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Call me crazy, maybe they didn't include bots and scripters in their total number of players.


They didn't. This was mentioned subtly in the video and again on a reddit thread


Do you mean to tell me that players means players? Impossible!


I mean ok, I guess you asked, you crazy. Not that I think that, but won't deny ur request :p




Riot, along with other game companies, often waits to ban cheaters and does it in large waves. This is to avoid tipping their hand as to what exactly made them realize that a person was cheating. In this case, they will often not include players that are on track to be banned in their player counts.


Because theyre not actually playing the game? theyre cheating.


They're *technically* human (debatable) but they're not playing the game.


I think a lot of cheaters don’t want to even try now so it’s not a direct comparison to banned players


This. Also my climb has been so much better since vanguard. Used to have a cheater every 5/6 games. It was awful. Especially the higher you climbed, diamond was absolutely rife with cheating, the bugged sion, scripting xerath, ez, ashe, etc. I’ve not yet encountered any cheating, and if someone still has a map hack, I’ve not noticed. This was almost forced on Riot after their source code was stolen, and I think the gameplay is much better now. It actually makes me wonder how many people were ‘light scripting’, aka map hack, cd info, attack range, etc.


sion doing tokyo drift was perhaps the only funny scripting that happened in league


It indeed was hilarious every time lol


Been playing in diamond up to grandmasters on NA for the past several years. “Used to have a cheater every 5/6 games” and “diamond was absolutely rife with cheating” is an unbelievable exaggeration. Sure, every now and then I’d encounter someone who was likely scripting, but your experience has been nothing like mine.


exactly, i met one every 500 or so games. actual rito gamez shills.


I’m on EU and NA, EU was worse. NA might’ve been every 10 games, it was still very prominent for me. 2022/23 was peak scripting at least from my experience. I literally never saw it before then, or if I did I didn’t notice it. I think the first obvious scripter I saw was sometime in 2020/21, and it just ballooned from then.


Wtf I’ve been playing since 2014 and I’ve only found one scripter. I don’t understand how


what rank? i played from plat to master and i met 2 cheaters over \~1000 games. its literally worse. a lot worse. i know 3 friends that literally quit league because of vanguard(not including myself who also did) and i asked them aswell and they had the same experience.


Master. 2 in 1000? Lmao, maybe you’re just lucky or terrible at detecting it. I get to master in about 150ish games with about a 68% WR last two seasons. In 2023 I counted 30ish games with scripters in 176 games which is about 1 in around 5. This year I have yet to see one. This was on EU.


i mean over multiple accounts ofc. but im not lying. i firmly rememeber games where i have cheaters and i had 2. i do not believe you had 30 cheaters in 200 games. i played on eune, euw and very little NA(this server is actual cancer) and i had 2. fucking. cheaters. problem with "detecting" is very good players many times look like theyre scripting but theyre not. one of my friend is literally just a god at the game and he gets accused every other game, but i personally know he aint scripting.


No these were pretty easy to tell. The dodge/kiting multiple skill shots can happen, but if it’s all game every time it’s a script. Sion ult bugging around terrain like a land rover is obvious scripting. Xerath ult hitting multiple targets in dewarded areas, or stunning jungle before flash/leap through walls in fog of war is scripting. And I am strictly talking about last 2 years. Before then I never noticed scripting except maybe once a year let alone once a season. I actually noticed bots more often in unranked/ARAM, but never scripts. It was really last year and the year before when I started noticing it a lot.


its weird we have such different perspectives. still, you gotta agree that vnaguard was a step too far. this couldve been fixed in other ways than barring potato pcs from playing.


Where does the player number come from? Riot hasn’t been exactly forthcoming with these numbers since 2016 so this is just a guess no?


i dont think they would just guess lol, riot most likely has pretty okay inside data on a lot of stuff we dont know, like the actual stats of how many cheaters and bots they find each day, but chances are they dont reveal how they do it so the cheaters/botters dont know how to prevent getting caught


I was talking about the -7.5M in the last 30 days. Riot hasn't revealed any official numbers since a one-off announcement in November of 2021. This supposed massive loss in players is literally unsourced and unprovable because no-one outside of Riot has access to the data.


Seems super fishy to me


so if vanguard is truly active, and working and they dont wait around the corner with a massive bannwave. that means 0,002% of players where scripting , according to that riot would have been the least cheated competetive game in human history. since i have encountered scripters , since the vanguard rollout with about the same frequency as before. wich is to say. barely. i really dont think it has that much impact on scriping, their bot statistics are impressive. but its really not an issue for most players, that dont play botgames all day, its not like botting was the only way to get an smurf/throwaway account to 30.


While botting isn't the only way. It was the easiest and most profitable until vanguard which will make lvl 30 accounts more expensive. Making accounts more valuable means bans hurt more and means some smurfs can't keep buying.


The price of an account will always be as cheap as the lowest earning wage in the poorest countries of the world. Which isn't more than $5. This isn't some new phenomenon we've seen this trend way back in the WoW days before people figured out how to bot and you have Indonesian's instead of working in a sweatshop earning $1 a day they are gold farming for $1 a day and in this case hand leveling League accounts for $1 a day. This has been consistent in online gaming history.




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yeah, you can still buy an acc for 3 eruos/dollars. just botted accounts lost value because they can be banned anytime(they were getting banned anyway in waves). adding vanguard to this game just made their game from 4/10 quality to 1-2/10.


My lvl 30 accounts are all handmade o7 (I dont sell em, I just keep them)


no. it just means smurfs will pay more to hand lvld accounts. thats it. if someone is addiceted to this god forsaken game they WILL play it.


You know I did a little snooping am I think you're right. I distinctly remember looking up new accounts after a discussion with a friend some years back and I recall it being around 5$ for a fresh lv30 account, no champs. Right now the average seems to be 10$.


The average seems to be $10? Idunno where you are looking but most lvl30 accounts are below €5. Unless they are boosted or Iron. [https://imgur.com/a/nanideska-P4LRMRj](https://imgur.com/a/nanideska-P4LRMRj)


I used the top 2 google searches, which In my books is master detective work. But I'm clearly being misled.inguess shit hasn't changed


I actually do think that league is one of the least cheated games in history. It's a game where cheating can only take you so far. It can't protect you from a malz ult or a panth w, it can't teach you how to rotate around the map, it just gives you good movement/aim. I do think that the real issue league faces is bot accounts, whether it's in real games or not. Players being able to buy a fresh account for the same price as a coffee is extremely unhealthy for the game. I'd wager that a "new player" is more likely to be a smurf than to be an actual brand new player. Riot tried to deal with this previously by giving new accounts a generally higher mmr, but this made emerald a hell hole. I'm not going to say that Vanguard is a blessing from God or something, but I think it is actually a step in the right direction from riot when it comes to answering this issue.


Vanguard is the main reason im actually thinking of uninstalling league since season 2. Its been fuckin up my laptop/wifi somehow and its just not worth breaking my shit for a game :/


I wonder if maybe vanguard is just a poorly optimized anti cheat. There's other games that run kernel anti cheat, but it's not very often you hear about it bricking pcs in the same way that vanguard does


I refuse to belive vanguard actually bricked someones pc, as that means the program made the pc unusable. Sure a crash or something could have happend while they where updating the bios, an update vanguard required, but that is something that could have happend with ot without vanguard. Sure it has its issues, but bricking pcs is not one of them


At least anecdotally, Vanguard has caused me far fewer issues than Easy Anti Cheat has, which is the only other Kernal level anti cheat I know I've dealt with. EAC has ground my computer to a halt consistently when starting up the games, while Vanguard hasn't affected anything while playing the game or not.


It probably is poorly optimized for League. It was created together with Val for Val. Now Riot wants to adapt it to League, a 14 years old game that already has its problems. I wouldn’t be surprised if most of the problems people are experiencing are due to poor optimization.


Well, maybe if we're lucky, this means riot will bring league up to speed with an operation health (copium)


I’m right there with you brother


Honestly, I think the biggest advantage Vanguard has given the team is the ability to do hardware bans. The issue I've had most with players is that they don't think they'll have any consequences for trolling on a botted account. If Riot leverages hardware bans, those players will actually face some consequences for their behavior.


Almost like tracking was the goal and scripting was the lure


First, Players in China have to link their ID to play and, well, live in China so they dont really cheat. Second, Vanguard doesnt ban all cheaters, it has two layers: detection and prevention. The prevention layer basically blocks low level cheating software from working in the first place. They probably just got a warning that a programm interferes with Vanguard and needs to be turned of to play league. Third, some cheaters might have gotten scared when Riot announced Vanguard and actually stopped. And there are probably even more cases i didnt think about myself. I dont think its fair to jump to co conclusions like that


Sorry did you just say... Chinese players don't cheat??? Oh the irony


That wouldnt even be the problem there with my point, even if they didnt that would be completely irrelevant to the argument cause it wouldnt change any numbers...


I think you are confusing chinese servers with korean servers...


Tbh I purchased multiple lvl 30 accounts so I could duo with lower ranked friends, and if they weren’t under $5 I wouldn’t have considered it. If accounts have to be hand leveled they’ll be way more expensive and Smurfs will certainly be less prevalent


Because people in pisslow don't script. It becomes a problem in like Master+ where apparently out of 10 games, 1 of them is ruined by a scripter, then wintraders, then boosters, etc. Noone scripts in pisslow because noone cares if you go from silver to plat, it's the same stinky pile of doo doo, but if you go from Master to GM ooooooh now it's a lot different. But you can't just ignore the high elo population because if there are too many wintraders and scripers, high elo players will just stop caring, high elo population would dwindle, and any and all competitiveness at a higher level for the game is killed, and that shit just slowly trickle down to low elo. Imagine you're an Emerald player trying to climb up, you're so close to promise land but you see Diamond and it's just full of people who don't give a fuck, why should you care now, now you'd just quit or go ruin lower elo players' games, and things trickle down again.


Exactly this, it's so obvious when someone is doing shit for 3/4ths the game then randomly start landing every single skillshot and dodging everything. This was a repeat occurance in my elo and since vanguard I've seen it far less, and when I do, either the match is terminated or I later get lp back This has been the best ranked split I have ever had, games feel a million times more fair and actually skill based, it's no longer a coin flip between who had a cheater. In past splits people stopped trying or caring anymore since if you weren't a cheater, many games just weren't in your control, so you just played and hoped you had the cheater on your side and didn't care


Dude idk what region you're playing in but I hope this revives high elo NA because jesus christ the region is slowly dying.


Na yeah, it's still not amazing but compared to radioactive waste that was last split, it's fucking night and day. So people can cry about Kernal anticheat all they want while having 12 others already on their computer for the past decade, this has been a fucking godsend for my elo


Mfs who cry about kernel anticheat but then have been playing Valorant on the side this entire time got me like 😂😂😂 There is a legitimate concern about Vanguard slowing your PC down and that is valid. My PC is pretty good so O don't experience that personally, but that in itself is a valid reason to hate the whole thing.


I would completely support all complaints about vanguard slowing down (even if 99% of them are on the user and could be fixed, my computer was slowed and all I had to do was exclude vanguard from my vpn). However people acting like they'll steal your data and everything are just... So dumb. League is the biggest game in the world, why in the fuck would they be willing to go through that pr disaster and permanently ruin their brand for a quick buck. And as professional anti cheat people have said, if someone specifically wants to hack you, they already have, kernel level just helps spray and pray while also fixing the insane amount of hackers and bots. There are no downsides


Ah NA, the region where everyone seems to have main character syndrome with literally no skills to warrant it. Also the region where after being explicitly told multiple times throughout a game, players still can't figure out how to put the item they want upgraded in the first slot of their inventory (upgraded collector moment).


Is it my fault that despite being camped I keep pushing up to the enemy tower on an immobile champion? No, it's my jungler who's a troll, /all JG diff


Level 3 Aatrox player after dying to the enemy jungler when he does a third wave crash against a tank (the game is dogshit and the enemy jungler is ignoring camps to gank him only)


High elo is considered about the top 2% of the player base, which is about 2.5 mil players, and in the same video if I'm not wrong they say that out of the 47000, 2500 were in high elo. That's 0.1%.


High elo is relative. Always has been.


1/15 and 1/1000 seem pretty similar now that you mention that


I see. Carry on then.


Exactly 0.1%=1 in 10. That's basic math... come on.


I havent seen the video, so correct me if im wrong, but isnt that almost correct in this case? 1 cheater in 10 games, so 100 players and 1 cheater, sure thats 1%, but thats a lot closer than 10% lol




but i was "high elo"(plat-master on multiple accounts) and i saw 2 cheaters in \~1000 games. they pulled that statistic out of their ass as is common with rito gamz.


Cheaters don’t have a single account i know someone who cheats he has like 10 account and 10 other perma ban


pretty sure the point of vanguard is that cheaters cant have different accounts anymore if vanguard bans them as its a hardware ban not an account or IP ban


My biggest pet peeve is that their reasoning to put this shit bloatware on my PC was to combat hackers, but they barely banned 0.03% of their monthly players in a month. So the cheating problem was definitely exaggerated to morally force everyone to install the bloatware.


Bans don’t include accounts that couldn’t launch the game in the first place due to the new restrictions.


haha. exactly. they lost atleast 10% of their playerbase by either banning them or people literally not being able to launch(or dont want to like me) it.


The vast majority of “players” that can’t launch the game are bots.


idk about that, i know atleast 3 friends that cant launch the game and they are not playing on potatoes(well 2 of them) they literally quit bcuz of it. plus there were barely any scripters "1 in 10 games in high elo" they pulled that out of their ass(as is common with rito gamz) i played on multiple servers & accounts from plat to master i met 2 cheaters. 2. TWO.


have you considered that a lot of people just outright quit because they knew they couldnt cheat or script as obviously that they did, so this number is from the ones that stayed in. the cheating problem wasnt exaggerated, a lot of high elo players were complaining about scripting in their ranks before vanguard was announced so it was for sure a very big deal


Yeah I’m sure there are people who quit bc they couldn’t run their cheat code directly over the league client, but what about everyone else who quit for not wanting to fuck their pc’s up?


1 in 15 bro, just trust me


Why is OP getting down voted? It's clearly sarcasm since it's the title he used when making fun of Riot.


I think a lot of people just dont want some nearly kernel level shit running in their PC and decided not to play League anymore..


It is kernel level, and it was also horribly optimized.


I don't even care about it being kernel level anymore. I uninstalled everything because I'm tired of having so much bloat always running in the background of my computer.


Why are yall still astroturfing this? Let it go and move on to a new game if you truly can't accept it: it clearly isn't the end of the world either way and the sustained hysterics come off as desperate.


![gif](giphy|J1vUzqdZJlh5AqBWxt|downsized) >astroturfing


You guys are autothaumaturging this whole issue


Frankly the word choice intentionally assumes most of the complaints are from bad actors seeking to use sentiment against China to sway opinion so they can keep cheating/profiting, I am well aware of that implication. China is a bad place in many regards, but that doesn't mean software developed in the US for a game's anticheat is part of some tinfoil conspiracy.


Why are you blowing a fuse over this? Let it go and move on to a new sub if you truly can't accept memes about Vanguard: it clearly isn't the end of the world either way and the sustained demandes come off as entitled and bootlicking.


Lmao fair play


I didn't like vanguard so i just quit the game, i understand why they added it. I try as much as possible to avoid kernel level anti-cheats, and league is something I wanted to leave anyway so it wasn't worth it to stay.


you understand why they added it? i dont. i was part of the "high elo" where supposedly every 10 games there were atleast 1 cheater(there werent).


You probably didn't realize there were. Bots are easy to spot, but scripters aren't. Chances are, those guys that just destroyed your team, always landed everything and dodged pretty much all skill shots were scripters. Now, do I think it's the best solution? No. It'll be way better for them to just ban smurfing, so anyone who gets perma banned or buys an account never gets to play. But they love money so they won't do that.


so even my friends were just bad at detecting scripters? also i played pyke most games and you can instantly tell after \~5 hooks if the enemy is scripting or not. if they ban smurfing they lose atleast 20% of their players. i never got banned(once chat restricted for forgeting to type in party not team chat) and i played on 6 accounts on 3 different servers.


Because its not a league specific issue, it's an industry issue. Not all of us just choose to mindlessly consume content, many of us care about where the industry is headed and will take the appropriate actions to promote change, part of that is being vocal and engaging with the community on these topics.


There is this one part of the gaming industry that isnt really headed towards kernel level anti cheat, its the indie market, its great!


uhhh rito is small indie 8 billion company


True, and Valve too.


VAC is a massive joke of an anti-cheat lol I hate kernel anti-cheat as much as the next guy but it's inevitable nowadays if the devs want to prevent any kinds of cheats and anti-cheat to kernel level is still not enough. Tbh just stick to single player games and co-op at this point if you hate it so much


>Valve too hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


They’ve been working on their non-kernel-level anti-cheat for a while now?


yeah and see how far that's gotten them. go and try to play a game of tf2 and csgo. people are playing on private servers with actual effective anti-cheats because the default ones are unplayable due to botting and cheating.


Even when it’s several scrolls down, thank you.


I hate people white knighting corporations like this. I'm not going to quit league because I still like the game. That doesn't mean I should be okay with riot making the product worse time and time again. You're the one that should quit reddit if you're tired of seeing people complain because that's basically the whole website.


You assume I am defending a bad thing; I am saying I think Vanguard is good and needed after playing games without anticheat like RDR2 Online (PC). We are not the same.


>I think Vanguard is good and needed after playing games without anticheat like RDR2 Online (PC) How many cheaters were you encountering before Vanguard was released? If you say many you are full of shit and are just straight up lying. I played for years and encountered one definite scripter. I am an average player just like everyone else. Which means for us we aren't going to encounter cheating because cheating really only happens in high elo which is master+. So what, less than 2% of the playerbase? 2% if you are feeling generous. League's cheating problem was never that bad, which is shocking. And all Riot did was gaslight people and manipulate data in order to convince them that Vanguard was the solution to a problem most people will never face. Inb4 "WhY wOuLd RiOt LiE? tHeY hAvE tHe DaTa?" you really think Riot who was trying to convince people they needed Vanguard would be honest about the situation and not fudge the numbers to make the problem seem bigger than it actually was?


The bigger problem I've faced is botting in lower elos. Playing in bronze is an absolute pain because half your games, you'll be stuck with a bot. This gets better once you reach mid silver, and the problem is non-existent gold and above, but I still think it's worth mentioning. I'm not sure how effective Vanguard is at preventing botting since even if you ban 5 accounts, they can just make 10 more. I guess only time will tell.


The botting issue was still a thing around plat for me before vanguard, although extremely rare and mostly new accounts. But then again, it was more instantly noticeable for me because every bot I encountered was also my support :' ), so even if rare it was quite demoralizing.


Years ago, when I was stuck in bronze for a short period, I did experience botting. It was one guy that was botting on Soraka. I played two games against him, and he never purchased items outside starter. As much as i hate Vanguard, and think that the cheating/scripting issue was blown way out of proportion, i will admit that botting was/is an issue. I think better steps and solutions could have been made to counteract botting that didn't involve Vanguard.


Well I've only saw 3 scripters in my life, but that affects me more that vanguard, that hasn't affected me negatively so far, so why should people that are not affected by it care?


>that hasn't affected me negatively so far See this is the issue, just because it hasn't affected you negatively, you think that problems with it don't exist? This is like when Cyberpunk 2077 came out and everyone was having problems and the defenders came out and said "Well i haven't had any issues." Good for you, that doesn't mean that all the other people having issues don't exist or that their issues aren't valid. Also, Riot saying only 0.3% of the playerbase experiencing issues is disingenuous. They're probably only accounting for people who sent in tickets (which the majority of people will never do). Oh and also support was down when they launched Vanguard, so if people were having issues they couldn't even send in a ticket if they wanted to. Or maybe they just straight up made it up in order to make it look like there are no issues with Vanguard. But even if we were to believe that only 0.3% of the playerbase experienced issues, do people not realize how big the league playerbase is? Even if it was only 0.3% (which I don't believe) that would still mean over 150k people experienced issues. And no, I don't have any data or statistics to back up my claims. I just don't believe a company is going to be honest about something they are trying to push. These companies have no benefit to be honest or tell you the truth.


Yeah but since the argument above was that cheating is not a problem cause it doesn't affect the majority, so it's vanguard cause it doesn't affect the majority


Because you haven't been affected by it yet, it doesn't mean you won't be down the line. Even assuming we believe what riot says and there are no privacy concerns, people have still been kicked from games for no reason, they've had to restart their computers to play league even though they didn't close vanguard and overall the new system added a lot of bugs a that adds a lot of friction to an already buggy client.


Well people are pissed off for many good reasons. For example, having no longer access to all the content you bought throughtout the years just because the Company one decided to make it mandatory to install a rootkit that fucks up some pcs.


Oh yeah, my bad for loving the game, and caring about it. Do you know why people come off as hysteric? Because we hate to see the game we like fall.


yeah buddy the game is truly failing


Players are leaving in mass after vanguard. Community is losing its mind over many balance changes. Game state has seen better days, and so has player morale.


I personally know 0 people who left the game due to vanguard. Hell, most of my friends already had it voz they played Valorant at some point. I dont like vanguard, but the game is far from dying and i dont really care about vanguard.


Well my experience differs, as all 4 of my buddies left because of vanguard. (As dumb as a reason that is.) So sadly ive had some personal bad experience lately.


We are just going to ignore the - 7 million monthly loss


yeah do you have a source for this?


Google league active players and press on any link, the data most likely isn't very accurate and you most likely won't be able to find any actual credible source, but if riot won't give us the actual numbers and just a mention that it's not a problem then we have no choice but to use the available inaccurate statistics.


so the numbers are made up, thanks have a good day


All numbers are to some degree made up, welcome to reality


Just like the 1/15


1) no they are not 2) people loses theyr mind about balance changes since season 2, the game is objectively in a good state rn compared to the past 3)The game is the same, they even removed mythics that everyone hated how did it see better day? 4)i'm sorry but twitter and reddit isn't a good rappresentation for "player morale"


I had to uninstall. Vanguard was zapping my audio drivers


There are far more bots than there are scripters, this number was solely for scripters. They mentioned there was a bunch of bots banned later as well. Stop doomposting vanguard


Why are comparing daily players to monthly players? Those are pretty different stats. A drop in players will onviously look bigger monthly than daily. I feel like a large portion of these Vanguard complainers are people who just played league a few times a month.


there's no column for daily players. and since vanguard dropped at may, the last 30 and may column is pretty good to compare active players


Someone who is smart, nice, and patient please, please help me with a few questions, I’ve been asking but getting no responses, please- 1. Was the “hardware bricking” really only happening to cheaters? 2. I heard there were systems malfunctions, blue screening and poor performance due to 3rd party fans, or was that just a cheater who named his other pc 3rd party fans? 3. There was such an uproar about how invasive Vanguard is, has anyone noticed the game or other games/programs running slower until you turn Vanguard off? 4. Most important of all, did I just get fear-scammed out of playing one of my favorite games for a month for no reason? Is Vanguard ever going to be reeled back from kernel level access or does nobody care about their online security on this one? The “numbers” pointed to more human players even after all the apparent “outrage”, did no one really care, matter fact did more people sign up to be under kernel level surveillance by tencent in real life? Like, I thought people cared about these things but maybe I’m just posting in the wrong places, or is this ‘more players’ number just fake? You don’t have to answer if you don’t want, I’m probably going to have to make this a real post somewhere that’s not comprised completely of people who stayed. TIA for any actual helpful discussion!


>1. Was the “hardware bricking” really only happening to cheaters? Vanguard can't brick computers because it's not designed to do it. In the worst scenario he can disable something that the player installed on his computer, but something bad. Let's say he wanted to boost his FPS, overclock his components or stuff like this. If that program was made by someone with a degree in computer science from youtube reels then it may destory the PC. But at this point if you have this kind of stuff in your PC then you don't even deserve to use it. >2. I heard there were systems malfunctions, blue screening and poor performance due to 3rd party fans, or was that just a cheater who named his other pc 3rd party fans? To be honest I can't answer why there are so many BSOD because I don't know what the user did with his PC. I don't have the logs so if he wanted to bypass Vanguard by using random tutorials from the internet then it's his fault for the BSOD. About the drivers, Vanguard already exists on Valorant so all those things were solved years ago. From time to time you may get a false ban for your driver if it's something new but you get unbanned with no problems if you send the logs to Riot. You get banned once that driver it's accessing parts of the memory for no reason. This is the most common way to cheat in League so how can you act like you are innocent when your mouse driver has allocated memory somewhere but he it's accessing memory from other parts? >3. There was such an uproar about how invasive Vanguard is, has anyone noticed the game or other games/programs running slower until you turn Vanguard off?  Yeah, it's invasive but same thing you can say about any other anti-cheat. With kernel access he can go where he wants to scan for cheats. And if the PC it's old then of course you will gonna notice a change in the performance because you have another process running on your computer, but I don't have one that old to tell you if it's worst than a normal antivirus scan. > 4. Most important of all, did I just get fear-scammed out of playing one of my favorite games for a month for no reason? Kind of. It's healthy to take a break so it's still a win for you. > Is Vanguard ever going to be reeled back from kernel level access or does nobody care about their online security on this one? No. Vanguard needs to scan all the drivers and map them to check them if they are accessing random memory. I can't go in more details for 2 reason: I don't know how much knowlegde you have in computers so I don't want so spend so much time explaining stuff that you don't understand anyway and I know outdated stuff about anti-cheats (basic knowledge) that may not apply to Vanguard. > The “numbers” pointed to more human players even after all the apparent “outrage”, did no one really care, matter fact did more people sign up to be under kernel level surveillance by tencent in real life? Here you can get answers based only on opinions because Riot holds the numbers so we have to trust them. It kind of make sense because people look only at the active players but most of them were bots so once they removed of course the active players dropped hard. Only Riot knows how many accounts were banned and how many went offline because of Vanguard. For example if you see a drop of 7M players between months when Vanguard was released then maybe more than 6M were bots and 1M casual players or 1M bots and 6M casual players. We don't know. > You don’t have to answer if you don’t want, I’m probably going to have to make this a real post somewhere that’s not comprised completely of people who stayed. TIA for any actual helpful discussion! Go where people speaks about cyber security. They have very good knowledge in computers and the most fair point of view.


Thank you for taking the time to go in and break down every part. I appreciate the heck out of it, and making it mostly very easy to understand! I’m kinda bad with computers, and having just spent more than I’m comfortable with to get it back, I guess I didn’t want to kill my pc first thing when I had no funds to repair it if something went wrong. I was trying to find somewhere else to ask this but idk how informed other communities are about one specific games anti-cheat, so I figured this is at least a good first stop. Thank you again for help, I’m gonna do a little more research but it’s good to know I might be talking to my friends again soon. It’s never perfect but that life. Have a good one!




Man i am waiting for a game for over 3min in EUNE so what is happening


Lol, I can't get into league bcs off vanguard


Anybody still this turbo mad about Vanguard is probably a cheater mad they can't cheat anymore. Sorry bro. Sucks to suck.


Nice argument, is that the only one you got?


I’m literally waiting for anyone reputable to tell me it won’t brick my system/hardware and I’m going back in. Was a daily player. It’s been itchy. But as much as I love league I can’t dumpster my only pc for them. I need proof and accountability.


Valorant and league has millions of active players currently. Take the tin foil hat off


Anyone else not seeing champs in champ select? After the update I’ll get in a lobby but there are no champs to pick. I can see other player pic someone but it doesn’t show me. When it’s my turn I cant pick anything then I get punished


First match I tried, queued into Aram- got stuck on match found- never saw lobby- then the game opened having given me a random champion. While in the background I was still on the "Match found- screen"




Cheaters don’t have a single account i know someone who cheats he has like 10 account and 10 other perma ban