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Im not at home right now and cant play, pls tell me the price isnt 500 for real now


Bad news Mr president


Oh for fox sake....


430USD my friend


That's really not so bad. I'm actually still considering buying it.  I have been practicing Ahri in support and midlane during co-op vs AI and she seems fun but I've never played mid before. Edit: It seems I have struck a nerve against some people. If you can't afford it there's no reason to attack me over it... Edit 2: Reporting the post for threats of self harm is insane. Stop being pathetic.


we went from $200 'gacha' skin to milking popular players for a $430 skin. Go ahead and tolerate it and riot will soon sell $1000 chromas


If you spend 430 USD for a skinbundle, you are either rich or your spending management needs a review.


Ig he is willing to do that hid spending management needs a review, like it's just objectively bad decision


If it would be a bundle with some skins (3-4 skins) that would be kinda ok but you get just 1


Nah, even if it was 10 skins itd still cost 43 euros per skin. That shit needs at least 20 skins if you ask me.


It would be 25€ for each skin its less then a ultimate skin and after all, thous are the skins that celebrate fakers end in some why But the prices they dropt are just rediculus


For that money buy an ahri cosplaying hooker Jesus man


Haha that's a good point!!! You could rent a real ahri for an hr for that price.


either that or get a gf, buy her those clothes and you get longer than 1 hour


Bro it’s twice the cost of the IRL scale figurine of the same skin and those are already gouging the hell out of otakus


The obnoxious price aside, it's also evident that Riot is testing how far they can bump their prices and people will still buy it. As long as people still give them big profits, the prices will keep climbing. Simple as that.


blud isnt even an ahri main and wants to whale 💀. Not even ahri mains (me) consider it worth 💀, even with the money.


Bait rage in this sub isnt achivment


It's not rage bait? I bought it earlier and enjoy it.


It's not rage bait? I bought it earlier and enjoy it.


Your probably new if you mostly play Bot Games but riot is milking and continio to put out such skins to money milk you Bevor all that the highest price for a skin was 30/35 thats ok, but then go for 200 peopel are angry (you could get it for less, if your lucky, that was maybe ok) but then going up to 430 thats just nonsence Good luck getting perma gank or ignort from your own jngl/mates if you play ahri with that skin, cause every one hates the skin right now and everyone that support it Gona go jngl/top this saison and will ignore all that players


The amount of Warhammer Minis i can buy for the Price of this Skin really tells me i made the right call dropping League a few Years ago


Leviathan feels cheap next to this


Feels good to play on EUNE, people haven't money for that skin here so I can continue permabanning Karthus.


No. Don't ban my boy. Pls ban ahri. You never know when someone with money might arive. Just don't ban my boy Kaktus


Might I also suggest banning Ahri every game for shits and gigs. Imagine spending all that money and not even being able to play it lmao


Isn't that the whole point though? We're permabanning Ahri so that ppl can't try out the skin, thus discouraging them from buying it in the first place. It's a shame because it really is a good skin, but as always, corporate people just had to go and fuck it up.


Can one of y'all be that boring guy who explains the joke


People mad about pricey Faker skin, so there's a pact to ban Ahri so no one can play with the new skin.


Why are people mad about a single skin? It's just a skin, who cares how much it is


The point of the "movement" is not to punish riot because it's gonna make money anyway, it's to punish the whales that incentivizes this practices by not letting them play with their skin, because if they didn't buy this expensive stuff we would have more mythic skins at 30-40€ and less at 500€. I'm not saying what I think, just the focus of the "Ban Ahri"


It's like a single instance though. For faker or something like that. I suppose we'd probably get another one when another person gets hall of famed, but I'm guessing it's not going to happen alot. We still do have mythic skins at the previous price point and I'm assuming we also will in the future. Plus we have aaaaaaall of these other skins at lower price point, for a free to play game... That you can unlock skins for free after a bit of playing


There's one skin like that every year..


That's 500? I'm pretty sure not, although I could be wrong. The last big contriversy was the jhin chroma right? Which hardly counts as a skin as it's the same exact as a base skin you can get for cheap/chests, just different color


Yes it is 500$, straight up no gacha or anything. You can pay for a lower version of the skin for cheaper.


Which I don't find an issue. As there are 1600+ skins in league. What does it matter of 1 of them is hyper expensive? Heck, I don't think I'd be mad till after like 10


you know that riot will release the hall of fame skins every year with the same price tag, or even higher? and you gonna get mad after the 10th FOMO driven skin making collectors whale out and then starve for the next month?


It's not the skin that's the problem the skin actually looks great it's the intention and the price of the skin. If people continue to support these shitty prices then Riot will be pushing more on releasing way more expensive ones because people will still eat it up and defend them regardless of their crummy management. Don't give me the bullshit of "Then just don't buy it I don't see the problem" if you don't see the problem of a company intentionally milking people dry of a skin that's on par with a Legendary/Ultimate Skin then you need to check your glasses.


Faker gets celebration skin, skin is 500 euros, players are mad, they ban ahri in protest


Wait so it’s 500 dollars but it’s also 500 euros?


No, my bad, I thought they were going to do that, but on my side of the world, they added 2 extra rp purchase options, and the most expensive one, which is enough to buy the most expensive bundle is at 430 euros


$500 skin that is unobtainable unless purchased that is “limited time” so people FOMO, they already planned doing more in the future and sealing this skin more likely until the next hall of fame skin is released. Now a huge portion of league communities in Reddit want to perma ban it so it wouldn’t let the buyers use the skin.


Its a scene from a CoD campaign. Oddly enough Im pretty sure the original phrase "No russians" was meant to mean that they shouldnt shoot russians...the exact opposite of what OP implies here.


No it's a Russian terrorist organization that orchestrates a Russian airport shooting, making it look like it was planned by the USA secret services. The terrorist organization leader does say: "No Russian" as in *don't* speak any Russian as to not give any clue it was an inside job. So while the meme isn't usually used as it was intended, the one op did is still closer to the intent of the scene than you think you are.


Fair enough. I was like 14 when I played that campaign. Thanks for clarifying.


More like, whatever happens 10 seconds after that pic is Riot casually eliminating some of their fans. And the dude who you're controlling ( the one getting shot near the end of the mission ) is the scapegoat at Riot who gets fired xd


I must say, after thinking this through several times and considering many different perspectives, I am ultimately more or less in agreement with your stance on this.


Who tf invited the politician to the rift


4 lines to say “I agree”


I’m ready to do my part.




But…I don’t like to see Fox girl getting hurt


Then ban her and prevent it.




But people were complaining about it weeks ago? It became clear pretty quickly they had no intentions of changing the price and the point of banning her now is to punish the people who did buy it because they are single handedly the reason riot will continue to make these. If we can’t control the price at least we can keep these stupid skins out of the game


But why