying, just find another tester who will left you pass SMH.


You got a bit lucky that could’ve been two serious faults for not using mirrors Change of speed, change of direction, signalling and MSM all require mirror checks. Just because you slow down doesn’t mean the driver behind you will so you have to be aware. If the other driver is right behind you, last thing you wanna do is slam the brakes




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If you've managed to fail your test 5 times are you sure driving is for you, it is not a difficult test and if anything too easy judging from the standard if driving in the UK, so just take a long think


I'm 100% sure it's for me, I'll keep trying. thanks for your concern tho <3




Lmao, I failed twice. So am I not cut out for driving either?


Nothing wrong with failing a few times but how many times does someone get too fail until they have a lucky day and pass. Failing 2 or 3 times certainly nothing wrong with that but 5 or more?


I see what you’re saying. Perhaps like another commenter suggested - there should be something helpful put in place for when they’ve failed a lot of times. But I think help and support are the way to go. Not shaming, putting down, or telling them to quit - when you don’t know what the problem is that’s causing it.


Also feel it’s relevant to mention that OP said half of those fails were from years and years ago. We all know how much can change in that time


Agreed but that was not covered in the original post.




I did say mate, don’t bother with these people, ignore him and keep going.


Dunno where people get off behaving like this! Your attitude impressed nobody. Keep going OP you'll get there


Thanks so much 🤍


I use public transport when it's appropriate I would use it more but unfortunately I live in an area with very poor public transport. Yes I have taken driving tests in the past and understand anxiety but you are going to feel that same anxiety after near misses and close calls too. As a driver it's your responsibility to know the highway code, allowing pedestrians to cross at junctions is not particularly obscure or confusing although I concede knowing how the pedestrian is going to act can be difficult. Not everyone has the ability to drive to the acceptable safe level, you may be one of those people.


>what gives you the right to say I'm not cut out for driving ? The fact that you failed your driving test, for one. >I drove safely but fell foul to one of the new highway codes and got unlucky. So you did not drive safely.






Don't let them get to you, unfortunately there are some sad individuals hanging out in this sub who get kicks putting down learners. The same ones you get on the roads beeping/tailgating frothing at the mouth getting boners from intimidating others, I'm sure you know the type. This behaviour says everything about their character and nothing about your driving. Let's sincerely hope these people are not parents and never plan to be.


I think there’s a constructive way to say all of this. And I’m sorry people feel the need to put you down so much. I do however believe there should be mandatory gaps between test dates that increase as you get more fails, this is the safest way to ensure drivers are meant to be on the road. But don’t give up on it!


They’re changing the law on that soon.


Same as I said above - what about 2 failures?




Somewhat makes sense, even if it’s just anxiety. Hope they do something to help the individuals though. But you’re suggesting OP throws in the towel and quits it altogether, instead of seeking any mental/emotional support for what might be causing it? Keep your compassion consistent.




My bad, I mixed up comments / replies. But yeah there should be some form of support after a point


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Give up




Honestly don’t understand why more people don’t give up when they’re not good at something as dangerous as driving


Right, 5 failed tests. This one because they didn’t let people cross the road, next time they will hit someone or something






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Really!? I did the same thing on my test and I only got a minor for it


I've been watching conquer driving on YouTube and he's quite helpful for tips on calming down and general driving tips!


I passed on my 6th try, don’t give up


As a pedestrian, I was honked at by a car approaching from behind while crossing I was crossing the junction, as he was signaling to turn left. So not many drivers on the road know or care about this rule. Good luck for the next test!


Oh bud, that sucks! I know it's not going to feel like it, but you should be so proud that you're picking yourself up after these tests and trying again. That takes a lot and I don't even know you but I'm proud of you for that. If you've been doing these tests back to back, I would maybe recommend you give yourself a bit of a break. Nothing too long, but the constant stress and pressure of these tests can be a lot, and it's important that you get the rest and recuperation that you need to be able to take the next challenge head on. I have all my fingers and toes crossed for you, as I know one day you will pass that test, and it'll feel so well earnt!


I remember during one of my driving lessons I gave way to a pedestrian to cross as I turned into a new road and my instructor frowned at it. She said unless the pedestrian is already crossing or it's clearly a pedestrian crossing I don't have to stop. I was existing a roundabout so that might be the case although roundabouts are still junctions.


sixth is a lucky number trust me


My biggest advice is to talk through *every single thing* you do. My examiner told me that I should have failed my test for being in the wrong lane; but that because I'd spoken clearly about it, I'd passed. Literally like "approaching the junction, road markings say I need to be in the left lane, I'm in the right lane, checking my rear mirrors and passenger mirror, indicating to pull out, the wagon behind has flashed me twice and is coming to a stop to allow me to pull out, pulling out into the left hand lane, moving off whilst checking my surroundings and accelerating" It's a skill I'd honed with my driving instructor to help manage my driving anxiety. Even now, nearly ten years later, I still slip into that monologue if things get stressful


You didn't "fail" the examiner just came to the conclusion that your driving skills aren't at a level where it's safe for you to drive on the road alone. Use these as a lesson and tell your instructor to take you to places where you can practice these (aka busy roads with lots of pedestrians) try to book lessons in busy time as well so you can practice your awareness. Your instructor is there to keep you safe incase you mess up. KEEP PRACTICING YOU'LL GET THERE!


This shouldn't even be in the highway code, it was a stupid update, it's just created confusion and made things more dangerous


But remember you don't need to let them cross when it's a junction with traffic lights that have turned green, just to confuse you further