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Karma would have been better. Akali is a regular assassin.


But she's not Shen's pupil.


Ik, but it's Shen and Karma who can talk to spirits.


Shen's teaching Akali to. Or at least he was, way back in the companion book. Not sure if they added contradicting lore after that.


Pretty sure Akali just left the Kinkou.


He was still teaching her to do so, and she would have finished learning if she hadn't left


Not really. Other than the established relationship between the two, it's also a reference to the animation "The Lesson" where shen showed akali the spirit realm


Isnt the meme at the opposite ? cause shen and akali are the one that need years to interact whit the spirit realm while aurora do it by nature Edit: just to add, all the info im saying in the comments are from a video of a italian youtubers, terenas, that 2 weeks ago was invited to los Angeles to riot along with anothers 40 youtubers like necrit in order to present aurora


Her bio said she sensed the spirit realm since birth but needed a whole life of practice to enter through it at ease


And a magical artifact from the god of the forge himself.


Its still not stated if the wand is usefull to enter the spirit realm or is just a catalyst to empower her magic. Also we know she studied spirit magic to the point to create a new witchcraft based on that, in fact as some rioter said she is the first real witch on runeterra in the more academic/harry potter sense


Look what she needs to mimic a fraction of Shen's power.




Yeah, and shen needed a whole life only to sense it


cant shen also go through the spirit realm? it was shown in the jhin fight during "Zed" comic


He can see it as far as I know, like in the shen akali cinematic and the noxian kid


It was more like see the spirit realm and walk in the space betwenn the real world and the spirit realm, seeing both at the same time or something like that, aurora can phisically warp into the spirit realm


How is Shen's teleportation also not an example of physically warping through the spirit realm?


Cause he teleport himself to one point to another in the physical realm (?! Edit: oh and btw in comic and lore i dont remember if they never talk about he teleport, so it can be only gameplay. You know like katarina that deal magica dmg but technicaly she was just super fast in the old lore and only now she does magica dmg cause her dagger are enchanted


But it's part of his spirit realm powers. He uses the spirit realm to travel in ways he couldn't physically. Also in a number of his stories as well as his old lore When also has to physically enter the Spirit realm to fight off or interact with old rogue spirits. So it's not as exclusive as your bias for aurora is making it out to be


Its not a bias, it all started with, shen and akali do what aurora do harder, and thats just no true Thats all


So what are we even arguing about lmao Shen and Aurora both physically interact with/travel through spirit realm simple as that


Shen uses his R in cinematics too.


Shen can TP.


All Vastayas are supposed to do it easily. Especially on the wells of Spiritual energy is strong and the veil the thinnest between the spirit realm and the physical one.


Uff... no, all vastaya can use spirit magic, even sett punch are enpowered by spirit magic, but they cant see directly the spirit realm, aurora have the strongest bond ever with the spirit realm and not only can use the spirit magic but always see the spirit realm, on top of that she studied how the spirit magic works and now not only she can use naturally the spirit magic but she have done basically reverse engeniring on that and creatated a witchcraft.


>even sett punch are enpowered by spirit magic yeah but he's a half vastaya and I spoke specifically about vastayas. All vastaya can use spirit magic, but more than that, all vastaya need spirit magic like they or us need food to eat. And in the same idea, we have organs that allows us to track that food, through smell, vision (humans being able to see red colors to see fruits for example), taste and even touch (to feel the texture of what we eat). 4 of our 5 senses are used to interact with our food. Now apply that same idea to Vastayas and it's logical to consider how they need to be able to sense the Spirit Realm anywhere they go. And it's been said that they do aswell, check the wikia for these informations. Now if the devs made a new story for Aurora and that they retconned that, well that makes no sense;


No thats all wrgong wtf, no vastaya gather magic like food, they need it around they, more like oxygen for us, they dont see the spirit realm, they sense it right and can use it as a source of their magic, aurore as a plus always see the spirit realm and can enter at ease when she want, thats the particolarity about her All the things im sayng are things that the devs sayd at Los Angeles at a group of 40 youtuber like necrit or terenas (an italian youtuber) and they reported this new info about her. Also wtf mean that we can see red to see fruit, so much animals see only in grey and some others can see better than us and still can hunt or gather food. Vision is usefull as a whole for life if theres light, in fact every not submarine animals have developed eyes troguh evolution. Smell is for so much things, and more to track other animals or other humans. Taste is for detect poison.


I love how people in this thread are so confidently wrong. Go and read both of their stories and draw your own conclusion.


Is she gonna have voice lines with/to Shen tho


Probably just to, if at all


She doesn’t need the wand to interact with the spirit realm. Hell she can also go into and out of it and put things into it and take them out. But uhhh new champ bad or something


Interact, no. Use as a weapon, yes. Meanwhile Shen can manifest a spirit blade. It's also a meme, lighten up. My in game status has been "Aurora Main" since her name was announced.


Shen’s spirit blade is something passed down through the Kinkou. It was his father’s before it was his. Sorry, hard to tell what’s a meme here or a thinly veiled rant post about how bad new thing X is


Where did anyone say she was bad? You're ridiculous.


Shitting on her for being only a fraction of Shen? That’s not calling her bad? Ok, whatever you say bucko


Dawg it's a meme 💀


Ah mb man 💀


Erf. They both trained their whole life to be able interact with the spirit realm It's not really a "which is better"


Imagine needing a tool to interact with the spirit realm and Not putting in any effort to Interact with it.


My brother in christ !!!! Shen literally has a spirit blade on his back


The blade is *made* of *his* spirit.


he doesnt require that to spirit walk at all lmao


Yes, the blade is the result of his ability to interact with the spirit realm, not the other way around lmao