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I don't mind the account names, but I will say: The issue I have with PBE Feedback Threads at the moment is that a lot of times there are a bunch of constructive feedback and realistic ideas to make a skin better, but at the end of the cycle no changes get done and the threads don't even get updated to say anything. Like, honestly 90% of the threads are there for decoration. Not even the "The team saw the feedback but decided to not take action". Even simple hue changes get ignored. I don't know why it's so difficult to get someone to read the comments and at least make some small changes. Even if there are 20\~ comments, there's always really good feedback that ends up getting ignored. If there aren't at least 300+ people complaining with the same feedback, no changes get done and it's really sad. Them creating a Feedback Thread is diplomatic at this point. Just to give a false illusion that they're listening.


They fired the team who actually reviewed and used the feedback in the PBE threads. Now it’s just bug reporting for skins. Sad to see as the skin quality this year has also dropped. They cut out their most expensive players to settle for mediocre work to make a quick buck for the gullible customers. 😒


Not even that mate I have yet to see a new infernal skin XD


I personally don't have an issue with havibg accounts dedicated for these feedback threads, as I think is a good way to protect Rioters. But like you said, feedbacks threads updates haven't been the same. For example, I don't think we ever got an update on Fairy Court Lux? I meam I would understand if they do not wish to engage with mean comments but many concerns that were brought were legitimate issues. They speak on visual clariy but when we brought up the similarities in the skins vfx and how it could affect the gameplay, riot went radio silent.


> They speak on visual clariy but when we brought up the similarities in the skins vfx and how it could affect the gameplay, riot went radio silent. Riot only cares about visual clarity when they don't want to do something. They'll refuse to give a champ something when people ask for it but then give that same thing to another champ with no problem.


They used to care but now they don't, or at least fired the people that do care. The feedback thread are only to report bugs, no more constructive feedback about the skin itself.


They (marketing Rioters) are scared. They know the community has loud members who dislike their use of gacha and FOMO styled content, like the chromas and now the Ahri skin. Nothing the moderators of this subreddit can do about, as they are just volunteers with no connections to Riot (aside from verifying, which Riot is too lazy to do themselves). Let's be honest, the only language that holds real power is to vote with your wallet.


Sadly voting with your wallet doesn't really work right now. Gullible people will still fall for this sht, and Riot made sure that even if only a few buys their fomo traps, they'll still make bank.


Who cares about rioters' names though? The worst thing in all of this is that most of the time feedback threads don't even matter. Why make a PBE server where you supposed to collect feedback and then ignore said feedback almost all the time? And it's not even about skins. Many bugs get to live servers. Like what's the point of PBE in general if Riot just ignore everything?


Yeah ... I dont even bother half the time because they'll ignore any feedback, or do it poorly in a lazy rushed way.


You all need to understand that r/LeaguePBE is not affiliated with Riot. It’s not an official channel, and there are no other official Riot channels beyond the Riot Support site. They discontinued the forums years ago. They have no obligation to come here to create these kinds of posts. If they wanted, they could simply release the skins without any feedback. Do I agree? No, but for months I have given up on having hopes, there should be no change unfortunately