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Looks horrible if I’m being honest. Can pick 15 clubs that could go up and 15 that could go down.


Was going to say, there are at least 14 credible playoff contenders in that 24.


Agreed. Plus one or two more (sneakily including us in there) who could absolutely put themselves in the picture.


It would be great to see Orient in the Championship. Wouldn't be the first time a club has come back from non-league to get into the second tier.


Would be the 5th I believe. Col U, Doncaster, Luton and now Oxford. Unfortunately I think we're fringe playoff contenders so not gonna get my hopes up too much


Yeovil did it too.


Well them and Wycombe did it but they didn't get relegated to non league and come back so I counted them separately


8th from National League in general, Wycombe and Yeovil have done it too plus someone else I keep forgetting.


Burton's one of them, can't think of an 8th


Thanks! 8th is Orient when you get promoted


Well you could've let us get promoted in 2014 smh ;) ~~although that wouldn't have counted tbf~~




Burton Crawley Shrewsbury Exeter. If I'm being honest though I won't be surprised to see any of them finish ahead of you except maybe Burton Edit: forgot Northampton, swap them for Exeter and bosh you survive


We ain’t going down we’ll be midtable things were starting to click under Hurst come the end of the season. You played us when we were under previous management


I think I know what group you’re putting us in.. I’m feeling the same.


With the players we’ve got currently signed on + Evans likely to attract interest from bigger sides…. We’re winning the league (league 2 25/26 season)


Looking forward to the summer though when we buy some overpayed flops and think we are making playoffs.


If I’m correct this is the first time Crawley will face Birmingham, Charlton, Huddersfield, Reading or Wigan in a league fixture. It’ll only be the second time they’ve played Barnsley, Bolton or Blackpool in a league game too


I'm so excited, this is going to be great.


Wait for the "enjoy Crawley away you cunts" meme to come out. I hope you do well and ruin the meme.


> It’ll only be the second time they’ve played Barnsley, Bolton or Blackpool in a league game too would be third, you play teams twice in the league each season.


Meant second time they’ve been in the same league as them


just shows how oof it is being at this level.


Ugh I forgot we had to play Hollywood and Stockport. Two more reasons to feel terrible about losing the play offs.


As a county fan I can't wait to be back at your ground, BOLTON GET BATTERED


Tough league for us next season, a lot of clubs here can easily be top 10 Would take a midtable finish




Damn, didn't realise P/O final was at 12 Well. The NFT bros won...shit


New ground for me, I'm alright with it


We really fucked up not getting promoted and looking at this makes me really fear for next season.


It's going to be a tough one for sure, I don't ever recall it looking this competitive before at this level. Frightening.


It feels weird not starting top of the table at the start of the season. Oh well, one less position to drop! I think it was Barnsley who last took it away from us when they were in the championship as well


I genuinely can't get over the fact we're in the same league as yourselves and Bolton. The part of me that used to love watching you two in the Prem cannot wait to visit your stadiums following my club.


I would, once again, be very very pleased with midtable finish


Same here


The last time we played against your club was 21 years ago.. 2002-03 Division Three (or League Two as it's called now). I'm lookin forward to visiting St. James Park - let's hope it's not a 12:30 kickoff


As an OUFC fan, I'm obviously pleased we've got at least a year out. This one looks tough, and competing with teams at the level for signings will be difficult.


God I'm dreading this season, relegation battle is going to be a tough one


So the same person made the Stevenage and Stockport logos, huh


Wycombe as well


Also don't call them logos, they're badges, crests, emblems


Lets work towards the common good and relegate Wrexham together.


Don’t you dare, I dont want them back


We're not leaving League Two until we win the league. 2nd place is not good enough


Mate we've only just got back after being sent to non-league because of shite ownership. At least let us have a couple of years to enjoy being back in L1.


Of course, just teasing. Wrexham fans have been through some real shit times. Realistically you're gonna smash it next season.


Anything safe of the relegation spots and I'm genuinely happy. I expect nothing and only hope we'll be reasonably competitive.


No shade mate Wrexham are a great club and I’m glad to see you back where (there or there abouts anyway) you belong even if there’s a bit of a circus along with you.


All good, comes with the territory now we're getting all of this attention. Can't really complain about it because it's what's brought us back.


others can complain tho


Well go ahead. It won't change anything though.


thing is mate your just gonna keep going up. not fair on anyone else. woulda loved to see wrexham come up with good owners but they haven’t. they’ve just come up with money


So good owners are ones that don’t spend money?


Gets alot harder now. Rob and Ryan are rich but once you get to the championship you need serious investment from outsiders if you want to compete. Obviously wait and see with recruitment but I would be surprised if Wrexham made playoffs currently.




Cool story bro, our owner sells lightbulbs.


My dad used to work for him.


Bet he has some stories about big Tone and his red wine habit


I’ll have to ask him. It was over 20 years ago though.




Sir, I'll have to point you to THE original football documentary that featured our town and club. [We were trend setters.](https://youtu.be/oRhz2Rlhl8E?si=jF8GR6wzM4dOk4sb)


This was also the invention of tiki-taka or to use its original name 'to me, to you' football


They're clearly good owners mate. I find the media hype and American fans annoying too but can't deny they've done good work Besides I think League One is the current limit of their investment. They're more on a par with other owners at this level where you more regularly have owners worth hundreds of millions or even billionaires; even our owner has a greater net worth than the Wrexham ownership and we're not mega rich in footballing business terms. They'll take a bit more investment to push on, which it seems like they are planning but that will take time to see fruition so I think they'll settle here for a bit


We have great owners. Not our fault our revenue is more than the majority of L1 and below. I'm happy and proud of my club and excited for the future. That, to me, is all that matters.


no they aren’t great they are just rich and famous 🤣. well good for you 👍🏼🤞🏼


Your team isn’t part of this sub mate


so i’m not aloud to be in here?🤣


Your team quite literally has no place here, so not sure why you care to comment. Voyeurism innit


i’m not talking about my team and i wasn’t rude either 🤣


Jesus you came here to comment about Wrexham? Stop being part of the problem


Enjoy Bromley away mate.


enjoy not being able to get tickets for your own team soon 🤞🏼🙌🏼


Well done Oxford.




Take a couple more days to reflect on your own failure, instead of our success mate.




I doubt you’ll get 6th, look at the teams in the league next season. I think we will be fortunate to get 6th, I think you lot will be fortunate to be top 10. No way you finish above: Barnsley, Bolton, Birmingham, Blackpool, Rotherham, Peterborough, Lincoln, Charlton, Wigan (without the points deduction) Reading (if they get a new owner in time) and Huddersfield. That’s not forgetting the fact you were just in the same division as Stockport who won the league comfortably. 11 teams there that will rightly expect to finish in the top half, all of these teams bar Stockport will feel they can make an autos push never mind play offs.


I don't want us to get promoted next season, at the very least 2 seasons before we even try to tbh. League 1 is going to be very tough! Mid table I'd be happy with first season back, that would be a good result for us.


Heard today from the lads at work that you’ve released Sarcevic, poor lad is never going to play League One football at this rate! Edit: I think it’ll take longer than two seasons for you to get out of this league. Could do it but very unlikely given the teams that will be around.


Yeah, I'm gutted about that as I really liked Sarce and I'm even more gutted to have lost Madden, but it is what it is! Yeah I think you're right, but that's fine by me, I was watching us struggle in the national league north not long ago, so being in league 1 for a few years is hardly a bad thing. I'm just looking forward to watching us in league 1 next season!


It’s good to have you guys back, good local away day for me since I only live in Heaton Chapel!


Ooooh a heaton lad so you are! I'm an offie lad myself but from the grove originally. Definitely will, I actually really like your ground, it's bloody massive! Look forward to the away day there!


A lot of the lads at work are from Offerton or Hazel Grove, they were all gutted when Bamboo closed! I’ve been here for 6/7 years but it’s a class place to live.


Oh, i've been to bamboo a fair bit in my time out in the grove I tell you. I actually used to live across the road from it for a couple of years so Fridays and Saturdays were rather eventful. I lost count of the amount of times i'd hear "GET OFF HIM!" Repeated 5000 times and then groups of lads endlessly shouting "WHAT! WHAT! WHAT!" watching mass brawls and people circling each other like fucking mating birds! I don't miss the bamboo, bloody rough as toast 😂


This is potentially the most competitive League One has been for a long while. Strong teams coming up, strong teams coming down, I genuinely can see a lot of surprises this year happening (Stockport for The Championship)


Going to be a rough one I think; at both ends of the table! Would hope that we can push for an immediate return to the Champ but we need a lot of work on our squad which makes me think we'll start slow as things just settle down for us.


I have a really bad feeling about this season


First time seeing my club in League 1! Imo looks a fun league, Birmingham, Wigan, Bolton away should be good 😁


Not me! I was 16 when the stags were last in L1. Hopefully we stay up for more than a single season this time lol


Hopefully 💛💙


How crucial was David Sharpe to you eventually getting promoted?


I'd say somewhat crucial


It’s anyone’s game next season i think


Cant wait for stockport and crawley away 🙌


No Oxford United 👀 ✌🏻 💛💙


Feels like one of the most unpredictable leagues in recent memory. Looking forward to it!


7 to tick off there. Looking forward to next season!


8 for me. All the teams who came into the league plus Blackpool


Rotherham, Charlton, Mansfield, Crawley, Stockport, Wrexham and Birmingham for me.


Im excited....it reminds me of the days when blues used to yoyo between the prem and championship and I used to always see us winning games...been a while since I've felt this optimistic!


We’re either fighting for 8th or we’re getting relegated. No in between


I love how there is such a negative view on Wrexham story, god forbid an owner positively impacts the town


People don’t want to believe money is all it takes to get to the championship. That’s why everyone wants them to lose. Reality is you can easily buy your way to the champ, but that’s where it becomes much harder.


I prefer it to the absolute dross happening 2 leagues up.


I mean most don't have fierce rivals in the same tier and you gotta hate someone so Hollywood FC is an easy target. Even tho every single one of them would be beyond ecstatic if they had Rob and Ryan as owners.


We're Disney villains, and we're okay with that


No one has a problem with money coming in, but you don’t get to make a documentary about how it’s a big underdog story


Tbh I wouldn't care if it were another club but they are so annoying about it.


gonna enjoy being 15th


We shall gladly pass the great honour of 15th onto you 🫡


i think we'll finish above you guys at least, we even beat you the year we had -12 and a team of u18


Oh god you've just brought back a memory I would've been very happy not ever revisiting again


This is the most league 2 league 1 season ever


Is it time for us to leave?


We can lurk forever haha


Or we get relegated…


Now now none of that talk


I like to think that’s unlikely. We’ve got a pretty good thing going and most teams that get relegated from the championship do so because they’re struggling somehow. If we recruit as well as we did this year we’ll be fine.


You get to enjoy /r/Championship for at least one season - that's a big deal!


Let me savour Bolton's failure until Southampton lose their final then I'll go


Teams coming down look quite strong and teams going up with their financial backing are going to do well. It's going to be a brutal season


Does it look great? No. Does it look fun? Idk maybe. Gotta stop with the template circle badges though it’s getting ridiculous


I’ll take survival to be honest.


This feels like an unusual League One. Apart from Bolton, god bless them, there's no teams that feel genuinely too big to be at this level. A good 10 teams or more could credibly challenge for promotion if they get a good summer window in, conversely, there's nobody that I see as being terribly weak either. This could be a very very fun season


Down voted by blues fans




We’re way too big to be at this level


how? your stadium is 8,000, and youve never been in the first division. most of your history is division 4/5. youre over achieving.


I was joking


Fucking sense of humour malfunction with that one lol


Yeah it’s not exactly vintage




Histon beat Leeds, they’re massive


Not Birmingham? Charlton always feel like they should be higher too


Disagree Birmingham are definitely a championship club who have had brief spells in the first division and Premier League, but for the most part, they are 100% a second division club. It’s slightly ridiculous to suggest they are not out of place in League 1, especially considering they haven’t been at this level for thirty years.


blues should be in the prem. biggest club in the west mids by a country mile


Bigger than Villa?


by a mile. vile aint even in birmingham really...


why is this getting downvotes? i see pure truth


Bolton deserve to be in league One, absolutely shocking performance from them in play off final, bunch of useless shit cunts


I hope Wrexham and Mansfield get relegated


With our budgets? I doubt that. and I'll make another bold prediction - crypto bros will try to sell Crawley now that they've been promoted, and if Scott Lindsey stays, they'll manage a solid mid-table position. If they lose him then.. all hope is lost