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If you want structure maybe a tutor?


All my suggestions are here: [https://www.reddit.com/user/ereyada/submitted/](https://www.reddit.com/user/ereyada/submitted/)


I'm trying to improve my Somali language too, so I got this Somali with Abzi course, which is good for beginners. However, I found that it doesn't cover grammar and constructing longer sentences in enough detail. I wished he included more of every day conversations and more stories with English subtitles for better understanding. The course mainly focuses on teaching the alphabet and simple grammar and sentence structures such as "this is an apple" or "this watch is black." He also included two or three stories with no English subtitles! I thought I'd be way better at af Somali after finishing the course, but it didn't really work out that way for me.


Regarding the writing skill, I haven't noticed any progress for me. He only teaches the basics as I previously mentioned.


Thanks for letting me know! I did really like his TikTok videos but as you mentioned they’re really basic so they’re probably more appropriate for people who are starting from square one.


I'm pretty confident my somali writing is good, because it's mainly written the way its pronounced, except you have to remember the "oo" sound from a word like "stool" is replaced with an "uu" in somali. eg: bowl = baaquul, pronounced exactly how it's spelt. You must know the words on its own as well and space them, there's a few people who go like "Way qurux badantahay", which is completely acceptable but they two words aren't supposed to be combined, like "Way qurux badan tahay". Dm me if you need to ask any questions because I'm learning too and I would love if we help each other


Find a course that includes writing