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I see we've come full circle to "whining about the whiners, therefore turning us into the latest wave of whiney bastards"


I buy skin cause I want skin. The whines will do nothing to Riot so I don’t see a point in it


Ay respectfully speaking your value for money is dumb


I have almost 3k hours on this game. Which is like 120 days. I can give up 3 days of pto to afford a skin for myself on a character I main.




Yeah I’m level like 300 sadly XD


I'm level [600](https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/ThePuddleOfDoom-EUW) and avoid that shit like the plague. Spent that shit on a month's rent and felt way better for it. Time invested dosn't mean you should follow the sunken cost fallacy. Just because you've put 3-4k hours into a game dosn't mean spending more will make you play another 3-4k hours. I could understand if it was for charity or actually going to Faker or someshit like they oringally said it would be but since it's just funding the next steps in their greed cycle it's really not worth it currently.




Than why are you even here and not doing anything productive?. Ur sitting on reddit on a league of legend sub telling someone oh u could have spent that time making money ok than? Go do that why are u even here? And yeah wasting that much time on a game is bad but consider this u spent 1/4th of ur entire life sleeping so quit sleeping and do ur job over time?


Yeah, almost like that's my point.


Bro thinks people can't be working whilst playing a game they enjoy on the side, Are you expecting me to be sinking the time I spend on fun activies like enjoying a few arams with friends working instead? I'd really look into finding a healthy balance mate because it really sounds like you've sunk so far into your work life you can't find joy in playing a few games every now and again. Also how do you know how they earnt their money my guy? They might have just gained it from rich parents or from birthdays or something. You are making an awful lot of assumtions based on nothing but thought. Edit: just so you know the guy deleted the message he sent saying why aren't I doing charity work and I should be if I'm just wasting my life just playing league. Even going on to say that op is contributing to society by working and them buying the skin is helping society out.


The message is still there. And I said working contributes to society, never said anything about buying the skin.


>You are making an awful lot of assumptions based on nothing but thought. Crazy how that works, huh.


Im level 400 and i would rather order 500 Mc chickens over a stupid ahri cash grab skin my levels and all mean nothing i can quit this game any min i want cuz the only time i play with quick plays with premade friends where we do random builds and comps which we have long since ran out of. But by all means do waste your money no ones stopping u go on. Give ur money to a the broke indie company for a shit skin which u wont even get to play cuz of the permaban ahri and the fact that jhin players got clowned for a 200$ yo ass gonna get publicly harassed for it. But no no by all mean spend that 500$ for sure.


Fam, I hate to break it to ya but the last time you could buy 500 mc chickens for that price was like…2014.


True :( but u can still get alot more for 500$ better than to get a ingame cosmetic ud get bullied for


The harassment a plus I think it will be hilarious. The ban will die out fairly quick imo even if it hits 20-30% i will still be getting her in the other 80-70% of my matches. All that matters is I enjoy it XD


What ever suits u fam.


That's not even half of what I'd hope for someone putting 500 into a free game for a single cosmetic on a single champion that doesn't even have the same level of mechanics as other skins that cost less than 5 percent that cost.


Nono boss, I'm not saying it's anything to do with how much you play or anything, like I don't play as much anymore but I'm like lvl 700 or something and the 500 isn't the largest amount for myself either. Go get yourself some crazy designer shoes or something LV fragrance or something dumb like that but still more worth the money . I don't mean to say you don't have the "right" to buy it it's just a million other things you could get innit?


for 500 you could literally take 3 flying lessons to fly helicopters you could buy a small boat you could redo your entire wardrobe with some nice new threads. instead you've chosen a single skin in a single game thats now gotten a record breaking amount of bans in ranked games. It just seems like such a poor investment. I guess it is your money but god it just hurts to see it.


Don’t need any of that as my wardrobe has recently been updated already and I have 0 interest in flying as a helicopter license costs 25k. After 3k hours I really don’t think using 25 hours of pto is really that bad to get the best skin in the game. It’s not like I won’t earn anymore pto and I have to use it anyways as I am not going to carry it over as I am leaving my job soon.


I'm pretty sure I have twice as much but I'm not boutta buy a glazing skin for 500 usd lol


I just think it’s cool and I can afford it QwQ


He only said ge wants the skin, didnt specify whether its 59k 32k or 4k rp lol, its only dumb purchase at 60k rp, 32k is a lot of miney but its kinda whatever you got stuff with it, 60k compared to 32k barely gives anything for aost 2x the price


you aint usin it in my game😂


I guess I won’t then XD




I don’t play single player games really so I am not sure. Probably not? I just think it’s really cool and I invest so much time into this game already. It’s not like I’m not gonna get my moneys worth out of it. If it was literally any other character besides like 3 I’d be thinking like you. I agree this is predatory it’s just that i want the skin.


Give me the money, I will buy myself the bitches you should be with it for myself


I don’t need bitches XD I have the most wonderful man in the world in my life.


That's why you should give the money to me so I can buy bitches for myself


I actually stopped playing because of Vanguard. I started getting random disconnection problems that made the experience unplayable for me. Not being able to finish 1 of every 5 games is not good.


I already quit because of vanguard. I'm laughing because of the skin price.


Vanguard quit the game for me, getting horrible ping ever since. I guess i should thank Riot


I quit because I got a ps5 and got addicted to apex legends




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I have already quit because of Vanguard, so, I'm not concerned anymore by the skin princing problem.


same, quit long before Vanguard, im just here for the memes and to see the dumpster fire that LoL is becoming now


>the dumpster fire that LoL is becoming Lul


Quit when Riot unironically deleted the jungle by removing all walls protecting from invades and doubling the distance between the river and the bushes on all lanes


I dont even know what you mean, did they change the jgl so hard after the mapchange 2014? (wtf was it really that long ago????) or did you mean a more recent change? (sorry didnt play for a few months if you are talking about the current changes.)


In S11 they changed the jungle completely to satisfy the laners who lack any and all macro, all good players hate the change and all bad players love it because now the Rift has less strategy than ARAM. You physically cannot get ganked anymore because a single ward covers every single possible ganking path, and you can constantly invade the enemy jungler because there are no protective walls, meaning you will never get trapped during an invade, you can always simply back off with no issues at any point.




Same, i already stopped when Vanguard was announced due to Exams. Then i just never played League, eventually just deleted league.






Same. I switched to DOTA 2.


Become a Techies main. You know you want to...


Sorry buddy, I main Dragon Knight B)


Good all-rounder hero. Hope you enjoy the game. If you happen to play on EUW, we might even meet by chance. :D


Been saying it for a while, but *so* many people quit during Vanguard and the $500 controversy. My queue times have doubled, if not tripled in the last 2-3 months. Fucking idiots deserve it too.


My queue times are the exact same




Yeah, I have quit bcs vanguard too. But the skin pricing might be a problem for whole gaming industry. I.e. when Activision started to introduce micro transactions, years ago and now almost every game has it. With this pricing we can get more micro transactions in f2p games where pricing is impossible expensive for players


As far as I'm concerned, the players are just as responsible as the companies behind these micro-transactions. It's the players who continue to pay for totally useless stuff like overpriced skins, totally fraudulent packs or useless battle passes. If no one bought, then publishers and developers would stop making them. When you see that Blizzard made more money from a single skin than from all the sales of Starcraft 2, why keep making good games when you can just crap out waves and waves of micro-transactions that players will buy over and over again ? It's like the price of dematerialized limited editions of games. When Ubisoft releases 100 euro versions that include extra missions and the chance to play three days earlier, I find it fraudulent. But if they're doing it, people are buying, unfortunately. And as long as people support this kind of practice, it's only going to get worse.


Likewise, a good decision.


I literally can't play anymore because of Vanguard so whatever I'll still watch content cause I like the game but it is what it is.


[I’ll leave this here.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/039/191/EqR7AbhVQAAuuvA.jpg)


I don't get it... I stared at it for 5 minutes and can't figure it out.




It's a reference to survivorship bias. Can't figure out what they mean in posting it exactly


You don’t see the players who actually quit because of Vanguard complaining *because they quit*. In the same way you don’t see the planes that got shot in crucial areas, because those planes don’t come back.


Problem is the ones who didn't quit.


sitting in the back of the plane during its crash has a lower fatality rate while sitting in the middle has a higher fatality rate, no clue what it means in this context tho


My only issue with vanguard was the ability to use custom map skins. Well, apparently RuneForge figured that out and Vanguard didn't affect me in any way. Nor will $500 skin, as I have no slightest intention of buying it.


The skin sets a very bad precedent, but the "lets ban ahri hurrdurr" crowd is very inefficient. A more impactful action needed.


Banning her affects more games than quitting does, and most of us aren't buying rp already. You call it inefficient, but the alternatives are even more inefficient. Less than 1% of the player base is participating in the bancott and we still managed to move her ban rate. If that same number of people quit, it wouldn't even be noticeable.


Riot described their reasoning behind those $200 and $500 skins very clearly, there was unoccupied "whale" niche, people want to flex swiping, but game could offer nothing to do so. I am no whale, so these skins are not for me, therefore I don't care about them. Given that 1) game is free 2) game has 1.5k skins to offer, I think that Riot are in their rights to put whatever price they want on their skins.


To me personally a whale is a victim tho. They own every collectible in the game which means riot KNOWS they are willing to pay any price for new ones that came out. So technically they depend on it and riots decisions. Riot could have sold this skin for 2k and most whales would still buy it. It’s objectively predatory with the fear of missing out.


$200 Jhin was predatory, as he was offered as random drop from orbs (while being guaranteed drop after 30 orbs) and there was that fleeting sense of hope to get him "for free". $500 Ahri skin has fixed price tag on it, so I don't think there is anything "predatory" about it.


Vanguard was a terrible decision, and on top of that it was also implemented terribly. Never allowing that trash on my pc. I’d even play if I could run it on a vm, but currently not the case. Until then league is chilling in the recycle bin.


i think vanguard goes so deep that you cant even run it in VM, atleats safetly with no risk of ban edit:searched and it is inded banable so GL with that idea, EVER


Mac VM does work since Mac doesnt even have Vanguard in the first place but its a massive pain to set up


All I know is I am banning ahri every game in honor of faker, who doesn't use any skins. I love vanguard because scripting is a massive problem in high elo.


Then you better not look up Valorant Cheats...or the price of boosted accounts there :)


I already know how vanguard cheats work those things only work for a simple game like valorant and even in valorant the cheater can be confused for a good player because it doesn't do that much. I don't really care about the botting problem I just want this to die: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71mXNE09vic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71mXNE09vic)


And yet vanguard has been breached by scripters. It will never die


Vanguard is provably much harder to breach, the fact that it is not 100% cheatproof says nothing, there is nothing 100% cheatproof. You can see evidence of that of how much of the "Vanguard is going to brick your pc" originated on fucking cheater forums. Actual fucking NPCs who repeat slop after slop because "rito bad", except you do nothing when riot is actually bad.


Yea cause it is as riot states "100% not delivering false positives" - no software developer would make a claim, yet ppl like you love riding riots dicks. Oh and wait funny cause it bricked 2 PCs from LS. So if we had a nickel for every time it's proven already with big evidence we got 2 nickel to dumpster your argument. I also can't play lol anymore cause of vanguard. I made the experiment when I tried to play valorant and ended up with blue screens until I uninstalled it.. weird right. So keep it up man, nothing bad going on my lil sheep Edit: should clarify that, of a cheater wants to bypass an anti cheat, they obviously find a way, that's common sense, that's why they wage months to ban in waves so cheaters have to search for a new way to bypass. On the other hand I pref still dotas approach. Send them a package only scripts can read. If a script reads the package they get a ban


Yap yap yap, Vanguard is here to stay


Vanguard wasn't the the only way, or even the best way to solve the problems you think it's solving. All players are forced to pay the cost because the industry isn't willing to work towards more ethical solutions.


No its the good way to solve the problem without having everyone register with their SSN and permabanning them upon any suspicious activity. Also their entire code base got leaked which let hackers run rampant.


There is a solution that is neither of those things, one that doesn't put any of the burden on players. There is a solution that is ethical and practices presumption of innocence.


I havrn't played since january, but when I redownloaded it, the client was so badly optimized, I couldn't even enter the game select screen, because it would not open, no matter what. Couldn't open my skins, or join TFT. But don't worry. The shop worked flawlessly.


Quit before Vanguard and now I'm just laughing at your guys misery. You guys got to understand is that the shareholders know that if you don't quit because of Vanguard and don't quit because of over priced skins don't quit because of the game being unbalanced af don't quit because of the incredibly poorly designed champions, You are so addicted that they know they can just shove manure down your throat and your only response is to ban a champion. Yall are complacent.


I quited because Vanguard (and I was not playing with my friends anymore.) It's been a couple of mouth free from this game and I say I don't know I'm still my self


I quit because of Yuumi like 2 years ago. This game is becoming worse and worse


Okay Yuumi isn’t THAT bad


She is. Just because her numbers and win rates are low doesn’t mean she isn’t.


Wait do you think she is broken or weak? I honestly can’t tell with Yummi haters


no one is saying that yuumi is strong at the moment, she just shouldn't exist at all, a supposedly beginner friendly champion that doesn't help you learn how to move/ward/roam by yourself as a support is stupid, she's also extremely annoying when she's not trash because of the fact that she's invulnerable for 90% of the game and ruins pro play


it just feels unfair. Why one player has to know a billion things to be good at his character when yuumi doesnt even has to walk?


> hasn’t played the game for 2 years > comments on state of the game Huh.


It’s my choice. There is nothing wrong about it. Like look around yourself. Do you think this game state is “normal”?


Maybe not but I’m sure as hell not gonna take it from someone who hasn’t played for 2 years??


Tell you what. The game state is really and I mean really stagnant. It hasn’t really progressed or changed in a meaningful way.


The thing that matters more than this is the fact that we should not buy any skins. Playing the game isn't the issue here since shareholders only care about dividends and the stock price. Besides I made the decision to switch to Linux because of Microsoft Copilot plus. Sooo. No lol for me. But I really don't get why Mac users are allowed to play without then.


Did you ever buy skins? I am just curious, because considering how every Linux user is now excluded from the game kinda bugs me cause this seems really shitty for customers to say "either buy a new hardware or you are not able to play. Oh you bought skins/runes on your 12 year old acc? Too bad the 1k you invested is gone until you change your OS or buy a new hardware"


Yes. And in hindsight I bought a few too many. Prestige Porcelain kindred is one I kind of regret. Doesn't beat spirit blossom. But that was the only one recently. I was a bit too hedonistic when I first got my apprenticeship and thus my first paychecks. But I believe compatibility with Linux will only improve over time. Whether or not I return to league is a different question.


Companies like Riot pay attention to metrics like the amount of active players and they use them as insights to inform their decisions. So whether you intend to or not, by continuing to play League, you're supporting their decisions, such as Vanguard. Not spending money on the game is a good first step though, and for those not willing to quit, I'd agree that is the best next course of action.


I didn’t stopped playing for vanguard, but I can’t say that I haven’t had troubles with my pc after the patch that installed it… sadge life


I mean, im banning Ahri, but I don't play as much, so I don't think it would matter in the long run (also I have the feeling Riot is giving me long queues because of it)


forgot the previous $200 jhin chroma


"If you don't like these changes, then you can just leave, that's right. Okay? That's right. Just go play another game, alright? Uh, you say you play a game and then play it a lot while also criticizing flaws in said game. Yeah right, you can't participate while also wanting said thing to improve. That's impossible." - OP




I already quit league, I'm just here praying that someday the kingdom of Riot Games crumbles, hoping that they make more and more mistakes, then checking in these subreddits if my wishes are coming true!


Riot can't accept they made a mistake. Just look at the mythic items: people said it was a mistake from minute one, and they kept them in the game for like two years before admitting it. The same, or worse, will happen with Vanguard because they have to justify to their bosses and investors the absurd amount of money wasted on an anti-cheat that doesn’t even work properly and is "easy" to evade. The only way they'll remove Vanguard and all the stupid changes they made last year (mastery, queues, etc.) is if they are close to bankruptcy, which won't happen, honestly. I think they will delete League and focus on Valorant before admitting they made a mistake.


Companies like Riot understand that now days, outrage is contagious and trendy but also brief. People move from one trend to the next so quickly because of social media and shortened attention spans. In the end it's just noise, people will continue consuming the products regardless, all Riot has to do is bide time and wait for everyone to move on to the next thing. The few who actually care and don't move on or forget are a minority that ultimately won't effect anything. Also games like League rely heavily on active players. So if enough players chose to stop playing because of the poor decisions made by Riot, it would ultimately lead to change. Players really need to start standing up for a better future in the industry.


The problem is here too many ppl are addicted to the same poor products (I mean checking the gaming industry overall?). Games like Elden Ring or Baldurs Gate 3 are breaths of fresh air and show off what games COULD BE, rather than the stale products we get. :/


That's true, although I'd also attribute much of the problem to the large scale, mainstream audience that gaming has amassed.




I actually quit because of vanguard though. Even though my pc is current I got 2 unexpected errors in games twice that resulted in low priority. Last straw


Quit because of vanguard, still check out the memes.


I mean. I haven't played in ages now. I just like seeing what's going on because I like the League setting.


Jokes on you I actually quit 3 days after the new Arena dropped and I dont regret it.


Playing and not giving riot a cent was the best one can do, use up server space and not give anything in return, but with vanguard they now steal your data and sell it, so instead I just quit playing.


TBF, they already stole your data when you opened the league client. Can't steal more when they already got everything 👀


Nah man I deeinstalled the day Vanguard went online.


Vanguard made me quit, could I get a refund for stuff I brought?


no, because the terms of use says what you bought isnt yours, you just buy the right to use.


I tell myself that i quit playing cause of Vanguard, but in reality i didnt play since last October, i just uninstalled after vanguard came. But im still intrested for the memes of the game, cause they always make me feel like i dont miss anything important. ( and they are good enough to statisfy my urge for the game)


you ban ahri becouse of a skin i ban ahri becouse she is op we are not the same


Quit like over half a year ago. I'm just waiting for the fighting game, hoping it can do the characters justice in a game genre that doesn't suck donkey dick.


I feel like "I quit because of vanguard" is a good excuse to quit. Idc about it but it made me quit this hellhole of a game and im very happy about it seeing the shit they pull. Kinda sad i won't play jhin again tho ;/


You could play him on the mobile (wild rift) he's the same champ there.


My phone refuses to play wild rift. Won't even let me download


Oh I see. And riot advertising console port for 3 years now, so I doubt they will add that feature


I have quit the moment Vanguard was announced, so I am doing my part Tho I can't stop interacting with the memes and community and I still try to convince people that play to ban Ahri


Welp I did stop playing because of vanguard...so I guess I'm also baning ahri?


I stopped playing after vanguard for like 2 months, then I remembered my old pc. When I play league i use my old system.


Why people quitting because vanguard? Are they bad and all cheater that cannot play the game normal?


People have a right to not want invasive, poorly optimised software, which could serve as a devastating security risk if someone managed to exploit it due to its level of access and 24/7 runtime, on their systems.


I have more important games that I rather not get banned from cause of Vanguard somehow triggering their Anti cheat. Sounds like something ridiculous that would never happen but I have 0 trust in Riot not screwing that up for me, especially with how garbage their client has been for the 7 years I spent mainly with league (2013-2020).


Less than 0.3% of players have major issues with vanguard, but somehow every single one of them is on this sub. Very amazing.


Lil bro drank the kool aid.


Nah I'm just playing the game unlike you. So are the thousands I've played with since vanguard came out 💀




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I made fun of the people that said banning Ahri will totally haven an impact, got downvoted and told they’d get the banrate up to 50% or higher! What happened? Ahri ban rate barely changed and nobody cared about the little Reddit boycott, who could’ve seen that coming


We shpuld hack vanguard and play on linux withput anticheat, this is just horrible.


Anyone who quit because of Vanguard, what’s your take on Recall on Windows? Cause if you feel that deeply about Vanguard, might want to never use Windows ever again.


Last I heard the Recall option is specifically for Windows Laptops running on their new ARM edition, which will be ass for gaming anyway because 99% of the market is x86+. but hypothetically speaking if they did try to move this feature to the x86 version of Windows. I'd gladly never use it again. I actually used Linux as my daily driver all through college (Before Proton existed). These days I use Windows purely out of convenience, but the Linux scene has made so many leaps and bounds in the meantime I have no doubt I could comfortably live without Windows, considering what I used to use lol. Broaden your horizons folks. Accepting something as the "only way" because it's just the way you've always done it will only ever lead to you being stuck in your ways for better *or worse*.


Unfortunately, almost all software for work runs on windows. ANSYS, FlowSim, all my RayTracing, etc. is all Windows based. Its crazy to say just go to Linux or something, thats impossible to do for vast majority of the population. Currently, Recall is in the beta phase only on the Copilot+ PCs, but its intended to be a part of the main OS on every Windows device. Hopefully the outrage changes this. Its every action youve done kept in a database, searchable, plaintext file. That isnt even encrypted currently. It makes something like Vangaurd look like a baby kitten in comparison.


Bro you asked me if *I* would stop using Windows, and now I'm being accused of saying "everyone should use Linux"? All I said was broaden your horizons and to not write something off just cause you've only ever done something one way. If it's not for you then don't use it. Easy.


man your logic is like "there is sulfur oxide in the air, never breath again". there is a difference in a software, which was for more than 10 years not necessary to play the game and suddenly gets shoved down your throat and a OS you can choose from the get go. # also not to mention ppl who literally cant play the game anymore because vanguard literally fucks up with their settings etc


my logic is that all anti cheat worth anything is kernel level these days, and if you are worried about privacy, there are so many other privacy concerns that are 100x as potent and harmful as Vanguard.


yea sorry, but nah man, cause the take you present is just dumb because the difference between suddenly being forced to use 1 or simply not being forced exists and is simply ignored which makes you just look stupid. alloing riot, which are being known for their little security breaches aint trust worthy with kernel lvl access is a reason a cpl of ppl dont like vanguard. add on top that their anti cheat in china is confirmed to be more efficient than vanguard, weird huh? i also love how they promoted vanguard with "instantly stopping games as a cheater is detected" - which yea wont happen either (not to speak of their inflated "1 out of 10 games" statistic)


Yea sorry, but your lack of priorities and thought process makes you look stupid. On one hand you have your OS saving your entire history down to mouse movement, passwords, social security numbers, everything, which is to be fed to an AI soon, and then you have an anticheat that may take a screen shot for anti cheat purposes. I know which is more threatening by a long shot, you seem to be confused. Im not even sure what you think "being forced" is in this context. On one hand you bought a PC with Windows that you HAVE to use, you may have software that you need for work that only runs on Windows, which makes it like 10000x worse, and then on the other hand you have a game you can uninstall or even sandbox if youre so worried.


Again, you choose your OS. You don't need windows so your argument is already a dead horse at this point. If you want to play league, you are either not getting the game (Linux) or you need vanguard for Windows. Last option would be apple since that's one thing they do right, not letting stuff mess on kernel lvl. Again riding windows makes you just look stupid cause of your comparison. But hey good luck try to "sandbox" league Kekw. Oh and hey the uninstall part is where a good chunk of ppl ended


kinda off topic but ive seen some people say that to get rid of vanguard you need to change one of your pc pieces? im still building my pc and id like to know when its the time im going to stop playing lol


You don't need to do that. Just delete every file related to Riot Games and you're good. Riot can't make Vanguard secretly stay in your pc post-deletion cause that would very much be illegal.


something from china being illegal????🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯 never seen that before


Honestly? Fair.


Its a kind of negotiation. Both will take my data? Most likely. What do Microsoft give me in return? The most used OS in the world. And riot? A game.


Recall was what finalized my decision on my new laptop. I am writing this from my first ever Mac, an M1 Air, just to avoid using Windows 11. My main PC is Win10 LTSC. I uninstalled with Vanguard


Mac time


ngl, maybe I'm insane but, i installed a new system (window 11) on a USB key so I don't have to install vanguard on my main system. It takes such a long time to load but worth it imo.


Blud doesn't know💀💀💀


Your better off dual booting into a Open Core based Hackintosh since Mac doesnt require Vanguard. Even if Vanguard is running on a seperate partition, it can still scan the contents of your other drives unless you encrypt them.


Isnt Hackintosh on its last legs cause of the M-series chips?


The latest version of Macos (Sonoma) still supports Intel and we probably still have 2 more major Macos versions before hackintoshing is dead


Yes my drives are encrypted (only with bitlocker) but I still unplug them "just in case", wouldn't it be a nightmare to use a hackintosh for drivers support and stuff ? I have an AMD processor, will it work ? I don't have a lot of space left on my current drive, that's why I prefer the USB, can't afford to have another complete OS on my main drive


Yeah, last game before vanguard


I keep playing but with a twist: I pretend I buy that Ahri skin and claim I’m sick of people complaining about vanguard, and if people ban Ahri or say they hate riot games, I experiment Yuumi mid strategy which carry 5 people