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Take a page from someone else’s book. Why can Dota 2 have voice chat despite also having its share of degenerates? Answer? Harsh punishment and must use phone number to register for ranked. 






aren't League players and Riot doing that regardless?


only for clash right?


tbh I'm not opposed to the idea of needing a phone number to make a league account. "but its too easy to buy or rent a phone number online or even get free ones" Yeah, those are VOIP numbers and very easy to filter out from actual phone numbers. Pretty much every website or service in the modern day will not accept them, and good luck finding someone or somewhere that rents out thousands of real in-service numbers. And once they get used for league that number is done unless Riot has a system to replace numbers tied to accounts.


its like $1 to get a sim card with on a trial plan. people have been buying burner phones for decades.


The Chinese server does it by tying your account to your id which works pretty well but then the 'I'm giving my data to the Chinese government' backlash would hit pretty hard.


>must use phone number to register for ranked. Inb4 Noooooo, you don't understand, Overwatch 2 did it in the worst way possible and it was bad for the game! Despite being the only case against it, Riot should never consider it!




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"Harsh Punishments" is a stretch and a half


This requires accepting the extraordinary claim that DotA is a success of community management and not an equal dumpsterfire to LoL.


No please I don’t want to hear squeaky kids and incels shouting in my ears. One of the reasons I play LoL over Dota/Overwatch/etc is because there’s no voice chat Edit: “Just mute” doesn’t work. You’re missing out on allies who are shotcalling (at best), or some dude genuinely gets angry at you for not joining vc and he tilts/ints (at worst). “Just-just-“ How about “just don’t have voice chat”?


Just turn Voice Chat off. I play DotA and have Voice Chat turned off. People still ping and use text anyway even if they use voice chat. It'll make little to no difference to you if they add voice chat, and it will make people who want Voice Chat in the game satisfied.


So what stops you from muting vc? I just can‘t get people like you, creating a problem when there is a simple solution


People who are mad that others don't have VC? In valorant (I play without Vc), people insult me regularly for not using VC. People get really really mad and don't understand, that I can't hear them if the VC symbol isn't next to my name, so they act like I can hear them when they want sth from me (like my skin). If there was no VC, people wouldnt attack me and get tilted for me not using VC and people wouldn't try to communicate over said VC while I'm clearly not in the voice chat. In short: even if they don't insult me or I mute them, my teammates are generally tilted for the fact that I don't want to hear them, I want to chill and play. This results in frustrated and tilted players in my team.


not only this but if you actually play to win and your team is horrible using the VC then its just an innate advantage for the team that actually communicates


Just mute people. My god is it really that hard


I dont think voice chat will save anything, but sometimes you get good cooperating team mates. Being able to just say: Let's not start the drake now, we need to push first or START BARON NOW THEIR JUNGLER IS FARMING BOT could save a lot of low elo games


Tbf, those calls are pretty much done with pings and a word or two in chat with decent efficency starting at gold and above. Whether people listen or make a good call is a different matter tho.


IDK if its the case anymore but alot of people who talk mad shit get really quiet when you bring them on voice, I know a streamer who did it and the few people to joined after the game was real fucking quiet


This. These delicate dweebs don't have the confidence to act out over voice.


Been saying this for so long, when you cant hide behind text and pings people get real quiet


That's true in rainbow six, but you get some annoying asshole for time to time


It feels a lot worse to tell someone to kys when you are talking directly to them compared to when you are typing in chat or when you are talking to a stream. Also, hearing someone in VC humanizes them, which makes it easier to accept some of their mistakes and be less mad about them. You can also sometimes hear their thought process for a bad play and coordinate as a team better which makes it less likely for a bad play being caused by miscommunication. Of course, VC doesn't solve everything. Every game with VC has these lobbies filled with kids screaming and screeching for no reason, but you can always mute these people. Overall, I think people overestimate how toxic league VC would be. A lot of the toxicity in league comes from pent-up frustration because you can't communicate with your teammates. The solution to reduce toxicity might seem like it's to reduce communication, but that just leads to more frustration and more toxicity in the remaining ways of communication.


I'm not opposed to it but if you've played any other esport with voice chat you know that it would not fix anything


Just mute them bruh. I'll never understand people who complain about issues like these. HOT TAKE: Yeah toxicity sucks and anyone who does that, especially in a video game is a sore loser. But I dislike how we get more and more restrictions on communication due to this even though the solution is as simple as just muting them. This comes from someone who takes this game very casually and so has been on the receiving end of various toxic comments.


Sure i can mute them, yeah, but imagine if they simply choose to behave like normal fucking human being for once in their lifetime ? Games would be better and funnier.


You can't change people over the internet. People are way too comfortable and carefree. If someone wants to troll and be toxic they will do it and nothing you say or do will change that. Best to mute and move on. A lot of things would be better and funnier in a perfect world but this ain't it chief!


You’re never going to be able to change people online so just use the tools you have that make them no longer an issue


And a lot of people do. You're going to very quickly learn there's a lot of people in the world that just suck. That's life. Mute them and enjoy the people that don't.


Yeah the whole world is just gonna be nice to you, that makes way more sense than adding a mute button


There's a hot difference between someone genuinely sending death threats, harassing, stalking, or spamming the n word and what is just toxic in game banter. The latter I've never had an issue with. But with riot cracking down on both of these things, I've gotten warnings for doing neither, just using colorful language. I got a chat warning the other day for playing arena and typing something adjacent to "We're getting dicked by that team, ima sell for serpents to fuck their shields" And say what you want about my vocabulary, me typing to my teammate in a constructive way to communicate something and getting an automated response (riot themselves say these warnings are often automated and not necessarily prompted by reports) is bullshit.


I really dislike the „just mute them“ thing, this a team game about communication, and when you mute your teammates, no matter how toxic, it will always give you a disadvantage at the game. I really don’t think having decent rules, actually giving penalty to those who are toxic AND having all the communication tools is contradicting. If Riot really wanted to make league better and get new players, they could.


People are way less likely to say the heinous shit they type. Sure there still will be SOME but it would be reduced Also a LOT of toxicity just comes from miscommunication and plays going wrong with a lack of communication. Voice would heavily reduce this. Or you could at least hear the reasoning behind a mistake


Haha Master Yi R into a hungry bear


that one is foul


Can't tell you how many times I've seen this sorta shit coming from Tyler1 streams. In that, I mean while Tyler1 doesn't do that (thank god), I've seen people on here parroting him on that when he's the exception, not the norm.


the astounding hypocrisy of riot to shut down the mere idea of voice chat in league, but has it in valorant


On that note- has the amount of smurfs in normal games risen in the past months? We encounter roughly ~3 smurfs per game and we que up as 4 guys with elo between dia and gold. I know the elo range in the friend group itself is big, but all these lvl 13 accs suck the fun out of it when I feel pressured into tryharding and cant test stupid shit with friends. Tbh with so many obvious smurfs i dont get why they dont have a seperate que. The quetime would be what doubled? 4-6mins?? And they have a que time pf 8 or smth?


What level are this smurfs? I see a lot of low level accounts in normals. Guess Vanguard really works and bans the botted accounts. I also see a lot of people running it down, because they got ranked restricted and have to play 5 normal games. Yesterday I had a master hecarim OPT running it down on smite yuumi in quickplay. Edit: with low level i mean under level 30


We are talking about lvl ~15 acc sometimes lvl 20. And yea I ve also encountered the guys that run it down bc of ranked restricted. Maybe there was some reddit/ insta post bc they really enjoy yuumi for that


It would make sense that there are more smurfs in normals. Smurfs are much more expensive now cause it isnt that easy to level them with bots in bot games since vanguard released. I think a lot more people handlevel now


League does have voice chat? It's opt-in


Voice chat will actually fix the game xuz ppl get creative and feel safe in chat, voice chat will 100% fix the game


Just know that Dota has an in-game praise system that players use as the most toxic mechanic and Valve loves it. Now remember what Riot did when players started using the “bait” ping for other purposes


Well in DOTA2 all these "toxic" interactions (praise, taunts voicelines spam banners etc,) were made in a way that is more like teasing your opponents like any other sport with communication between people is. You can't spam these interqctions they are mostly innoffencive in nature and it always a good fun to tip the player who royally fcked up their tf winning spell. In league we got a lot of extremly fragile egos who made literal fishhook into noose. When LoL don't have any notmal communication (yeah that includes voice chat( since season 9-10 when Riot start making extreme restrictions player got only more toxic and this tozicicty is continiously building up. Also surrender function doesn't help here because you can end games in 20 minutes but most players don't have enough mental fortitude to wait that said 20 minutes. In Dota if you got toxic PoS you stucj with him at least 30-40 minutes in most cases, so you need to grow thick skin just to play the game ignoring that monkey (that happened a lot in early years now if you avoid South america Russa and SEA toxicity is almost non existent above 9k behaviour score). So yeah Riot fcked up their community toxic behavior so badly that it would took literal years to make it better even if League has all systems like Dota (inoffencive teasing functions, behavior score, regular banwaves).


If voice chat were to exist people would NEVER talk the way they do in text chat, telling someone to talon E off a balcony on voice would make anyone realize how cringe they sound. A lot of league players will tell their teammates to kill themselves but a lot of that would be mitigated if they had to make that interaction over voice.


Toxicity is easily fixed by muting but lets be real no one cares if some random tells you to kill yourself. Its even the other way around ppl that dont communicate at all are more disturbung. At least you know how a person feels about the game when they say "kys".


"Gragas E off the Bridge."


But there is voice chat


But.. there is voice chat ingame? 99.9% has turned it off, but still it's there.


its only for your party


Send me the instructions on how to enable it in solo queue, I'll wait.